コード例 #1
static int test_answer(const struct ccdigest_info *di, test_vector *vector, size_t answer_len, void*answer) {
    char *correct_answer = NULL;
    if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_MD2)) correct_answer = vector->md2_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_MD4)) correct_answer = vector->md4_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_MD5)) correct_answer = vector->md5_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA1)) correct_answer = vector->sha1_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA224)) correct_answer = vector->sha224_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA256)) correct_answer = vector->sha256_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA384)) correct_answer = vector->sha384_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_SHA512)) correct_answer = vector->sha512_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_RMD128)) correct_answer = vector->rmd128_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_RMD160)) correct_answer = vector->rmd160_answer;
    else if(ccdigest_oid_equal(di, (ccoid_t) CC_DIGEST_OID_RMD256)) correct_answer = vector->rmd256_answer;
    else correct_answer = vector->rmd320_answer; // hack
    byteBuffer answer_bb = bytesToBytes(answer, answer_len);
    if(correct_answer == NULL) {
        diag("\t\t\"%s\", // %s\n", bytesToHexString(answer_bb), digest_name(di));
        return 1;
    byteBuffer correct_answer_bb = hexStringToBytes((char *) correct_answer);
    ok(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb), "compare memory of answer");
    if(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb) == 0) {
        printByteBuffer(correct_answer_bb, "Correct Answer");
        printByteBuffer(answer_bb, "Provided Answer");
    return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: debugger.cpp プロジェクト: elemtype/tm
void MainWindow::handle_pushButton_decrypt_onClick()
  int size = 0;
  QString q_key = ui->textEdit_key->toPlainText();
  string s_key = string((const char *)q_key.toLocal8Bit()); 
  size = formatString(s_key);
  byte key[size];

  QString q_in = ui->textEdit_input->toPlainText();
  string s_in = string((const char *)q_in.toLocal8Bit()); 
  size = formatString(s_in);
  byte in[size];

  byte *out = NULL;
  CRYPTER *crypter = new CRYPTER(key);	
  int len = crypter->decrypt(in,size,out);

  string s_out = bytesToHexString(out,len);
  QString q_out = QString(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s_out.c_str()));
  //std::cout << "handle_pushButton_decrypt_onClick" << std::endl;

  delete out;
  delete crypter;
コード例 #3
ファイル: decomp.cpp プロジェクト: wheein/MiHaJong
void Data::verify(LPCTSTR Description_, const uint8_t* const expectedDigest_) {
	memset(actualDigest, 0, sizeof(actualDigest)); bool mdUnmatch = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
		if (expectedDigest_[i] != actualDigest[i]) mdUnmatch = true;
	if (mdUnmatch) {
		CodeConv::tostringstream o;
		o << Description_ << _T("のSHA256ハッシュ値が一致しませんでした。") <<
			_T("ファイルが壊れている虞があります。") << std::endl <<
			_T("期待されるハッシュ値: ") <<
			CodeConv::EnsureTStr(bytesToHexString(std::vector<uint8_t>(expectedDigest_, expectedDigest_ + 32))) << std::endl <<
			_T("実際のハッシュ値: ") <<
			CodeConv::EnsureTStr(bytesToHexString(std::vector<uint8_t>(actualDigest, actualDigest + 32)));
		Raise(EXCEPTION_MJCORE_HASH_MISMATCH, o.str().c_str());
	else {
		CodeConv::tostringstream o;
		o << Description_ << _T("のSHA256ハッシュ値の照合に成功しました。");
コード例 #4
ファイル: crypto_test_cmac.c プロジェクト: randombit/hacrypto
static int test_answer(char *mode_name, test_vector *vector, void*answer, char *test_type) {
    byteBuffer answer_bb = bytesToBytes(answer, CMAC_BLOCKSIZE);
    if(vector->outStr == NULL) {
        diag("/* CMAC-128 test %d */", vector->cnt);
        diag("\t\t\"%s\",\n", bytesToHexString(answer_bb));
        return 1;
    byteBuffer correct_answer_bb = hexStringToBytes((char *) vector->outStr);
    ok(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb), "compare memory of answer");
    if(bytesAreEqual(correct_answer_bb, answer_bb) == 0) {
        diag("Failed Test (%d) for CMAC-128-%s %s\n", vector->cnt, mode_name, test_type);
        printByteBuffer(correct_answer_bb, "Correct Answer");
        printByteBuffer(answer_bb, "Provided Answer");
    return 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: testbyteBuffer.c プロジェクト: WeiY/CommonCrypto
*bytesToHexStringWithSpaces(byteBuffer bb, int breaks)
	char *retval;
	size_t i, j;
    if(breaks == 0) {
        return bytesToHexString(bb);
    breaks /= 2;
	retval = malloc(bb->len*2 + 1 + (bb->len*2 / breaks) + 10);
	for(i=0, j=0; i<bb->len; i++, j+=2) {
		retval[j] = nibbleToChar(bb->bytes[i] >> 4);
		retval[j+1] = nibbleToChar(bb->bytes[i] & 0x0f);
        if(((i+1) % breaks) == 0) {
            retval[j+2] = ' ';
            retval[j+3] = 0;
	return retval;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Hash.cpp プロジェクト: WantonSoup/ufora
std::string hashToString(const Hash& in)
	return bytesToHexString((unsigned char*)&in, sizeof(in));
コード例 #7
ファイル: kext_fipspost.c プロジェクト: randombit/hacrypto
static int Integrity_POST(kmod_info_t* pkmod, void* d, int verbose)
	int result = -1; // Set to zero for sucesses until it all works
	size_t sha256DigestBufferLength = 32;

	if (NULL == d)
		if (verbose)
			kprintf("The AppleTEXTHash_t pointer was NOT passed to the Integrity_POST function\n");
		return result;

	AppleTEXTHash_t* pHashData = (AppleTEXTHash_t*)d;
	if (pHashData->ath_version != 1 || pHashData->ath_length != (int)sha256DigestBufferLength)
		if (verbose)
			kprintf("The AppleTEXTHash_t pointer passed to Integrity_POST function, is invalid\n");
		return result;
	if (NULL == pHashData->ath_hash)
		if (verbose)
			kprintf("The AppleTEXTHash_t pointer passed to Integrity_POST function,has a null HASH pointer\n");
		return result;
	unsigned long plist_hash_output_buffer_size = (sha256DigestBufferLength * 2) + 1;
	unsigned char plist_hash_output_buffer[plist_hash_output_buffer_size];
	char* pPlistHexBuf = (char*)bytesToHexString(pHashData->ath_hash, pHashData->ath_length, plist_hash_output_buffer, plist_hash_output_buffer_size);
	if (verbose)
		kprintf("Plist hmac value is    %s\n", pPlistHexBuf);
	// Now calcuate the HMAC
    struct mach_header* pmach_header = (struct mach_header*)pkmod->address;
	struct load_command* pLoadCommand = NULL;

	uint32_t num_load_commands = 0;
	if (pmach_header->magic == MH_MAGIC_64)
		struct mach_header_64* pmach64_header = (struct mach_header_64*)pmach_header;
		num_load_commands = pmach64_header->ncmds;		
		pLoadCommand = (struct load_command*)(((unsigned char*)pmach_header) + sizeof(struct mach_header_64));
	else if (pmach_header->magic == MH_MAGIC)
		num_load_commands = pmach_header->ncmds;
		pLoadCommand = (struct load_command*)(((unsigned char*)pmach_header) + sizeof(struct mach_header));

	if (NULL == pLoadCommand)
		if (verbose)
			kprintf("pLoadCommand is NULL!\n");
		return result;
	const struct ccdigest_info* di = ccsha256_di();
    unsigned char hmac_key = 0;
    cchmac_ctx_decl(di->state_size, di->block_size, ctx);
    cchmac_init(di, ctx, 1, &hmac_key);
	int hashCreated = 0;
    unsigned long iCnt;
    unsigned long jCnt;
	struct segment_command* pSniffPtr = (struct segment_command*)pLoadCommand;
	// Loop through the Segments to find the __TEXT, __text segment
	for (iCnt = 0; iCnt < num_load_commands; iCnt++)
        // The struct segment_command and the struct segment_command_64  have the same
        // first three fields so sniff the name by casting to a struct segment_command 

        if (strncmp("__TEXT", pSniffPtr->segname, strlen("__TEXT")))
            // These are not the droids we are looking for
			// MOve the SniffPtr to the next segment;
            if (LC_SEGMENT_64 == pSniffPtr->cmd)
                struct segment_command_64* pSegmentPtr = (struct segment_command_64*)pSniffPtr;
                pSniffPtr = (struct segment_command*)(((unsigned char *)pSegmentPtr) + pSegmentPtr->cmdsize);
            else if (LC_SEGMENT == pSniffPtr->cmd)
                pSniffPtr = (struct segment_command*)(((unsigned char *)pSniffPtr) + pSniffPtr->cmdsize);
			// Go back to the top of the loop and look again
		// Bingo! We found the __TEXT segment!
		// Deal with a 64 bit segment
        if (LC_SEGMENT_64 == pLoadCommand->cmd)
            struct segment_command_64* pSegmentPtr = NULL;

            // This is a 64 bit load segment command
            pSegmentPtr = (struct segment_command_64*)pSniffPtr;
            unsigned int numSections = (unsigned int)pSegmentPtr->nsects;
            struct section_64* pSectionPtr = (struct section_64*)(((unsigned char*)pSegmentPtr) + sizeof(struct segment_command_64));
            int texttextsectionprocessed = 0;

            // Need to find the __text __TEXT section
            for (jCnt = 0; jCnt < numSections; jCnt++)
                if ( !strcmp(pSectionPtr->sectname, "__text") && !strcmp(pSectionPtr->segname, "__TEXT"))
                    // Found it
                    unsigned char* pSectionData = (unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)pmach_header) + pSectionPtr->offset);

                    cchmac_update(di, ctx, (unsigned long)pSectionPtr->size, pSectionData);	
					hashCreated = 1;

                    texttextsectionprocessed = 1;
                    // Move to the next section record
            if (texttextsectionprocessed)
                // The text text section was found and processed
		else if (LC_SEGMENT == pLoadCommand->cmd) // Deal with a 32 bit segment
			struct segment_command* pSegmentPtr = NULL;

            // This is a 32 bit load segment command
            pSegmentPtr = (struct segment_command*)pLoadCommand;
            unsigned int numSections = (unsigned int)pSegmentPtr->nsects;
            struct section* pSectionPtr = (struct section*)(((unsigned char*)pSegmentPtr) + sizeof(struct segment_command));
			int texttextsectionprocessed = 0;

            // Need to find the __text __TEXT section
            for (jCnt = 0; jCnt < numSections; jCnt++)
				if ( !strcmp(pSectionPtr->sectname, "__text") && !strcmp(pSectionPtr->segname, "__TEXT"))
					// Found it
					unsigned char* pSectionData = (unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)pmach_header) + pSectionPtr->offset);

					cchmac_update(di, ctx, (unsigned long)pSectionPtr->size, pSectionData);	
					hashCreated = 1;

					texttextsectionprocessed = 1;
                    // Move to the next section record
			if (texttextsectionprocessed)
				// The text text section was found and processed
				// Time to bail on the loop
	unsigned long hash_output_buffer_size = (sha256DigestBufferLength * 2) + 1;
	unsigned char hash_output_buffer[hash_output_buffer_size];
	unsigned char hmac_buffer[sha256DigestBufferLength];
    memset(hmac_buffer, 0, sha256DigestBufferLength);
	// Check to see if the hash was created 
	if (hashCreated) 
		// finalize the HMAC
		cchmac_final(di, ctx, hmac_buffer);
	    char* pHexBuf = (char*)bytesToHexString(hmac_buffer, sha256DigestBufferLength, hash_output_buffer, hash_output_buffer_size);
		if (verbose)
	    	kprintf("Computed hmac value is %s\n", pHexBuf);
		if (verbose)
			kprintf("Integrity_POST: WARNING! could not create the hash!\n");
		return -1;
    // futz with the generated hmac
	hash_output_buffer[0] = 0;	// This will always work because it is the charter representation of the 
								// hash that is being checked.
	result = memcmp(hash_output_buffer, plist_hash_output_buffer, hash_output_buffer_size);
	return result;