コード例 #1
void build_tau(double **data, double *tau, int *ncols, int *nrows,
    int *imaginary, double *phi) {

int i = 0, j = 0, res_ncols = *ncols + 1;
double temp = 0;
double *mean = NULL, *mat = NULL;

  /* allocate mean vector and covariance matrix. */
  mean = alloc1dreal(*ncols);
  mat = alloc1dreal((*ncols) * (*ncols));

  /* compute the mean values.  */
  for (i = 0; i < *ncols; i++) {

    for (j = 0 ; j < *nrows; j++)
      mean[i] += data[i][j];

    mean[i] /= (*nrows);


  /* compute the covariance matrix... */
  c_covmat(data, mean, ncols, nrows, mat);
  /* ... multiply it by the phi coefficient... */
  for (i = 0; i < *ncols; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < *ncols; j++)
      mat[CMC(i, j, *ncols)] *= (*phi);

  /* ... compute the pseudoinverse... */
  c_ginv(mat, ncols, mat);

  /* ... and store it in the bottom-right corner of the tau matrix. */
  for (i = 1; i < res_ncols; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < res_ncols; j++)
      tau[CMC(i, j, res_ncols)] = mat[CMC(i - 1, j - 1, *ncols)];

  /* fill the top-right and bottom-left corners. */
  for (i = 1; i < *ncols + 1; i++) {

    temp = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < *ncols; j++)
      temp += mean[j] * mat[CMC(j, i - 1, *ncols)];

    tau[CMC(i, 0, res_ncols)] = tau[CMC(0, i, res_ncols)] = -temp;


  /* fill the top-left corner. */
  for (i = 1; i < res_ncols; i++)
    tau[CMC(0, 0, res_ncols)] += - mean[i - 1] * tau[CMC(i, 0, res_ncols)];

  tau[CMC(0, 0, res_ncols)] += 1/((double) *imaginary);

  /* perform the final (pseudo)inversion. */
  c_ginv(tau, &res_ncols, tau);

コード例 #2
ファイル: monte.carlo.c プロジェクト: gasse/bnlearn-clone
/* conditional Monte Carlo simulation for correlation-based tests. */
SEXP gauss_cmcarlo(SEXP data, SEXP length, SEXP samples, SEXP test, SEXP alpha) {

int j = 0, k = 0, ncols = LENGTH(data), errcode = 0, *work = NULL, *perm = NULL;
int error_counter = 0, *B = INTEGER(samples), *num = INTEGER(length);
double observed = 0, permuted = 0, *yperm = NULL, *yorig = NULL, *res = NULL;
double enough = ceil(NUM(alpha) * (*B)) + 1;
double **column = NULL, *mean = NULL, *covariance = NULL, *covariance_backup = NULL;
double *u = NULL, *d = NULL, *vt = NULL;
SEXP result;

  /* allocate the matrices needed for the SVD decomposition. */
  u = alloc1dreal(ncols * ncols);
  d = alloc1dreal(ncols);
  vt = alloc1dreal(ncols * ncols);

  /* allocate and initialize the result. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
  res = REAL(result);
  *res = 0;

  /* allocate and initialize an array of pointers for the variables. */
  column = (double **) alloc1dpointer(ncols);
  for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
    column[j] = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(data, j));

  /* cache the means of the variables (they are invariant under permutation). */
  mean = alloc1dreal(ncols);

  /* compute the mean values  */
  for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {

    for (k = 0 ; k < *num; k++)
      mean[j] += column[j][k];

    mean[j] /= (*num);


  /* allocate and initialize the covariance matrix. */
  covariance = alloc1dreal(ncols * ncols);
  covariance_backup = alloc1dreal(ncols * ncols);
  c_covmat(column, mean, &ncols, num, covariance);
  memcpy(covariance_backup, covariance, ncols * ncols * sizeof(double));

  /* substitute the original data with the fake column that will be permuted. */
  yperm = alloc1dreal(*num);
  yorig = column[1];
  memcpy(yperm, yorig, *num * sizeof(double));
  column[1] = yperm;

   /* allocate the arrays needed by RandomPermutation. */
  perm = alloc1dcont(*num);
  work = alloc1dcont(*num);

  /* initialize the random number generator. */

  /* pick up the observed value of the test statistic, then generate a set of
     random permutations (all variable but the second are fixed) and check how
     many tests are greater (in absolute value) than the original one.*/
  switch(INT(test)) {

    case FISHER_Z:
      observed = c_fast_pcor(covariance, &ncols, u, d, vt, &errcode);

      if (errcode)
        error("an error (%d) occurred in the call to dgesvd().\n", errcode);

      for (j = 0; j < (*B); j++) {

        /* reset the error flag of the SVD Fortran routine. */
        errcode = 0;

        RandomPermutation(*num, perm, work);

        for (k = 0; k < *num; k++)
          yperm[k] = yorig[perm[k]];

        /* restore the covariance matrix from the good copy. */
        memcpy(covariance, covariance_backup, ncols * ncols * sizeof(double));
        /* update the relevant covariances. */
        c_update_covmat(column, mean, 1, &ncols, num, covariance);

        permuted = c_fast_pcor(covariance, &ncols, u, d, vt, &errcode);

        if (errcode != 0)

        if (fabs(permuted) > fabs(observed)) {




    if (error_counter > 0)
      warning("unable to compute %d permutations due to errors in dgesvd().\n",




  /* save the observed p-value. */
  *res /= *B;


  return result;

コード例 #3
ファイル: ctest.c プロジェクト: stochasticresearch/bnlearn-r
/* parametric tests for Gaussian variables. */
static double ct_gaustests(SEXP xx, SEXP yy, SEXP zz, int nobs, int ntests,
    double *pvalue, double *df, test_e test) {

int i = 0, nsx = length(zz), ncols = nsx + 2;
double transform = 0, **column = NULL, *mean = NULL, statistic = 0, lambda = 0;
double *u = NULL, *d = NULL, *vt = NULL, *cov = NULL, *basecov = 0;

  /* compute the degrees of freedom for correlation and mutual information. */
  if (test == COR)
    *df = nobs - ncols;
  else if ((test == MI_G) || (test == MI_G_SH))
    *df = 1;

  if (((test == COR) && (*df < 1)) || ((test == ZF) && (nobs - ncols < 2))) {

    /* if there are not enough degrees of freedom, return independence. */
    warning("trying to do a conditional independence test with zero degrees of freedom.");

    *df = 0;
    statistic = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++)
      pvalue[i] = 1;

    return statistic;



  if (ntests > 1) {

    /* allocate and compute mean values and the covariance matrix. */
    mean = Calloc1D(ncols, sizeof(double));
    c_meanvec(column, mean, nobs, ncols, 1);
    c_covmat(column, mean, ncols, nobs, cov, 1);
    memcpy(basecov, cov, ncols * ncols * sizeof(double));

    for (i = 0; i < ntests; i++) {


      if (test == COR) {

        transform = cor_t_trans(statistic, *df);
        pvalue[i] = 2 * pt(fabs(transform), *df, FALSE, FALSE);

      else if (test == MI_G) {

        statistic = 2 * nobs * cor_mi_trans(statistic);
        pvalue[i] = pchisq(statistic, *df, FALSE, FALSE);

      else if (test == MI_G_SH) {

        lambda = covmat_lambda(column, mean, cov, nobs, ncols);
        covmat_shrink(cov, ncols, lambda);
        statistic = 2 * nobs * cor_mi_trans(statistic);
        pvalue[i] = pchisq(statistic, *df, FALSE, FALSE);

      else if (test == ZF) {

        statistic = cor_zf_trans(statistic, (double)nobs - ncols);
        pvalue[i] = 2 * pnorm(fabs(statistic), 0, 1, FALSE, FALSE);



  else {


    if (test == COR) {

      transform = cor_t_trans(statistic, *df);
      pvalue[0] = 2 * pt(fabs(transform), *df, FALSE, FALSE);

    else if (test == MI_G) {

      statistic = 2 * nobs * cor_mi_trans(statistic);
      pvalue[0] = pchisq(statistic, *df, FALSE, FALSE);

    else if (test == MI_G_SH) {

      lambda = covmat_lambda(column, mean, cov, nobs, ncols);
      covmat_shrink(cov, ncols, lambda);
      statistic = 2 * nobs * cor_mi_trans(statistic);
      pvalue[0] = pchisq(statistic, *df, FALSE, FALSE);

    else if (test == ZF) {

      statistic = cor_zf_trans(statistic, (double)nobs - ncols);
      pvalue[0] = 2 * pnorm(fabs(statistic), 0, 1, FALSE, FALSE);





  return statistic;