コード例 #1
ファイル: magma_task_d.cpp プロジェクト: cjy7117/FT-MAGMA
void magma_task_dfree_pinned_index(Schedule* sched_obj )
    double **A; 
    magma_int_t index;
    void *dep_ptr;
#if (dbglevel >=1)
//    printf("doing dmalloc\n");
    schedule_unpack_args_3(sched_obj, A, index, dep_ptr);
//    printf("doing dmalloc %p\n",dep_ptr);

    //printf("using malloc instead, *** TODO: fix\n");
    //A = (double**) malloc(size * sizeof(double));

    //printf("*** using simpl free\n");

#if (dbglevel >=1)

コード例 #2
ファイル: magma_task_d.cpp プロジェクト: cjy7117/FT-MAGMA
 void magma_task_dgetmatrix_transpose(Schedule* sched_obj )               
    magma_int_t m;
    magma_int_t nb;
    double *dA_src;
    magma_int_t dA_LD;
    double *A_dst;
    magma_int_t LDA;
    double *dwork;
    magma_int_t dwork_LD;

    void *dep_ptr;

#if (dbglevel >=1)

//    printf("Matrix_get_transpose\n");
    //schedule_unpack_args_8(sched_obj, m,  nb, dA_src,  dA_LD, A_dst,  LDA, dwork, dwork_LD);
    schedule_unpack_args_9(sched_obj, m,  nb, dA_src,  dA_LD, A_dst,  LDA, dwork, dwork_LD, dep_ptr);

//    printf("Matrix_get_transpose m:%d, nb:%d, dep_ptr:%p\n",m,nb,dep_ptr);

    //magma_dgetmatrix_transpose( m,  nb, dA_src,  dA_LD, A_dst,  LDA);
     // task_getpanel(gpu_nrows, ncols, dAT(K,K+A_N), dAT_LD, A(K,K+A_N), A_LD);
#if (dbglevel==10)
            ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(nb, m, dA_src, dA_LD, "dA before getMatrix");
//            pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_dAP);
    /*1.transpose dA to dwork*/
    magmablas_dtranspose2(dwork, dwork_LD, dA_src, dA_LD,  nb, m);
//    printf("Matrix_get_transpose m:%d, nb:%d 1:done\n",m,nb);
#if (dbglevel==10)
//            ca_dbg_printMat_gpu(m, nb, dwork, dwork_LD, "dwork after dA transpose");
    /*2. copy dwork to A: send the panel to GPU*/
    magma_dgetmatrix(m, nb, dwork, dwork_LD, A_dst, LDA);
//    printf("Matrix_get_transpose m:%d, nb:%d 2:done\n",m,nb);
//    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_dAP);
#if (dbglevel==10)
            ca_dbg_printMat(m, nb, A_dst, LDA, "A after getMatrix");
#if (dbglevel >=1)

//    printf("End Matrix_get_transpose m:%d, nb:%d\n",m,nb);
コード例 #3
ファイル: magma_task_d.cpp プロジェクト: cjy7117/FT-MAGMA
void magma_task_dfree_pinned(Schedule* sched_obj )
    double *A; 
    void *dep_ptr;
#if (dbglevel >=1)
//    printf("doing dmalloc\n");
    schedule_unpack_args_2(sched_obj, A, dep_ptr);
//    printf("doing dmalloc %p\n",dep_ptr);

    //printf("using malloc instead, *** TODO: fix\n");
    //A = (double**) malloc(size * sizeof(double));

#if (dbglevel >=1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: magma_task_d.cpp プロジェクト: cjy7117/FT-MAGMA
void magma_task_dgemm(Schedule* sched_obj  )
    magma_trans_t transA;
    magma_trans_t transB;
    magma_int_t m;
    magma_int_t n;
    magma_int_t k;
    double alpha;
    double *dA;
    magma_int_t lda;
    double *dB;
    magma_int_t ldb;
    double beta;
    double *dC;
    magma_int_t ldc;

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    schedule_unpack_args_13(sched_obj,transA,  transB,  m,  n,  k, alpha, dA,  lda, dB,  ldb, beta, dC,  ldc);

#if (dbglevel==10)
            ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, k, dA, lda, "A before magma_dgemm");
            ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(k, n, dB, ldb, "B before magma_dgemm");
            ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, n, dC, ldc, "C before magma_dgemm");

    magma_dgemm( transA,  transB,  m,  n,  k, alpha, dA,  lda, dB,  ldb, beta, dC,  ldc );
     //magma_task_dgemm('N','N', gpu_ncols, gpu_nrows, nb, c_neg_one, dAT(K,K+A_N), dAT_LD, dAT(K+1,K), dAT_LD, c_one, dAT(K+1,K+A_N), dAT_LD);

#if (dbglevel==10)
            ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, n, dC, ldc, "C after magma_dgemm");
#if (dbglevel >=1)
コード例 #5
ファイル: magma_task_d.cpp プロジェクト: cjy7117/FT-MAGMA
void magma_task_dlaswp(Schedule* sched_obj   )
    magma_int_t n;
    double *dA;
    magma_int_t lda;
    magma_int_t i1;
    magma_int_t i2;
    magma_int_t *ipiv;
    magma_int_t inci;
#if (dbglevel >=1)
    schedule_unpack_args_7(sched_obj,n, dA,  lda,  i1,  i2,  ipiv,  inci);

    magmablas_dlaswp(  n, dA,  lda,  i1,  i2,  ipiv,  inci );
     //magma_task_dlaswp(gpu_ncols, dAT(K,K+A_N), dAT_LD, c_one, nb, &ipiv[K], c_one);
#if (dbglevel >=1)
コード例 #6
ファイル: magma_task_d.cpp プロジェクト: cjy7117/FT-MAGMA
 void magma_task_dsetmatrix_transpose(Schedule* sched_obj)
    magma_int_t m;
    magma_int_t nb;
    double *A_src;
    magma_int_t LDA;
    double *dA_dst;
    magma_int_t dA_LD;
    double *dwork;
    magma_int_t dwork_LD;
#if (dbglevel >=1)

    schedule_unpack_args_8(sched_obj, m,  nb, A_src,  LDA, dA_dst,  dA_LD, dwork, dwork_LD);

    //magma_dsetmatrix_transpose( m,  nb, A_src,  LDA, dA_dst,  dA_LD);
      //task_setpanel(A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, dA(0,K), dA_LD)

#if (dbglevel==10)
            ca_dbg_printMat(m, nb, A_src, LDA, "A before setMatrix");
//            pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_dAP);
    /*1. copy A to dwork: send to the GPU*/
    magma_dsetmatrix(m, nb, A_src, LDA, dwork, dwork_LD);
#if (dbglevel==10)
//            ca_dbg_printMat_gpu(m, nb, dwork, dwork_LD, "dwork after setMatrix");
    /*2.transpose dwork to dA*/
    magmablas_dtranspose2(dA_dst, dA_LD, dwork, dwork_LD, m, nb);
//    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_dAP);
#if (dbglevel==10)
            ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(nb, m, dA_dst, dA_LD, "dA after setMatrix");
#if (dbglevel >=1)
コード例 #7
ファイル: magma_task_d.cpp プロジェクト: cjy7117/FT-MAGMA
void magma_task_dtrsm(Schedule* sched_obj  )
    magma_side_t side;
    magma_uplo_t uplo;
    magma_trans_t trans;
    magma_diag_t diag;
    magma_int_t m;
    magma_int_t n;
    double alpha;
    double *dA;
    magma_int_t lda;
    double *dB;
    magma_int_t ldb;
#if (dbglevel >=1)
    schedule_unpack_args_11(sched_obj,side,  uplo,  trans,  diag,  m,  n, alpha, dA,  lda, dB,  ldb);
    magma_dtrsm( side,  uplo,  trans,  diag,  m,  n, alpha, dA,  lda, dB,  ldb );
     //magma_task_dtrsm('R', 'U', 'N', 'U', gpu_ncols, nb, c_one, dAT(K,K), dAT_LD, dAT(K,K+A_N), dAT_LD);
#if (dbglevel >=1)
コード例 #8
extern "C" magma_int_t 
magma_dgetrf_mgpu_work_amc_v3(magma_int_t num_gpus,
magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n,  
double **dlA, magma_int_t dlA_LD, 
magma_int_t *ipiv, magma_int_t *info,
/*workspace on the cpu side*/
double *AWORK, magma_int_t AWORK_LD, magma_int_t AWORK_n
/*  -- MAGMA (version 1.5.0-beta3) -- 
       Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville 
       Univ. of California, Berkeley 
       Univ. of Colorado, Denver 
       November 2011 
    DGETRF_REC_ASYNC computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A 
    using partial pivoting with row interchanges. The technique used for the panel factorization
    is the parallel recursif LU (see lawn 259).
    The factorization has the form 
       A = P * L * U 
    where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit 
    diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper 
    triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). 
    This is the right-looking Level 3 BLAS version of the algorithm. 
            (input) INTEGER
            The number of GPUS to be used for the factorization.
    M       (input) INTEGER 
            The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0. 
    N       (input) INTEGER 
            The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0. 
    A       (input/output) DOUBLE_PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (LDDA,N). 
            On entry, the M-by-N matrix to be factored. 
            On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization 
            A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. 
    LDDA     (input) INTEGER 
            The leading dimension of the array A.  LDDA >= max(1,M). 
    IPIV    (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N)) 
            The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the 
            matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). 
    INFO    (output) INTEGER 
            = 0:  successful exit 
            < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value 
                  or another error occured, such as memory allocation failed. 
            > 0:  if INFO = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization 
                  has been completed, but the factor U is exactly 
                  singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used 
                  to solve a system of equations.

    =====================================================================    */ 
    double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE; 
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE; 
    int ONE = 1; 
    magma_int_t iinfo, nb; 
    magma_int_t mindim; 
    magma_int_t nrows, ncols; 
    //double *work; 
     magma_int_t dm_max, dn_max; 
     magma_int_t I, J, K, M, N, U_K, L; 
     //magma_int_t A_m, A_n, A_N; 
     //magma_int_t Am_max, An_max; 
     //magma_int_t A_nb; 
     //magma_int_t A_K; 
     double **dlAT; 
     magma_int_t dlAT_LD; 
     double *dlAP_get[MagmaMaxGPUs]; //*dlAP_set[MagmaMaxGPUs]
     double *dlAP_set[MagmaMaxGPUs];
     magma_int_t dlAP_LD;

     double *dlpanel[MagmaMaxGPUs];
     magma_int_t dlpanel_LD;

     int *n_local, *nr_local;

     //magma_int_t nrows, ncols; 
     magma_int_t gpu_nrows, gpu_ncols; 
     int nbcores; /*Number of cores available for the whole factorization*/ 
     int panel_num_threads; /*Number of threads for the panel*/ 
     double dcpu; /*percentage of the matrix to allocate on the CPUs*/ 
    int B_rows;

    double t1;
    // magma_int_t AWORK_NMAX;
    // magma_int_t AWORK_m, AWORK_n, AWORK_N;

     /* Recommanded dimension in the workspace*/ 
     int A_m, A_n, A_N, A_NMAX, A_LD;
     int A_NP1;
     double *A;

     amc_args_t *args;
    /*magma_event_t *A_event;*/ /*Control bucket*/
     magma_queue_t mstream[MagmaMaxGPUs][3]; /*0: H2D, 1: compute, 2:D2H*/
     int dd;

//     double *tmpdA;

    /* Check arguments */ 
    *info = 0; 
    if (m < 0) 
        *info = -1; 
    else if (n < 0) 
        *info = -2; 
    else if (dlA_LD < max(1,m)) 
        *info = -4; 
    else if (AWORK_LD < max(1,m)) 
        *info = -5;

    if (*info != 0) { 
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) ); 
        return *info; 
    /* Quick return if possible */ 
    if (m == 0 || n == 0) 
        return *info; 

     /*Get parameters*/ 
    args = magma_amc_args_get_default();
     nb= args->nb;

     nbcores = args->P;  
     panel_num_threads = args->Pr; 
     dcpu = args->dcpu;

     /* Check and fix parameters */
        nb     = magma_get_dgetrf_nb(m) ;/*magma dgetrf block size*/ 
        nb = args->nb;

     if(nb>n) nb = n; 
     if(panel_num_threads>nbcores) panel_num_threads = nbcores;

     /*check the buffer size*/

         printf("Not enough buffer. Should be greater than the block size: %d\n", nb);

     /* Compute the number of blocks columns to factorize*/
     N  = (int) ceil( (double) min(m, n) / nb);

     /* Compute the maximum number of panels we can store in the workspace*/
     A_NMAX = (int) (AWORK_n/ nb);

     /*Compute the recommanded number of panels for the cpu part*/
     A_N = NSplit(N, dcpu);

     /* Compute the recommanded number of columns for the cpu part*/
     A_n = A_N*nb;//(int) ceil(n*dcpu);

     //     A_n = nb;//make sure workspace has at least one block column

     /*Make sure we work with multiple of 32*/
     if(A_n%32!=0) {
         A_n = ((A_n + 31)/32)*32;

     /* Compute the recommanded number of panels for the cpu part*/
    // A_N = (int) (A_n/ nb);
     /* Check if there are enough workspace. In case the user gave a workspace lower than the optimal*/
     /* NOTE: using small workspace may reduce performance*/


#if (dbglevel >=1)
        printf("[DBG_WARNING] Resizing buffer to feet user preferences. Recommanded:%d, Max given:%d\n",A_N, A_NMAX); 
        A_N = A_NMAX;

        /*Make A_n a multiple of nb*/
        A_n = A_N*nb;
     A = AWORK;
     A_m = m;
     A_LD = AWORK_LD;

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    /* Initialize the tracing*/
    ca_dbg_trace_init(nbcores,num_gpus); //nbcores + 1 GPU

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    t1 = magma_wtime();

    /* create the streams */
    //mstream = (magma_queue_t *)    malloc(num_gpus*sizeof(magma_queue_t));

       magma_setdevice(dd); //required

       /*Set the stream for internal computations*/
       //magmablasSetKernelStream(0); /*Use 0 instead of mstream[dd][1], MagmasetkernelStream is not thread safe*/ /*TODO: mae it safe*/

       //task_dev_set_compute_stream(dd, mstream[dd][1]);
       magma_task_dev_set_compute_stream(dd, 0); //set to mstream 1 later


     /* Matrix dimension */
     dm_max = m;
     dn_max = n;

    /*Make sure m and n are multiple of 32*/
     if(dm_max%32!=0) dm_max = ((dm_max + 31)/32)*32;
     if(dn_max%32!=0) dn_max = ((dn_max + 31)/32)*32;

     /* local dimensions of the matrix for each GPU*/
     n_local = (int *)    malloc(num_gpus*sizeof(int)); /*This do no change during the execution*/
     nr_local = (int *)    malloc(num_gpus*sizeof(int)); /*Change after each update of the trailing submatrix*/

        n_local[dd] = numcols2p(dd, n, nb, num_gpus); //loc2p(dd, N, num_gpus)*nb;    
        nr_local[dd] = n_local[dd];

     /*Allocate a workspace for the panels transposition*/ 

     dlAP_LD = dm_max; 
     //if(dAP_LD%32!=0) dAP_LD = ((dAP_LD + 31)/32)*32;/*Make dAP_LD multiple of 32*/
    /// dlAP_set = (double **)    malloc(num_gpus*sizeof(double*));
     //dlAP_get = (double **)    malloc(num_gpus*sizeof(double*));


         if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc( &dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD*nb)) { 
                *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
                return *info; 
        if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc(&tmpdA, dlAP_LD*nb)) { 
                *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
                return *info; 
        if ( magma_is_devptr(dlAP_set[dd] ) == 0 ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: dlAP_set[dd] is host pointer.\n" );

        //cudaMemcpy(dlAP_set[dd],&tmpdA,sizeof(double*), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

        #if (dbglevel==10) 
            //ca_dbg_printMat_gpu(2, 2, dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, "dlAP_set[dd] for testing");
            //cudaMemcpy(&tmpdA, &dlAP_set[dd], sizeof(double*), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
            //ca_dbg_printMat_gpu(2, 2, tmpdA, dlAP_LD, "dlAP_set[dd] for testing");
            //printf("0.5: int to continue"); scanf("%d", &I);

         if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc(&dlAP_get[dd], dlAP_LD*nb)) { 
                //magma_free(dlAP_set); //TODO: free all previous buffers
                *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
                return *info; 

    /* Workspace for the panels */

    // dlpanel = (double **)    malloc(num_gpus*sizeof(double*));

         if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc(&dlpanel[dd], nb*dm_max)) { 

                *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
                return *info; 

      dlpanel_LD = nb;

    /*local matrix storage*/
    dlAT = (double **)    malloc(num_gpus*sizeof(double*));

    dlAT_LD = n_local[0];

    if(dlAT_LD%32!=0) dlAT_LD = ((dlAT_LD + 31)/32)*32;


        if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc(&dlAT[dd], dlAT_LD*dm_max )) { 
                    magma_free( dlAP_set[J]); 
                    magma_free( dlAP_get[J]);
            *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
            return *info; 


#if (dbglevel >=1)
    printf("[DBG] Time workspace memory alloc (dAP): %f\n",magma_wtime()-t1);
    t1 = magma_wtime();

    /*1. Transfer the first column blocks of the matrix from the GPU to the CPUs.*/ 
    //magma_dgetmatrix(A_m, A_n, dA, dA_LD, A, A_LD); 
    magma_dgetmatrix_1D_col_bcyclic(A_m, A_n, dlA, dlA_LD, A, A_LD, num_gpus, nb);

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    printf("[DBG] Time First getmatrix: %f\n",magma_wtime()-t1);
    t1 = magma_wtime();

#if (dbglevel==10) 
    ca_dbg_printMat(A_m, A_n, A, A_LD,"A after first getMatrix"); 

        //Fill the matrix with zero for easy visualization of the matrix in debug mode
        for(I=0;I<dlAT_LD*dm_max;I++)  dlAT[dd][I] = 0.0;
//    ca_dbg_printMat_mgpu(num_gpus,  m, n_local, dlAT, dlAT_LD,"matrix dAlT^T empty");
//    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_mgpu(num_gpus,  n_local, m, dlAT, dlAT_LD,"matrix dAT empty");

    /*Update the remaining number of columns on the GPUs.*/
        nr_local[dd] = nr_local[dd] - numcols2p(dd, A_n, nb, num_gpus); //;n_local[dd] - loc2p(dd, A_N, num_gpus)*nb;        

#if (dbglevel==10) 
    ca_dbg_printMat_mgpu(num_gpus, m, n_local, dlA, dlA_LD,"matrix dA to factorize");


    magmablas_dtranspose2(dlAT[dd], dlAT_LD, dlA[dd], dlA_LD, m, n_local[dd]);


    magma_task_dev_set_compute_stream(dd, mstream[dd][1]);

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    printf("[DBG] Time First transposition: %f\n",magma_wtime()-t1);
    t1 = magma_wtime();

#if (dbglevel==10) 
    //ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_mgpu(num_gpus, n_local, m, dlAT, dlAT_LD,"matrix dAT to factorize");
    dd = GID(A_N);

    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(nb, m, dlAT(0, A_N), dlAT_LD,"matrix dAT(0, A_N)");
    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, nb, dlA(0, A_N), dlA_LD,"matrix dA(0, A_N)");

    printf("int to continue"); scanf("%d", &I);

#if (dbglevel==10) 
    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_mgpu(num_gpus, m, n_local, dlAT, dlAT_LD,"matrix dAT to factorize");

     /* Compute the maximun number of steps*/
     mindim = min(m, n); 
     M      = (int) ceil( (double) m / nb); 
     N      = (int) ceil( (double) mindim / nb); /*N = n/nb*/

     /* 3. Let the asynchronous algorithm begin*/ 
#if (dbglevel >=1)
     printf("Starting recursif code ... m:%d, n:%d, nb:%d, nbcores:%d, N:%d, A_N:%d\n", m, n, nb, nbcores, N, A_N); //Summary

     /*Initialize the scheduler*/ 
     magma_schedule_init(nbcores, num_gpus); 

     K = 0; 
     /*initialize parallel recursif panel environment*/

     /*Schedule the first panel factorization*/ 
     magma_insert_core_dgetrf_rec(A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, ipiv(0), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K));  
     //magma_insert_core_dgetrf(A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, ipiv(0), &iinfo, colptr(K)); 
     /*Transfer the factorized panel in the buffer of GPU (dlpanel)*/

        ///magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(dd, A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, dlpanel(dd,K), dlpanel_LD, dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K), dlpanel[dd]);
        magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_async_transpose(dd, A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, dlpanel(dd,K), dlpanel_LD, mstream[dd][0], dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K), dlpanel(dd,K)); //dlpanel[dd]

#if (dbglevel==10) 

        ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(nb, m, dlpanel(dd,K), dlpanel_LD,"dlpanel[dd] after setmatrix_async"); //dlpanel[dd]
    printf("4.5: int to continue"); scanf("%d", &I);
     /*Transfer also the factorized panel on its right position in the final matrix (transposition included)*/ 
     /*TODO: this may use cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice and initiate the transfer from dlpanel*/
     dd = GID(K);
     //magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(dd, A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, dlAT(0,K), dlAT_LD, dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K), dlAT(0,K)); 
     magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_async_transpose(dd, A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, dlAT(0,K), dlAT_LD, mstream[dd][0], dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K), dlAT(0,K)); 
#if (dbglevel==10) 
    ca_dbg_printMat(m, nb, A(0,0), A_LD,"A(0,0)");
        ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(nb, m, dlpanel[dd], dlpanel_LD,"dlpanel[dd] after setmatrix to dlAT");

    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_mgpu(num_gpus, n_local, m, dlAT, dlAT_LD,"dlA"); 
 printf("5.0: int to continue"); scanf("%d", &I);

         /*compute the new value of the cpu number of blocks*/
         A_N = NSplit(N-K, dcpu);

          /*insert the coarse update of the trailing submatrix corresponding to panel K to the GPU, that is submatrix A[K+1:M, K+1+d-1:N]*/ 
         //if(K==0) /*TODO: move outside loop*/

         /*NOTE: Here we work on the matrix transpose*/

         /*Set the priority max for the GPU computations*/
            //// magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - N*K);

         gpu_nrows = m - (K+1)*nb;///


            /*Determine the device which own the first column of the group of columns to update*/
             dd = GID(J);

            /*Determine the number of columns to apply the update. */
             nr_local[dd] = numcols2p(dd, n - (K+1+A_N-1)*nb, nb, num_gpus);

              gpu_ncols = nr_local[dd]; //n - (K+1+A_N-1)*nb; 
              if(gpu_ncols >0) 
                  /*schedule a swap of the trailing submatrix in the gpus using ipiv[K]*/ 
                  /*dependency dAT((K+1)-1, (K+A_N)-1) = dAT(K, K+A_N-1) with previous dgemm*/              
                  magma_insert_dev_dlaswp(dd, gpu_ncols, dlAT(K, J), dlAT_LD, ONE, nb, ipiv(K), ONE, dlAT(K, J-1)); /*non blocking*/                  
                  //printf("debug barrier\n");
                  magma_insert_dev_dtrsm(dd, MagmaRight,  MagmaUpper, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaUnit, gpu_ncols, nb, c_one, dlpanel(dd,K), dlpanel_LD, dlAT(K,J), dlAT_LD);/*non blocking*/ 
                  /* aij^T = aij^T - (lik.ukj)^T = aij^T - ukj^T.lik^T*/ //&(dlpanel[dd][dlpanel_LD*nb*(K+1)])
                  magma_insert_dev_dgemm(dd, MagmaNoTrans,MagmaNoTrans, gpu_ncols, gpu_nrows, nb, c_neg_one, dlAT(K,J), dlAT_LD, dlpanel(dd,K+1), dlpanel_LD, c_one, dlAT(K+1,J), dlAT_LD);/*non blocking*/    

                  /*Transfer asynchronously one column (column K+A_N) from the GPU to the CPU to balance work*/                
                 //// if(K+A_N<N) 
                 //// { 
                    ////ncols = min(nb, gpu_ncols); 

                    ////magma_insert_dgetmatrix_transpose(gpu_nrows, ncols, dAT(K+1,K+A_N), dAT_LD, A(K+1,K+A_N), A_LD, dAP, dAP_LD, colptr(K+A_N)); //blocking
                 //// }

          /*iterate over the rest of the columns to update the trailing submatrix on the cpu*/ 
          for(J=K+1;J<=min(K+A_N-1, N-1);J++){ 
               ncols = min(nb, n - J*nb); 
               /*Set the priority max for column having the next panel (look ahead of deep 1),
               and process the rest of the update in a right looking way*/
                   magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -2 );
                  //// magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - N*K -1);
                   magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -3 - J );//- N*K
                  //// magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - N*K -3 -J);
               //magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - J);

               /*dependency colptr(J): make sure column J is sent from GPU, and all previous update was done*/
               magma_insert_core_dlaswp(ncols, A(K,J), A_LD, ONE, nb, ipiv(K), ONE, colptr(J)); 
               magma_insert_core_dtrsm('L', 'L', 'N', 'U', nb, ncols, c_one, A(K,K), A_LD, A(K,J), A_LD, colptr(J)); 
             /*Compute the number of blocs rows to group together before the update. To avoid scheduling overhead.*/
              B_rows = (int) ceil((double) (M-K-1)/panel_num_threads);
              B_rows = max(B_rows,4); /*maximun of 4*/ 
              //B_rows = max(B_rows,1);
               for(I=K+1; I<=M-1; I+=B_rows){ 
                    nrows = min(B_rows*nb, m-I*nb); 
                    /*dep colptr(K):make sure the panel is not overwritten or swapped since dgemm use A[I,K]*/
                    /*dep colptr(J): Gather all dgemm on one column and create dependencies with previous dgemm and the next panel*/
                    magma_insert_core_dgemm('N','N', nrows, ncols, nb, c_neg_one, A(I,K), A_LD, A(K,J), A_LD, c_one, A(I,J), A_LD, colptr(K), colptr(J)); 

                    /*Look ahead and insert the next panel*/ 
                    nrows = m - (K+1)*nb; 
                    ncols = min(nb, n - (K+1)*nb); 
                    /*Schedule the next panel factorization with maximum priority*/ 
                    magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -1);
                    ///magma_schedule_set_task_priority(0); //TEST: testing prio_0
                   //// magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - N*K - 2);

                   magma_insert_core_dgetrf_rec(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K+1)); 
                   // magma_insert_core_dgetrf(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, colptr(K+1)); 
                    /*Transfer the factorized panel in the buffer of GPU (dlpanel)*/

                        ///magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(K+1, K+1), A_LD, dlpanel(dd, K+1), dlpanel_LD, dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlpanel[dd]);
                        magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_async_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(K+1, K+1), A_LD, dlpanel(dd, K+1), dlpanel_LD, mstream[dd][0], dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlpanel(dd,K+1));//, dlpanel[dd]

                    /*Determine the upper part of the matrix done by the CPU on that column and send it to the GPU with the panel*/ 
                    U_K = max(0, K+1 - A_N +1); 
                    nrows = m - U_K*nb; 
                    /*Transfer the upper part of the matrix for that column and the factorized panel to the GPU*/ 
                    ///magma_insert_dsetmatrix_transpose(nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dAT(U_K, K+1), dAT_LD, dAP, dAP_LD, A(K+1,K+1), dAT(K+1,K+1)); 
                    //magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dAT(U_K, K+1), dAT_LD, dAP_set, dAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dAT(K+1,K+1));
                     /*Transfer also the factorized panel on its right position in the final matrix (transposition included)*/ 
                     /*TODO: this may use cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice and initiate the transfer from dlpanel*/
                     dd = GID(K+1);
                     ///magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dlAT(U_K,K+1), dlAT_LD, dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlAT(K+1,K+1));
                     magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_async_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dlAT(U_K,K+1), dlAT_LD, mstream[dd][0], dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlAT(0,K+1));///

            /*compute the next number of blocks colums */
          A_NP1 = NSplit(N-(K+1), dcpu) - NSplit(N-K, dcpu) + 1;

           /*Transfer asynchronously (A_NP1 - A_N) block column (column K+A_N) from the GPU to the CPU to balance work*/  
            /*Make sure this is inserted after all dgemm because it schedules to replace a current panel for the case A_N< N*/
               if(L<N) { 

                 /*Determine the device which own column K+A_N*/
                 dd = GID(L);

                 gpu_ncols = nr_local[dd];

                 ncols = min(nb, gpu_ncols); 

                 ///magma_insert_dev_dgetmatrix_transpose(dd, gpu_nrows, ncols, dlAT(K+1,K+A_N), dlAT_LD, A(K+1,K+A_N), A_LD, dlAP_get[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+A_N)); //blocking
                 /*make sure the computations are done on stream 1 and send a block column on stream 2*/
                 magma_insert_dev_queue_sync(dd, mstream[dd][1], dlAT(K+1,L)); 
                 magma_insert_dev_dgetmatrix_async_transpose(dd, gpu_nrows, ncols, dlAT(K+1,L), dlAT_LD, A(K+1,L), A_LD, mstream[dd][2], dlAP_get[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(L));
                 /*Update the remaining number of columns*/
                //// nr_local[dd]-=nb;

                  /*if A_N==1, there is no look-ahead, so insert the panel here*/
                   if((A_N==1) && (L==K+A_N)){
                      /*Look ahead and insert the next panel*/ 
                      nrows = m - (K+1)*nb; 
                      ncols = min(nb, n - (K+1)*nb); 
                      /*Schedule the next panel factorization with maximum priority*/ 
                      magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -1);
                            ///magma_schedule_set_task_priority(0); //TEST: testing prio_0
                           //// magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - N*K - 2);

                      magma_insert_core_dgetrf_rec(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K+1)); 
                      //magma_insert_core_dgetrf(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, colptr(K+1)); 
                      /*Transfer the factorized panel in the buffer of GPU (dlpanel)*/

                        ///magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(K+1, K+1), A_LD, dlpanel(dd, K+1), dlpanel_LD, dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlpanel[dd]);
                        magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_async_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(K+1, K+1), A_LD, dlpanel(dd, K+1), dlpanel_LD, mstream[dd][0], dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlpanel(dd,K+1));//dlpanel[dd]

                            /*Determine the upper part of the matrix done by the CPU on that column and send it to the GPU with the panel*/ 
                      U_K = max(0, K+1 - A_N +1); 
                      nrows = m - U_K*nb; 
                            /*Transfer the upper part of the matrix for that column and the factorized panel to the GPU*/ 
                            ///magma_insert_dsetmatrix_transpose(nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dAT(U_K, K+1), dAT_LD, dAP, dAP_LD, A(K+1,K+1), dAT(K+1,K+1)); 
                            //magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dAT(U_K, K+1), dAT_LD, dAP_set, dAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dAT(K+1,K+1));

                      /*Transfer also the factorized panel on its right position in the final matrix (transposition included)*/ 
                      /*TODO: this may use cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice and initiate the transfer from dlpanel*/
                      dd = GID(K+1);
                      ///magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dlAT(U_K,K+1), dlAT_LD, dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlAT(K+1,K+1));
                      magma_insert_dev_dsetmatrix_async_transpose(dd, nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dlAT(U_K,K+1), dlAT_LD, mstream[dd][0], dlAP_set[dd], dlAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dlAT(0,K+1));///dlAT(K+1,K+1)

#if (dbglevel==10) 
  ca_dbg_printMat(m, A_n, A, A_LD,"A"); 
  ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_mgpu(num_gpus, n_local, m, dlAT, dlAT_LD,"dAT (Step K)"); 
  nrows = m - K*nb; 
  ncols = min(nb, n - K*nb);

  dd = GID(K);
  ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(ncols, nrows, dlAT(K,K), dlAT_LD,"dAT(K,K)");

  printf("Step K:%d done. Int to continue: ",K); scanf("%d", &I);


     } //Step K done
 /*Wait for all thread termination*/

 /*make sure everything arrived*/ ///needed?

     /*TODO: don't need quark here*/
     /*Perform a sequence of left swap on the matrix corresponding to the different panel*/ 
#if (dbglevel >=1)

    nrows = min(nb,m - K*nb);

    ncols = min(K*nb,n);

    for(dd=0;dd<=min(num_gpus-1, K-1);dd++){
        gpu_ncols = numcols2p(dd, ncols, nb, num_gpus); 

        J = dd;
            magmablas_dlaswp(gpu_ncols, dlAT(K, J), dlAT_LD, ONE, nrows, ipiv(K), ONE);



#if (dbglevel >=1)
#if (dbglevel==10) 
    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_mgpu(num_gpus, n_local, m, dlAT, dlAT_LD,"dAT after lswap"); 

/*Shutdown the scheduler*/

/*update permutation vector indexes*/ 
        nrows = min(nb, n-K*nb); 
            ipiv[K*nb+J] += K*nb; 

#if dbglevel>=1
    printf("[DBG] Time Factorization:%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 
    t1 = magma_wtime();

    /* 4. Transpose back the matrix in/out of place*/

        //n_local[dd] = numcols2p(dd, n, nb, num_gpus); //loc2p(dd, N, num_gpus)*nb;

        magmablas_dtranspose2(dlA[dd], dlA_LD, dlAT[dd], dlAT_LD, n_local[dd], m);

    for(dd=0;dd<num_gpus;dd++){ //needed

#if dbglevel>=1
    printf("[DBG] Time Final in/out of place transpose:%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 
    t1 = magma_wtime();


#if (dbglevel==10)     
    ca_dbg_printMat_mgpu(num_gpus, m, n_local, dlA, dlA_LD,"dA = LU"); 



    // printf("Step 4: time:%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 
// t1 = magma_wtime();
//    free(k_local);
        magma_free( dlAP_set[dd]); 
        magma_free( dlAP_get[dd]);


#if dbglevel>=1
    printf("[DBG] Time memory free (dAP):%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 
    t1 = magma_wtime();

#if dbglevel>=1
    /*Finalize the tracing*/
    printf("[DBG] Time llog:%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 

    return *info; 
コード例 #9
extern "C" magma_int_t 
magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n,  
double *dA, magma_int_t dA_LD, 
magma_int_t *ipiv, magma_int_t *info,
/*workspace on the cpu side*/
double *AWORK, magma_int_t AWORK_LD, magma_int_t AWORK_n
/*  -- MAGMA (version 1.5.0-beta3) -- 
       Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville 
       Univ. of California, Berkeley 
       Univ. of Colorado, Denver 
       November 2011 
    DGETRF_GPU_WORK_AMC computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A 
    using partial pivoting with row interchanges. The technique used for the panel factorization
    is the parallel recursif LU (see lawn 259).
    The factorization has the form 
       A = P * L * U 
    where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit 
    diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper 
    triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). 
    This is the right-looking Level 3 BLAS version of the algorithm. 
    M       (input) INTEGER 
            The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0. 
    N       (input) INTEGER 
            The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0. 
    A       (input/output) DOUBLE_PRECISION array on the GPU, dimension (LDDA,N). 
            On entry, the M-by-N matrix to be factored. 
            On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization 
            A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. 
    LDDA     (input) INTEGER 
            The leading dimension of the array A.  LDDA >= max(1,M). 
    IPIV    (output) INTEGER array, dimension (min(M,N)) 
            The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), row i of the 
            matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). 
    INFO    (output) INTEGER 
            = 0:  successful exit 
            < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value 
                  or another error occured, such as memory allocation failed. 
            > 0:  if INFO = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization 
                  has been completed, but the factor U is exactly 
                  singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used 
                  to solve a system of equations.

    =====================================================================    */ 
    double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE; 
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE; 
    int ONE = 1; 
    magma_int_t iinfo, nb; 
    magma_int_t mindim; 
    magma_int_t nrows, ncols; 
    //double *work; 
     magma_int_t dm_max, dn_max; 
     magma_int_t I, J, K, M, N, U_K; 
     //magma_int_t A_K; 
     double *dAT; 
     magma_int_t dAT_LD; 
     double *dAP_set,*dAP_get; 
     magma_int_t dAP_LD; 

     //magma_int_t nrows, ncols; 
     magma_int_t gpu_nrows, gpu_ncols; 
     int nbcores; /*Number of cores available for the whole factorization*/ 
     int panel_num_threads; /*Number of threads for the panel*/ 
     double dcpu; /*percentage of the matrix to allocate on the CPUs*/ 
    int B_rows;

    double t1;

     /* Recommanded dimension in the workspace*/ 
     int A_m, A_n, A_N, A_NMAX, A_LD;
     double *A;
#ifdef USE_CALU     
     int i_nrows;

     amc_args_t *args;
    /*magma_event_t *A_event;*/ /*Control bucket*/

    /* Check arguments */ 
    *info = 0; 
    if (m < 0) 
        *info = -1; 
    else if (n < 0) 
        *info = -2; 
    else if (dA_LD < max(1,m)) 
        *info = -4; 
    else if (AWORK_LD < max(1,m)) 
        *info = -5;

    if (*info != 0) { 
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) ); 
        return *info; 
    /* Quick return if possible */ 
    if (m == 0 || n == 0) 
        return *info; 

     /*Get parameters*/ 
    args = magma_amc_args_get_default();
     nb= args->nb;

     nbcores = args->P;  
     panel_num_threads = args->Pr; 
     dcpu = args->dcpu;

     /* Check and fix parameters */
        nb     = magma_get_dgetrf_nb(m) ;/*magma dgetrf block size*/ 
        nb = args->nb;

     if(nb>n) nb = n; 
     if(panel_num_threads>nbcores) panel_num_threads = nbcores;

     /* Compute the maximum number of panels we can store in the workspace*/
     A_NMAX = (int) (AWORK_n/ nb);

     /* Compute the recommanded number of columns for the cpu part*/
     A_n = (int) ceil(n*dcpu);

     /*Make sure we work with multiple of 32*/
     if(A_n%32!=0) {
         A_n = ((A_n + 31)/32)*32;

     /* Compute the recommanded number of panels for the cpu part*/
     A_N = (int) (A_n/ nb);
     /* Check if there are enough workspace. In case the user gave a workspace lower than the optimal*/
     /* NOTE: using small workspace may reduce performance*/
#if (dbglevel >=1)
        printf("[DBG_WARNING] Resizing buffer to feet user preferences. Recommanded:%d, Max given:%d\n",A_N, A_NMAX); 
        A_N = A_NMAX;

     A = AWORK;
     A_m = m;
     A_LD = AWORK_LD;

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    /* Initialize the tracing*/
    ca_dbg_trace_init(nbcores,1); //nbcores + 1 GPU

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    t1 = magma_wtime();

     /*Transfer the first column block of the matrix from the GPU to the CPUs*/ 
    magma_dgetmatrix(A_m, A_n, dA, dA_LD, A, A_LD); 

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    printf("[DBG] Time First getmatrix: %f\n",magma_wtime()-t1);
    t1 = magma_wtime();
#if (dbglevel==10)  
    ca_dbg_printMat(m, A_n, A, A_LD,"A after first getMatrix"); 

     /*Allocate a workspace for the panels transposition*/ 
     dAP_LD = m; 
     if(dAP_LD%32!=0) dAP_LD = ((dAP_LD + 31)/32)*32;/*Make dAP_LD multiple of 32*/

     if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc(&dAP_set, dAP_LD*nb)) { 
            *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
            return *info; 

     if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc(&dAP_get, dAP_LD*nb)) { 
            *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
            return *info; 

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    printf("[DBG] Time workspace memory alloc (dAP): %f\n",magma_wtime()-t1);
    t1 = magma_wtime();

    /*Transpose the gpu part of the matrix in/out of place*/

    if ((m == n) ){  //&& (m % 32 == 0) && (dA_LD%32 == 0)
         dAT = dA;
         dAT_LD= dA_LD;
       magmablas_dtranspose_inplace(m, dAT, dAT_LD); 
    else { 
     dm_max = m;
     dn_max = n;

    /*Make sure m and n are multiple of 32*/
     if(dm_max%32!=0) dm_max = ((dm_max + 31)/32)*32;
     if(dn_max%32!=0) dn_max = ((dn_max + 31)/32)*32;
     if (MAGMA_SUCCESS != magma_dmalloc(&dAT, dm_max*dn_max )) { 
        *info = MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC; 
        return *info; 

     dAT_LD = dn_max; 
     magmablas_dtranspose2( dAT, dAT_LD, dA, dA_LD, m, n );  

#if (dbglevel >=1)
    printf("[DBG] Time First transposition: %f\n",magma_wtime()-t1);
    t1 = magma_wtime();

#if (dbglevel==10) 
    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, n, dAT, dAT_LD,"matrix dAT to factorize"); 

     /* Compute the maximun number of steps*/
     mindim = min(m, n); 
     M      = (int) ceil( (double) m / nb); 
     N      = (int) ceil( (double) mindim / nb); /*N = n/nb*/

     /*Let the asynchronous algorithm begin*/ 
#if (dbglevel >=1)
     printf("Starting recursif code ... m:%d, n:%d, nb:%d, nbcores:%d, N:%d, A_N:%d\n", m, n, nb, nbcores, N, A_N); //Summary

     /*Initialize the scheduler*/ 
     magma_schedule_init(nbcores, 1); 

     K = 0; 
#ifdef USE_CALU
     /*initialize calu environment*/
     core_dtslu_alloc(panel_num_threads, A_m, nb);

     /*Initialize rows indice: required*/
     for(I=0;I<A_m;I++) ipiv[I]=I;
     /*initialize parallel recursif panel environment*/


     /*Schedule the first panel factorization*/ 
#ifdef USE_CALU
     magma_insert_core_dtslu(A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, ipiv(0), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K));

     B_rows = (int) ceil((double) (M-K-1)/panel_num_threads);
     B_rows = max(B_rows,4); /*maximun of 4*/ 
     //B_rows = max(B_rows,1);

     for(I=K+1; I<=M-1; I+=B_rows){ 
        i_nrows = min(B_rows*nb, m-I*nb);
        magma_insert_core_dtrsm_gatherv('R', 'U', 'N', 'N', i_nrows, nb, c_one, A(0,K), A_LD, A(I,K), A_LD, colptr(K));
     magma_insert_core_dgetrf_rec(A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, ipiv(0), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K));  
     /*Transfer the factorized panel to the GPU (transposition included)*/ 
     magma_insert_dsetmatrix_transpose(A_m, nb, A(0,K), A_LD, dAT(0,K), dAT_LD, dAP_set, dAP_LD, colptr(K), dAT(K,K)); 
#if (dbglevel==10) 
    ca_dbg_printMat(m, nb, A(0,0), A_LD,"A(0,0)"); 
    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, n, dAT, dAT_LD,"dA"); 
          /*insert the coarse update of the trailing submatrix corresponding to panel K to the GPU, that is submatrix A[K+1:M, K+1+d-1:N]*/ 

          gpu_nrows = m - (K+1)*nb; 
          gpu_ncols = n - (K+1+A_N-1)*nb; 
          if(gpu_ncols >0) 
              /*NOTE: Here we work on the matrix transpose*/

              /*Set the priority max for the GPU computations*/
             //// magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - N*K);

              /*schedule a swap of the trailing submatrix in the gpu using ipiv[K]*/ 
              /*dependency dAT((K+1)-1, (K+A_N)-1) = dAT(K, K+A_N-1) with previous dgemm*/
              magma_insert_dlaswp(gpu_ncols, dAT(K, K+A_N), dAT_LD, ONE, nb, ipiv(K), ONE, dAT(K, K+A_N-1)); /*non blocking*/                  
              //printf("debug barrier\n");
              magma_insert_dtrsm(MagmaRight,  MagmaUpper, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaUnit, gpu_ncols, nb, c_one, dAT(K,K), dAT_LD, dAT(K,K+A_N), dAT_LD);/*non blocking*/ 
              /* aij^T = aij^T - (lik.ukj)^T = aij^T - ukj^T.lik^T*/ 
              magma_insert_dgemm(MagmaNoTrans,MagmaNoTrans, gpu_ncols, gpu_nrows, nb, c_neg_one, dAT(K,K+A_N), dAT_LD, dAT(K+1,K), dAT_LD, c_one, dAT(K+1,K+A_N), dAT_LD);/*non blocking*/    
          /*iterate over the rest of the columns to update the trailing submatrix on the cpu*/ 
          for(J=K+1;J<=min(K+A_N-1, N-1);J++){ 
               ncols = min(nb, n - J*nb); 
               /*Set the priority max for column having the next panel (look ahead of deep 1),
               and process the rest of the update in a right looking way*/
                   magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -2 );
                  //// magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX - N*K -1);
                   magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -3 - J );//- N*K

               /*dependency colptr(J): make sure column J is sent from GPU, and all previous update was done*/
               magma_insert_core_dlaswp(ncols, A(K,J), A_LD, ONE, nb, ipiv(K), ONE, colptr(J)); 
               magma_insert_core_dtrsm('L', 'L', 'N', 'U', nb, ncols, c_one, A(K,K), A_LD, A(K,J), A_LD, colptr(J)); 
             /*Compute the number of blocs rows to group together before the update. To avoid scheduling overhead.*/
              B_rows = (int) ceil((double) (M-K-1)/panel_num_threads);
              //B_rows = max(B_rows,4); /*maximun of 4*/ 
              //B_rows = max(B_rows,1);

               for(I=K+1; I<=M-1; I+=B_rows){ 
                    nrows = min(B_rows*nb, m-I*nb); 
                    /*dep colptr(K):make sure the panel is not overwritten or swapped since dgemm use A[I,K]*/
                    /*dep colptr(J): Gather all dgemm on one column and create dependencies with previous dgemm and the next panel*/
                    magma_insert_core_dgemm('N','N', nrows, ncols, nb, c_neg_one, A(I,K), A_LD, A(K,J), A_LD, c_one, A(I,J), A_LD, colptr(K), colptr(J)); 

                    /*Look ahead and insert the next panel*/ 
                    nrows = m - (K+1)*nb; 
                    ncols = min(nb, n - (K+1)*nb); 
                    /*Schedule the next panel factorization with maximum priority*/ 
                    magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -1);
#ifdef USE_CALU
                    magma_insert_core_dtslu(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K+1));

                    B_rows = (int) ceil((double) (M-(K+1)-1)/panel_num_threads);
                    B_rows = max(B_rows,4); /*maximun of 4*/ 
                     //B_rows = max(B_rows,1);

                     for(I=K+2; I<=M-1; I+=B_rows){ 
                        i_nrows = min(B_rows*nb, m-I*nb);
                        magma_insert_core_dtrsm_gatherv('R', 'U', 'N', 'N', i_nrows, ncols, c_one, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, A(I,K+1), A_LD, colptr(K+1));
                        //dtrsm("R", "U", "N", "N", &nrowPblock, &panel_NB, &dONE, &(A[M*pos+pos]), &LDA, &(A[lpos]), &LDA); //

                   magma_insert_core_dgetrf_rec(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K+1)); 
                    /*Determine the upper part of the matrix done by the CPU on that column and send it to the GPU with the panel*/ 
                    U_K = max(0, K+1 - A_N +1); 
                    nrows = m - U_K*nb; 
                    /*Transfer the upper part of the matrix for that column and the factorized panel to the GPU*/ 
                    magma_insert_dsetmatrix_transpose(nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dAT(U_K, K+1), dAT_LD, dAP_set, dAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dAT(K+1,K+1));
           /*Transfer asynchronously one column (column K+A_N) from the GPU to the CPU to balance work*/  
            /*Make sure this is inserted after all dgemm before it schedules to replace a current panel in case A_N< N*/
           if(K+A_N<N) { 
              ncols = min(nb, gpu_ncols); 

              magma_insert_dgetmatrix_transpose(gpu_nrows, ncols, dAT(K+1,K+A_N), dAT_LD, A(K+1,K+A_N), A_LD, dAP_get, dAP_LD, colptr(K+A_N)); //blocking

          /*if A_N==1 there is no look-ahead, so insert the panel here*/
              /*Look ahead and insert the next panel*/ 
              nrows = m - (K+1)*nb; 
              ncols = min(nb, n - (K+1)*nb); 
              /*Schedule the next panel factorization with maximum priority*/ 
              magma_schedule_set_task_priority(INT_MAX -1);

#ifdef USE_CALU
                magma_insert_core_dtslu(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K+1)); 

                B_rows = (int) ceil((double) (M-(K+1)-1)/panel_num_threads);
                B_rows = max(B_rows,4); /*maximun of 4*/ 
                //B_rows = max(B_rows,1);

                for(I=K+2; I<=M-1; I+=B_rows){ 
                    i_nrows = min(B_rows*nb, m-I*nb);
                    magma_insert_core_dtrsm_gatherv('R', 'U', 'N', 'N', i_nrows, ncols, c_one, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, A(I,K+1), A_LD, colptr(K+1));
                    //dtrsm("R", "U", "N", "N", &nrowPblock, &panel_NB, &dONE, &(A[M*pos+pos]), &LDA, &(A[lpos]), &LDA); //

                 magma_insert_core_dgetrf_rec(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, panel_num_threads, colptr(K+1)); 
                 //magma_insert_core_dgetrf(nrows, ncols, A(K+1,K+1), A_LD, ipiv(K+1), &iinfo, colptr(K+1));

                /*Determine the upper part of the matrix done by the CPU on that column and send it to the GPU with the panel*/ 
                U_K = max(0, K+1 - A_N +1); 
                nrows = m - U_K*nb; 
                    /*Transfer the upper part of the matrix for that column and the factorized panel to the GPU*/ 
                magma_insert_dsetmatrix_transpose(nrows, ncols, A(U_K, K+1), A_LD, dAT(U_K, K+1), dAT_LD, dAP_set, dAP_LD, colptr(K+1), dAT(K+1,K+1));
#if (dbglevel==10)     
    ca_dbg_printMat(m, A_n, A, A_LD,"A"); 
    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, n, dAT, dAT_LD,"dA"); 
     } //Step K done

 /*Wait for all thread termination*/

     /*TODO: don't need quark here*/
     /*Perform a sequence of left swap on the matrix corresponding to the different panel*/ 
#if (dbglevel >=1)
        nrows = min(nb,m - K*nb); 
        ncols = min(K*nb,n); 

        /*dep dAT(K-1): Make sure the last swap is completed, and also the dgemm using the panel*/

       // magma_insert_dlaswp(ncols, dAT(K, 0), dAT_LD, ONE, nrows, ipiv(K), ONE, dAT(K-1,0)); 
        magmablas_dlaswp(ncols, dAT(K, 0), dAT_LD, ONE, nrows, ipiv(K), ONE);

#if (dbglevel >=1)
/*Shutdown the scheduler*/

/*update permutation vector indexes*/ 
        nrows = min(nb, n-K*nb); 
            ipiv[K*nb+J] += K*nb; 

#if dbglevel>=1
    printf("[DBG] Time Factorization:%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 
    t1 = magma_wtime();

 /*No need for synchro, since dtranspose is blocking*/
   if (m == n) {
      magmablas_dtranspose_inplace(m, dAT, dAT_LD); //( m, dAT, dAT_LD ); 
      dA = dAT; 
   else { 
      magmablas_dtranspose2( dA, dA_LD, dAT, dAT_LD, n, m ); 
      magma_free( dAT ); 

#if dbglevel>=1
    printf("[DBG] Time Final in/out of place transpose:%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 
    t1 = magma_wtime();

#ifdef USE_CALU

   magma_free( dAP_set ); 
   magma_free( dAP_get );

#if dbglevel>=1
    printf("[DBG] Time memory free (dAP):%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 
    t1 = magma_wtime();

#if (dbglevel==10)     
    ca_dbg_printMat_transpose_gpu(m, n, dA, dA_LD,"dA = LU"); 

#if dbglevel>=1
    /*Finalize the tracing*/
    printf("[DBG] Time llog:%f\n",magma_wtime()-t1); 

    return *info;