コード例 #1
ファイル: cap_vfw.cpp プロジェクト: qqchen/opencv2410-VS
// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_VFW::open( int wIndex )
    char szDeviceName[80];
    char szDeviceVersion[80];
    HWND hWndC = 0;


    if( (unsigned)wIndex >= 10 )
        wIndex = 0;

    for( ; wIndex < 10; wIndex++ )
        if( capGetDriverDescriptionA( wIndex, szDeviceName,
            sizeof (szDeviceName), szDeviceVersion,
            sizeof (szDeviceVersion)))
            hWndC = capCreateCaptureWindowA ( "My Own Capture Window",
                WS_POPUP | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0);
            if( capDriverConnect (hWndC, wIndex))
            DestroyWindow( hWndC );
            hWndC = 0;

    if( hWndC )
        capWnd = hWndC;
        hdr = 0;
        hic = 0;
        fourcc = (DWORD)-1;

        memset( &caps, 0, sizeof(caps));
        capDriverGetCaps( hWndC, &caps, sizeof(caps));
        CAPSTATUS status = {};
        capGetStatus(hWndC, &status, sizeof(status));
        ::SetWindowPos(hWndC, NULL, 0, 0, status.uiImageWidth, status.uiImageHeight, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE);
        capSetUserData( hWndC, (size_t)this );
        capSetCallbackOnFrame( hWndC, frameCallback );
        p.dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame = 66667/2; // 30 FPS
        //capPreview( hWndC, 1 );

        // Get frame initial parameters.
        const DWORD size = capGetVideoFormatSize(capWnd);
        if( size > 0 )
            unsigned char *pbi = new unsigned char[size];
            if( pbi )
                if( capGetVideoFormat(capWnd, pbi, size) == size )
                    BITMAPINFOHEADER& vfmt = ((BITMAPINFO*)pbi)->bmiHeader;
                    widthSet = vfmt.biWidth;
                    heightSet = vfmt.biHeight;
                    fourcc = vfmt.biCompression;
                delete []pbi;
        // And alternative way in case of failure.
        if( widthSet == 0 || heightSet == 0 )
            widthSet = status.uiImageWidth;
            heightSet = status.uiImageHeight;

    return capWnd != 0;
コード例 #2
            HWND hwndParentWindow, // This must be non-null
            STVideoCaptureFormat videoCaptureFormat,
            int capturePeriodMilliseconds,
			STVideoCaptureClient * pSTVideoCaptureClient

            // Validate capture format
            int captureWidth = 0;
            int captureHeight = 0;
            switch (videoCaptureFormat)
			case BGR320x240: { captureWidth = 320; captureHeight = 240; } break;

            if ((0 == captureWidth) || (0 == captureHeight))
                printf( "Invalid capture format." );
                return (FALSE);
            (*this).mSTVideoCaptureFormat = videoCaptureFormat;

            // We create a capture window only because we are required to create
            // such a window to use the Video for Windows (VFW32) API.  We make
            // this window tiny to keep it out of the way of our application.
            // For our purposes, this window is simply a necessary interface to
            // VFW functionality.
            (*this).mHWNDCapture =
                    "STVideoCapture Window",
                    (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS), // style
                    0, // x
                    0, // y
                    4, // width
                    4, // height
                    hwndParentWindow, // Parent window : This must be non-null
                    0 // nID

			if (((HWND)(0)) == (*this).mHWNDCapture)
                printf( "Failed to create video capture window." );
                DestroyWindow( (*this).mHWNDCapture );
                return (FALSE);

			(*this).mCapDriverConnectStatus = capDriverConnect( (*this).mHWNDCapture, 0 );

            if (0 == (*this).mCapDriverConnectStatus)
                printf( "Failed to connect to video driver." );
                DestroyWindow( (*this).mHWNDCapture );
                return (FALSE);

			CAPDRIVERCAPS  capdrivercaps;
			memset( (&(capdrivercaps)),   0,  sizeof(capdrivercaps) );
			capDriverGetCaps( (*this).mHWNDCapture, &(capdrivercaps), sizeof(capdrivercaps) );

			//capDlgVideoFormat( mHWNDCapture );
			//capDlgVideoSource( mHWNDCapture );  // Source; Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Exposure

            // Allocate a local buffer to store capture data
            int bytesPerPixel = 3;
            switch (videoCaptureFormat)
			case BGR320x240: { bytesPerPixel = 3; } break;
            int totalImageBytes = 0;
            totalImageBytes = (captureHeight * (captureWidth * bytesPerPixel));
            (*this).mBGRData = (unsigned char *) malloc( totalImageBytes );
			memset( (*this).mBGRData,   0,  totalImageBytes );

			// Set the video stream callback function
			(*this).mpSTVideoCaptureClient = pSTVideoCaptureClient;
			capSetCallbackOnFrame( (*this).mHWNDCapture, STVideoCapture::CommonCaptureCallback );

			// Set the preview rate in milliseconds
            (*this).mCapturePeriodMilliseconds = capturePeriodMilliseconds;
            capPreviewRate( (*this).mHWNDCapture, capturePeriodMilliseconds );

			// Disable preview mode
			capPreview( (*this).mHWNDCapture, FALSE );

			// Setup the data we want returned to us
			BITMAPINFO  capbitmapinfo;
			memset( &(capbitmapinfo), 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO) );
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biSize           = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth          = captureWidth;
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight         = captureHeight;
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes         =  1;
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount       = 24;
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biCompression    = BI_RGB;
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage      = totalImageBytes;
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter  = 100;
			capbitmapinfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter  = 100;

			BOOL setVideoFormatResult = FALSE;
			setVideoFormatResult = capSetVideoFormat( (*this).mHWNDCapture, &(capbitmapinfo), sizeof(BITMAPINFO) );

            if (FALSE == setVideoFormatResult)
                printf( "Failed to set the desired video capture format." );
                capSetCallbackOnFrame( (*this).mHWNDCapture, NULL ); // disable the callback function
                DestroyWindow( (*this).mHWNDCapture );
                (*this).Clear( );
                return (FALSE);

			return( TRUE );