コード例 #1
void calcConvexDecomposition(unsigned int           vcount,
                                const float           *vertices,
                                unsigned int           tcount,
                                const unsigned int    *indices,
                                ConvexDecompInterface *callback,
                                float                  masterVolume,
                                unsigned int           depth)


  float plane[4];

  bool split = false;

  if ( depth < MAXDEPTH )

		float volume;
		float c = computeConcavity( vcount, vertices, tcount, indices, callback, plane, volume );

    if ( depth == 0 )
      masterVolume = volume;

		float percent = (c*100.0f)/masterVolume;

		if ( percent > CONCAVE_PERCENT ) // if great than 5% of the total volume is concave, go ahead and keep splitting.
      split = true;


  if ( depth >= MAXDEPTH || !split )

#if 1

    HullResult result;
    HullLibrary hl;
    HullDesc   desc;


    desc.mVcount       = vcount;
    desc.mVertices     = vertices;
    desc.mVertexStride = sizeof(float)*3;

    HullError ret = hl.CreateConvexHull(desc,result);

    if ( ret == QE_OK )

			ConvexResult r(result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, result.mNumFaces, result.mIndices);



		static unsigned int colors[8] =

		static int count = 0;


		if ( count == 8 ) count = 0;

		assert( count >= 0 && count < 8 );

		unsigned int color = colors[count];

    const unsigned int *source = indices;

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<tcount; i++)

      unsigned int i1 = *source++;
      unsigned int i2 = *source++;
      unsigned int i3 = *source++;

			FaceTri t(vertices, i1, i2, i3 );

      callback->ConvexDebugTri( t.mP1.Ptr(), t.mP2.Ptr(), t.mP3.Ptr(), color );




  UintVector ifront;
  UintVector iback;

  VertexLookup vfront = Vl_createVertexLookup();
  VertexLookup vback  = Vl_createVertexLookup();

	bool showmesh = false;
  showmesh = true;

	if ( 0 )
		showmesh = true;
	  for (float x=-1; x<1; x+=0.10f)
		  for (float y=0; y<1; y+=0.10f)
			  for (float z=-1; z<1; z+=0.04f)
				  float d = x*plane[0] + y*plane[1] + z*plane[2] + plane[3];
					Vector3d p(x,y,z);
				  if ( d >= 0 )
					  callback->ConvexDebugPoint(p.Ptr(), 0.02f, 0x00FF00);
					  callback->ConvexDebugPoint(p.Ptr(), 0.02f, 0xFF0000);

	if ( 1 )
		// ok..now we are going to 'split' all of the input triangles against this plane!
		const unsigned int *source = indices;
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<tcount; i++)
			unsigned int i1 = *source++;
			unsigned int i2 = *source++;
			unsigned int i3 = *source++;

			FaceTri t(vertices, i1, i2, i3 );

			Vector3d front[4];
			Vector3d back[4];

			unsigned int fcount=0;
			unsigned int bcount=0;

			PlaneTriResult result;

		  result = planeTriIntersection(plane,t.mP1.Ptr(),sizeof(Vector3d),0.00001f,front[0].Ptr(),fcount,back[0].Ptr(),bcount );

			if( fcount > 4 || bcount > 4 )
		    result = planeTriIntersection(plane,t.mP1.Ptr(),sizeof(Vector3d),0.00001f,front[0].Ptr(),fcount,back[0].Ptr(),bcount );

			switch ( result )
				case PTR_FRONT:

					assert( fcount == 3 );

          if ( showmesh )
            callback->ConvexDebugTri( front[0].Ptr(), front[1].Ptr(), front[2].Ptr(), 0x00FF00 );

          #if MAKE_MESH

          addTri( vfront, ifront, front[0], front[1], front[2] );


				case PTR_BACK:
					assert( bcount == 3 );

          if ( showmesh )
  					callback->ConvexDebugTri( back[0].Ptr(), back[1].Ptr(), back[2].Ptr(), 0xFFFF00 );

          #if MAKE_MESH

          addTri( vback, iback, back[0], back[1], back[2] );


				case PTR_SPLIT:

					assert( fcount >= 3 && fcount <= 4);
					assert( bcount >= 3 && bcount <= 4);

          #if MAKE_MESH

          addTri( vfront, ifront, front[0], front[1], front[2] );
          addTri( vback, iback, back[0], back[1], back[2] );

          if ( fcount == 4 )
            addTri( vfront, ifront, front[0], front[2], front[3] );

          if ( bcount == 4  )
            addTri( vback, iback, back[0], back[2], back[3] );


          if ( showmesh )
  					callback->ConvexDebugTri( front[0].Ptr(), front[1].Ptr(), front[2].Ptr(), 0x00D000 );
  					callback->ConvexDebugTri( back[0].Ptr(), back[1].Ptr(), back[2].Ptr(), 0xD0D000 );

  					if ( fcount == 4 )
  						callback->ConvexDebugTri( front[0].Ptr(), front[2].Ptr(), front[3].Ptr(), 0x00D000 );
  					if ( bcount == 4 )
  						callback->ConvexDebugTri( back[0].Ptr(), back[2].Ptr(), back[3].Ptr(), 0xD0D000 );


		unsigned int fsize = ifront.size()/3;
		unsigned int bsize = iback.size()/3;

    // ok... here we recursively call
    if ( ifront.size() )
      unsigned int vcount   = Vl_getVcount(vfront);
      const float *vertices = Vl_getVertices(vfront);
      unsigned int tcount   = ifront.size()/3;

      calcConvexDecomposition(vcount, vertices, tcount, &ifront[0], callback, masterVolume, depth+1);




    if ( iback.size() )
      unsigned int vcount   = Vl_getVcount(vback);
      const float *vertices = Vl_getVertices(vback);
      unsigned int tcount   = iback.size()/3;

      calcConvexDecomposition(vcount, vertices, tcount, &iback[0], callback, masterVolume, depth+1);



コード例 #2
ファイル: ConvexBuilder.cpp プロジェクト: CZdravko/Horde
unsigned int ConvexBuilder::process(const DecompDesc &desc)

	unsigned int ret = 0;

	MAXDEPTH        = desc.mDepth;
	CONCAVE_PERCENT = desc.mCpercent;
	MERGE_PERCENT   = desc.mPpercent;

	calcConvexDecomposition(desc.mVcount, desc.mVertices, desc.mTcount, desc.mIndices,this,0,0);

	while ( combineHulls() ); // keep combinging hulls until I can't combine any more...

	int i;
	for (i=0;i<mChulls.size();i++)
		CHull *cr = mChulls[i];

		// before we hand it back to the application, we need to regenerate the hull based on the
		// limits given by the user.

		const ConvexResult &c = *cr->mResult; // the high resolution hull...

		HullResult result;
		HullLibrary hl;
		HullDesc   hdesc;


		hdesc.mVcount       = c.mHullVcount;
		hdesc.mVertices     = c.mHullVertices;
		hdesc.mVertexStride = sizeof(float)*3;
		hdesc.mMaxVertices  = desc.mMaxVertices; // maximum number of vertices allowed in the output

		if ( desc.mSkinWidth  )
			hdesc.mSkinWidth = desc.mSkinWidth;
			hdesc.SetHullFlag(QF_SKIN_WIDTH); // do skin width computation.

		HullError ret = hl.CreateConvexHull(hdesc,result);

		if ( ret == QE_OK )
			ConvexResult r(result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, result.mNumFaces, result.mIndices);

			r.mHullVolume = computeMeshVolume( result.mOutputVertices, result.mNumFaces, result.mIndices ); // the volume of the hull.

			// compute the best fit OBB
			computeBestFitOBB( result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, sizeof(float)*3, r.mOBBSides, r.mOBBTransform );

			r.mOBBVolume = r.mOBBSides[0] * r.mOBBSides[1] *r.mOBBSides[2]; // compute the OBB volume.

			fm_getTranslation( r.mOBBTransform, r.mOBBCenter );      // get the translation component of the 4x4 matrix.

			fm_matrixToQuat( r.mOBBTransform, r.mOBBOrientation );   // extract the orientation as a quaternion.

			r.mSphereRadius = computeBoundingSphere( result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, r.mSphereCenter );
			r.mSphereVolume = fm_sphereVolume( r.mSphereRadius );


		hl.ReleaseResult (result);

		delete cr;

	ret = mChulls.size();


	return ret;