SOL_API void sol_oic_payload_debug(struct sol_coap_packet *pkt) { SOL_NULL_CHECK(pkt); #ifdef HAVE_STDOUT struct sol_buffer *buf; CborParser parser; CborValue root; CborError err; size_t offset; if (!sol_oic_pkt_has_cbor_content(pkt) || !sol_coap_packet_has_payload(pkt)) { return; } if (sol_coap_packet_get_payload(pkt, &buf, &offset) < 0) { SOL_DBG("Failed to get packet payload"); return; } err = cbor_parser_init(sol_buffer_at(buf, offset), buf->used - offset, 0, &parser, &root); if (err != CborNoError) { SOL_DBG("Failed to get cbor payload"); return; } cbor_value_to_pretty(stdout, &root); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); #else SOL_DBG("Failed to log oic payload: stdout not available"); #endif }
static bool _parse_server_info_payload(struct sol_oic_server_information *info, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payload_len) { CborParser parser; CborError err; CborValue root; err = cbor_parser_init(payload, payload_len, 0, &parser, &root); if (!cbor_value_is_map(&root)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_DEVICE_NAME, &info->device_name)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_SPEC_VERSION, &info->spec_version)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_bytestr_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_DEVICE_ID, &info->device_id)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_DATA_MODEL_VERSION, &info->data_model_version)) return false; return err == CborNoError; }
void compareMetaData(QByteArray data, const QString &expected, int otherFlags = 0) { QString decoded; // needs to be in in one map, with the entry called "v" data = "\xa1\x61v" + data; { CborParser parser; CborValue first; CborError err = cbor_parser_init(reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(data.constData()), data.length(), 0, &parser, &first); QVERIFY2(!err, QByteArrayLiteral(": Got error \"") + cbor_error_string(err) + "\""); err = parseOne(&first, &decoded, CborConvertAddMetadata | otherFlags); QVERIFY2(!err, QByteArrayLiteral(": Got error \"") + cbor_error_string(err) + "\"; decoded stream:\n" + decoded.toLatin1()); // check that we consumed everything QCOMPARE((void*)first.ptr, (void*)data.constEnd()); } QVERIFY(decoded.startsWith("{\"v\":")); QVERIFY(decoded.endsWith('}')); // qDebug() << "was" << decoded; // extract just the metadata static const char needle[] = "\"v$cbor\":{"; int pos = decoded.indexOf(needle); QCOMPARE(pos == -1, expected.isEmpty()); if (pos != -1) { decoded.chop(2); decoded = std::move(decoded).mid(pos + strlen(needle)); QCOMPARE(decoded, expected); } }
CborError sol_oic_decode_cbor_repr(struct sol_coap_packet *pkt, struct sol_vector *reprs) { CborParser parser; CborError err; CborValue root, array, repr; uint8_t *payload; uint16_t size; int payload_type; if (sol_coap_packet_get_payload(pkt, &payload, &size) < 0) return CborErrorUnknownLength; err = cbor_parser_init(payload, size, 0, &parser, &root); if (err != CborNoError) return err; if (!cbor_value_is_array(&root)) return CborErrorIllegalType; err |= cbor_value_enter_container(&root, &array); err |= cbor_value_get_int(&array, &payload_type); err |= cbor_value_advance_fixed(&array); if (err != CborNoError) return err; if (payload_type != SOL_OIC_PAYLOAD_REPRESENTATION) return CborErrorIllegalType; if (cbor_value_map_find_value(&array, SOL_OIC_KEY_REPRESENTATION, &repr) != CborNoError) return CborErrorIllegalType; /* We're done with this CborParser, no need to close the container. */ return sol_oic_decode_cbor_repr_map(&repr, reprs); }
OCStackResult OCParsePayload(OCPayload **outPayload, OCPayloadType payloadType, const uint8_t *payload, size_t payloadSize) { OCStackResult result = OC_STACK_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; CborError err; VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, "Conversion of outPayload failed"); VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, payload, "Invalid cbor payload value"); OIC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "CBOR Parsing size: %zu", payloadSize); CborParser parser; CborValue rootValue; err = cbor_parser_init(payload, payloadSize, 0, &parser, &rootValue); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed initializing init value") switch(payloadType) { case PAYLOAD_TYPE_DISCOVERY: result = OCParseDiscoveryPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_DEVICE: result = OCParseDevicePayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_PLATFORM: result = OCParsePlatformPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_REPRESENTATION: result = OCParseRepPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_PRESENCE: result = OCParsePresencePayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_SECURITY: result = OCParseSecurityPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_RD: result = OCRDCborToPayload(&rootValue, outPayload); break; default: OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "ParsePayload Type default: %d", payloadType); result = OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM; break; } OIC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Finished parse payload, result is %d", result); exit: return result; }
OCStackResult OCParsePayload(OCPayload** outPayload, OCPayloadType payloadType, const uint8_t* payload, size_t payloadSize) { CborParser parser; CborValue rootValue; bool err = false; OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "CBOR Parsing size: %d", payloadSize); if((err = cbor_parser_init(payload, payloadSize, 0, &parser, &rootValue)) != false) { OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "CBOR Parser init failed: %d", err); return OC_STACK_ERROR; } OCStackResult result = OC_STACK_ERROR; switch(payloadType) { case PAYLOAD_TYPE_DISCOVERY: result = OCParseDiscoveryPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_DEVICE: result = OCParseDevicePayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_PLATFORM: result = OCParsePlatformPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_REPRESENTATION: result = OCParseRepPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_PRESENCE: result = OCParsePresencePayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_SECURITY: result = OCParseSecurityPayload(outPayload, &rootValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_RD: result = OCRDCborToPayload(&rootValue, outPayload); break; default: OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "ParsePayload Type default: %d", payloadType); result = OC_STACK_ERROR; break; } if(result != OC_STACK_OK) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Finished parse payload, result is %d", result); } return result; }
static bool _parse_platform_info_payload(struct sol_oic_platform_information *info, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payload_len) { CborParser parser; CborError err; CborValue root; err = cbor_parser_init(payload, payload_len, 0, &parser, &root); if (!cbor_value_is_map(&root)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_PLATFORM_ID, &info->platform_id)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_MANUF_NAME, &info->manufacturer_name)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_MANUF_URL, &info->manufacturer_url)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_MODEL_NUM, &info->model_number)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_MANUF_DATE, &info->manufacture_date)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_PLATFORM_VER, &info->platform_version)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_OS_VER, &info->os_version)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_HW_VER, &info->hardware_version)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_FIRMWARE_VER, &info->firmware_version)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_SUPPORT_URL, &info->support_url)) return false; if (!sol_cbor_map_get_str_value(&root, SOL_OIC_KEY_SYSTEM_TIME, &info->system_time)) return false; return err == CborNoError; }
void tst_ToJson::nonStringKeyMaps() { QFETCH(QByteArray, data); QFETCH(QString, expected); data = "\xa1" + data + "\1"; compareOne(data, "{\"" + expected + "\":1}", CborConvertStringifyMapKeys); // and verify that they fail if we use CborConvertRequireMapStringKeys CborParser parser; CborValue first; QString decoded; cbor_parser_init(reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(data.constData()), data.length(), 0, &parser, &first); CborError err = parseOne(&first, &decoded, CborConvertRequireMapStringKeys); QCOMPARE(err, CborErrorJsonObjectKeyNotString); }
/* * Read in cbor key/values from os_mbuf pointed by m, and fill them * into attrs. * * @param m Pointer to os_mbuf containing cbor encoded data * @param off Offset into mbuf where cbor data begins * @param len Number of bytes to decode * @param attrs Array of cbor objects to look for. * * @return 0 on success; non-zero on failure. */ int cbor_read_mbuf_attrs(struct os_mbuf *m, uint16_t off, uint16_t len, const struct cbor_attr_t *attrs) { struct cbor_mbuf_reader cmr; struct CborParser parser; struct CborValue value; CborError err; cbor_mbuf_reader_init(&cmr, m, off); err = cbor_parser_init(&cmr.r, 0, &parser, &value); if (err != CborNoError) { return -1; } return cbor_read_object(&value, attrs); }
/* * Read in cbor key/values from flat buffer pointed by data, and fill them * into attrs. * * @param data Pointer to beginning of cbor encoded data * @param len Number of bytes in the buffer * @param attrs Array of cbor objects to look for. * * @return 0 on success; non-zero on failure. */ int cbor_read_flat_attrs(const uint8_t *data, int len, const struct cbor_attr_t *attrs) { struct cbor_buf_reader reader; struct CborParser parser; struct CborValue value; CborError err; cbor_buf_reader_init(&reader, data, len); err = cbor_parser_init(&reader.r, 0, &parser, &value); if (err != CborNoError) { return -1; } return cbor_read_object(&value, attrs); }
void compareOne_real(const QByteArray &data, const QString &expected, int flags, int line) { compareFailed = true; CborParser parser; CborValue first; CborError err = cbor_parser_init(reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(data.constData()), data.length(), 0, &parser, &first); QVERIFY2(!err, QByteArray::number(line) + ": Got error \"" + cbor_error_string(err) + "\""); QString decoded; err = parseOne(&first, &decoded, flags); QVERIFY2(!err, QByteArray::number(line) + ": Got error \"" + cbor_error_string(err) + "\"; decoded stream:\n" + decoded.toLatin1()); QCOMPARE(decoded, expected); // check that we consumed everything QCOMPARE((void*)first.ptr, (void*)data.constEnd()); compareFailed = false; }
uint16_t oc_parse_rep(const uint8_t *in_payload, uint16_t payload_size, oc_rep_t **out_rep) { CborParser parser; CborValue root_value, cur_value, map; CborError err = CborNoError; struct cbor_buf_reader br; cbor_buf_reader_init(&br, in_payload, payload_size); err |= cbor_parser_init(&br.r, 0, &parser, &root_value); if (cbor_value_is_map(&root_value)) { err |= cbor_value_enter_container(&root_value, &cur_value); *out_rep = 0; oc_rep_t **cur = out_rep; while (cbor_value_is_valid(&cur_value)) { oc_parse_rep_value(&cur_value, cur, &err); err |= cbor_value_advance(&cur_value); cur = &(*cur)->next; } } else if (cbor_value_is_array(&root_value)) { err |= cbor_value_enter_container(&root_value, &map); err |= cbor_value_enter_container(&map, &cur_value); *out_rep = 0; oc_rep_t **cur = out_rep; while (cbor_value_is_valid(&cur_value)) { *cur = _alloc_rep(); (*cur)->type = OBJECT; oc_parse_rep_value(&cur_value, &(*cur)->value_object, &err); err |= cbor_value_advance(&cur_value); (*cur)->next = 0; cur = &(*cur)->next; } } return (uint16_t)err; }
OCStackResult OCParsePayload(OCPayload** outPayload, OCPayloadType payloadType, const uint8_t* payload, size_t payloadSize) { CborParser parser; CborValue rootValue; bool err = false; OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "CBOR Parsing size: %d", payloadSize, payload); if((err = cbor_parser_init(payload, payloadSize, 0, &parser, &rootValue)) != false) { OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "CBOR Parser init failed: %d", err); return OC_STACK_ERROR; } if(!cbor_value_is_array(&rootValue)) { OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "CBOR payload root object is not an array :%x", rootValue.type); return OC_STACK_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } CborValue arrayValue; // enter the array err = err || cbor_value_enter_container(&rootValue, &arrayValue); if(err || arrayValue.type != CborMapType) { OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "CBOR payload parse failed :%d", err); return OC_STACK_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } OCStackResult result = OC_STACK_ERROR; switch(payloadType) { case PAYLOAD_TYPE_DISCOVERY: result = OCParseDiscoveryPayload(outPayload, &arrayValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_DEVICE: result = OCParseDevicePayload(outPayload, &arrayValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_PLATFORM: result = OCParsePlatformPayload(outPayload, &arrayValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_REPRESENTATION: result = OCParseRepPayload(outPayload, &arrayValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_PRESENCE: result = OCParsePresencePayload(outPayload, &arrayValue); break; case PAYLOAD_TYPE_SECURITY: result = OCParseSecurityPayload(outPayload, &arrayValue); break; default: OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "ParsePayload Type default: %d", payloadType); result = OC_STACK_ERROR; break; } if(result == OC_STACK_OK) { err = err || cbor_value_leave_container(&rootValue, &arrayValue); if(err != CborNoError) { return OC_STACK_MALFORMED_RESPONSE; } } else { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Finished parse payload, result is %d", result); } return result; }
OCStackResult CBORPayloadToPstat(const uint8_t *cborPayload, const size_t size, OicSecPstat_t **secPstat) { if (NULL == cborPayload || NULL == secPstat || NULL != *secPstat || 0 == size) { return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM; } OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_ERROR; *secPstat = NULL; CborValue pstatCbor; CborParser parser; CborError cborFindResult = CborNoError; char *strUuid = NULL; size_t len = 0; cbor_parser_init(cborPayload, size, 0, &parser, &pstatCbor); CborValue pstatMap = { .parser = NULL }; OicSecPstat_t *pstat = NULL; cborFindResult = cbor_value_enter_container(&pstatCbor, &pstatMap); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding PSTAT Map."); pstat = (OicSecPstat_t *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OicSecPstat_t)); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, pstat, ERROR); cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_ISOP_NAME, &pstatMap); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_boolean(&pstatMap)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_boolean(&pstatMap, &pstat->isOp); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding isOp Value."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_NAME, &pstatMap); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_text_string(&pstatMap)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&pstatMap, &strUuid , &len, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding Device Id Value."); ret = ConvertStrToUuid(strUuid , &pstat->deviceID); VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, OC_STACK_OK == ret, ERROR); OICFree(strUuid ); strUuid = NULL; } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_CM_NAME, &pstatMap); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->cm); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding CM."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_TM_NAME, &pstatMap); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->tm); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding TM."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_OM_NAME, &pstatMap); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->om); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding OM."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_SM_NAME, &pstatMap); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap)) { pstat->smLen = 1; pstat->sm = (OicSecDpom_t*)OICCalloc(pstat->smLen, sizeof(OicSecDpom_t)); cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->sm[0]); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding SM."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_ROWNERID_NAME, &pstatMap); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_text_string(&pstatMap)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&pstatMap, &strUuid , &len, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding ROwner Id Value."); ret = ConvertStrToUuid(strUuid , &pstat->rownerID); VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, OC_STACK_OK == ret, ERROR); OICFree(strUuid ); strUuid = NULL; } *secPstat = pstat; ret = OC_STACK_OK; exit: if (CborNoError != cborFindResult) { OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "CBORPayloadToPstat failed"); DeletePstatBinData(pstat); pstat = NULL; *secPstat = NULL; ret = OC_STACK_ERROR; } return ret; }
static void nmgr_handle_req(struct nmgr_transport *nt, struct os_mbuf *req) { struct os_mbuf *rsp; const struct mgmt_handler *handler; struct nmgr_hdr *rsp_hdr; struct nmgr_hdr hdr; int off; uint16_t len; int rc; rsp_hdr = NULL; rsp = os_msys_get_pkthdr(512, OS_MBUF_USRHDR_LEN(req)); if (!rsp) { rc = os_mbuf_copydata(req, 0, sizeof(hdr), &hdr); if (rc < 0) { goto err_norsp; } rsp = req; req = NULL; goto err; } /* Copy the request packet header into the response. */ memcpy(OS_MBUF_USRHDR(rsp), OS_MBUF_USRHDR(req), OS_MBUF_USRHDR_LEN(req)); off = 0; len = OS_MBUF_PKTHDR(req)->omp_len; while (off < len) { rc = os_mbuf_copydata(req, off, sizeof(hdr), &hdr); if (rc < 0) { rc = MGMT_ERR_EINVAL; goto err_norsp; } hdr.nh_len = ntohs(hdr.nh_len); handler = mgmt_find_handler(ntohs(hdr.nh_group), hdr.nh_id); if (!handler) { rc = MGMT_ERR_ENOENT; goto err; } /* Build response header apriori. Then pass to the handlers * to fill out the response data, and adjust length & flags. */ rsp_hdr = nmgr_init_rsp(rsp, &hdr); if (!rsp_hdr) { rc = MGMT_ERR_ENOMEM; goto err_norsp; } cbor_mbuf_reader_init(&nmgr_task_cbuf.reader, req, sizeof(hdr)); cbor_parser_init(&nmgr_task_cbuf.reader.r, 0, &nmgr_task_cbuf.n_b.parser, &; if (hdr.nh_op == NMGR_OP_READ) { if (handler->mh_read) { rc = handler->mh_read(&nmgr_task_cbuf.n_b); } else { rc = MGMT_ERR_ENOENT; } } else if (hdr.nh_op == NMGR_OP_WRITE) { if (handler->mh_write) { rc = handler->mh_write(&nmgr_task_cbuf.n_b); } else { rc = MGMT_ERR_ENOENT; } } else { rc = MGMT_ERR_EINVAL; } if (rc != 0) { goto err; } rsp_hdr->nh_len += cbor_encode_bytes_written(&nmgr_task_cbuf.n_b.encoder); off += sizeof(hdr) + OS_ALIGN(hdr.nh_len, 4); rsp_hdr->nh_len = htons(rsp_hdr->nh_len); rc = nmgr_rsp_fragment(nt, rsp_hdr, rsp, req); if (rc) { goto err; } } os_mbuf_free_chain(rsp); os_mbuf_free_chain(req); return; err: OS_MBUF_PKTHDR(rsp)->omp_len = rsp->om_len = 0; nmgr_send_err_rsp(nt, rsp, &hdr, rc); os_mbuf_free_chain(req); return; err_norsp: os_mbuf_free_chain(rsp); os_mbuf_free_chain(req); return; }
/** * Gets the Secure Virtual Database from the Persistent Storage * * @param rsrcName - pointer of character string for the SVR name (e.g. "acl") * @param data - pointer of the returned Secure Virtual Resource(s) * @param size - pointer of the returned size of Secure Virtual Resource(s) * * @return OCStackResult - result of getting Secure Virtual Resource(s) */ OCStackResult GetSecureVirtualDatabaseFromPS(const char *rsrcName, uint8_t **data, size_t *size) { OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "GetSecureVirtualDatabaseFromPS IN"); if (!data || *data || !size) { return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM; } FILE *fp = NULL; uint8_t *fsData = NULL; size_t fileSize = 0; OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_ERROR; OCPersistentStorage *ps = SRMGetPersistentStorageHandler(); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, ps, ERROR); fileSize = GetSVRDatabaseSize(ps); OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "File Read Size: %zu", fileSize); if (fileSize) { fsData = (uint8_t *) OICCalloc(1, fileSize); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, fsData, ERROR); fp = ps->open(SVR_DB_DAT_FILE_NAME, "rb"); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, fp, ERROR); if (ps->read(fsData, 1, fileSize, fp) == fileSize) { if (rsrcName) { CborParser parser; // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init| CborValue cbor; // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init| cbor_parser_init(fsData, fileSize, 0, &parser, &cbor); CborValue cborValue = {0}; CborError cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, rsrcName, &cborValue); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&cborValue)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&cborValue, data, size, NULL); VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, CborNoError==cborFindResult, ERROR); ret = OC_STACK_OK; } // in case of |else (...)|, svr_data not found } // return everything in case rsrcName is NULL else { *size = fileSize; *data = (uint8_t *) OICCalloc(1, fileSize); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, *data, ERROR); memcpy(*data, fsData, fileSize); ret = OC_STACK_OK; } } } OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "GetSecureVirtualDatabaseFromPS OUT"); exit: if (fp) { ps->close(fp); } OICFree(fsData); return ret; }
/** * Updates the Secure Virtual Resource(s) into the Persistent Storage. * This function stores cbor-payload of each resource by appending resource name, * and empty payload implies deleting the value * * @param rsrcName - pointer of character string for the SVR name (e.g. "acl") * @param psPayload - pointer of the updated Secure Virtual Resource(s) * @param psSize - the updated size of Secure Virtual Resource(s) * * @return OCStackResult - result of updating Secure Virtual Resource(s) */ OCStackResult UpdateSecureResourceInPS(const char *rsrcName, const uint8_t *psPayload, size_t psSize) { OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "UpdateSecureResourceInPS IN"); if (!rsrcName) { return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM; } size_t dbSize = 0; size_t outSize = 0; uint8_t *dbData = NULL; uint8_t *outPayload = NULL; uint8_t *aclCbor = NULL; uint8_t *pstatCbor = NULL; uint8_t *doxmCbor = NULL; uint8_t *amaclCbor = NULL; uint8_t *svcCbor = NULL; uint8_t *credCbor = NULL; uint8_t *pconfCbor = NULL; int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError; OCStackResult ret = GetSecureVirtualDatabaseFromPS(NULL, &dbData, &dbSize); if (dbData && dbSize) { size_t aclCborLen = 0; size_t pstatCborLen = 0; size_t doxmCborLen = 0; size_t amaclCborLen = 0; size_t svcCborLen = 0; size_t credCborLen = 0; size_t pconfCborLen = 0; // Gets each secure virtual resource from persistent storage // this local scoping intended, for destroying large cbor instances after use { CborParser parser; // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init| CborValue cbor; // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init| cbor_parser_init(dbData, dbSize, 0, &parser, &cbor); CborValue curVal = {0}; CborError cborFindResult = CborNoError; cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME, &curVal); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &aclCbor, &aclCborLen, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding ACL Name Value."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME, &curVal); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &pstatCbor, &pstatCborLen, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding PSTAT Name Value."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, &curVal); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &doxmCbor, &doxmCborLen, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding DOXM Name Value."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME, &curVal); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &amaclCbor, &amaclCborLen, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding AMACL Name Value."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME, &curVal); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &svcCbor, &svcCborLen, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding SVC Name Value."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME, &curVal); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &credCbor, &credCborLen, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding CRED Name Value."); } cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME, &curVal); if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal)) { cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &pconfCbor, &pconfCborLen, NULL); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding PCONF Name Value."); } } // Updates the added |psPayload| with the existing secure virtual resource(s) // this local scoping intended, for destroying large cbor instances after use { size_t size = aclCborLen + pstatCborLen + doxmCborLen + amaclCborLen + svcCborLen + credCborLen + pconfCborLen + psSize + 255; // This added '255' is arbitrary value that is added to cover the name of the resource, map addition and ending outPayload = (uint8_t *) OICCalloc(1, size); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, ERROR); CborEncoder encoder; // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init| cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, size, 0); CborEncoder secRsrc; // will be initialized in |cbor_encoder_create_map| cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &secRsrc, CborIndefiniteLength); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PS Map."); if (psPayload && psSize) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, rsrcName, strlen(rsrcName)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value Tag"); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, psPayload, psSize); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value."); } if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME, rsrcName) && aclCborLen) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ACL Name."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, aclCbor, aclCborLen); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ACL Value."); } if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME, rsrcName) && pstatCborLen) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PSTAT Name."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, pstatCbor, pstatCborLen); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PSTAT Value."); } if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, rsrcName) && doxmCborLen) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Doxm Name."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, doxmCbor, doxmCborLen); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Doxm Value."); } if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME, rsrcName) && amaclCborLen) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Amacl Name."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, amaclCbor, amaclCborLen); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Amacl Value."); } if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME, rsrcName) && svcCborLen) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SVC Name."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, svcCbor, svcCborLen); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SVC Value."); } if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME, rsrcName) && credCborLen) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Cred Name."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, credCbor, credCborLen); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Cred Value."); } if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME, rsrcName) && pconfCborLen) { cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Pconf Name."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, pconfCbor, pconfCborLen); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Pconf Value."); } cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &secRsrc); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Closing Array."); outSize = encoder.ptr - outPayload; } } else if (psPayload && psSize) { size_t size = psSize + 255; // This added '255' is arbitrary value that is added to cover the name of the resource, map addition and ending outPayload = (uint8_t *) OICCalloc(1, size); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, ERROR); CborEncoder encoder; // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init| cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, size, 0); CborEncoder secRsrc; // will be initialized in |cbor_encoder_create_map| cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &secRsrc, CborIndefiniteLength); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PS Map."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, rsrcName, strlen(rsrcName)); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value Tag"); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, psPayload, psSize); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value."); cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &secRsrc); VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Closing Array."); outSize = encoder.ptr - outPayload; } if (outPayload && outSize) { OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Writting in the file: %zu", outSize); OCPersistentStorage* ps = SRMGetPersistentStorageHandler(); if (ps) { FILE *fp = ps->open(SVR_DB_DAT_FILE_NAME, "wb"); if (fp) { size_t numberItems = ps->write(outPayload, 1, outSize, fp); if (outSize == numberItems) { OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Written %zu bytes into SVR database file", outSize); ret = OC_STACK_OK; } else { OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "Failed writing %zu in the database", numberItems); } ps->close(fp); } else { OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "File open failed."); } } } OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "UpdateSecureResourceInPS OUT"); exit: OICFree(dbData); OICFree(outPayload); OICFree(aclCbor); OICFree(pstatCbor); OICFree(doxmCbor); OICFree(amaclCbor); OICFree(svcCbor); OICFree(credCbor); OICFree(pconfCbor); return ret; }
static bool _parse_server_info_payload(struct sol_oic_server_information *info, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payload_len) { CborParser parser; CborError err; CborValue root, array, value, map; int payload_type; err = cbor_parser_init(payload, payload_len, 0, &parser, &root); if (err != CborNoError) return false; if (!cbor_value_is_array(&root)) return false; err |= cbor_value_enter_container(&root, &array); err |= cbor_value_get_int(&array, &payload_type); err |= cbor_value_advance_fixed(&array); if (err != CborNoError) return false; if (payload_type != SOL_OIC_PAYLOAD_PLATFORM) return false; if (!cbor_value_is_map(&array)) return false; /* href is intentionally ignored */ err |= cbor_value_map_find_value(&map, SOL_OIC_KEY_REPRESENTATION, &value); if (!cbor_value_is_map(&value)) return false; if (err != CborNoError) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_PLATFORM_ID, &info->platform_id)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_MANUF_NAME, &info->manufacturer_name)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_MANUF_URL, &info->manufacturer_url)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_MODEL_NUM, &info->model_number)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_MANUF_DATE, &info->manufacture_date)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_PLATFORM_VER, &info->platform_version)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_OS_VER, &info->os_version)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_HW_VER, &info->hardware_version)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_FIRMWARE_VER, &info->firmware_version)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_SUPPORT_URL, &info->support_url)) return false; if (!_cbor_map_get_str_value(&value, SOL_OIC_KEY_SYSTEM_TIME, &info->system_time)) return false; return err == CborNoError; }