コード例 #1
ファイル: audioInput.c プロジェクト: kvv1/kvvmaps
static void bitReceived(uint8_t bit) {
	byteAccum <<= 1;
	byteAccum |= bit;
	if (bitCnt == 8) {
		bitCnt = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: devbase.cpp プロジェクト: AlexisVaBel/QModBuser
void DevBase::process(){
        char chByteArr[BUFFERINSZ]={0};
        char *chByte=&chByteArr[0];
                    emit byteReceived(chByte);
    emit finishedProcs();
コード例 #3
void main()
	//temp variable useful for loops
	int i;
   //temp variables for serial communication
   int c;
   unsigned int bytesRead;

   //variables for wifi communication
   int newMode;
   int interfacePacketRecieved;
   int network;

      rx.state = WAIT;

        Initialization of Packets
      // Initialize software version
      aPacket[1] = SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID >> 8;
      aPacket[2] = SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID & 0xFF;

      // Initialize UDP response packets
      gPacket[0] = 'G';
      gPacket[1] = ROBOTMODE;
      gPacket[2] = SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID >> 8;
      gPacket[3] = SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID & 0xFF;
      gPacket[4] = 0;	// user version id
      gPacket[5] = 0;
      gPacket[6] = 0;	// battery voltage
      gPacket[7] = 0;

      // Initialize J packet values to 0
      memset(jPacket, 0, J_PACKET_LENGTH);

      // Initialize X default packet (autonomous mode dummy packet) to 0
      memset(xPacketDefaultValues, 0, X_PACKET_LENGTH);

   // Configure Port D -- Leave PD4-PD7 untouched (used for other purposes)
   WrPortI(PDCR,  &PDCRShadow,  RdPortI(PDCR)  & 0xF0);  // clear bits to pclk/2
   WrPortI(PDFR,  &PDFRShadow,  RdPortI(PDFR)  & 0xF0);  // no special functions
   WrPortI(PDDCR, &PDDCRShadow, RdPortI(PDDCR) & 0xF0);  // clear bits to drive
                                                         //  high and low
   WrPortI(PDDR,  &PDDRShadow,  RdPortI(PDDR)  | 0x0D);  // set outputs high
   WrPortI(PDDDR, &PDDDRShadow, RdPortI(PDDDR) | 0x0D);  // set inputs and
                                                         //  outputs

   //Initialize serial communication

   //Initialize controls as neutral
   //memset(interface.axis, 127, sizeof(interface.axis));
   //memset(interface.btn, 0, sizeof(interface.btn));

   //Decide which router to connect to
	if (BitRdPortI(PDDR, 1) == 1) {
   	//USER settings
   	BitWrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 1, 0);	// turn off user LED
      network = USER_ROUTER;
	} else {
		//COMPETITION Settings
      BitWrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 0, 0);   // turn on user LED
      network = COMP_ROUTER;
   // */

   printf("Robot Mode: %d \n", ROBOTMODE);

   // Wait for X2 handshake (to learn team #) before attempting connection
   printf("Waiting for X2...\n");
	while (x2Connection != X2_CONN_ESTABLISHED) {
      if ((c = serCgetc()) != -1) {
   printf("X2 connection established\n");
   sendPacket('F', F_PACKET_LENGTH, fPacket);
   ConnectToNetwork(network, teamNo);

   //Main Loop
	while(1) {
		// Receive field, interface & X2 reply packets as they come
   	costate {
			//Check to see if we have new field communication
	      if (udpRecieveFieldPacket()) {

	         newMode = ProcessFieldPacket();
	         if (newMode != -1) {

            	// Set robot mode flags

            	// If disable flag set: zero motor values
               if (newMode & ROBOT_DISABLE)

               // Send X2 packet with new mode flags
               sendPacket('F', F_PACKET_LENGTH, fPacket);

					// Send back response packet with our robot mode flags
               //  and code versions
               sendFieldSocket(gPacket, G_PACKET_LENGTH);

	            //printf("Robot Mode: %d \n", ROBOTMODE);

	      //Check to see if we have new field commuication, and we can use it
	      if (udpRecieveInterfacePacket()) {
	         if (interBuf[0] == 'I') {
	            udpNewData = TRUE;

      	// Receive X2 serial data in bursts of up to X2_RX_BURST_LENGTH
         bytesRead = 0;
			while ((c = serCgetc()) != -1 &&
         			bytesRead <= X2_RX_BURST_LENGTH) {
				byteReceived((unsigned char)c);
            bytesRead += 1;
      // */

      // Time out if no UDP packets received after 500 ms
      //  TODO: Update the interface to send an enable packet. In the meantime
      //  this feature is only activated in competition mode
      costate {
      	if (network == COMP_ROUTER) {
	         waitfor( udpNewData || DelayMs(500) );
	         if (!udpNewData)

      // Send X2 packets
      costate {
      	// FOR TESTING
         // udpNewData = TRUE;
      	waitfor( udpNewData );

         // Check that disable bit is not set
         if (!(ROBOTMODE & ROBOT_DISABLE)) {

	         // If in autonomous mode, send a dummy 'X' packet to keep the
            // motor refreshing, but do not send actual joystick values
            if (ROBOTMODE & ROBOT_AUTON)
            	sendPacket('X', X_PACKET_LENGTH, xPacketDefaultValues);
            // Otherwise in enable mode, send the received joystick values
	         	sendPacket('X', X_PACKET_LENGTH, interBuf+1);
	         x2OkToSend = FALSE;
	         udpNewData = FALSE;

	         // Wait for reply before sending another packet
	         waitfor( x2OkToSend || DelayMs(500) );
	         if (!x2OkToSend) {   // no reply came within 500ms timeout

		costate {
			// If auto bit is set, blink the LED fast
         if (ROBOTMODE & ROBOT_AUTON) {
				BitWrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 0, 0);   // turn on user LED
	         waitfor (DelayMs(100));
	         BitWrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 1, 0);   // turn off user LED
	         waitfor (DelayMs(100));

         // Otherwise if disable bit is set, blink the LED slowly
         } else if (ROBOTMODE & ROBOT_DISABLE) {
	         BitWrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 0, 0);   // turn on user LED
	         waitfor (DelayMs(500));
	         BitWrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 1, 0);   // turn off user LED
	         waitfor (DelayMs(500));
   } // while(1)

}	// main