void Font::init(ResourceData data) { if(!libraryInitialized) initLibrary(); mMaxGlyphHeight = 0; buildAtlas(data); }
void Font::init() { if(!libraryInitialized) initLibrary(); mMaxGlyphHeight = 0; buildAtlas(); }
void prepare() { if (!verifyResources()) { if (tilemapReady) hideElements(); tilemapReady = false; return; } if (atlasSizeDirty) { allocateAtlas(); atlasSizeDirty = false; } if (atlasDirty) { buildAtlas(); atlasDirty = false; } if (mapViewportDirty) { updateMapViewport(); mapViewportDirty = false; } if (buffersDirty) { buildQuadArray(); uploadBuffers(); updateSceneElements(); buffersDirty = false; } if (flashDirty) { updateFlash(); flashDirty = false; } if (zOrderDirty) { updateZOrder(); zOrderDirty = false; } prepareScanrowBatches(); tilemapReady = true; }
Font::Font(std::string path, int size) { mMaxGlyphHeight = 0; if(FT_New_Face(sLibrary, path.c_str(), 0, &face)) { std::cerr << "Error creating font face! (path: " << path.c_str() << "\n"; while(true); } FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, size * 64, getDpiX(), getDpiY()); buildAtlas(); }
void prepare() { if (!verifyResources()) { if (elem.ground) destroyElements(); tilemapReady = false; return; } if (atlasSizeDirty) { allocateAtlas(); atlasSizeDirty = false; } if (atlasDirty) { buildAtlas(); atlasDirty = false; } if (buffersDirty) { buildQuadArray(); uploadBuffers(); generateSceneElements(); buffersDirty = false; } if (flashDirty) { updateFlash(); flashDirty = false; } if (zOrderDirty) { updateZOrder(); zOrderDirty = false; } prepareScanrowBatches(); tilemapReady = true; }
void fl_func_procCompute_build_atlas(apoAtlasBuilderInfo & atlasbuiderinfo, atlasConfig & cfginfo, apoAtlasLinkerInfoAll &apoinfo) { QString fileName = atlasbuiderinfo.linkerFileName; printf("%s\n", qPrintable(atlasbuiderinfo.linkerFileName)); if (!loadPointCloudAtlasInfoListFromFile(qPrintable(fileName.trimmed()), apoinfo)) { v3d_msg("Fail to load the specified point cloud atlas file."); return; } buildAtlas(atlasbuiderinfo, cfginfo, apoinfo); // v3d_msg(QString("The target file for registration is ****: %1. \nAtlas is sucessfully built").arg(dfile_target.c_str())); v3d_msg("Altas is successfully built. Results can be found in the output folder that you've set up through adjust preference function."); }
void Font::onInit() { if(!libraryInitialized) initLibrary(); mMaxGlyphHeight = 0; if(FT_New_Face(sLibrary, mPath.c_str(), 0, &face)) { LOG(LogError) << "Error creating font face! (path: " << mPath.c_str(); return; } //FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, size * 64, getDpiX(), getDpiY()); FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, mSize); buildAtlas(); FT_Done_Face(face); }