コード例 #1
ファイル: capture_eep.c プロジェクト: erhuabushuo/sngrep
capture_packet_t *

    struct hep_generic hg;
    hep_chunk_ip4_t src_ip4, dst_ip4;
#ifdef USE_IPV6
    hep_chunk_ip6_t src_ip6, dst_ip6;
    hep_chunk_t payload_chunk;
    hep_chunk_t authkey_chunk;
    uint8_t family, proto;
    char password[100];
    int password_len;
    unsigned char *payload = 0;
    unsigned int len, pos;
    char buffer[MAX_CAPTURE_LEN] ;
    //! Source and Destination Address
    char ip_src[ADDRESSLEN], ip_dst[ADDRESSLEN];
    //! EEP client data
    struct sockaddr eep_client;
    socklen_t eep_client_len;

    //! Source and Destination Port
    u_short sport, dport;
    //! Packet header
    struct pcap_pkthdr header;
    //! New created packet pointer
    capture_packet_t *pkt;

    /* Receive EEP generic header */
    if (recvfrom(eep_cfg.server_sock, buffer, MAX_CAPTURE_LEN, 0, &eep_client, &eep_client_len) == -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Copy initial bytes to EEP Generic header */
    memcpy(&hg, buffer, sizeof(struct hep_generic));

    /* header check */
    if (memcmp(hg.header.id, "\x48\x45\x50\x33", 4) != 0)
        return NULL;

    /* IP proto */
    family = hg.ip_family.data;
    /* Proto ID */
    proto = hg.ip_proto.data;

    len = ntohs(hg.header.length) - sizeof(struct hep_generic);
    pos = sizeof(struct hep_generic);

    /* IPv4 */
    if (family == AF_INET) {
        /* SRC IP */
        memcpy(&src_ip4, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &src_ip4.data, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
        pos += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4);

        /* DST IP */
        memcpy(&dst_ip4, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &dst_ip4.data, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));
        pos += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip4);
#ifdef USE_IPV6
    /* IPv6 */
    else if(family == AF_INET6) {
        /* SRC IPv6 */
        memcpy(&src_ip6, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &src_ip6.data, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
        pos += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6);

        /* DST IP */
        memcpy(&src_ip6, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &dst_ip6.data, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));
        pos += sizeof(struct hep_chunk_ip6);

    /* SRC PORT */
    sport = ntohs(hg.src_port.data);
    /* DST PORT */
    dport = ntohs(hg.dst_port.data);
    /* TIMESTAMP*/
    header.ts.tv_sec = ntohl(hg.time_sec.data);
    header.ts.tv_usec = ntohl(hg.time_usec.data);
    /* Protocol TYPE */
    /* Capture ID */

    /* auth key */
    if (eep_cfg.capt_srv_password != NULL) {
        memcpy(&authkey_chunk, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(authkey_chunk));
        pos += sizeof(authkey_chunk);

        password_len = ntohs(authkey_chunk.length) - sizeof(authkey_chunk);
        memcpy(password, (void*) buffer + pos, password_len);
        pos += password_len;

        // Validate the password
        if (strncmp(password, eep_cfg.capt_srv_password, password_len) != 0)
            return NULL;

    /* Payload */
    memcpy(&payload_chunk, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(payload_chunk));
    pos += sizeof(payload_chunk);

    // Calculate payload size
    header.caplen = header.len = ntohs(payload_chunk.length) - sizeof(payload_chunk);

    // Receive packet payload
    payload = sng_malloc(header.caplen);
    memcpy(payload, (void*) buffer + pos, header.caplen);

    // Create a new packet
    pkt = capture_packet_create((family == AF_INET)?4:6, proto, ip_src, ip_dst, 0);
    capture_packet_add_frame(pkt, &header, payload);
    capture_packet_set_transport_data(pkt, sport, dport, CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_UDP);
    capture_packet_set_payload(pkt, payload, header.caplen);

    /* FREE */
    return pkt;
コード例 #2
ファイル: capture.c プロジェクト: jungle-boogie/sngrep
parse_packet(u_char *mode, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet)
    // IP header data
    struct ip *ip4;
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
    // IPv6 header data
    struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
    // IP version
    uint32_t ip_ver;
    // IP protocol
    uint8_t ip_proto;
    // IP header size
    uint32_t ip_hl = 0;
    // Fragment offset
    uint32_t ip_off = 0;
    // Fragmentation flag
    uint8_t ip_frag = 0;
    // Fragmentation offset
    uint16_t ip_frag_off = 0;
    //! Source Address
    char ip_src[ADDRESSLEN];
    //! Destination Address
    char ip_dst[ADDRESSLEN];
    // Source and Destination Ports
    u_short sport, dport;
    // UDP header data
    struct udphdr *udp;
    // UDP header size
    uint16_t udp_off;
    // TCP header data
    struct tcphdr *tcp;
    // TCP header size
    uint16_t tcp_off;
    // Packet payload data
    u_char *payload = NULL;
    // Packet payload size
    uint32_t size_payload = header->caplen;
    // SIP message transport
    int transport;
    // Media structure for RTP packets
    rtp_stream_t *stream;
    // Captured packet info
    capture_packet_t *pkt;

    // Ignore packets while capture is paused
    if (capture_is_paused())

    // Check if we have reached capture limit
    if (capinfo.limit && sip_calls_count() >= capinfo.limit)

    // Get IP header
    ip4 = (struct ip *) (packet + capinfo.link_hl);

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
    // Get IPv6 header
    ip6 = (struct ip6_hdr *) (packet + capinfo.link_hl);

    // Get IP version
    ip_ver = ip4->ip_v;

    switch (ip_ver) {
        case 4:
            ip_hl = ip4->ip_hl * 4;
            ip_proto = ip4->ip_p;
            ip_off = ntohs(ip4->ip_off);

            ip_frag = ip_off & (IP_MF | IP_OFFMASK);
            ip_frag_off = (ip_frag) ? (ip_off & IP_OFFMASK) * 8 : 0;
            // TODO Get fragment information

            inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip4->ip_src, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
            inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ip4->ip_dst, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
        case 6:
            ip_hl = sizeof(struct ip6_hdr);
            ip_proto = ip6->ip6_nxt;

            if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_FRAGMENT) {
                struct ip6_frag *ip6f = (struct ip6_frag *) (ip6 + ip_hl);
                ip_frag_off = ntohs(ip6f->ip6f_offlg & IP6F_OFF_MASK);
                // TODO Get fragment information

            inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_src, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
            inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ip6->ip6_dst, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));

    // Only interested in UDP packets
    if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
        // Get UDP header
        udp = (struct udphdr *)((u_char *)(ip4) + ip_hl);
        udp_off = (ip_frag_off) ? 0 : sizeof(struct udphdr);

        // Set packet ports
        sport = htons(udp->uh_sport);
        dport = htons(udp->uh_dport);

        // Get actual payload size
        size_payload -= capinfo.link_hl + ip_hl + udp_off;

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
        if (ip_ver == 6)
            size_payload -= ntohs(ip6->ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_plen);
        // Get payload start
        payload = (u_char *) (udp) + udp_off;

        // Set transport UDP
        transport = CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_UDP;

    } else if (ip_proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
        // Get TCP header
        tcp = (struct tcphdr *)((u_char *)(ip4 )+ ip_hl);
        tcp_off = (ip_frag_off) ? 0 : (tcp->th_off * 4);

        // Set packet ports
        sport = htons(tcp->th_sport);
        dport = htons(tcp->th_dport);

        // Get actual payload size
        size_payload -= capinfo.link_hl + ip_hl + tcp_off;

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
        if (ip_ver == 6)
            size_payload -= ntohs(ip6->ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_plen);
        // Get payload start
        payload = (u_char *)(tcp) + tcp_off;

        // Set transport TCP
        transport = CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_TCP;
    } else {
        // Not handled protocol

    if ((int32_t)size_payload < 0)
        size_payload = 0;

    // Create a structure for this captured packet
    pkt = capture_packet_create(header, packet, header->caplen);
    capture_packet_set_type(pkt, transport);
    // For TCP and UDP, use payload directly from the packet
    capture_packet_set_payload(pkt, NULL, size_payload);

    // Check if packet is TLS
    if (capinfo.keyfile && transport == CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_TCP)
        tls_process_segment(ip4, pkt);

    // Check if packet is WS or WSS
    if (transport == CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_TCP)

    // We're only interested in packets with payload
    if (capture_packet_get_payload_len(pkt)) {
        // Parse this header and payload
        if (sip_load_message(pkt, ip_src, sport, ip_dst, dport)) {
            // Store this packets in output file
            dump_packet(capinfo.pd, header, packet);

        // Check if this packet belongs to a RTP stream
        // TODO Store this packet in the stream
        if ((stream = rtp_check_stream(pkt, ip_src, sport, ip_dst, dport))) {
            // We have an RTP packet!
            capture_packet_set_type(pkt, CAPTURE_PACKET_RTP);
            // Store this pacekt if capture rtp is enabled
            if (capinfo.rtp_capture) {
                call_add_rtp_packet(stream_get_call(stream), pkt);
            } else {
            // Store this packets in output file
            dump_packet(capinfo.pd, header, packet);

    // Not an interesting packet ...
コード例 #3
ファイル: capture_eep.c プロジェクト: erhuabushuo/sngrep
capture_packet_t *
    uint8_t family, proto;
    unsigned char *payload = 0;
    unsigned int pos;
    char buffer[MAX_CAPTURE_LEN] ;
    //! Source and Destination Address
    char ip_src[ADDRESSLEN], ip_dst[ADDRESSLEN];
    //! Source and Destination Port
    u_short sport, dport;
    //! Packet header
    struct pcap_pkthdr header;
    //! New created packet pointer
    capture_packet_t *pkt;
    //! EEP client data
    struct sockaddr eep_client;
    socklen_t eep_client_len;
    struct hep_hdr hdr;
    struct hep_timehdr hep_time;
    struct hep_iphdr hep_ipheader;
#ifdef USE_IPV6
    struct hep_ip6hdr hep_ip6header;

    // Initialize buffer
    memset(buffer, 0, MAX_CAPTURE_LEN);

    /* Receive EEP generic header */
    if (recvfrom(eep_cfg.server_sock, buffer, MAX_CAPTURE_LEN, 0, &eep_client, &eep_client_len) == -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Copy initial bytes to HEPv2 header */
    memcpy(&hdr, buffer, sizeof(struct hep_hdr));

    // Check HEP version
    if (hdr.hp_v != 2)
        return NULL;

    /* IP proto */
    family = hdr.hp_f;
    /* Proto ID */
    proto = hdr.hp_p;

    pos = sizeof(struct hep_hdr);

    /* IPv4 */
    if (family == AF_INET) {
        memcpy(&hep_ipheader, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(struct hep_iphdr));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &hep_ipheader.hp_src, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET, &hep_ipheader.hp_dst, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));
        pos += sizeof(struct hep_iphdr);
#ifdef USE_IPV6
    /* IPv6 */
    else if(family == AF_INET6) {
        memcpy(&hep_ip6header, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &hep_ip6header.hp6_src, ip_src, sizeof(ip_src));
        inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &hep_ip6header.hp6_dst, ip_dst, sizeof(ip_dst));
        pos += sizeof(struct hep_ip6hdr);

    /* PORTS */
    sport = ntohs(hdr.hp_sport);
    dport = ntohs(hdr.hp_dport);

    /* TIMESTAMP*/
    memcpy(&hep_time, (void*) buffer + pos, sizeof(struct hep_timehdr));
    pos += sizeof(struct hep_timehdr);
    header.ts.tv_sec = hep_time.tv_sec;
    header.ts.tv_usec = hep_time.tv_usec;

    /* Protocol TYPE */
    /* Capture ID */

    // Calculate payload size (Total size - headers size)
    header.caplen = header.len = ntohs(hdr.hp_l) - pos;

    // Copy packet payload
    payload = sng_malloc(header.caplen + 1);
    memcpy(payload, (void*) buffer + pos, header.caplen);

    // Create a new packet
    pkt = capture_packet_create((family == AF_INET) ? 4 : 6, proto, ip_src, ip_dst, 0);
    capture_packet_add_frame(pkt, &header, payload);
    capture_packet_set_transport_data(pkt, sport, dport, CAPTURE_PACKET_SIP_UDP);
    capture_packet_set_payload(pkt, payload, header.caplen);

    /* FREE */
    return pkt;
