コード例 #1
static void _cd_slider_add_background_to_slide_opengl(GldiModuleInstance *myApplet, double fX, double fY, double alpha, SliderImageArea *slide)
	if (myConfig.pBackgroundColor[3] != 0)
		glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
		glColor4f (myConfig.pBackgroundColor[0], myConfig.pBackgroundColor[1], myConfig.pBackgroundColor[2], alpha * myConfig.pBackgroundColor[3]);
		if (myConfig.iBackgroundType == 2)
			int iLineWidth = _get_frame_linewidth (myApplet);
			double fRadius = 1.33 * MIN (5, .25*iLineWidth);
			glPushMatrix ();
			glTranslatef (fX, fY, 0.);  // centre du rectangle.
			glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
			cairo_dock_draw_rounded_rectangle_opengl (slide->fImgW - (2*fRadius) + iLineWidth, slide->fImgH + iLineWidth, fRadius, 0, NULL);  // we fill the rectangle, because the stroke function in opengl does not handle wide lines very well.
			glPopMatrix ();
			glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
			glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
			glEnable (GL_BLEND);
			glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
			if (myConfig.pBackgroundColor[3] != 0)
				glVertex3f(fX - slide->fImgW/2, fY - slide->fImgH/2, 0.);
				glVertex3f(fX + slide->fImgW/2, fY - slide->fImgH/2, 0.);
				glVertex3f(fX + slide->fImgW/2, fY + slide->fImgH/2, 0.);
				glVertex3f(fX - slide->fImgW/2, fY + slide->fImgH/2, 0.);
コード例 #2
static void _render_desklet_opengl (CairoDesklet *pDesklet)
	gboolean bUseDefaultColors = pDesklet->bUseDefaultColors;
	glPushMatrix ();
	///glTranslatef (0*pDesklet->container.iWidth/2, 0*pDesklet->container.iHeight/2, 0.);  // avec une perspective ortho.
	///glTranslatef (0*pDesklet->container.iWidth/2, 0*pDesklet->container.iHeight/2, -pDesklet->container.iWidth*(1.87 +.35*fabs (sin(pDesklet->fDepthRotationY))));  // avec 30 deg de perspective
	_set_desklet_matrix (pDesklet);
	if (bUseDefaultColors)
		_cairo_dock_set_blend_alpha ();
		gldi_style_colors_set_bg_color (NULL);
		cairo_dock_draw_rounded_rectangle_opengl (pDesklet->container.iWidth - 2 * (myStyleParam.iCornerRadius + myStyleParam.iLineWidth), pDesklet->container.iHeight - 2*myStyleParam.iLineWidth, myStyleParam.iCornerRadius, 0, NULL);
		gldi_style_colors_set_line_color (NULL);
		cairo_dock_draw_rounded_rectangle_opengl (pDesklet->container.iWidth - 2 * (myStyleParam.iCornerRadius + myStyleParam.iLineWidth), pDesklet->container.iHeight - 2*myStyleParam.iLineWidth, myStyleParam.iCornerRadius, myStyleParam.iLineWidth, NULL);
	_cairo_dock_enable_texture ();
	_cairo_dock_set_blend_pbuffer ();
	_cairo_dock_set_alpha (1.);
	if (pDesklet->backGroundImageBuffer.iTexture != 0)
		cairo_dock_apply_image_buffer_texture (&pDesklet->backGroundImageBuffer);
	glPushMatrix ();
	if (pDesklet->iLeftSurfaceOffset != 0 || pDesklet->iTopSurfaceOffset != 0 || pDesklet->iRightSurfaceOffset != 0 || pDesklet->iBottomSurfaceOffset != 0)
		glTranslatef ((pDesklet->iLeftSurfaceOffset - pDesklet->iRightSurfaceOffset)/2, (pDesklet->iBottomSurfaceOffset - pDesklet->iTopSurfaceOffset)/2, 0.);
		glScalef (1. - (double)(pDesklet->iLeftSurfaceOffset + pDesklet->iRightSurfaceOffset) / pDesklet->container.iWidth,
			1. - (double)(pDesklet->iTopSurfaceOffset + pDesklet->iBottomSurfaceOffset) / pDesklet->container.iHeight,
	if (pDesklet->pRenderer != NULL && pDesklet->pRenderer->render_opengl != NULL)  // un moteur de rendu specifique a ete fourni.
		pDesklet->pRenderer->render_opengl (pDesklet);
	glPopMatrix ();
	_cairo_dock_enable_texture ();
	_cairo_dock_set_blend_pbuffer ();
	if (pDesklet->foreGroundImageBuffer.iTexture != 0)
		cairo_dock_apply_image_buffer_texture (&pDesklet->foreGroundImageBuffer);
	//if (pDesklet->container.bInside && cairo_dock_desklet_is_free (pDesklet))
		if (! pDesklet->rotating && ! pDesklet->rotatingY && ! pDesklet->rotatingX)
			glPopMatrix ();
			glPushMatrix ();
			glTranslatef (0., 0., -pDesklet->container.iHeight*(sqrt(3)/2));
	if ((pDesklet->container.bInside || pDesklet->fButtonsAlpha != 0 || pDesklet->rotating || pDesklet->rotatingY || pDesklet->rotatingX) && cairo_dock_desklet_is_free (pDesklet))
		_cairo_dock_set_blend_alpha ();
		_cairo_dock_set_alpha (sqrt(pDesklet->fButtonsAlpha));
		if (s_pRotateButtonBuffer.iTexture != 0)
			cairo_dock_apply_image_buffer_texture_with_offset (&s_pRotateButtonBuffer,
				-pDesklet->container.iWidth/2 + s_pRotateButtonBuffer.iWidth/2,
				pDesklet->container.iHeight/2 - s_pRotateButtonBuffer.iHeight/2);
		if (s_pRetachButtonBuffer.iTexture != 0 && g_pMainDock)
			cairo_dock_apply_image_buffer_texture_with_offset (&s_pRetachButtonBuffer,
				pDesklet->container.iWidth/2 - s_pRetachButtonBuffer.iWidth/2,
				pDesklet->container.iHeight/2 - s_pRetachButtonBuffer.iHeight/2);
		if (s_pDepthRotateButtonBuffer.iTexture != 0)
			cairo_dock_apply_image_buffer_texture_with_offset (&s_pDepthRotateButtonBuffer,
				pDesklet->container.iHeight/2 - s_pDepthRotateButtonBuffer.iHeight/2);
			glPushMatrix ();
			glRotatef (90., 0., 0., 1.);
			cairo_dock_apply_image_buffer_texture_with_offset (&s_pDepthRotateButtonBuffer,
				pDesklet->container.iWidth/2 - s_pDepthRotateButtonBuffer.iHeight/2);
			glPopMatrix ();
	if ((pDesklet->container.bInside || pDesklet->fButtonsAlpha != 0 || pDesklet->bNoInput) && s_pNoInputButtonBuffer.iTexture != 0 && pDesklet->bAllowNoClickable)
		_cairo_dock_set_blend_alpha ();
		_cairo_dock_set_alpha (_no_input_button_alpha(pDesklet));
		cairo_dock_apply_image_buffer_texture_with_offset (&s_pNoInputButtonBuffer,
			pDesklet->container.iWidth/2 - s_pNoInputButtonBuffer.iWidth/2,
			- pDesklet->container.iHeight/2 + s_pNoInputButtonBuffer.iHeight/2);
	_cairo_dock_disable_texture ();
	glPopMatrix ();
コード例 #3
static void render_opengl (CairoDesklet *pDesklet)
	CDSlideParameters *pSlide = (CDSlideParameters *) pDesklet->pRendererData;
	if (pSlide == NULL)
		return ;
	// le cadre.
	double fRadius = (pSlide->bRoundedRadius ? pSlide->iRadius : 0.);
	double fLineWidth = pSlide->iLineWidth;
	if (fLineWidth != 0 && pSlide->fLineColor[3] != 0)
		cairo_dock_draw_rounded_rectangle_opengl (pDesklet->container.iWidth - 2 * fRadius,
	glTranslatef (-pDesklet->container.iWidth/2, -pDesklet->container.iHeight/2, 0.);
	// les icones.
	double w = pDesklet->container.iWidth - 2 * pSlide->fMargin;
	double h = pDesklet->container.iHeight - 2 * pSlide->fMargin;
	int dh = (h - pSlide->iNbLines * (pSlide->iIconSize + myIconsParam.iLabelSize)) / (pSlide->iNbLines != 1 ? pSlide->iNbLines - 1 : 1);  // ecart entre 2 lignes.
	int dw = (w - pSlide->iNbColumns * pSlide->iIconSize) / pSlide->iNbColumns;  // ecart entre 2 colonnes.
	_cairo_dock_enable_texture ();
	_cairo_dock_set_blend_alpha ();
	_cairo_dock_set_alpha (1.);
	double x = pSlide->fMargin + dw/2, y = pSlide->fMargin + myIconsParam.iLabelSize;
	int q = 0;
	Icon *pIcon;
	GList *ic;
	for (ic = pDesklet->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		pIcon = ic->data;
		pIcon->fDrawX = x;
		pIcon->fDrawY = y;
		x += pSlide->iIconSize + dw;
		q ++;
		if (q == pSlide->iNbColumns)
			q = 0;
			x = pSlide->fMargin + dw/2;
			y += pSlide->iIconSize + myIconsParam.iLabelSize + dh;
	GList *pFirstDrawnElement = cairo_dock_get_first_drawn_element_linear (pDesklet->icons);
	if (pFirstDrawnElement == NULL)
	ic = pFirstDrawnElement;
		pIcon = ic->data;
		if (pIcon->image.iTexture != 0 && ! CAIRO_DOCK_ICON_TYPE_IS_SEPARATOR (pIcon))
			glPushMatrix ();
			glTranslatef (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2,
				pDesklet->container.iHeight - pIcon->fDrawY - pIcon->fHeight/2,
			_cairo_dock_enable_texture ();  // cairo_dock_draw_icon_overlays_opengl() disable textures
			_cairo_dock_apply_texture_at_size (pIcon->image.iTexture, pIcon->fWidth, pIcon->fHeight);
			/// generer une notification ...
			/*if (pIcon->bHasIndicator && g_pIndicatorBuffer.iTexture != 0)
				glPushMatrix ();
				glTranslatef (0., - pIcon->fHeight/2 + g_pIndicatorBuffer.iHeight/2 * pIcon->fWidth / g_pIndicatorBuffer.iWidth, 0.);
				_cairo_dock_apply_texture_at_size (g_pIndicatorBuffer.iTexture, pIcon->fWidth, g_pIndicatorBuffer.iHeight * pIcon->fWidth / g_pIndicatorBuffer.iWidth);
				glPopMatrix ();
			if (pIcon->label.iTexture != 0)
				glPushMatrix ();
				double dx = .5 * (pIcon->label.iWidth & 1);  // on decale la texture pour la coller sur la grille des coordonnees entieres.
				double dy = .5 * (pIcon->label.iHeight & 1);
				double u0 = 0., u1 = 1.;
				double fOffsetX = 0.;
				if (pIcon->bPointed)
					_cairo_dock_set_alpha (1.);
					if (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2 + pIcon->label.iWidth/2 > pDesklet->container.iWidth)
						fOffsetX = pDesklet->container.iWidth - (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2 + pIcon->label.iWidth/2);
					if (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2 - pIcon->label.iWidth/2 < 0)
						fOffsetX = pIcon->label.iWidth/2 - (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2);
					_cairo_dock_set_alpha (.6);
					if (pIcon->label.iWidth > pIcon->fWidth + 2 * myIconsParam.iLabelSize)
						fOffsetX = 0.;
						u1 = (double) (pIcon->fWidth + 2 * myIconsParam.iLabelSize) / pIcon->label.iWidth;
				glTranslatef (ceil (fOffsetX) + dx, ceil (pIcon->fHeight/2 + pIcon->label.iHeight / 2) + dy, 0.);
				glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, pIcon->label.iTexture);
				_cairo_dock_apply_current_texture_portion_at_size_with_offset (u0, 0.,
					u1 - u0, 1.,
					pIcon->label.iWidth * (u1 - u0), pIcon->label.iHeight,
					0., 0.);
				_cairo_dock_set_alpha (1.);
				glPopMatrix ();
			cairo_dock_draw_icon_overlays_opengl (pIcon, pDesklet->container.fRatio);
			glPopMatrix ();
		ic = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic, pDesklet->icons);
	} while (ic != pFirstDrawnElement);
	_cairo_dock_disable_texture ();
コード例 #4
void rendering_draw_slide_in_desklet_opengl (CairoDesklet *pDesklet)
	_cairo_dock_define_static_vertex_tab (7);
	CDSlideParameters *pSlide = (CDSlideParameters *) pDesklet->pRendererData;
	if (pSlide == NULL)
		return ;
	// le cadre.
	double fRadius = pSlide->iRadius;
	double fLineWidth = pSlide->iLineWidth;
	if (fLineWidth != 0 && pSlide->fLineColor[3] != 0)
		if (pSlide->bRoundedRadius)
			cairo_dock_draw_rounded_rectangle_opengl (fRadius,
				pDesklet->iWidth - 2 * fRadius,
				0., 0.,
			glTranslatef (-pDesklet->iWidth/2, -pDesklet->iHeight/2, 0.);
			int i = 0;
			_cairo_dock_set_vertex_xy (0, -pDesklet->iWidth/2, 				+pDesklet->iHeight/2);
			_cairo_dock_set_vertex_xy (1, -pDesklet->iWidth/2, 				-pDesklet->iHeight/2 + fRadius);
			_cairo_dock_set_vertex_xy (2, -pDesklet->iWidth/2 + fRadius, 	-pDesklet->iHeight/2);
			_cairo_dock_set_vertex_xy (3, +pDesklet->iWidth/2, 				-pDesklet->iHeight/2);
			_cairo_dock_set_path_as_current ();
			cairo_dock_draw_current_path_opengl (fLineWidth, pSlide->fLineColor, 4);
	glTranslatef (-pDesklet->iWidth/2, -pDesklet->iHeight/2, 0.);
	// les icones.
	double w = pDesklet->iWidth - 2 * pSlide->fMargin;
	double h = pDesklet->iHeight - 2 * pSlide->fMargin;
	int dh = (h - pSlide->iNbLines * (pSlide->iIconSize + myLabels.iLabelSize)) / (pSlide->iNbLines != 1 ? pSlide->iNbLines - 1 : 1);  // ecart entre 2 lignes.
	int dw = (w - pSlide->iNbColumns * pSlide->iIconSize) / pSlide->iNbColumns;  // ecart entre 2 colonnes.
	_cairo_dock_enable_texture ();
	_cairo_dock_set_blend_alpha ();
	_cairo_dock_set_alpha (1.);
	double x = pSlide->fMargin + dw/2, y = pSlide->fMargin + myLabels.iLabelSize;
	int q = 0;
	Icon *pIcon;
	GList *ic;
	for (ic = pDesklet->icons; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
		pIcon = ic->data;
		pIcon->fDrawX = x;
		pIcon->fDrawY = y;
		x += pSlide->iIconSize + dw;
		q ++;
		if (q == pSlide->iNbColumns)
			q = 0;
			x = pSlide->fMargin + dw/2;
			y += pSlide->iIconSize + myLabels.iLabelSize + dh;
	GList *pFirstDrawnElement = cairo_dock_get_first_drawn_element_linear (pDesklet->icons);
	if (pFirstDrawnElement == NULL)
	ic = pFirstDrawnElement;
		pIcon = ic->data;
		if (pIcon->iIconTexture != 0)
			glPushMatrix ();
			glTranslatef (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2,
				pDesklet->iHeight - pIcon->fDrawY - pIcon->fHeight/2,
			//g_print (" %d) %d;%d %dx%d\n", pIcon->iIconTexture, (int)(pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2), (int)(pDesklet->iHeight - pIcon->fDrawY - pIcon->fHeight/2), (int)(pIcon->fWidth/2), (int)(pIcon->fHeight/2));
			_cairo_dock_apply_texture_at_size (pIcon->iIconTexture, pIcon->fWidth, pIcon->fHeight);
			if (pIcon->bHasIndicator && g_iIndicatorTexture != 0)
				glPushMatrix ();
				glTranslatef (0., - pIcon->fHeight/2 + g_fIndicatorHeight/2 * pIcon->fWidth / g_fIndicatorWidth, 0.);
				_cairo_dock_apply_texture_at_size (g_iIndicatorTexture, pIcon->fWidth, g_fIndicatorHeight * pIcon->fWidth / g_fIndicatorWidth);
				glPopMatrix ();
			if (pIcon->iLabelTexture != 0)
				glPushMatrix ();
				double u0 = 0., u1 = 1.;
				double fOffsetX = 0.;
				if (pIcon->bPointed)
					_cairo_dock_set_alpha (1.);
					if (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2 + pIcon->iTextWidth/2 > pDesklet->iWidth)
						fOffsetX = pDesklet->iWidth - (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2 + pIcon->iTextWidth/2);
					if (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2 - pIcon->iTextWidth/2 < 0)
						fOffsetX = pIcon->iTextWidth/2 - (pIcon->fDrawX + pIcon->fWidth/2);
					_cairo_dock_set_alpha (.6);
					if (pIcon->iTextWidth > pIcon->fWidth + 2 * myLabels.iLabelSize)
						fOffsetX = 0.;
						u1 = (double) (pIcon->fWidth + 2 * myLabels.iLabelSize) / pIcon->iTextWidth;
				glTranslatef (fOffsetX, pIcon->fHeight/2 + pIcon->iTextHeight / 2, 0.);
				glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, pIcon->iLabelTexture);
				_cairo_dock_apply_current_texture_portion_at_size_with_offset (u0, 0.,
					u1 - u0, 1.,
					pIcon->iTextWidth * (u1 - u0), pIcon->iTextHeight,
					0., 0.);
				_cairo_dock_set_alpha (1.);
				glPopMatrix ();
			if (pIcon->iQuickInfoTexture != 0)
				glTranslatef (0., (- pIcon->fHeight + pIcon->iQuickInfoHeight)/2, 0.);
				_cairo_dock_apply_texture_at_size (pIcon->iQuickInfoTexture,
			glPopMatrix ();
		ic = cairo_dock_get_next_element (ic, pDesklet->icons);
	} while (ic != pFirstDrawnElement);
	_cairo_dock_disable_texture ();