コード例 #1
static gboolean _timer (gpointer data)
	time_t t_cur = (time_t) time (NULL);
	if (t_cur >= myConfig.iShutdownTime)
		cd_debug ("shutdown !\n");
		if (g_iDesktopEnv == CAIRO_DOCK_KDE)
			cairo_dock_launch_command ("dbus-send --session --type=method_call --dest=org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer org.kde.KSMServerInterface.logout int32:0 int32:2 int32:2");
			cairo_dock_launch_command ("dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Stop");
		myData.iSidTimer = 0;
		CD_APPLET_LEAVE (FALSE);  // inutile de faire quoique ce soit d'autre, puisque l'ordi s'eteint.
		cd_debug ("shutdown in %d minutes", (int) (myConfig.iShutdownTime - t_cur) / 60);
		CD_APPLET_SET_QUICK_INFO_ON_MY_ICON_PRINTF ("%dmn", (int) ceil ((double)(myConfig.iShutdownTime - t_cur) / 60.));
		if (t_cur >= myConfig.iShutdownTime - 60)
			gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("Your computer will shut-down in 1 minute."), myIcon, myContainer, 8000, "same icon");
コード例 #2
static void _cd_do_move_file (CDEntry *pEntry)
	g_print ("%s (%s)\n", __func__, pEntry->cPath);
	GtkWidget* pFileChooserDialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (
		D_("Pick up a directory"),
		GTK_WINDOW (g_pMainDock->pWidget),
	gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (pFileChooserDialog), FALSE);
	gtk_widget_show (pFileChooserDialog);
	int answer = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (pFileChooserDialog));
	if (answer == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
		gchar *cDirPath = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (pFileChooserDialog));
		gchar *cFileName = g_path_get_basename (pEntry->cPath);
		gchar *cNewFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", cDirPath, cFileName);
		g_return_if_fail (! g_file_test (cNewFilePath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS));
		g_free (cFileName);
		g_free (cNewFilePath);
		gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("mv '%s' '%s'", pEntry->cPath, cDirPath);
		cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
		g_free (cCommand);
	gtk_widget_destroy (pFileChooserDialog);
コード例 #3
void cd_open_wm_config (void)
	const gchar *cConfigTool = _get_config_tool ();
	if (cConfigTool != NULL)
		gchar *cmd = g_strdup_printf ("which %s", cConfigTool);
		gchar *cResult = cairo_dock_launch_command_sync (cmd);
		g_free (cmd);
		if (cResult == NULL || *cResult != '/')
			gchar *msg = g_strdup_printf (D_("You need to install '%s'"), cConfigTool);
			gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (msg, myIcon, myContainer, 6000, "same icon");
			g_free (msg);
			cairo_dock_launch_command (cConfigTool);
		gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("No configuration tool is available."), myIcon, myContainer, 6000, "same icon");
コード例 #4
static void _cd_do_zip_folder (CDEntry *pEntry)
	g_print ("%s (%s)\n", __func__, pEntry->cPath);
	gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("tar cfz '%s.tar.gz' '%s'", pEntry->cPath, pEntry->cPath);
	cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
	g_free (cCommand);
コード例 #5
static void _cd_do_execute_command (CDEntry *pEntry)
    gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("%s/calc.sh '%s'", MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR, myData.sCurrentText->str);
    gchar *cResult = cairo_dock_launch_command_sync (cCommand);
    g_free (cCommand);
    if (cResult != NULL && strcmp (cResult, "0") != 0)
        g_print (" resultat du calcul : '%s'\n", cResult);
        GtkClipboard *pClipBoard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
        gtk_clipboard_set_text (pClipBoard, cResult, -1);
        Icon *pIcon = cairo_dock_get_dialogless_icon ();
        cairo_dock_show_temporary_dialog_with_icon (D_("The value %s has been copied into the clipboard."),
                CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock),
    else  // le calcul n'a rien donne, on execute sans chercher.
        g_print (" pas un calcul => on execute '%s'\n", myData.sCurrentText->str);
        cairo_dock_launch_command (myData.sCurrentText->str);
    g_free (cResult);
コード例 #6
void cd_reload_wm (void)
	const gchar *cCommand = _get_command ();
	if (cCommand != NULL)
		cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
コード例 #7
static void _cd_do_mail_file (CDEntry *pEntry)
	g_print ("%s (%s)\n", __func__, pEntry->cPath);
	gchar *cURI = g_filename_to_uri (pEntry->cPath, NULL, NULL);
	gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("thunderbird -compose \"attachment=%s\"", cURI);  /// prendre aussi en compte les autres clients mail, et utiliser celui par defaut...
	cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
	g_free (cCommand);
	g_free (cURI);
コード例 #8
gboolean _check_size_is_constant (GldiModuleInstance *myApplet, const gchar *cFilePath)
	int iSize = cairo_dock_get_file_size (cFilePath);
	gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("ping -i 0.2 -c 2"); // On fait un temps d'arret de 200ms
	cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
	gchar *cResult = cairo_dock_launch_command_sync (cCommand);
	g_free (cCommand);
	g_free (cResult);
	gboolean bConstantSize = (iSize != 0 && iSize == myData.iCurrentFileSize);
	myData.iCurrentFileSize = iSize;
	return bConstantSize;
コード例 #9
static void cd_turn_composite_off (void)
	if (myData.wmfb == NULL)  // no fallback.
		gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("No fallback is available."), myIcon, myContainer, 6000, "same icon");
	// if not already launched, launch it.
	if (! _wm_is_running (myData.wmfb))  // not running
		cairo_dock_launch_command (myData.wmfb->cCommand);
		g_timeout_add_seconds (2, _activate_composite_delayed, 0);  // let the WM start for 2s.
	else  // already running, just toggle composite OFF.
		if (myData.wmfb->activate_composite != NULL)
			myData.wmfb->activate_composite (FALSE);
			gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("No fallback is available."), myIcon, myContainer, 6000, "same icon");
コード例 #10
static void cd_turn_composite_on (void)
	if (myData.wmc == NULL)  // no compositor.
		gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("No compositor is available."), myIcon, myContainer, 6000, "same icon");
	// if not already launched, launch it.
	if (! _wm_is_running (myData.wmc))  // not running
		cairo_dock_launch_command (myData.wmc->cCommand);
		g_timeout_add_seconds (2, _activate_composite_delayed, GINT_TO_POINTER (1));  // let the WM start for 2s.
	else  // already running, just toggle composite ON.
		if (myData.wmc->activate_composite != NULL)
			myData.wmc->activate_composite (TRUE);
			gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("No compositor is available."), myIcon, myContainer, 6000, "same icon");
コード例 #11
void env_backend_logout (void)
	cairo_dock_launch_command ("gnome-session-save --kill --gui");
コード例 #12
static void _stop_xpenguins (GtkMenuItem *menu_item, gpointer *data)
	cairo_dock_launch_command ("xpenguins-stop");
コード例 #13
static gboolean init (gpointer *pData)
	gchar *cResult = cairo_dock_launch_command_sync ("which locate");
	gboolean bAvailable = (cResult != NULL && *cResult != '\0');
	g_free (cResult);
	cd_debug ("locate available : %d", bAvailable);
	if (bAvailable)
		gchar *cDirPath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/ScoobyDo", g_cCairoDockDataDir);
		if (! g_file_test (cDirPath, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
			if (g_mkdir (cDirPath, 7*8*8+7*8+5) != 0)
				cd_warning ("couldn't create directory %s", cDirPath);
				g_free (cDirPath);
				return FALSE;
		gchar *cDataBase = g_strdup_printf ("%s/ScoobyDo.db", cDirPath);
		gchar *cLastUpdateFile = g_strdup_printf ("%s/.last-update", cDirPath);
		gboolean bNeedsUpdate = FALSE;
		if (! g_file_test (cDataBase, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
			bNeedsUpdate = TRUE;
			if (! g_file_test (cLastUpdateFile, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
				bNeedsUpdate = TRUE;
				gsize length = 0;
				gchar *cContent = NULL;
				g_file_get_contents (cLastUpdateFile,
				if (cContent == NULL || *cContent == '\0')
					bNeedsUpdate = TRUE;
					time_t iLastUpdateTime = atoll (cContent);
					time_t iCurrentTime = (time_t) time (NULL);
					if (iCurrentTime - iLastUpdateTime > 86400)
						bNeedsUpdate = TRUE;
				g_free (cContent);
		if (bNeedsUpdate)
			cairo_dock_launch_command (MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/updatedb.sh");
			gchar *cDate = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", time (NULL));
			g_file_set_contents (cLastUpdateFile,
			g_free (cDate);
		g_free (cDataBase);
		g_free (cLastUpdateFile);
		g_free (cDirPath);
	return bAvailable;
コード例 #14
void env_backend_setup_time (void)
	cairo_dock_launch_command ("gksu time-admin");
コード例 #15
gboolean cd_do_key_pressed (gpointer pUserData, GldiContainer *pContainer, guint iKeyVal, guint iModifierType, const gchar *string)
	g_return_val_if_fail (cd_do_session_is_running (), GLDI_NOTIFICATION_LET_PASS);

	if (myData.sCurrentText == NULL)
	const gchar *cKeyName = gdk_keyval_name (iKeyVal);
	guint32 iUnicodeChar = gdk_keyval_to_unicode (iKeyVal);
	cd_debug ("+ cKeyName : %s (%c, %s)", cKeyName, iUnicodeChar, string);

	if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Escape)  // on clot la session.
		cd_do_close_session ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_space && myData.iNbValidCaracters == 0)  // pas d'espace en debut de chaine.
		// on rejette.
	else if (iKeyVal >= GDK_KEY_Shift_L && iKeyVal <= GDK_KEY_Hyper_R)  // on n'ecrit pas les modificateurs.
		// on rejette.
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_BackSpace)  // on efface la derniere lettre.
		if (myData.iNbValidCaracters > 0)
			cd_debug ("on efface la derniere lettre de %s %d/%d", myData.sCurrentText->str, myData.iNbValidCaracters, myData.sCurrentText->len);
			if (myData.iNbValidCaracters == myData.sCurrentText->len)  // pas de completion en cours => on efface la derniere lettre tapee.
				myData.iNbValidCaracters --;
			// on efface les lettres precedentes jusqu'a la derniere position validee.
			cd_do_delete_invalid_caracters ();
			// on relance la recherche.
			if (myData.pListingHistory == NULL)  // recherche principale.
				g_list_free (myData.pMatchingIcons);
				myData.pMatchingIcons = NULL;
				cd_do_search_matching_icons ();
				if (myData.pMatchingIcons == NULL && myData.sCurrentText->len > 0)  // on n'a trouve aucun programme, on cherche des entrees.
					if (myData.iSidLoadExternAppliIdle != 0)
						g_source_remove (myData.iSidLoadExternAppliIdle);
						myData.iSidLoadExternAppliIdle = 0;
					cd_do_launch_all_backends ();
				else  // on a trouve au moins un programme, on cache le listing des fichiers.
					cd_do_hide_listing ();
			else  // sous-recherche => on filtre.
				cd_do_filter_current_listing ();
			// on repositionne les caracteres et on anime tout ca.
			cd_do_launch_appearance_animation ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Tab)  // completion.
		if (myData.iNbValidCaracters > 0)
			gboolean bPrevious = iModifierType & GDK_SHIFT_MASK;
			if (myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)
				cd_do_select_previous_next_matching_icon (!bPrevious);
				// faire un truc ?...
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Return)
		cd_debug ("Enter (%s)", myData.cSearchText);
		if (myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)  // on a une appli a lancer.
			Icon *pIcon = (myData.pCurrentMatchingElement ? myData.pCurrentMatchingElement->data : myData.pMatchingIcons->data);
			cairo_dock_launch_command (pIcon->cCommand);
		else if (myData.pListing && myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry)  // pas d'appli mais une entree => on l'execute.
			CDEntry *pEntry = myData.pListing->pCurrentEntry->data;
			cd_debug ("on valide l'entree '%s ; %s'", pEntry->cName, pEntry->cPath);
			if (pEntry->execute)
				pEntry->execute (pEntry);
		else if (myData.iNbValidCaracters > 0)  // pas d'entree mais du texte => on l'execute tel quel.
			cd_debug ("on execute '%s'", myData.sCurrentText->str);
			cairo_dock_launch_command (myData.sCurrentText->str);
		if (!(iModifierType & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) && !(iModifierType & GDK_MOD1_MASK) && !(iModifierType & GDK_SHIFT_MASK))
			cd_do_close_session ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Left || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Right || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Up || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Down)
		if (myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)
			cd_do_select_previous_next_matching_icon (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Right || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Down);
		else if (myData.pListing != NULL && myData.pListing->pEntries != NULL)
			if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Down)
				cd_do_select_prev_next_entry_in_listing (TRUE);  // next
			else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Up)
				cd_do_select_prev_next_entry_in_listing (FALSE);  // previous
			else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Right)
				cd_do_show_current_sub_listing ();
			else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Left)
				cd_do_show_previous_listing ();
	else if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Down || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Up || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Home || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_End)
		if (myData.pListing != NULL)
			if (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Down || iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Up)
				cd_do_select_prev_next_page_in_listing (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_Page_Down);  // TRUE <=> next page
				cd_do_select_last_first_entry_in_listing (iKeyVal == GDK_KEY_End);  // TRUE <=> last entry.
	else if (iKeyVal >= GDK_KEY_F1 && iKeyVal <= GDK_KEY_F9)
		if (myData.pListing != NULL && gldi_container_is_visible (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing)))
			cd_debug ("modification du filtre : option n°%d", iKeyVal - GDK_KEY_F1);
			cd_do_activate_filter_option (iKeyVal - GDK_KEY_F1);
			cairo_dock_redraw_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (myData.pListing));
	else if (string)  /// utiliser l'unichar ...
		cd_debug ("string:'%s'", string);
		guint iNbNewChar = 0;
		if ((iModifierType & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) && iUnicodeChar == 'v')  // CTRL+v
			cd_debug ("CTRL+v\n");
			GtkClipboard *pClipBoard = gtk_clipboard_get (GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD);
			gchar *cText = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text (pClipBoard);  // la main loop s'execute pendant ce temps.
			if (cText != NULL)
				cd_debug ("clipboard : '%s'", cText);
				iNbNewChar = strlen (cText);  /// penser a l'UTF-8 ...
				gchar *str = strchr (cText, '\r');
				if (str)
					*str = '\0';
				str = strchr (cText, '\n');
				if (str)
					*str = '\0';
				g_string_append (myData.sCurrentText, cText);
				cd_do_load_pending_caracters ();
				cd_do_launch_appearance_animation ();
				myData.iNbValidCaracters = myData.sCurrentText->len;  // cela valide le texte colle ainsi que les lettres precedemment ajoutee par completion.
		else  // on rajoute la lettre au mot
			iNbNewChar = 1;
			g_string_append_c (myData.sCurrentText, *string);
			myData.iNbValidCaracters = myData.sCurrentText->len;  // l'utilisateur valide la nouvelle lettre ainsi que celles precedemment ajoutee par completion.

		// on cherche la liste des icones qui correspondent.
		if (myData.pListingHistory == NULL)
			//if (! (myData.bFoundNothing || (myData.pListing && myData.pListing->pEntries)))  // on n'est pas deja dans une recherche de fichiers
			if (myData.iNbValidCaracters == iNbNewChar || myData.pMatchingIcons != NULL)  // 1er ajout de lettre ou precedente recherche d'icones fructueuse => on remet ca.
				cd_do_search_matching_icons ();
			// si on n'a trouve aucun lanceur, on lance la recherche dans les backends.
			if (myData.pMatchingIcons == NULL)
				cd_do_launch_all_backends ();
			cd_do_filter_current_listing ();
		// on rajoute une surface/texture pour la/les nouvelle(s) lettre(s).
		myData.iNbValidCaracters -= iNbNewChar;  // le nouveau caractere n'est pas encore charge.
		cd_do_load_pending_caracters ();
		myData.iNbValidCaracters += iNbNewChar;
		// on repositionne les caracteres et on anime tout ca.
		cd_do_launch_appearance_animation ();
コード例 #16
static gboolean _on_click_module_tree_view (GtkTreeView *pTreeView, GdkEventButton* pButton, gpointer data)
	//g_print ("%s ()\n", __func__);
	if ((pButton->button == 3 && pButton->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)  // right-click
	|| (pButton->button == 1 && pButton->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS))  // double-click
		cd_debug ("%s ()", __func__);
		// get the current selected line.
		GtkTreeSelection *pSelection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (pTreeView);
		GtkTreeModel *pModel;
		GtkTreeIter iter;
		if (! gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (pSelection, &pModel, &iter))
			return FALSE;
		gchar *cName = NULL, *cUri = NULL;
		guint id = 0;
		gtk_tree_model_get (pModel, &iter,
			CD_MODEL_NAME, &cName,
			CD_MODEL_URI, &cUri,
			CD_MODEL_ID, &id, -1);
		//launch or build the menu.
		gboolean bIsAppli = (strncmp (cUri, "application://", 14) == 0);
		if (pButton->button == 1)  // double-click
			if (bIsAppli)  // an appli -> run it
				gchar *tmp = strrchr (cUri, '.');  // remove the '.desktop'
				if (tmp)
					*tmp = '\0';
				cairo_dock_launch_command (cUri+14);
			else  // a file -> open it
				cairo_dock_fm_launch_uri (cUri);
			g_free (cUri);
		else  // right-click
			GtkWidget *pMenu = gldi_menu_new (NULL);
			g_free (myData.cCurrentUri);
			myData.cCurrentUri = cUri;
			if (!bIsAppli)
				GList *pApps = cairo_dock_fm_list_apps_for_file (cUri);
				if (pApps != NULL)
					GtkWidget *pSubMenu = CD_APPLET_ADD_SUB_MENU_WITH_IMAGE (D_("Open with"), pMenu, GLDI_ICON_NAME_OPEN);
					cd_folders_free_apps_list (myApplet);
					GList *a;
					gchar **pAppInfo;
					gchar *cIconPath;
					for (a = pApps; a != NULL; a = a->next)
						pAppInfo = a->data;
						myData.pAppList = g_list_prepend (myData.pAppList, pAppInfo[1]);
						if (pAppInfo[2] != NULL)
							cIconPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (pAppInfo[2], cairo_dock_search_icon_size (GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU));
							cIconPath = NULL;
						CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (pAppInfo[0], cIconPath, _cd_launch_with, pSubMenu, pAppInfo[1]);
						g_free (cIconPath);
						g_free (pAppInfo[0]);
						g_free (pAppInfo[2]);
						g_free (pAppInfo);
					g_list_free (pApps);
				CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Open parent folder"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_DIRECTORY, _cd_open_parent, pMenu, NULL);
				CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Copy the location"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_COPY, _cd_copy_location, pMenu, NULL);
			CD_APPLET_ADD_IN_MENU_WITH_STOCK_AND_DATA (D_("Delete this event"), GLDI_ICON_NAME_REMOVE, _cd_delete_event, pMenu, GUINT_TO_POINTER (id));
			gtk_widget_show_all (pMenu);
			gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (pMenu),
				NULL,  // popup on mouse.
				gtk_get_current_event_time ());
	return FALSE;
コード例 #17
gboolean _new_xml_to_conf (GldiModuleInstance *myApplet, gchar *cReceivedData)
	gboolean bContinue = FALSE;
	if (cReceivedData && ((strncmp (cReceivedData, "file://", 7) == 0 && g_str_has_suffix (cReceivedData, ".xml")) \
			|| (strncmp (cReceivedData, "file://", 7) == 0 && g_str_has_suffix (cReceivedData, ".tar.gz")) \
			|| (strncmp (cReceivedData, "http://", 7) == 0 && g_str_has_suffix (cReceivedData, ".xml")) \
			|| (strncmp (cReceivedData, "http://", 7) == 0 && g_str_has_suffix (cReceivedData, ".tar.gz"))))
		if (strncmp (cReceivedData, "file://", 7) == 0 && g_str_has_suffix (cReceivedData, ".xml")) // On laisse le fichier où il est et on ne crée pas de thème dans ~/.config/cairo-dock/doncky/
			cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : local xml file -> Use it without any copy.");
			// ltrim( cReceivedData, "file:///" );
			cReceivedData = g_filename_from_uri (cReceivedData, NULL, NULL);// FREE // g_strdup_printf("/%s", cReceivedData);
			bContinue = TRUE;
		else // On crée un thème dans ~/.config/cairo-dock/doncky/
			if (strncmp (cReceivedData, "file://", 7) == 0)
				cReceivedData = g_filename_from_uri (cReceivedData, NULL, NULL); // FREE

			// On récupère le 1er champ -> nom du fichier
			/*g_strreverse (cTmpFileName);			
			cTmpFileName = g_str_position (cTmpFileName, 1, '/');
			g_strreverse (cTmpFileName);*/
			gchar *cTmpFileName = g_path_get_basename (cReceivedData);
			// Récupération du nom du fichier sans l'extension
			gchar *cTmpThemeName = g_strdup (cTmpFileName);
			if (g_str_has_suffix(cReceivedData,".xml"))
			else if (g_str_has_suffix(cReceivedData,".tar.gz"))
				rtrim (cTmpThemeName, ".tar.gz");
			cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : Theme name : %s", cTmpThemeName);
			// on cree le repertoire pour le theme.
			gchar *cDonckyThemesPath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/doncky", g_cCairoDockDataDir);
			gchar *cThemePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", cDonckyThemesPath, cTmpThemeName);
			if (! g_file_test (cThemePath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
				cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : the folder '%s' doesn't exist -> We create it", cThemePath);
				if (! g_file_test (cDonckyThemesPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
					cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : the folder '%s' doesn't exist -> We create it", cDonckyThemesPath);
					if (g_mkdir (cDonckyThemesPath, 7*8*8+7*8+0) != 0)
						cd_warning ("couldn't create directory '%s' !\nNo read history will be available.", cDonckyThemesPath);
						bContinue = FALSE;
				if (g_mkdir (cThemePath, 7*8*8+7*8+0) != 0)
					cd_warning ("couldn't create directory '%s' !\nNo read history will be available.", cThemePath);
					bContinue = FALSE;
					bContinue = TRUE;
				cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : the folder '%s' exists -> give it a new name ...", cThemePath);
				gchar *cNewPath=NULL;
				int i=2;
					cNewPath = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%d", cThemePath, i);
					i ++;
				while (g_file_test (cNewPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS));
				g_free (cThemePath);
				cThemePath = cNewPath;
				bContinue = TRUE;
			if (bContinue)
				if (strncmp (cReceivedData, "http://", 7) == 0)
					gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("wget \"%s\" -O \"%s/%s\" -t 3 -T 4 30 /dev/null 2>&1", cReceivedData, cThemePath, cTmpFileName);
					cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : Downloading the file ...");
					cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
					g_free (cCommand);												
				else // C'est donc un fichier local
					gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("cp \"/%s\" \"%s/%s\"", cReceivedData, cThemePath, cTmpFileName);
					cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
					g_free (cCommand);

				g_free (cReceivedData);
				cReceivedData = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", cThemePath, cTmpFileName);
				cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : Waiting to complete \"%s\"...", cReceivedData);
					// waiting for the download to be completed
					cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : Waiting to complete...");
				}while (!_check_size_is_constant (myApplet, cReceivedData));
				cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : \"%s\" is ready (Downloaded size : %i octets)", cReceivedData, myData.iCurrentFileSize);
				if (g_str_has_suffix(cReceivedData,".tar.gz"))
					gchar *cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("cd \"%s\" && tar -xzvf \"%s\"",cThemePath, cTmpFileName);
					cairo_dock_launch_command (cCommand);
					g_free (cCommand);
					// On re-définit le chemin du xml
					rtrim (cTmpFileName, ".tar.gz");
					g_free (cReceivedData);
					cReceivedData = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s.xml", cThemePath, cTmpFileName);
			g_free (cDonckyThemesPath);
			g_free (cThemePath);
			g_free (cTmpFileName);
			g_free (cTmpThemeName);
		if (bContinue)
			cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : \"%s\" was dropped", cReceivedData);
			cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : This seems to be a valid XML File -> Let's continue...");
			// on definit la nouvelle URL en conf.
			g_free (myConfig.cXmlFilePath);
			myConfig.cXmlFilePath = g_strdup (cReceivedData);
			cairo_dock_update_conf_file (CD_APPLET_MY_CONF_FILE,
				G_TYPE_INVALID);  // On l'ecrit dans le fichier de config
			cd_doncky_free_item_list (myApplet);
			cd_doncky_readxml (myApplet);
			// 2 times to allow xml files to modify the conf :		
			cd_doncky_free_item_list (myApplet);
			cd_doncky_readxml (myApplet);
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;
		cd_debug ("DONCKY-debug : It doesn't seem to be a valid XML.");	
		gldi_dialogs_remove_on_icon (myIcon);
		gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("It doesn't seem to be a valid XML file."),
			3000, // Suffisant 
		return FALSE;
コード例 #18
void env_backend_show_system_monitor (void)
	cairo_dock_launch_command ("gnome-system-monitor");