static PyObject *mmeval_elecenergy(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { // Get the AmberSystem PyObject *mol; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &mol)) return NULL; int charge_size = 0; float *charge = get_block_as_float_array(mol, "CHARGE", &charge_size); if(charge == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Couldn't find CHARGE block.\n"); return NULL; } // Extract coordinate arrays float *x, *y, *z; int num_atoms = get_coordinates(mol, &x, &y, &z); float Eelec = calc_elec_energy(charge, x, y, z, num_atoms); free(x); free(y); free(z); return Py_BuildValue("f", Eelec); }
int main() { size_t NElec = 10; size_t NOcc = NElec / 2; size_t NBasis = 26; size_t M = idx4(NBasis, NBasis, NBasis, NBasis); size_t i, j, k, l; double val; size_t mu, nu, lam, sig; FILE *enuc_file; enuc_file = fopen("h2o_dzp_enuc.dat", "r"); double Vnn; fscanf(enuc_file, "%lf", &Vnn); fclose(enuc_file); printf("Nuclear repulsion energy = %12f\n", Vnn); arma::mat S(NBasis, NBasis); arma::mat T(NBasis, NBasis); arma::mat V(NBasis, NBasis); arma::mat H(NBasis, NBasis); arma::mat F(NBasis, NBasis, arma::fill::zeros); arma::mat F_prime(NBasis, NBasis, arma::fill::zeros); arma::mat D(NBasis, NBasis, arma::fill::zeros); arma::mat D_old(NBasis, NBasis, arma::fill::zeros); arma::mat C(NBasis, NBasis); arma::vec eps_vec(NBasis); arma::mat C_prime(NBasis, NBasis); arma::vec Lam_S_vec(NBasis); arma::mat Lam_S_mat(NBasis, NBasis); arma::mat L_S(NBasis, NBasis); FILE *S_file, *T_file, *V_file; S_file = fopen("h2o_dzp_s.dat", "r"); T_file = fopen("h2o_dzp_t.dat", "r"); V_file = fopen("h2o_dzp_v.dat", "r"); while (fscanf(S_file, "%d %d %lf", &i, &j, &val) != EOF) S(i-1, j-1) = S(j-1, i-1) = val; while (fscanf(T_file, "%d %d %lf", &i, &j, &val) != EOF) T(i-1, j-1) = T(j-1, i-1) = val; while (fscanf(V_file, "%d %d %lf", &i, &j, &val) != EOF) V(i-1, j-1) = V(j-1, i-1) = val; fclose(S_file); fclose(T_file); fclose(V_file); arma::vec ERI = arma::vec(M, arma::fill::zeros); FILE *ERI_file; ERI_file = fopen("h2o_dzp_eri.dat", "r"); while (fscanf(ERI_file, "%d %d %d %d %lf", &i, &j, &k, &l, &val) != EOF) { mu = i-1; nu = j-1; lam = k-1; sig = l-1; ERI(idx4(mu,nu,lam,sig)) = val; } fclose(ERI_file); double thresh_E = 1.0e-15; double thresh_D = 1.0e-10; size_t iteration = 0; size_t max_iterations = 1024; double E_total, E_elec_old, E_elec_new, delta_E, rmsd_D; printf("Overlap Integrals:\n"); print_arma_mat(S); printf("Kinetic-Energy Integrals:\n"); print_arma_mat(T); printf("Nuclear Attraction Integrals\n"); print_arma_mat(V); H = T + V; printf("Core Hamiltonian:\n"); print_arma_mat(H); arma::eig_sym(Lam_S_vec, L_S, S); // What's wrong with this? // Lam_S_mat = Lam_S_vec * arma::eye<arma::mat>(Lam_S_vec.n_elem, Lam_S_vec.n_elem); Lam_S_mat = arma::diagmat(Lam_S_vec); arma::mat Lam_sqrt_inv = arma::sqrt(arma::inv(Lam_S_mat)); arma::mat symm_orthog = L_S * Lam_sqrt_inv * L_S.t(); F_prime = symm_orthog.t() * H * symm_orthog; arma::eig_sym(eps_vec, C_prime, F_prime); C = symm_orthog * C_prime; build_density(D, C, NOcc); printf("S^-1/2 Matrix:\n"); print_arma_mat(symm_orthog); printf("Initial F' Matrix:\n"); print_arma_mat(F_prime); printf("Initial C Matrix:\n"); print_arma_mat(C); printf("Initial Density Matrix:\n"); print_arma_mat(D); E_elec_new = calc_elec_energy(D, H, H); E_total = E_elec_new + Vnn; delta_E = E_total; printf(" Iter E(elec) E(tot) Delta(E) RMS(D)\n"); printf("%4d %20.12f %20.12f %20.12f\n", iteration, E_elec_new, E_total, delta_E); iteration++; while (iteration < max_iterations) { build_fock(F, D, H, ERI); F_prime = symm_orthog.t() * F * symm_orthog; arma::eig_sym(eps_vec, C_prime, F_prime); C = symm_orthog * C_prime; D_old = D; build_density(D, C, NOcc); E_elec_old = E_elec_new; E_elec_new = calc_elec_energy(D, H, F); E_total = E_elec_new + Vnn; if (iteration == 1) { printf("Fock Matrix:\n"); print_arma_mat(F); printf("%4d %20.12f %20.12f %20.12f\n", iteration, E_elec_new, E_total, delta_E); } else { printf("%4d %20.12f %20.12f %20.12f %20.12f\n", iteration, E_elec_new, E_total, delta_E, rmsd_D); } delta_E = E_elec_new - E_elec_old; rmsd_D = rmsd_density(D, D_old); if (delta_E < thresh_E && rmsd_D < thresh_D) { printf("Convergence achieved.\n"); break; } F = F_prime; iteration++; } arma::mat F_MO = C.t() * F * C; // Save the TEIs and MO coefficients/energies to disk // for use in other routines."H.mat", arma::arma_ascii);"TEI_AO.mat", arma::arma_ascii);"C.mat", arma::arma_ascii);"F_MO.mat", arma::arma_ascii); return 0; }