bool UIPanel::checkbox(const char * str, bool checked, bool enabled) { _state.widgetId++; uint32_t id = _state.widgetId; float x = _state.widgetX; float y = _state.widgetY; // + BUTTON_HEIGHT; float w = _state.widgetW; float h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; _state.widgetY += BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; bool over = enabled && inRect(_state, x, y, w, h); bool result = buttonLogic(_state, id, over); const float cx = x + BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f - CHECK_SIZE * 0.5f; const float cy = y + BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f - CHECK_SIZE * 0.5f; addRoundedRectangle(_faceMesh->geometry, Vector2(cx - 3.0f, cy - 3.0f), Vector2(CHECK_SIZE + 6.0f, CHECK_SIZE + 6.0f), 4.0f, Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, isActive(_state, id) ? 0.75 : 0.35)); if (checked) { if (enabled) addRoundedRectangle(_faceMesh->geometry, Vector2(cx, cy), Vector2(CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE), CHECK_SIZE * 0.5f - 1.0f, Color(1, 1, 1, isActive(_state, id) ? 1 : 0.8)); else addRoundedRectangle(_faceMesh->geometry, Vector2(cx, cy), Vector2(CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE), CHECK_SIZE * 0.5f - 1.0f, Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8)); } if (enabled) font->buildTextGeometry(str, Vector2(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f + TEXT_HEIGHT * 0.5f), _fontMesh->geometry, isHot(_state, id) ? Color(1, 0.75, 0, 1) : Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8)); else font->buildTextGeometry(str, Vector2(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f + TEXT_HEIGHT * 0.5f), _fontMesh->geometry, Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8)); return result; }
bool imguiCheck(const char* text, bool checked, bool enabled) { g_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (g_state.areaId<<16) | g_state.widgetId; int x = g_state.widgetX; int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = g_state.widgetW; int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); const int cx = x+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-CHECK_SIZE/2; const int cy = y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-CHECK_SIZE/2; addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)cx-3, (float)cy-3, (float)CHECK_SIZE+6, (float)CHECK_SIZE+6, 4, imguiRGBA(128,128,128, isActive(id)?196:96)); if (checked) { if (enabled) addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)cx, (float)cy, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE/2-1, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,isActive(id)?255:200)); else addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)cx, (float)cy, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE, (float)CHECK_SIZE/2-1, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); } if (enabled) addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); else addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); return res; }
bool UIPanel::button(const char * str, bool enabled) { _state.widgetId++; uint32_t id = _state.widgetId; const float x = _state.widgetX; const float y = _state.widgetY; const float w = _state.widgetW; const float h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; _state.widgetY += BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; bool over = enabled && inRect(_state, x, y, w, h); bool result = buttonLogic(_state, id, over); addRoundedRectangle(_faceMesh->geometry, Vector2(x, y), Vector2(w, h), BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f - 1.0f, Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, isActive(_state, id) ? 0.75 : 0.35)); const float textLength = font->textLength(str); const float textX = x + BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f + (w - BUTTON_HEIGHT) * 0.5f - textLength * 0.5f; if (enabled) font->buildTextGeometry(str, Vector2(textX, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f + TEXT_HEIGHT * 0.5f), _fontMesh->geometry, isHot(_state, id) ? Color(1, 0.75, 0, 1) : Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8)); else font->buildTextGeometry(str, Vector2(textX, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT * 0.5f + TEXT_HEIGHT * 0.5f), _fontMesh->geometry, isHot(_state, id) ? Color(1, 0.75, 0, 1) : Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8)); return result; }
bool imguiCollapse(const char* text, const char* subtext, bool checked, bool enabled) { g_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (g_state.areaId<<16) | g_state.widgetId; int x = g_state.widgetX; int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = g_state.widgetW; int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT; // + DEFAULT_SPACING; const int cx = x+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-CHECK_SIZE/2; const int cy = y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-CHECK_SIZE/2; bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); if (checked) addGfxCmdTriangle(cx, cy, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE, 2, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,isActive(id)?255:200)); else addGfxCmdTriangle(cx, cy, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE, 1, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,isActive(id)?255:200)); if (enabled) addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); else addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); if (subtext) addGfxCmdText(x+w-BUTTON_HEIGHT/2, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, subtext, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,128)); return res; }
/************************************************************************ Function: display Description: Draws initial static openGL. Sets up buttons, menu, drawing of letters, calls mouse functionality, runs all animations. *************************************************************************/ void display(void) { // Clear the screen and redraw updated stuff glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Draw bonus in background if button pressed // The bonus is psychadelic sqaures that are multicolor, pulsing in the // background drawBonus(); // Morphs the letter if button pressed, else stays as N morphLetter(); // Draw the background for the menu drawMenu(); // This draws the buttons // Always draw base buttons and shadows, but draw over if one is pressed drawButtons(); // Checks if mouse is pressed and records the position mouseCheck(); // Performs button operations depending on mouse position buttonLogic(); // Draw text for buttons drawButtonText(); // Use swap buffers for double buffering glutSwapBuffers(); }
bool imguiButton(const char* text, bool enabled) { g_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (g_state.areaId<<16) | g_state.widgetId; int x = g_state.widgetX; int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = g_state.widgetW; int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, (float)BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-1, imguiRGBA(128,128,128, isActive(id)?196:96)); if (enabled) addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); else addGfxCmdText(x+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2, y+BUTTON_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); return res; }
bool imguiItem(const char* text, bool enabled) { s_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (s_state.areaId << 16) | s_state.widgetId; int x = s_state.widgetX; int y = s_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = s_state.widgetW; int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT; s_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); if (isHot(id)) AddGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, 2.0f, SetRGBA(255, 196, 0, isActive(id) ? 196 : 96)); if (enabled) AddGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, text, SetRGBA(255, 255, 255, 200)); else AddGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, text, SetRGBA(128, 128, 128, 200)); return res; }
bool UIPanel::slider(const char * text, float * value, float valueMin, float valueMax, float valueInc, bool enabled) { _state.widgetId++; uint32_t id = _state.widgetId; const float x = _state.widgetX; const float y = _state.widgetY; const float w = _state.widgetW; const float h = SLIDER_HEIGHT; _state.widgetY += SLIDER_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; addRoundedRectangle(_faceMesh->geometry, Vector2(x, y), Vector2(w, h), 4.0f, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5)); const float range = w - SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH; float u = (*value - valueMin) / (valueMax - valueMin); if (u < 0.0f) u = 0.0f; if (u > 1.0f) u = 1.0f; float m = u * range; bool over = enabled && inRect(_state, x + m, y, SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT); bool result = buttonLogic(_state, id, over); bool valueChanged = false; if (isActive(_state, id)) { if (_state.wentActive) { _state.mouseDrag.x = _state.mousePos.x; _state.dragOrigin = u; } if (_state.mouseDrag.x != _state.mousePos.x) { u = _state.dragOrigin + (float)(_state.mousePos.x - _state.mouseDrag.x) / (float)range; if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; *value = valueMin + u * (valueMax - valueMin); *value = std::floor(*value / valueInc + 0.5f) * valueInc; m = u * range; valueChanged = true; } } if (isActive(_state, id)) addRoundedRectangle(_faceMesh->geometry, Vector2(x + m, y), Vector2(SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT), 4.0f, Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); else addRoundedRectangle(_faceMesh->geometry, Vector2(x + m, y), Vector2(SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT), 4.0f, isHot(_state, id) ? Color(1, 0.75, 0, 1) : Color(1, 1, 1, 0.25)); char valueStr[16]; sprintf(valueStr, "%d%%", (int)std::ceil((*value - valueMin) / (valueMax - valueMin) * 100.0)); const float valueLength = font->textLength(valueStr); Color fontColor = isHot(_state, id) ? Color(1, 0.75, 0, 1) : Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8); if (!enabled) fontColor = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8); font->buildTextGeometry(text, Vector2(x + SLIDER_HEIGHT * 0.5f, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT * 0.5f + TEXT_HEIGHT * 0.5f), _fontMesh->geometry, fontColor); font->buildTextGeometry(valueStr, Vector2(x + w - valueLength - SLIDER_HEIGHT * 0.5f, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT * 0.5f + TEXT_HEIGHT * 0.5f), _fontMesh->geometry, fontColor); return result || valueChanged; }
bool imguiSlider(const char* text, float* val, float vmin, float vmax, float vinc, bool enabled) { g_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (g_state.areaId<<16) | g_state.widgetId; int x = g_state.widgetX; int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = g_state.widgetW; int h = SLIDER_HEIGHT; g_state.widgetY -= SLIDER_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, 4.0f, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,128)); const int range = w - SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH; float u = (*val - vmin) / (vmax-vmin); if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; int m = (int)(u * range); bool over = enabled && inRect(x+m, y, SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); bool valChanged = false; if (isActive(id)) { if (g_state.wentActive) { g_state.dragX =; g_state.dragOrig = u; } if (g_state.dragX != { u = g_state.dragOrig + (float)( - g_state.dragX) / (float)range; if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; *val = vmin + u*(vmax-vmin); *val = floorf(*val/vinc+0.5f)*vinc; // Snap to vinc m = (int)(u * range); valChanged = true; } } if (isActive(id)) addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)(x+m), (float)y, (float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, (float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,255)); else addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)(x+m), (float)y, (float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, (float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,128) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,64)); // TODO: fix this, take a look at 'nicenum'. int digits = (int)(ceilf(log10f(vinc))); char fmt[16]; snprintf(fmt, 16, "%%.%df", digits >= 0 ? 0 : -digits); char msg[128]; snprintf(msg, 128, fmt, *val); if (enabled) { addGfxCmdText(x+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); addGfxCmdText(x+w-SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, msg, isHot(id) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,255) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); } else { addGfxCmdText(x+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, text, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); addGfxCmdText(x+w-SLIDER_HEIGHT/2, y+SLIDER_HEIGHT/2-TEXT_HEIGHT/2, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, msg, imguiRGBA(128,128,128,200)); } return res || valChanged; }
void imguiEndScrollArea() { // Disable scissoring. addGfxCmdScissor(-1,-1,-1,-1); // Draw scroll bar int x = g_scrollRight+SCROLL_AREA_PADDING/2; int y = g_scrollBottom; int w = SCROLL_AREA_PADDING*2; int h = g_scrollTop - g_scrollBottom; int stop = g_scrollAreaTop; int sbot = g_state.widgetY; int sh = stop - sbot; // The scrollable area height. float barHeight = (float)h/(float)sh; if (barHeight < 1) { float barY = (float)(y - sbot)/(float)sh; if (barY < 0) barY = 0; if (barY > 1) barY = 1; // Handle scroll bar logic. unsigned int hid = g_scrollId; int hx = x; int hy = y + (int)(barY*h); int hw = w; int hh = (int)(barHeight*h); const int range = h - (hh-1); bool over = inRect(hx, hy, hw, hh); buttonLogic(hid, over); if (isActive(hid)) { float u = (float)(hy-y) / (float)range; if (g_state.wentActive) { g_state.dragY =; g_state.dragOrig = u; } if (g_state.dragY != { u = g_state.dragOrig + ( - g_state.dragY) / (float)range; if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; *g_scrollVal = (int)((1-u) * (sh - h)); } } // BG addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, (float)w/2-1, imguiRGBA(0,0,0,196)); // Bar if (isActive(hid)) addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)hx, (float)hy, (float)hw, (float)hh, (float)w/2-1, imguiRGBA(255,196,0,196)); else addGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)hx, (float)hy, (float)hw, (float)hh, (float)w/2-1, isHot(hid) ? imguiRGBA(255,196,0,96) : imguiRGBA(255,255,255,64)); // Handle mouse scrolling. if (g_insideScrollArea) // && !anyActive()) { if (g_state.scroll) { *g_scrollVal += 20*g_state.scroll; if (*g_scrollVal < 0) *g_scrollVal = 0; if (*g_scrollVal > (sh - h)) *g_scrollVal = (sh - h); } } } g_state.insideCurrentScroll = false; }
bool imguiSlider(const char* text, int* val, int vmin, int vmax, int vinc, bool enabled) { s_state.widgetId++; unsigned int id = (s_state.areaId << 16) | s_state.widgetId; int x = s_state.widgetX; int y = s_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT; int w = s_state.widgetW; int h = SLIDER_HEIGHT; s_state.widgetY -= SLIDER_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING; AddGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h, 4.0f, SetRGBA(0, 0, 0, 128)); const int range = w - SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH; float u = (*val - vmin) / float(vmax - vmin); if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; int m = (int)(u * range); bool over = enabled && inRect(x + m, y, SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT); bool res = buttonLogic(id, over); bool valChanged = false; if (isActive(id)) { if (s_state.wentActive) { s_state.dragX =; s_state.dragOrig = u; } if (s_state.dragX != { u = s_state.dragOrig + (float)( - s_state.dragX) / (float)range; if (u < 0) u = 0; if (u > 1) u = 1; *val = int(vmin + u*(vmax - vmin)); *val = int(floorf(*val / float(vinc) + 0.5f))*vinc; // Snap to vinc m = (int)(u * range); valChanged = true; } } if (isActive(id)) AddGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)(x + m), (float)y, (float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, (float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, SetRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)); else AddGfxCmdRoundedRect((float)(x + m), (float)y, (float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, (float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, isHot(id) ? SetRGBA(255, 196, 0, 128) : SetRGBA(255, 255, 255, 64)); char msg[128]; snprintf(msg, 128, "%d", *val); if (enabled) { AddGfxCmdText(x + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, text, isHot(id) ? SetRGBA(255, 196, 0, 255) : SetRGBA(255, 255, 255, 200)); AddGfxCmdText(x + w - SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, msg, isHot(id) ? SetRGBA(255, 196, 0, 255) : SetRGBA(255, 255, 255, 200)); } else { AddGfxCmdText(x + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, text, SetRGBA(128, 128, 128, 200)); AddGfxCmdText(x + w - SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, msg, SetRGBA(128, 128, 128, 200)); } return res || valChanged; }