コード例 #1
ファイル: pushstats.cpp プロジェクト: Rudlandh/bzflag
	virtual void Event ( bz_EventData *eventData )
			if (!eventData || !bz_getPublic())

			if (eventData->eventType == bz_eGetWorldEvent)
				bz_GetWorldEventData_V1 *data = (bz_GetWorldEventData_V1*)eventData;
				mapFile = data->worldFile.c_str();
				if (!mapFile.size())
					mapFile = "Random";
				if (eventData->eventType == bz_eListServerUpdateEvent)
					bz_ListServerUpdateEvent_V1 *data = (bz_ListServerUpdateEvent_V1*)eventData;

					const char *c = strrchr(data->address.c_str(),':');
					if (!c)
						port = "5154";
						port = c+1;

					std::string params = "action=add&";



				else if (eventData->eventType == bz_ePlayerPartEvent)
					bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1 *data = (bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData;
					std::string params = "action=part";

					if (data->playerID) // we use -1 for the parted player, then skip them in the player list. this way we always get all player data on a part

					buildHTMLPlayerList(params, data->playerID);


コード例 #2
void leagueOverSeer::updateTeamNames(void)
    int totaltanks = bz_getTeamCount(eRogueTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eRedTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eGreenTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eBlueTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(ePurpleTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eObservers);

    if (totaltanks > 0)

    // Build the POST data for the URL job
    std::string teamNameDump = "query=teamDump";
    bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Updating Team name database...");

    bz_addURLJob(LEAGUE_URL.c_str(), this, teamNameDump.c_str()); //Send the team update request to the league website
コード例 #3
void leagueOverSeer::Event(bz_EventData *eventData)
    switch (eventData->eventType)
        case bz_eCaptureEvent: //Someone caps
            bz_CTFCaptureEventData_V1 *capData = (bz_CTFCaptureEventData_V1*)eventData;

            if (officialMatch) //Only keep score if it's official
                if (capData->teamCapping == teamOne) teamOnePoints++;
                else if (capData->teamCapping == teamTwo) teamTwoPoints++;

        case bz_eGameEndEvent: //A /gameover or a match has ended
            //Clear the bool variables
            funMatch = false;
            matchStartTime = 0;
            matchParticipantsRecorded = false;

            if (doNotReportMatch && officialMatch) //The match was canceled via /gameover or /superkill and we do not want to report these matches
                officialMatch = false; //Match is over
                doNotReportMatch = false; //Reset the variable for next usage
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;
                bz_debugMessage(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Official match was not reported.");
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Official match was not reported.");
            else if (officialMatch)
                officialMatch = false; //Match is over
                time_t t = time(NULL); //Get the current time
                tm * now = gmtime(&t);
                char match_date[20];

                sprintf(match_date, "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", now->tm_year + 1900, now->tm_mon + 1, now->tm_mday, now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec); //Format the date to -> year-month-day hour:minute:second

                //Convert ints to std::string with std::ostringstream
                std::ostringstream teamOnePointsConversion;
                teamOnePointsConversion << (teamOnePoints);
                std::ostringstream teamTwoPointsConversion;
                teamTwoPointsConversion << (teamTwoPoints);
                std::ostringstream matchTimeConversion;
                matchTimeConversion << (matchDuration/60);

                //Keep references to values for quick reference
                std::string teamOnePointsFinal = teamOnePointsConversion.str();
                std::string teamTwoPointsFinal = teamTwoPointsConversion.str();
                std::string matchTimeFinal = matchTimeConversion.str();

                // Store match data in the logs
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: League Over Seer Match Report");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: -----------------------------");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Match Time      : %s", match_date);
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Duration        : %s", matchTimeFinal.c_str());
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team One Score  : %s", teamOnePointsFinal.c_str());
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team Two Score  : %s", teamTwoPointsFinal.c_str());

                // Start building POST data to be sent to the league website
                std::string matchToSend = "query=reportMatch";
                matchToSend += "&teamOneWins=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(teamOnePointsFinal.c_str()));
                matchToSend += "&teamTwoWins=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(teamTwoPointsFinal.c_str()));

                matchToSend += "&duration=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(matchTimeFinal.c_str())) + "&matchTime=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(match_date));

                if (rotLeague) //Only add this parameter if it's a rotational league such as Open League
                    matchToSend += "&mapPlayed=" + std::string(bz_urlEncode(map.c_str()));

                matchToSend += "&teamOnePlayers=";
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team One Players");

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matchPlayers.size(); i++) //Add all the red players to the match report
                    if (matchPlayers.at(i).team == teamOne)
                        matchToSend += std::string(bz_urlEncode(matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str())) + ",";
                        bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data ::  %s (%s)", matchPlayers.at(i).callsign.c_str(), matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str());

                matchToSend.erase(matchToSend.size() - 1);
                matchToSend += "&teamTwoPlayers=";
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: Team Two Players");

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matchPlayers.size(); i++) //Add all the red players to the match report
                    if (matchPlayers.at(i).team == teamTwo)
                        matchToSend += std::string(bz_urlEncode(matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str())) + ",";
                        bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data ::  %s (%s)", matchPlayers.at(i).callsign.c_str(), matchPlayers.at(i).bzid.c_str());

                matchToSend.erase(matchToSend.size() - 1);

                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: -----------------------------");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "Match Data :: End of Match Report");
                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Reporting match data...");
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, BZ_ALLUSERS, "Reporting match...");

                bz_addURLJob(LEAGUE_URL.c_str(), this, matchToSend.c_str()); //Send the match data to the league website

                //Clear all the structures and scores for next match
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;
                bz_debugMessage(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Fun match was not reported.");

        case bz_eGameStartEvent: //The countdown has started
            if (officialMatch) //Don't waste memory if the match isn't official
                //Set the team scores to zero just in case
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;
                matchDuration = bz_getTimeLimit();
                matchStartTime = bz_getCurrentTime();
                doNotReportMatch = false;

        case bz_eGetPlayerMotto: // Change the motto of a player when they join
            bz_GetPlayerMottoData_V2* mottoEvent = (bz_GetPlayerMottoData_V2*)eventData;

            // Prepare the SQL query with the BZID of the player
            sqlite3_bind_text(getPlayerMotto, 1, mottoEvent->record->bzID.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);

            if (sqlite3_step(getPlayerMotto) == SQLITE_ROW) // If returns a team name, use it
                mottoEvent->motto = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(getPlayerMotto, 0);
                mottoEvent->motto = "";

            sqlite3_reset(getPlayerMotto); //Clear the prepared statement so it can be reused

        case bz_ePlayerJoinEvent: //A player joins
            bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1 *joinData = (bz_PlayerJoinPartEventData_V1*)eventData;

            if (!joinData)

            if ((bz_isCountDownActive() || bz_isCountDownInProgress()) && officialMatch)
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, joinData->playerID, "*** There is currently an official match in progress, please be respectful. ***");
            else if ((bz_isCountDownActive() || bz_isCountDownInProgress()) && funMatch)
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, joinData->playerID, "*** There is currently a fun match in progress, please be respectful. ***");

            if (joinData->record->verified)
                // Build the POST data for the URL job
                std::string teamMotto = "query=teamNameQuery";
                teamMotto += "&teamPlayers=" + std::string(joinData->record->bzID.c_str());

                bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Getting motto for %s...", joinData->record->callsign.c_str());

                bz_addURLJob(LEAGUE_URL.c_str(), this, teamMotto.c_str()); //Send the team update request to the league website

        case bz_eSlashCommandEvent: //Someone uses a slash command
            bz_SlashCommandEventData_V1 *commandData = (bz_SlashCommandEventData_V1*)eventData;
            bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerData = bz_getPlayerByIndex(commandData->from);
            std::string command = commandData->message.c_str(); //Use std::string for quick reference

            if (strncmp("/gameover", commandData->message.c_str(), 9) == 0)
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/gameover' is disabled, please use /finish or /cancel instead **");
            else if (strncmp("/countdown pause", commandData->message.c_str(), 16) == 0)
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/countdown pause' is disabled, please use /pause instead **");
            else if (strncmp("/countdown resume", commandData->message.c_str(), 17 ) == 0)
                bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/countdown resume' is disabled, please use /resume instead **");
            else if (isdigit(atoi(commandData->message.c_str()) + 12))
                bz_sendTextMessage(BZ_SERVER, commandData->from, "** '/countdown TIME' is disabled, please use /official or /fm instead **");


        case bz_eTickEvent: //Tick tock tick tock...
            int totaltanks = bz_getTeamCount(eRogueTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eRedTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eGreenTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(eBlueTeam) + bz_getTeamCount(ePurpleTeam);

            if (totaltanks == 0)
                //Incase a boolean gets messed up in the plugin, reset all the plugin variables when there are no players (Observers excluded)
                officialMatch = false;
                doNotReportMatch = false;
                funMatch = false;
                teamOnePoints = 0;
                teamTwoPoints = 0;

                //This should never happen but just incase the countdown is going when there are no tanks
                if (bz_isCountDownActive())
                    bz_gameOver(253, eObservers);

            if (matchStartTime > 0 && matchStartTime + matchRollCall < bz_getCurrentTime() && officialMatch && !matchParticipantsRecorded)
                bool invalidateRollCall = false;
                bz_APIIntList *playerList = bz_newIntList();

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < playerList->size(); i++)
                    bz_BasePlayerRecord *playerRecord = bz_getPlayerByIndex(playerList->get(i));

                    if (bz_getPlayerTeam(playerList->get(i)) != eObservers) //If player is not an observer
                        playersInMatch currentPlayer;
                        currentPlayer.team = playerRecord->team; //Add team to structure
                        currentPlayer.callsign = playerRecord->callsign.c_str(); //Add team to structure
                        currentPlayer.bzid = playerRecord->bzID.c_str(); //Add bzid to structure

                        if (std::string(playerRecord->bzID.c_str()).empty())
                            invalidateRollCall = true;




                if (invalidateRollCall && matchRollCall < matchDuration)
                    bz_debugMessagef(DEBUG, "DEBUG :: League Over Seer :: Invalid player found on field at %i:%i.", (int)(matchRollCall/60), (int)(fmod(matchRollCall,60.0)));

                    matchParticipantsRecorded = false;
                    matchRollCall += 30;
                    matchParticipantsRecorded = true;

コード例 #4
ファイル: plugin_HTTP.cpp プロジェクト: szakats/bzflag_mirror
bool BZFSHTTPAuth::verifyToken ( const HTTPRequest &request, HTTPReply &reply )
  // build up the groups list
  std::string token,user;

  std::vector<std::string> groups;

  std::map<int, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator itr = authLevels.begin();

  while (itr != authLevels.end())
    for (size_t i = 0; i < itr->second.size();i++)
      std::string &perm = itr->second[i];

      std::vector<std::string> groupsWithPerm;

      if (compare_nocase(perm,"ADMIN")==0)
	groupsWithPerm = findGroupsWithAdmin();
	groupsWithPerm = findGroupsWithPerm(perm);

      // only add groups that are not in the list yet
      for (size_t g = 0; g < groupsWithPerm.size(); g++)
	if (std::find(groups.begin(),groups.end(),groupsWithPerm[g]) == groups.end())

  PendingTokenTask *task = new PendingTokenTask;

  if (!user.size() || !token.size())
    reply.body += "Invalid response";
    reply.docType = HTTPReply::eText;
    return true;
  task->requestID = request.requestID;
  task->URL = "http://my.bzflag.org/db/";
  task->URL += "?action=CHECKTOKENS&checktokens=" + url_encode(user);
  if (!ipIsLocal(request.ip))
    task->URL += "@" + request.ip;
  task->URL += "%3D" + token;

  task->URL += "&groups=";
  for (size_t g = 0; g < groups.size(); g++)
    task->URL += groups[g];
    if ( g+1 < groups.size())
      task->URL += "%0D%0A";

  // give the task to bzfs and let it do it, when it's done it'll be processed

  return false;