コード例 #1
ファイル: core.c プロジェクト: jakobwesthoff/lucie
static int L_readini( lua_State* L ) 
    const char* filename;
    inifile_t* inifile            = NULL;
    inireader_iterator_t* iter    = NULL;
    inireader_entry_t* current    = NULL;
    btree_element_t* root         = NULL;
    btree_element_t* groupelement = NULL;
    btree_element_t* grouproot    = NULL;

    PARAM_STRING( filename );

    if ( ( inifile = inireader_open( filename ) ) == NULL ) 

    // Add every entry into a btree to get the arrays and groups in one piece later
    DEBUGLOG( "Creating btree" );
    root = btree_create();
    iter = inireader_get_iterator( inifile, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    DEBUGLOG( "Filling up btree" );
    for ( current = inireader_iterate( iter ); current != NULL; current = inireader_iterate( iter ) )         
        DEBUGLOG( "Searching for or adding group: %s", current->group );
        // Find group element
        groupelement = btree_find( root, current->group );        
        if ( groupelement == NULL ) 
            // A new grouproot needs to be created
            DEBUGLOG( "Creating new grouproot" );
            grouproot = btree_create();
            btree_add( &root, current->group, grouproot );
            // Retrieve the already added grouproot
            DEBUGLOG( "Setting grouproot" );
            grouproot = ( btree_element_t* )groupelement->data;

        // Add the new element to the grouptree
        btree_add( &grouproot, current->identifier, current );
    // Traverse the tree and put our inivalues onto the lua stack
    DEBUGLOG( "Creating initial lua table" );
    lua_newtable( L );    
    readini_tree_traverse( L, root );
    DEBUGLOG( "Freeing the btree data" );
    // Free the group trees
    readini_tree_free( root );
    // Free the main tree
    btree_free( root );
    // Close the inifile
    inireader_close( inifile );
    return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: test1.c プロジェクト: AdonisSaveYourLife/cs241_mps
int main()
	btree_t tree;

	btree_add(&tree, 3);
	btree_add(&tree, 1);
	btree_add(&tree, 2);
	btree_add(&tree, 4);


	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pdb.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/bonephone
pdb_item_create(pdb_t *p, uint16_t freq, uint32_t id)
    pdb_entry_t *item;
    timestamp_t         zero_ts;

    if (btree_find(p->db, id, (void**)&item)) {
        debug_msg("Item already exists\n");
        return FALSE;

    item = (pdb_entry_t*)xmalloc(sizeof(pdb_entry_t));
    if (item == NULL) {
        return FALSE;

    /* Initialize elements of item here as necesary **********************/

    item->magic           = 0xc001babe;
    item->ssrc            = id;
    item->render_3D_data  = NULL;
    item->enc             = -1;
    item->enc_fmt_len     = 2 * (CODEC_LONG_NAME_LEN + 1);
    item->enc_fmt         = xmalloc(item->enc_fmt_len);
    item->sample_rate     = freq;
    item->gain            = 1.0;
    item->mute            = 0;
    zero_ts               = ts_map32(8000, 0);
    item->last_ui_update  = zero_ts;
    item->first_mix       = TRUE;

    /* Initial jitter estimate (30ms)                                    */
    item->jitter            = ts_map32(8000, 240);
    item->transit           = zero_ts;
    item->last_transit      = zero_ts;
    item->last_last_transit = zero_ts;
    item->avg_transit       = zero_ts;
    item->playout           = zero_ts;
    item->last_arr          = zero_ts;
    item->last_rtt          = 0.0;
    item->avg_rtt           = 0.0;
    /* Packet stats initialization                                       */
    item->received        = 0;
    item->duplicates      = 0;
    item->misordered      = 0;
    item->jit_toged       = 0;
    item->spike_toged     = 0;
    item->spike_events    = 0;


    if (btree_add(p->db, id, (void*)item) == FALSE) {
        debug_msg("failed to add item to persistent database!\n");
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
コード例 #4
ファイル: dynamic_mem_debug.c プロジェクト: asksven/irc
static void *dmd_realloc(void *old, int size, const char *file, int line)
	struct dmd_memblock *mb, sb;
	void *p;

	// debug4("realloc %s:%d (%ul -> %i)", file, line,  (unsigned long) old, size);
	sb.ptr = old;
	mb = btree_get(&dmd_tree, &sb);
	if (!mb) {
		putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "*** DMD: FAILED REALLOC %s:%d (%d). Old pointer not found. This is probably fatal!", file, line, size);
		return NULL;
	p = mb->ptr;
	p = realloc(p, size);
	if (!p) {
		putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "*** DMD: FAILED REALLOC %s:%d (%d). realloc() returned NULL", file, line, size);
//		fatal("Memory re-allocation failed", 0);
	if (((unsigned long) p) != ((unsigned long) old)) {
//		debug0("newpointer");
		btree_remove(&dmd_tree, mb);
		mb = dmd_create(p, size, line, file);
		btree_add(&dmd_tree, (void *) mb);
	} else {
//		debug0("oldpointer");
		mb->size = size;
/*		p = strrchr(file, '/');
		strncpy(mb->file, p ? p + 1 : file, DMD_FILE_SIZE);
		mb->file[DMD_FILE_SIZE] = 0;
		mb->line = line;*/
	return p;
コード例 #5
ファイル: print_files.c プロジェクト: Na0na0/ft_ls
void			print_files(char **paths, int flags)
	t_stat		attrib;
	t_file		*file;
	t_padding	paddings;
	t_btree		*list;

	list = NULL;
	while (*paths != NULL)
		if (lstat(*paths, &attrib) != -1)
			if (!S_ISDIR(attrib.st_mode) || flags & DIR_FILE)
				file = get_file_infos(*paths, &paddings, flags);
				btree_add(&list, file, flags & TIME ? &timecmp : &namecmp);
				flags |= THERE_FILE;
				flags |= THERE_DIR;
	print_content(list, flags, paddings);
	if (flags & THERE_DIR && flags & THERE_FILE)
コード例 #6
ファイル: btree.c プロジェクト: 111X/radare
int main()
	struct btree_node *n, *bt = NULL;

	struct mydata foo = { 10, "hello" };
	struct mydata bar = { 20, "world" };

	printf("EMPTY TREE: %d\n", btree_empty(&bt));
	btree_add(&bt, &foo, mycmp);
	btree_add(&bt, &bar, mycmp);
	printf("EMPTY TREE: %d\n", btree_empty(&bt));

printf("==== go search ====\n");
	/* find existent data */
	struct mydata *p = btree_get(bt, &bar, mycmp);
	shownode("result for 20: ", p);

printf("==== go search ====\n");
	/* find unexistent data */
	struct mydata nop = { 15, NULL };
	p = btree_get(bt, &nop, mycmp);
	shownode("result for 15: ", p);

printf("==== go get hittest ====\n");
	n = btree_hittest(bt, NULL);
	shownode("hitest is: ", p);

printf("==== go remove 20 ====\n");
	if (btree_del(bt, &bar, mycmp, NULL))
		printf("node found and removed\n");
	else printf("oops\n");

printf("==== go search ====\n");
	/* find existent data */
	p = btree_get(bt, &bar, mycmp);
	shownode("result for 20: ", p);

printf("==== go search ====\n");
	/* find existent data */
	p = btree_get(bt, &foo, mycmp);
	shownode("result for 10: ", p);

	btree_cleartree(bt, NULL);
	return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: btree.c プロジェクト: KarjamP/radare2
R_API int btree_optimize(struct btree_node **T, BTREE_CMP(cmp)) {
    struct btree_node *node, *NT = NULL;
    do {
        node = btree_hittest(*T, NULL);
        if (node) {
            btree_add (&NT, node->data, cmp);
            btree_del (*T, node->data, cmp, NULL);
    } while(node);
    *T = NT; /* replace one tree with the other */
    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: btree.c プロジェクト: acassis/emlinux-ssd1935
    btree_t *b;
    uint32_t i, *x;
    uint32_t v[] = {15, 5, 16, 3, 12, 20, 10, 13, 18, 23, 6, 7};
    uint32_t nv = sizeof(v) / sizeof(v[0]);


    for(i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
        x = (uint32_t*)xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
        *x = (uint32_t)random();
        if (btree_add(b, v[i], (void*)x) != TRUE) {
            printf("Fail Add %lu %lu\n", v[i], *x);

    printf("depth %d\n", btree_depth(b->root));

    btree_remove(b, 5, (void*)&x);
    btree_remove(b, 16, (void*)&x);
    btree_remove(b, 13, (void*)&x);

    while (btree_get_root_key(b, &i)) {
        if (btree_remove(b, i, (void*)&x) == FALSE) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to remove %lu\n", i);

    if (btree_destroy(&b) == FALSE) {
        printf("Failed to destroy \n");

    return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: dynamic_mem_debug.c プロジェクト: asksven/irc
static void *dmd_malloc(int size, const char *file, int line)
	struct dmd_memblock *mb;
	void *ptr;

//	debug2("malloc %s:%d", file, line);
	ptr = malloc(size);
//	debug1("ptr: %u", (unsigned long) ptr);
	if (!ptr) {
		putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "*** DMD: FAILED MALLOC %s (%d) (%d): %s", file, line, size, strerror(errno));
		fatal("Memory allocation failed", 0);
	mb = dmd_create(ptr, size, line, file);
	if (btree_get(&dmd_tree, mb))
		putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "*** DMD: DOUBLED POINTER?!?!?");
	btree_add(&dmd_tree, (void *) mb);
	return mb->ptr;
コード例 #10
// Perform timed batch insertions in sequential order
char *test_perf_insert_seq()

	clock_t start = clock(), diff;
	for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
		int item = i;
		root = btree_add(s, root, item, item);
	diff = clock() - start;
	int msec = diff * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	double ops = n * 1000;
	ops /= msec;
	printf("Time to insert %u items: %u ms\n", n, msec);
	printf("Time per operation: %u us\n", (1000*msec)/n);
	printf("Operations per second: %f\n", ops);

	return NULL;
コード例 #11
ファイル: mz.c プロジェクト: agatti/radare2
struct r_bin_mz_segment_t * r_bin_mz_get_segments(const struct r_bin_mz_obj_t *bin) {
#if 0
	int i;
	struct r_bin_mz_segment_t *ret;

	const MZ_image_relocation_entry * const relocs = bin->relocation_entries;
	const int num_relocs = bin->dos_header->num_relocs;

	eprintf ("cs 0x%x\n", bin->dos_header->cs);
	eprintf ("ss 0x%x\n", bin->dos_header->ss);
	for (i = 0; i < num_relocs; i++) {
		eprintf ("0x%08x segment 0x%08lx\n", relocs[i].offset, relocs[i].segment);
		// ut65 paddr = r_bin_mz_seg_to_paddr (bin, relocs[i].segment) + relocs[i].offset;
		// eprintf ("pa 0x%08llx\n", paddr);
	btree_add (&tree, (void *)&first_segment, cmp_segs);
	/* Add segment address of stack segment if it's resides inside dos
	if (r_bin_mz_seg_to_paddr (bin, stack_segment) < bin->dos_file_size) {
		btree_add (&tree, (void *)&stack_segment, cmp_segs);
	return NULL;
#if 1
	struct btree_node *tree;
	struct r_bin_mz_segment_t *ret;
	ut16 *segments, *curr_seg;
	int i, num_segs;
	ut64 paddr;
	const ut16 first_segment = 0;
	const ut16 stack_segment = bin->dos_header->ss;
	const MZ_image_relocation_entry * const relocs = bin->relocation_entries;
	const int num_relocs = bin->dos_header->num_relocs;
	const ut64 last_parag = ((bin->dos_file_size + 0xF) >> 4) - \

	btree_init (&tree);
	for (i = 0; i < num_relocs; i++) {
		paddr = r_bin_mz_seg_to_paddr (bin, relocs[i].segment) + relocs[i].offset;
		if ((paddr + 2) < bin->dos_file_size) {
			curr_seg = (ut16 *)(bin->b->buf + paddr);
			/* Add segment only if it's located inside dos executable data */
			if (r_read_le16 (curr_seg) <= last_parag) {
				btree_add (&tree, curr_seg, cmp_segs);

	/* Add segment address of first segment to make sure that it will be
	added. If relocations empty or there isn't first segment in relocations.)
	btree_add (&tree, (void *)&first_segment, cmp_segs);
	/* Add segment address of stack segment if it's resides inside dos
	if (r_bin_mz_seg_to_paddr (bin, stack_segment) < bin->dos_file_size) {
		btree_add (&tree, (void *)&stack_segment, cmp_segs);

	if (!num_relocs) {
		btree_cleartree (tree, NULL);
		return NULL;
	segments = calloc (1 + num_relocs, sizeof (*segments));
	if (!segments) {
		eprintf ("Error: calloc (segments)\n");
		btree_cleartree (tree, NULL);
		return NULL;
	curr_seg = segments;
	btree_traverse (tree, 0, &curr_seg, trv_segs);
	num_segs = curr_seg - segments;
	ret = calloc (num_segs + 1, sizeof (struct r_bin_mz_segment_t));
	if (!ret) {
		free (segments);
		btree_cleartree (tree, NULL);
		eprintf ("Error: calloc (struct r_bin_mz_segment_t)\n");
		return NULL;

	btree_cleartree (tree, NULL);

	ret[0].paddr = r_bin_mz_seg_to_paddr (bin, segments[0]);
	for (i = 1; i < num_segs; i++) {
		ret[i].paddr = r_bin_mz_seg_to_paddr (bin, segments[i]);
		ret[i - 1].size = ret[i].paddr - ret[i - 1].paddr;
	ret[i - 1].size = bin->dos_file_size - ret[i - 1].paddr;
	ret[i].last = 1;
	free (segments);
	return ret;
コード例 #12
ファイル: btree_example.c プロジェクト: Jarvishappy/otree
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    struct btree *bt;
    uint64_t ptr;
    int j, count, op, arg;

    if (argc != 4) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Usage: btree_example <op> <size/ptr> <count>\n");
    count = atoi(argv[3]);
    arg = atoi(argv[2]);
    if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"alloc")) {
        op = OP_ALLOC;
    } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"free")) {
        op = OP_FREE;
    } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"allocfree")) {
        op = OP_ALLOCFREE;
    } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"add")) {
        op = OP_ADD;
    } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"walk")) {
        op = OP_WALK;
    } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"fill")) {
        op = OP_FILL;
    } else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"find")) {
        op = OP_FIND;
    } else {
        printf("not supported op %s\n", argv[1]);

    bt = btree_open(NULL, "./btree.db", BTREE_CREAT);
    if (bt == NULL) {
    for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
        if (op == OP_ALLOC) {
            ptr = btree_alloc(bt,arg);
            printf("PTR: %llu\n", ptr);
        } else if (op == OP_FREE) {
        } else if (op == OP_ALLOCFREE) {
            ptr = btree_alloc(bt,arg);
            printf("PTR: %llu\n", ptr);

    if (op == OP_ADD) {
        int retval;
        char key[16];

        retval = btree_add(bt,(unsigned char*)key,
            (unsigned char*)argv[3],strlen(argv[3]),1);
        printf("retval %d\n", retval);
        if (retval == -1) {
            printf("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    } else if (op == OP_WALK) {
    } else if (op == OP_FILL) {
        for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
            int r = random()%arg;
            int retval;
            char key[64];
            char val[64];

            retval = btree_add(bt,(unsigned char*)key,
                            (unsigned char*)val, strlen(val), 1);
            if (retval == -1) {
                printf("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                goto err;
    } else if (op == OP_FIND) {
        int retval;
        char key[16], *data;
        uint64_t voff;
        uint32_t datalen;

        retval = btree_find(bt,(unsigned char*)key,&voff);
        if (retval == -1) {
            if (errno == ENOENT) {
                printf("Key not found\n");
            } else {
                perror("Error searching for key");
        printf("Key found at %llu\n", voff);

        data = malloc(datalen+1);
        btree_pread(bt,(unsigned char*)data,datalen,voff);
        data[datalen] = '\0';
        printf("Value: %s\n", data);
    return 0;

    return 1;