コード例 #1
ファイル: stealthpng.c プロジェクト: jackcogdill/stealthpng
void encode(char *msg, char *img, char *out_filename) {
	unsigned char *data, *enc_data, *final_data;
	char *filename = 0;
	int len, plen, final_len;

	FILE *fp = fopen(msg, "rb");
	// Not saving the last null byte (in legal C strings) in either case
	// because all the chars are going into the image
	if (!fp) {
		len = strlen(msg);
		data = malloc(len);
		memcpy(data, msg, len);
	else {
		filename = basename(msg);
		int fplen = strlen(filename)+1; // 1 for the colon
		char fprefix[fplen];
		sprintf(fprefix, "%s:", filename);

		// Read the file to data
		fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
		int file_len = ftell(fp);
		len = fplen + file_len;

		data = malloc(len);

		// all chars are 1 byte
		int read_size = fread(data, 1, file_len, fp);
		if (file_len != read_size)
			Error("Error reading file");

		// Prepend filename with colons (filenames can't have colons)
		// Filename gets encrypted too
		memmove(data+fplen, data, file_len);
		memcpy(data, fprefix, fplen);

	// Encrypt the data
	enc_data = aes_encrypt(&en, data, &len);
	// len gets updated here ^ to the new len of the encrypted data
	free(data); // Don't need this anymore

	plen = digits(len)+1;
	char prefix[plen];
	sprintf(prefix, filename ? "%d>" : "%d<", len);
	// The different symbols are to differentiate between file data and plaintext

	final_len = plen + len;
	int padding = 3 - (final_len % 3); // Data needs to be divisible by 3 before being put
		// into the image
	int padded_len = final_len + padding;
	final_data = malloc(padded_len);
	memcpy(final_data, enc_data, len);
	free(enc_data); // All we need now is the final data

	// Prepend the encrypted data with the prefix of how long
	// it is so we know where to stop when decoding
	memmove(final_data+plen, final_data, len);
	memcpy(final_data, prefix, plen);
	// Last, add the padding of null bytes to make it divisible by 3
	// Note: this will get removed in the end because
	// we keep the size not including the padding. We need to have it divisibile by 3 because
	// if we have 2 bits left of data, we need to store it in 1 whole pixel, which holds
	// 6 possible bits of information
	for (int i = final_len; i < padded_len; i++)
		final_data[i] = '\0';

	// Checking if possible
	int space = (width * height) * (3.0f / 4.0f);
	if (padded_len > space) { // Make sure there is enough space in the image for the data
		puts("Not enough space in image.");
		char *rspace;
		rspace = byteconvert(padded_len);
		printf("Data size: %s\n", rspace);

		rspace = byteconvert(space);
		printf("Space available: %s\n", rspace);


	// Loop through all the data, 3 bytes at a time,
	// putting every 3 bytes into groups of 4 pixels
	// (8 bits for 3 bytes is 24 total bits, 6 bits for each of
	// 4 pixels (matching of total 24))
	int pixel_loc = 0;
	int x, y;
	png_byte* pixel;
	for (int i = 0; i < padded_len; i += 3, pixel_loc += 4) {
		// next group of pixels every loop, so add 4 each time

		// Loop for each color component and for each byte of data
		// (3 of each)
		// Each byte has 8 bits, 2 of each go into each of the 4 pixels
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++, pixel_loc -= 4) {
			// reset to continue looping through the same pixels every time by doing -= 4

			// Loop for each of 4 pixels to put the data into
			for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++, pixel_loc++) {
				x = pixel_loc % width, y = pixel_loc / width;
				pixel = &(row_pointers[y][x*3]);

				// j for color component
				// Replace last 2 bits with zeros
				pixel[j] &= ~3;

				int sh = p * 2;
				// Add 2 bits of data at a time
				pixel[j] |= ((int)final_data[i + j] & (3 << sh)) >> sh;
				// & 3 gets only the last 2 bits of the data (1 byte) because
				// 3 is 00000011 in binary,
				// 3 << 2 is 00001100, 3 << 4 is 00110000, etc
	// Save the image with the data inside it
	// (use output filename if specified, otherwsie just "new-image.png")
	if (out_filename)

	free(final_data); // Done with this
コード例 #2
ファイル: stealthpng.c プロジェクト: jackcogdill/stealthpng
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	// Argument parsing
	char usage[256];
	char *pgrm = argv[0];
	sprintf(usage, "\
Usage: %s -e [message/file] [image]\n\
       %s -d [image]\n\
       %s -s [image(s)]\
", pgrm, pgrm, pgrm);

	if (argc == 1)

	char *options = "\n\
  -h  Show this help message and exit\n\
  -e  Encode data into image\n\
  -d  Decode data from image\n\
  -s  Space available in image(s) (the higher the\n\
      resolution, the more space available)\n\
  -o  When encoding, use this filename for the\n\
      new image\
	char *e_arg = 0,
	     *d_arg = 0,
	     *s_arg = 0,
	     *o_arg = 0;
	int c;
	opterr = 0;

	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hd:e:s:o:")) != -1) {
		switch(c) {
			case 'h':
				return 0;
			case 'e':
				e_arg = optarg;
			case 'd':
				d_arg = optarg;
			case 's':
				s_arg = optarg;
			case 'o':
				o_arg = optarg;
			case '?':

	char (*last_args)[256] = malloc(256 * sizeof(*last_args));
	int index = s_arg ? 1 : 0;
	if (optind < argc) {
		while (optind < argc)
			sprintf(last_args[index++], "%s", argv[optind++]);
	if (s_arg)
		sprintf(last_args[0], "%s", s_arg);

	if (e_arg || d_arg) {
		if (e_arg && !index)

		// Prompt for password
		char *pass = getpass("Password for encoding:");
		if (strcmp(pass, "") == 0)
			Error("No password entered.");

		// Prepare encryption and decryption:
		// The salt paramter is used as a salt in the derivation:
		// it should point to an 8 byte buffer or NULL if no salt is used.
		unsigned char salt[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

		unsigned char *key_data = (unsigned char *) pass;
		int key_data_len = strlen(pass);

		// Gen key and iv. init the cipher ctx object
		if (aes_init(key_data, key_data_len, salt, &en, &de))
			Error("Error initializing AES cipher");
	// Encode
	if (e_arg)
		encode(e_arg, last_args[0], o_arg);

	// Decode
	else if (d_arg)

	// Print space in image(s)
	else if (s_arg) {
		puts("Space available in image(s):");
		for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
			int space = (width * height) * (3.0f / 4.0f);
			space -= 256+ AES_BLOCK_SIZE +12; // 256 for filename
			char *rspace = byteconvert(space);
			printf("%s: %s\n", basename(last_args[i]), rspace);
	if (opterr)
		return 1;

	// Cleanup

	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: compute_value.c プロジェクト: jhunkeler/reftools
/* Perform interpolation, if necessary, to derive the final
 output value for this obsmode from the appropriate row. 
double ComputeValue(PhtRow *tabrow, PhotPar *obs) {
  /* Parameters:
   PhtRow  *tabrow:    values read from matching row of table
   char   *obsmode:    full obsmode string from header 
   obsmode string needs to contain values of parameterized values 
   appropriate for this observation.
  double value;
  int parnum;
  int n,p, nx, ndim;
  double *out;
  double *obsindx; /* index of each obsmode par value in tabrow->parvals */ 
  double *obsvals; /* value for each obsmode par in the same order as tabrow */
  int *ndpos;
  int **bounds; /* [ndim,2] array for bounds around obsvals values */
  double resvals[2]; /* Values from tabrow->results for interpolation */
  double resindx[2]; /* 1-D indices into tabrow->results for bounding positions*/
  int posindx;      /* N dimensional array of indices for a position */
  int indx,pdim,ppos,xdim,xpos;
  int tabparlen;
   intermediate products used in iterating over dims 
  int iter, x;
  int dimpow,iterpow;
  double *ndposd;
  int b0,b1,pindx;
  int deltadim;            /* index of varying dimension */
  double bindx[2],bvals[2]; /* indices into results array for bounding values */
  double rinterp;          /* placeholder for interpolated result */
  BoundingPoint **points;   /* array of bounding points defining the area of interpolation */
  /* Define functions called in this functions */ 
  double linterp(double *, int, double *, double);
  void byteconvert(int, int *, int);
  int computedeltadim(BoundingPoint *, BoundingPoint *);  
  long computeindex(int *, double *, int);  
  void computebounds(double *, int, double, int *, int*);  
  int strneq_ic(char *, char*, int);
  BoundingPoint **InitBoundingPointArray(int, int);
  void FreeBoundingPointArray(BoundingPoint **, int);
  /* Initialize variables and allocate memory */  
  value = 0.0;
  ndim = tabrow->parnum;
  if (ndim == 0) {
    /* No parameterized values, so simply return value
     stored in 1-element array results */
  dimpow = pow(2,ndim);
  obsindx = (double *)calloc(ndim, sizeof(double));
  obsvals = (double *)calloc(ndim, sizeof(double)); /* Final answer */
  ndpos = (int *)calloc(ndim, sizeof(int));
  ndposd = (double *)calloc(ndim, sizeof(double));
  bounds = (int **) calloc(ndim, sizeof(int *));
  for (p=0;p<ndim;p++) bounds[p] = (int *) calloc(2, sizeof(int));    
  /* We have parameterized values, so linear interpolation 
   will be needed in all dimensions to get correct value.
   Start by getting the floating-point indices for each 
   parameterized value
   Start by matching up the obsmode parameters with those in the table row 
   These are the values along each dimension of the interpolation
  for (p=0;p<ndim;p++){
    tabparlen = strlen(tabrow->parnames[p]);
      if (strneq_ic(tabrow->parnames[p],obs->parnames[n],tabparlen)){
        obsvals[p] = obs->parvalues[n];
    if (obsvals[p] == 0.0) {
      printf("ERROR: No obsmode value found for %s\n",tabrow->parnames[p]);
      for (p=0;p<ndim;p++) free(bounds[p]);
      return ('\0');
    /* check whether we're going beyond the data in the table (extrapolation) */
    /* if we are, return -9999 */
    nx = tabrow->nelem[p+1];
    if ((obsvals[p] < tabrow->parvals[p][0]) ||
        (obsvals[p] > tabrow->parvals[p][nx-1])) {
      printf("WARNING: Parameter value %s%f is outside table data bounds.\n",
      for (p=0;p<ndim;p++) free(bounds[p]);
      return -9999.0;
  /* Set up array of BoundingPoint objects to keep track of information needed
   for the interpolation 
  points = InitBoundingPointArray(dimpow,ndim);
  /* Now find the index of the obsmode parameterized value
   into each parameterized value array
   Equivalent to getting positions in each dimension (x,y,...).
  for (p=0;p<ndim;p++){    
    nx = tabrow->nelem[p+1];
    out = (double *) calloc(nx, sizeof(double));
    for (n=0; n<nx;n++) out[n] = n;
    value = linterp(tabrow->parvals[p], nx, out, obsvals[p]);    
    if (value == -99) {
      for (p=0;p<ndim;p++) free(bounds[p]);
    obsindx[p] = value;  /* Index into dimension p */
    computebounds(out, nx, (double)floor(value), &b0, &b1);
    bounds[p][0] = b0;
    bounds[p][1] = b1;
    /* Free memory so we can use this array for the next variable*/
  } /* End loop over each parameterized value */
   Loop over each axis and perform interpolation to find final result
   For each axis, interpolate between all pairs of positions along the same axis
   An example with 3 parameters/dimensions for a point with array index (2.2, 4.7, 1.3):
   Iteration 1: for all z and y positions , interpolate between pairs in x
   (2,4,1)vs(3,4,1), (2,5,1)vs(3,5,1), (2,4,2)vs(3,4,2), and (2,5,2)vs(3,5,2)
   Iteration 2: for all z positions, interpolate between pairs from iteration 1 in y
   (2.2, 4,1)vs(2.2, 5, 1) and (2.2, 4, 2)vs(2.2, 5, 2)
   Iteration 3: interpolate between pairs from iteration 2 in z
   (2.2, 4.7, 1) vs (2.2, 4.7, 2) ==> final answer
  for (iter=ndim; iter >0; iter--) {
    iterpow = pow(2,iter);
    for (p=0;p < iterpow;p++){
      pdim = floor(p/2);
      ppos = p%2;
      if (iter == ndim) {
        /* Initialize all intermediate products and perform first 
         set of interpolations over the first dimension 
        /* Create a bitmask for each dimension for each position */
        for (n=0;n<ndim;n++) {
          pindx = bounds[n][ndpos[n]];
          points[pdim][ppos].index[n] = (double)pindx;
          points[pdim][ppos].pos[n] = tabrow->parvals[n][pindx];
        /* Determine values from tables which correspond to 
         bounding positions to be interpolated */
        indx = computeindex(tabrow->nelem, points[pdim][ppos].index, ndim);
        points[pdim][ppos].value = tabrow->results[indx];
      } /* End if(iter==ndim) */ 
      if (ppos == 1) {
        /* Determine which axis is varying, so we know which 
         input value from the obsmode string 
         we need to use for the interpolation */
        deltadim = computedeltadim(&points[pdim][0],&points[pdim][1]);
        if (deltadim < 0 || deltadim >= ndim) {
          printf("ERROR: Deltadim out of range: %i\n",deltadim);
          free (ndpos);
          free (ndposd);
          for (p=0;p<ndim;p++)free(bounds[p]);
        bindx[0] = points[pdim][0].pos[deltadim];
        bindx[1] = points[pdim][1].pos[deltadim];
        bvals[0] = points[pdim][0].value;
        bvals[1] = points[pdim][1].value;
        /*Perform interpolation now and record the results */
        rinterp = linterp(bindx, 2, bvals,obsvals[deltadim]);
         Update intermediate arrays with results in 
         preparation for the next iteration 
        if (rinterp == -99) return('\0');
        /* Determine where the result of this interpolation should go */
        x = floor((p-1)/2);
        xdim = floor(x/2);
        xpos = x%2;
        /* update bpos and bindx for iteration over next dimension
        points[xdim][xpos].value = rinterp;
        for (n=0;n<ndim;n++) {
          points[xdim][xpos].index[n] = points[pdim][0].index[n];
          points[xdim][xpos].pos[n] = points[pdim][0].pos[n];
        points[xdim][xpos].index[deltadim] = obsindx[deltadim];
        points[xdim][xpos].pos[deltadim] = obsvals[deltadim];
      } /* Finished with this pair of positions (end if(ppos==1)) */
    } /* End loop over p, data stored for interpolation in changing dimension */
  } /* End loop over axes(iterations), iter, for interpolation */
  /* Record result */
  value = points[0][0].value;
  /* clean up memory allocated within this function */
  free (ndpos);
  free (ndposd);
  for (p=0;p<tabrow->parnum;p++)free(bounds[p]);
  return (value);