void cacheex_push_out(struct s_client *cl, ECM_REQUEST *er) { int32_t res = 0, stats = -1; struct s_reader *reader = cl->reader; struct s_module *module = get_module(cl); // cc-nodeid-list-check if(reader) { if(reader->ph.c_cache_push_chk && !reader->ph.c_cache_push_chk(cl, er)) return; res = reader->ph.c_cache_push(cl, er); stats = cacheex_add_stats(cl, er->caid, er->srvid, er->prid, 0); } else { if(module->c_cache_push_chk && !module->c_cache_push_chk(cl, er)) return; res = module->c_cache_push(cl, er); } debug_ecm(D_CACHEEX, "pushed ECM %s to %s res %d stats %d", buf, username(cl), res, stats); cl->cwcacheexpush++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexpush++; } first_client->cwcacheexpush++; }
static int32_t cacheex_add_to_cache_int(struct s_client *cl, ECM_REQUEST *er, int8_t csp) { if(er->rc >= E_NOTFOUND) { return 0; } if(!cl) { return 0; } if(!csp && cl->reader && cl->reader->cacheex.mode != 2) //from reader { cs_debug_mask(D_CACHEEX, "CACHEX received, but disabled for %s", username(cl)); return 0; } if(!csp && !cl->reader && cl->account && cl->account->cacheex.mode != 3) //from user { cs_debug_mask(D_CACHEEX, "CACHEX received, but disabled for %s", username(cl)); return 0; } if(!csp && !cl->reader && !cl->account) //not active! { cs_debug_mask(D_CACHEEX, "CACHEX received, but invalid client state %s", username(cl)); return 0; } uint8_t i, c; uint8_t null = 0; for(i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) { c = ((er->cw[i] + er->cw[i + 1] + er->cw[i + 2]) & 0xff); null |= (er->cw[i] | er->cw[i + 1] | er->cw[i + 2]); if(er->cw[i + 3] != c) { cs_ddump_mask(D_CACHEEX, er->cw, 16, "push received cw with chksum error from %s", csp ? "csp" : username(cl)); cl->cwcacheexerr++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexerr++; } return 0; } } if(null == 0 || chk_is_null_CW(er->cw)) { cs_ddump_mask(D_CACHEEX, er->cw, 16, "push received null cw from %s", csp ? "csp" : username(cl)); cl->cwcacheexerr++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexerr++; } return 0; } er->grp |= cl->grp; //ok for mode2 reader too: cl->reader->grp er->rc = E_CACHEEX; er->cacheex_src = cl; er->selected_reader = cl->reader; er->client = NULL; //No Owner! So no fallback! if(check_client(cl)) { cl->cwcacheexgot++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexgot++; } first_client->cwcacheexgot++; } add_hitcache(cl, er); //we have to call it before add_cache, because in chk_process we could remove it! add_cache(er); cacheex_add_stats(cl, er->caid, er->srvid, er->prid, 1); cs_writelock(&ecm_pushed_deleted_lock); er->next = ecm_pushed_deleted; ecm_pushed_deleted = er; cs_writeunlock(&ecm_pushed_deleted_lock); return 1; //NO free, we have to wait cache push out stuff ends. }
void *work_thread(void *ptr) { struct job_data *data = (struct job_data *)ptr; struct s_client *cl = data->cl; struct s_reader *reader = cl->reader; struct timeb start, end; // start time poll, end time poll struct job_data tmp_data; struct pollfd pfd[1]; pthread_setspecific(getclient, cl); cl->thread = pthread_self(); cl->thread_active = 1; set_work_thread_name(data); struct s_module *module = get_module(cl); uint16_t bufsize = module->bufsize; //CCCam needs more than 1024bytes! if(!bufsize) { bufsize = 1024; } uint8_t *mbuf; if(!cs_malloc(&mbuf, bufsize)) { return NULL; } cl->work_mbuf = mbuf; // Track locally allocated data, because some callback may call cs_exit/cs_disconect_client/pthread_exit and then mbuf would be leaked int32_t n = 0, rc = 0, i, idx, s; uint8_t dcw[16]; int8_t restart_reader = 0; while(cl->thread_active) { cs_ftime(&start); // register start time while(cl->thread_active) { if(!cl || cl->kill || !is_valid_client(cl)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->thread_lock); cl->thread_active = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->thread_lock); cs_debug_mask(D_TRACE, "ending thread (kill)"); __free_job_data(cl, data); cl->work_mbuf = NULL; // Prevent free_client from freeing mbuf (->work_mbuf) free_client(cl); if(restart_reader) { restart_cardreader(reader, 0); } NULLFREE(mbuf); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } if(data && data->action != ACTION_READER_CHECK_HEALTH) { cs_debug_mask(D_TRACE, "data from add_job action=%d client %c %s", data->action, cl->typ, username(cl)); } if(!data) { if(!cl->kill && cl->typ != 'r') { client_check_status(cl); } // do not call for physical readers as this might cause an endless job loop pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->thread_lock); if(cl->joblist && ll_count(cl->joblist) > 0) { LL_ITER itr = ll_iter_create(cl->joblist); data = ll_iter_next_remove(&itr); if(data) { set_work_thread_name(data); } //cs_debug_mask(D_TRACE, "start next job from list action=%d", data->action); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->thread_lock); } if(!data) { /* for serial client cl->pfd is file descriptor for serial port not socket for example: pfd=open("/dev/ttyUSB0"); */ if(!cl->pfd || module->listenertype == LIS_SERIAL) { break; } pfd[0].fd = cl->pfd; pfd[0].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI; pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->thread_lock); cl->thread_active = 2; pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->thread_lock); rc = poll(pfd, 1, 3000); pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->thread_lock); cl->thread_active = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->thread_lock); if(rc > 0) { cs_ftime(&end); // register end time cs_debug_mask(D_TRACE, "[OSCAM-WORK] new event %d occurred on fd %d after %"PRId64" ms inactivity", pfd[0].revents, pfd[0].fd, comp_timeb(&end, &start)); data = &tmp_data; data->ptr = NULL; cs_ftime(&start); // register start time for new poll next run if(reader) { data->action = ACTION_READER_REMOTE; } else { if(cl->is_udp) { data->action = ACTION_CLIENT_UDP; data->ptr = mbuf; data->len = bufsize; } else { data->action = ACTION_CLIENT_TCP; } if(pfd[0].revents & (POLLHUP | POLLNVAL | POLLERR)) { cl->kill = 1; } } } } if(!data) { continue; } if(!reader && data->action < ACTION_CLIENT_FIRST) { __free_job_data(cl, data); break; } if(!data->action) { break; } struct timeb actualtime; cs_ftime(&actualtime); int32_t gone = comp_timeb(&actualtime, &data->time); if(data != &tmp_data && gone > (int) cfg.ctimeout+1000) { cs_debug_mask(D_TRACE, "dropping client data for %s time %dms", username(cl), gone); __free_job_data(cl, data); continue; } if(data != &tmp_data) { cl->work_job_data = data; } // Track the current job_data switch(data->action) { case ACTION_READER_IDLE: reader_do_idle(reader); break; case ACTION_READER_REMOTE: s = check_fd_for_data(cl->pfd); if(s == 0) // no data, another thread already read from fd? { break; } if(s < 0) { if(reader->ph.type == MOD_CONN_TCP) { network_tcp_connection_close(reader, "disconnect"); } break; } rc = reader->ph.recv(cl, mbuf, bufsize); if(rc < 0) { if(reader->ph.type == MOD_CONN_TCP) { network_tcp_connection_close(reader, "disconnect on receive"); } break; } cl->last = time(NULL); // *********************************** TO BE REPLACE BY CS_FTIME() LATER **************** idx = reader->ph.c_recv_chk(cl, dcw, &rc, mbuf, rc); if(idx < 0) { break; } // no dcw received if(!idx) { idx = cl->last_idx; } reader->last_g = time(NULL); // *********************************** TO BE REPLACE BY CS_FTIME() LATER **************** // for reconnect timeout for(i = 0, n = 0; i < cfg.max_pending && n == 0; i++) { if(cl->ecmtask[i].idx == idx) { cl->pending--; casc_check_dcw(reader, i, rc, dcw); n++; } } break; case ACTION_READER_RESET: cardreader_do_reset(reader); break; case ACTION_READER_ECM_REQUEST: reader_get_ecm(reader, data->ptr); break; case ACTION_READER_EMM: reader_do_emm(reader, data->ptr); break; case ACTION_READER_CARDINFO: reader_do_card_info(reader); break; case ACTION_READER_INIT: if(!cl->init_done) { reader_init(reader); } break; case ACTION_READER_RESTART: cl->kill = 1; restart_reader = 1; break; case ACTION_READER_RESET_FAST: reader->card_status = CARD_NEED_INIT; cardreader_do_reset(reader); break; case ACTION_READER_CHECK_HEALTH: cardreader_do_checkhealth(reader); break; case ACTION_READER_CAPMT_NOTIFY: if(reader->ph.c_capmt) { reader->ph.c_capmt(cl, data->ptr); } break; case ACTION_CLIENT_UDP: n = module->recv(cl, data->ptr, data->len); if(n < 0) { break; } module->s_handler(cl, data->ptr, n); break; case ACTION_CLIENT_TCP: s = check_fd_for_data(cl->pfd); if(s == 0) // no data, another thread already read from fd? { break; } if(s < 0) // system error or fd wants to be closed { cl->kill = 1; // kill client on next run continue; } n = module->recv(cl, mbuf, bufsize); if(n < 0) { cl->kill = 1; // kill client on next run continue; } module->s_handler(cl, mbuf, n); break; case ACTION_CACHEEX_TIMEOUT: #ifdef CS_CACHEEX cacheex_timeout(data->ptr); #endif break; case ACTION_FALLBACK_TIMEOUT: fallback_timeout(data->ptr); break; case ACTION_CLIENT_TIMEOUT: ecm_timeout(data->ptr); break; case ACTION_ECM_ANSWER_READER: chk_dcw(data->ptr); break; case ACTION_ECM_ANSWER_CACHE: write_ecm_answer_fromcache(data->ptr); break; case ACTION_CLIENT_INIT: if(module->s_init) { module->s_init(cl); } cl->is_udp = module->type == MOD_CONN_UDP; cl->init_done = 1; break; case ACTION_CLIENT_IDLE: if(module->s_idle) { module->s_idle(cl); } else { cs_log("user %s reached %d sec idle limit.", username(cl), cfg.cmaxidle); cl->kill = 1; } break; case ACTION_CACHE_PUSH_OUT: { #ifdef CS_CACHEEX ECM_REQUEST *er = data->ptr; int32_t res = 0, stats = -1; // cc-nodeid-list-check if(reader) { if(reader->ph.c_cache_push_chk && !reader->ph.c_cache_push_chk(cl, er)) { break; } res = reader->ph.c_cache_push(cl, er); stats = cacheex_add_stats(cl, er->caid, er->srvid, er->prid, 0); } else { if(module->c_cache_push_chk && !module->c_cache_push_chk(cl, er)) { break; } res = module->c_cache_push(cl, er); } debug_ecm(D_CACHEEX, "pushed ECM %s to %s res %d stats %d", buf, username(cl), res, stats); cl->cwcacheexpush++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexpush++; } first_client->cwcacheexpush++; #endif break; } case ACTION_CLIENT_KILL: cl->kill = 1; break; case ACTION_CLIENT_SEND_MSG: { #ifdef MODULE_CCCAM struct s_clientmsg *clientmsg = (struct s_clientmsg *)data->ptr; cc_cmd_send(cl, clientmsg->msg, clientmsg->len, clientmsg->cmd); #endif break; } } // switch __free_job_data(cl, data); } if(thread_pipe[1] && (mbuf[0] != 0x00)) { cs_ddump_mask(D_TRACE, mbuf, 1, "[OSCAM-WORK] Write to pipe:"); if(write(thread_pipe[1], mbuf, 1) == -1) // wakeup client check { cs_debug_mask(D_TRACE, "[OSCAM-WORK] Writing to pipe failed (errno=%d %s)", errno, strerror(errno)); } } // Check for some race condition where while we ended, another thread added a job pthread_mutex_lock(&cl->thread_lock); if(cl->joblist && ll_count(cl->joblist) > 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->thread_lock); continue; } else { cl->thread_active = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&cl->thread_lock); break; } } cl->thread_active = 0; cl->work_mbuf = NULL; // Prevent free_client from freeing mbuf (->work_mbuf) NULLFREE(mbuf); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; }
static int32_t cacheex_add_to_cache_int(struct s_client *cl, ECM_REQUEST *er, int8_t csp) { if(er->rc >= E_NOTFOUND) { return 0; } if(!cl) { return 0; } if(!csp && cl->reader && cl->reader->cacheex.mode != 2) //from reader { cs_log_dbg(D_CACHEEX, "CACHEX received, but disabled for %s", username(cl)); return 0; } if(!csp && !cl->reader && cl->account && cl->account->cacheex.mode != 3) //from user { cs_log_dbg(D_CACHEEX, "CACHEX received, but disabled for %s", username(cl)); return 0; } if(!csp && !cl->reader && !cl->account) //not active! { cs_log_dbg(D_CACHEEX, "CACHEX received, but invalid client state %s", username(cl)); return 0; } if(!cfg.disablecrccws && ((cl->typ == 'c' && !cl->account->disablecrccacheex) || ( cl->typ == 'p' && !cl->reader->disablecrccws))) { uint8_t selectedForIgnChecksum = chk_if_ignore_checksum(er, &cfg.disablecrccws_only_for); if(cl->typ == 'c') { selectedForIgnChecksum += chk_if_ignore_checksum(er, &cl->account->disablecrccacheex_only_for); } if(cl->typ == 'p') { selectedForIgnChecksum += chk_if_ignore_checksum(er, &cl->reader->disablecrccws_only_for); } if(!selectedForIgnChecksum) { uint8_t i, c; for(i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) { c = ((er->cw[i] + er->cw[i + 1] + er->cw[i + 2]) & 0xff); if(er->cw[i + 3] != c) { cs_log_dump_dbg(D_CACHEEX, er->cw, 16, "push received cw with chksum error from %s", csp ? "csp" : username(cl)); cl->cwcacheexerr++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexerr++; } return 0; } } } } // Skip check for BISS1 - cw could be indeed zero // Skip check for BISS2 - we use the extended cw, so the "simple" cw is always zero if(chk_is_null_CW(er->cw) && !caid_is_biss(er->caid)) { cs_log_dump_dbg(D_CACHEEX, er->cw, 16, "push received null cw from %s", csp ? "csp" : username(cl)); cl->cwcacheexerr++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexerr++; } return 0; } // Don't check for BISS1 and BISS2 mode 1/E or fake caid (ECM is fake for them) // Don't check for BISS2 mode CA (ECM table is always 0x80) if(!caid_is_biss(er->caid) && !caid_is_fake(er->caid) && get_odd_even(er) == 0) { cs_log_dbg(D_CACHEEX, "push received ecm with null odd/even byte from %s", csp ? "csp" : username(cl)); cl->cwcacheexerr++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexerr++; } return 0; } if(!chk_halfCW(er, er->cw)) { log_cacheex_cw(er, "bad half cw"); cl->cwcacheexerr++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexerr++; } return 0; } if((csp && cfg.csp.block_fakecws) || (cl->reader && cl->reader->cacheex.block_fakecws) || (!cl->reader && cl->account && cl->account->cacheex.block_fakecws)) { if(chk_is_fakecw(er->cw)) { cs_log_dbg(D_CACHEEX, "push received fake cw from %s", csp ? "csp" : username(cl)); cl->cwcacheexerr++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexerr++; } return 0; } } er->grp |= cl->grp; // ok for mode2 reader too: cl->reader->grp er->rc = E_CACHEEX; er->cacheex_src = cl; er->selected_reader = cl->reader; er->client = NULL; // No Owner! So no fallback! if(check_client(cl)) { cl->cwcacheexgot++; if(cl->account) { cl->account->cwcacheexgot++; } first_client->cwcacheexgot++; } cacheex_add_hitcache(cl, er); // we have to call it before add_cache, because in chk_process we could remove it! add_cache(er); cacheex_add_stats(cl, er->caid, er->srvid, er->prid, 1); cs_writelock(__func__, &ecm_pushed_deleted_lock); er->next = ecm_pushed_deleted; ecm_pushed_deleted = er; cs_writeunlock(__func__, &ecm_pushed_deleted_lock); return 1; // NO free, we have to wait cache push out stuff ends. }