コード例 #1
ファイル: lua_tinker.cpp プロジェクト: hhshih/LuaTinker
static void call_stack(lua_State* L, int n)
    lua_Debug ar;
    if(lua_getstack(L, n, &ar) == 1)
        lua_getinfo(L, "nSlu", &ar);

        const char* indent;
        if(n == 0)
            indent = "-> ";
            lua_tinker::print_error(L, "[[--call stack--]]");
            indent = "   ";

            lua_tinker::print_error(L, "%s%s() -- <<line %d>> at [%s]", indent, ar.name, ar.currentline, ar.source);
            lua_tinker::print_error(L, "%sunknown -- <<line %d>> [%s]", indent, ar.currentline, ar.source);

        call_stack(L, n+1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: lua_tinker.cpp プロジェクト: clark2015/Misc
static void call_stack(lua_State* L, int n)
    lua_Debug ar;
    if(lua_getstack(L, n, &ar) == 1)
                lua_getinfo(L, "nSlu", &ar);

                const char* indent;
                if(n == 0)
                        indent = "->\t";
                        lua_tinker::print_error(L, "\t<call stack>");
                        indent = "\t";

                        lua_tinker::print_error(L, "%s%s() : line %d [%s : line %d]", indent, ar.name, ar.currentline, ar.source, ar.linedefined);
                        lua_tinker::print_error(L, "%sunknown : line %d [%s : line %d]", indent, ar.currentline, ar.source, ar.linedefined);

                call_stack(L, n+1);
コード例 #3
ファイル: lua_tinker.cpp プロジェクト: xubingyue/lua_tinker
static void call_stack(lua_State* L, int n, std::string& temp)
    lua_Debug ar;
    if (lua_getstack(L, n, &ar) == 1)
        lua_getinfo(L, "nSlu", &ar);
        char txt[4096];

        const char* indent;
        if (n == 0)
            indent = "->\t";
            sprintf(txt, "%s", "\t<call stack> \n");
            temp += txt;
            indent = "\t";

        if (ar.name)
            sprintf(txt, "%s%s() : line %d [%s : line %d] \n", indent, ar.name, ar.currentline, ar.source, ar.linedefined);
            sprintf(txt, "%sunknown : line %d [%s : line %d] \n", indent, ar.currentline, ar.source, ar.linedefined);

        temp += txt;
        call_stack(L, n + 1, temp);
コード例 #4
ファイル: lua_tinker.cpp プロジェクト: clark2015/Misc
int lua_tinker::on_error(lua_State *L)
        print_error(L, "%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));

        call_stack(L, 0);

        return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: lua_tinker.cpp プロジェクト: RokkiGH/wowboss
	int on_error(lua_State *L)
		print_error(L, "%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
		call_stack(L, 0);
		assert( false );
		return 0;	
コード例 #6
ファイル: lua_tinker.cpp プロジェクト: xubingyue/lua_tinker
int lua_tinker::on_error(lua_State *L)
    std::string  temp;
    temp += lua_tostring(L, -1);
    temp += "\n";
    call_stack(L, 0, temp);

    lua_tinker::print_error(L, "%s", temp.c_str());

    return 0;
コード例 #7
function_def_by_id<TCallId,TAllFuncs>::return_type run_step_impl(
    const TAllFuncs &allDefs,
    const TTodoFuncs &todoFuncs,
    TDoneStacks &doneStack,
    const CallStep<TCallId,TCallArgSrc> &call
    stack_entry_t stackStorage[1024];
    multi_stack call_stack(stackStorage, defs.head, tailStack);
    return run_step_impl(allDefs, todoFuncs.tail, call_stack, call);
コード例 #8
ファイル: lua_tinker.cpp プロジェクト: hhshih/LuaTinker
int lua_tinker::on_error(lua_State *L)
    print_error(L, "\n==============================\n");   
    print_error(L, "%s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1));
    print_error(L, "==============================\n");   
    call_stack(L, 0);
    print_error(L, "==============================\n");
    lua_getglobal(L, "_DumpLocals");
    lua_pcall(L, 0,0,0);
    lua_pop(L, 1);
    lua_getglobal(L, "_ReloadBreak");
    lua_pcall(L, 0,0,0);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    return 0;
コード例 #9
bool ReservedMemoryRegion::remove_uncommitted_region(address addr, size_t sz) {
  // uncommit stack guard pages
  if (flag() == mtThreadStack && !same_region(addr, sz)) {
    return true;

  assert(addr != NULL, "Invalid address");
  assert(sz > 0, "Invalid size");

  if (all_committed()) {
    assert(_committed_regions.is_empty(), "Sanity check");
    assert(contain_region(addr, sz), "Reserved region does not contain this region");
    VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(sz, flag());
    if (same_region(addr, sz)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      CommittedMemoryRegion rgn(base(), size(), *call_stack());
      if (rgn.base() == addr || rgn.end() == (addr + sz)) {
        rgn.exclude_region(addr, sz);
        return add_committed_region(rgn);
      } else {
        // split this region
        // top of the whole region
        address top =rgn.end();
        // use this region for lower part
        size_t exclude_size = rgn.end() - addr;
        rgn.exclude_region(addr, exclude_size);
        if (add_committed_region(rgn)) {
          // higher part
          address high_base = addr + sz;
          size_t  high_size = top - high_base;
          CommittedMemoryRegion high_rgn(high_base, high_size, NativeCallStack::EMPTY_STACK);
          return add_committed_region(high_rgn);
        } else {
          return false;
  } else {
    // we have to walk whole list to remove the committed regions in
    // specified range
    LinkedListNode<CommittedMemoryRegion>* head =
    LinkedListNode<CommittedMemoryRegion>* prev = NULL;
    VirtualMemoryRegion uncommitted_rgn(addr, sz);

    while (head != NULL && !uncommitted_rgn.is_empty()) {
      CommittedMemoryRegion* crgn = head->data();
      // this committed region overlaps to region to uncommit
      if (crgn->overlap_region(uncommitted_rgn.base(), uncommitted_rgn.size())) {
        if (crgn->same_region(uncommitted_rgn.base(), uncommitted_rgn.size())) {
          // find matched region, remove the node will do
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(uncommitted_rgn.size(), flag());
          return true;
        } else if (crgn->contain_region(uncommitted_rgn.base(), uncommitted_rgn.size())) {
          // this committed region contains whole uncommitted region
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(uncommitted_rgn.size(), flag());
          return remove_uncommitted_region(head, uncommitted_rgn.base(), uncommitted_rgn.size());
        } else if (uncommitted_rgn.contain_region(crgn->base(), crgn->size())) {
          // this committed region has been uncommitted
          size_t exclude_size = crgn->end() - uncommitted_rgn.base();
          uncommitted_rgn.exclude_region(uncommitted_rgn.base(), exclude_size);
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(crgn->size(), flag());
          LinkedListNode<CommittedMemoryRegion>* tmp = head;
          head = head->next();
        } else if (crgn->contain_address(uncommitted_rgn.base())) {
          size_t toUncommitted = crgn->end() - uncommitted_rgn.base();
          crgn->exclude_region(uncommitted_rgn.base(), toUncommitted);
          uncommitted_rgn.exclude_region(uncommitted_rgn.base(), toUncommitted);
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(toUncommitted, flag());
        } else if (uncommitted_rgn.contain_address(crgn->base())) {
          size_t toUncommitted = uncommitted_rgn.end() - crgn->base();
          crgn->exclude_region(crgn->base(), toUncommitted);
          uncommitted_rgn.exclude_region(uncommitted_rgn.end() - toUncommitted,
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(toUncommitted, flag());
      prev = head;
      head = head->next();

  return true;
コード例 #10
bool ReservedMemoryRegion::remove_uncommitted_region(address addr, size_t sz) {
  // uncommit stack guard pages
  if (flag() == mtThreadStack && !same_region(addr, sz)) {
    return true;

  assert(addr != NULL, "Invalid address");
  assert(sz > 0, "Invalid size");

  if (all_committed()) {
    assert(_committed_regions.is_empty(), "Sanity check");
    assert(contain_region(addr, sz), "Reserved region does not contain this region");
    VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(sz, flag());
    if (same_region(addr, sz)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      CommittedMemoryRegion rgn(base(), size(), *call_stack());
      if (rgn.base() == addr || rgn.end() == (addr + sz)) {
        rgn.exclude_region(addr, sz);
        return add_committed_region(rgn);
      } else {
        // split this region
        // top of the whole region
        address top =rgn.end();
        // use this region for lower part
        size_t exclude_size = rgn.end() - addr;
        rgn.exclude_region(addr, exclude_size);
        if (add_committed_region(rgn)) {
          // higher part
          address high_base = addr + sz;
          size_t  high_size = top - high_base;
          CommittedMemoryRegion high_rgn(high_base, high_size, NativeCallStack::EMPTY_STACK);
          return add_committed_region(high_rgn);
        } else {
          return false;
  } else {
    CommittedMemoryRegion del_rgn(addr, sz, *call_stack());
    address end = addr + sz;

    LinkedListNode<CommittedMemoryRegion>* head = _committed_regions.head();
    LinkedListNode<CommittedMemoryRegion>* prev = NULL;
    CommittedMemoryRegion* crgn;

    while (head != NULL) {
      crgn = head->data();

      if (crgn->same_region(addr, sz)) {
        VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(crgn->size(), flag());
          return true;

      // del_rgn contains crgn
      if (del_rgn.contain_region(crgn->base(), crgn->size())) {
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(crgn->size(), flag());
          head = head->next();
        continue;  // don't update head or prev

      // Found addr in the current crgn. There are 2 subcases:
      if (crgn->contain_address(addr)) {

        // (1) Found addr+size in current crgn as well. (del_rgn is contained in crgn)
        if (crgn->contain_address(end - 1)) {
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(sz, flag());
          return remove_uncommitted_region(head, addr, sz); // done!
        } else {
          // (2) Did not find del_rgn's end in crgn.
          size_t size = crgn->end() - del_rgn.base();
          crgn->exclude_region(addr, size);
          VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(size, flag());

      } else if (crgn->contain_address(end - 1)) {
      // Found del_rgn's end, but not its base addr.
        size_t size = del_rgn.end() - crgn->base();
        crgn->exclude_region(crgn->base(), size);
        VirtualMemorySummary::record_uncommitted_memory(size, flag());
        return true;  // should be done if the list is sorted properly!

      prev = head;
      head = head->next();

  return true;