コード例 #1
ファイル: ccl_kernel_wrapper.c プロジェクト: LaSEEB/cf4ocl
 * Get the OpenCL version of the platform associated with this kernel.
 * The version is returned as an integer, in the following format:
 * * 100 for OpenCL 1.0
 * * 110 for OpenCL 1.1
 * * 120 for OpenCL 1.2
 * * 200 for OpenCL 2.0
 * * etc.
 * @public @memberof ccl_kernel
 * @param[in] krnl A kernel wrapper object.
 * @param[out] err Return location for a ::CCLErr object, or `NULL` if error
 * reporting is to be ignored.
 * @return The OpenCL version of the platform associated with this
 * kernel as an integer. If an error occurs, 0 is returned.
 * */
cl_uint ccl_kernel_get_opencl_version(CCLKernel* krnl, CCLErr** err) {

	/* Make sure krnl is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(krnl != NULL, 0);
	/* Make sure err is NULL or it is not set. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(err == NULL || *err == NULL, 0);

	cl_context context;
	CCLContext* ctx;
	CCLErr* err_internal = NULL;
	cl_uint ocl_ver;

	/* Get cl_context object for this kernel. */
	context = ccl_kernel_get_info_scalar(
		krnl, CL_KERNEL_CONTEXT, cl_context, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

	/* Get context wrapper. */
	ctx = ccl_context_new_wrap(context);

	/* Get OpenCL version. */
	ocl_ver = ccl_context_get_opencl_version(ctx, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

	/* Unref. the context wrapper. */

	/* If we got here, everything is OK. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err == NULL);
	goto finish;


	/* If we got here there was an error, verify that it is so. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err != NULL);
	ocl_ver = 0;


	/* Return event wrapper. */
	return ocl_ver;

コード例 #2
 * Get ::CCLDevice wrapper at given index.
 * @protected @memberof ccl_dev_container
 * @param[in] devcon The device container object.
 * @param[in] get_devices Function to get cl_device_id's from wrapped
 * object.
 * @param[in] index Index of device in device container.
 * @param[out] err Return location for a GError, or `NULL` if error
 * reporting is to be ignored.
 * @return The ::CCLDevice wrapper at given index or `NULL` if an error
 * occurs.
 * */
CCLDevice* ccl_dev_container_get_device(
	CCLDevContainer* devcon,
	ccl_dev_container_get_cldevices get_devices, cl_uint index,
	GError** err) {

	/* Make sure err is NULL or it is not set. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(err == NULL || *err == NULL, NULL);

	/* Make sure devcon is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(devcon != NULL, NULL);

	/* The return value. */
	CCLDevice* device_ret;

	/* Internal error object. */
	GError* err_internal = NULL;

	/* Check if device list is already initialized. */
	if (devcon->devices == NULL) {

		/* Not initialized, initialize it. */
			devcon, get_devices, &err_internal);

		/* Check for errors. */
		ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);


	/* Make sure device index is less than the number of devices. */
	ccl_if_err_create_goto(*err, CCL_ERROR, index >= devcon->num_devices,
		CCL_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, error_handler,
		"%s: device index (%d) out of bounds (%d devices in list).",
		 G_STRLOC, index, devcon->num_devices);

	/* If we got here, everything is OK. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err == NULL);
	device_ret = devcon->devices[index];
	goto finish;


	/* If we got here there was an error, verify that it is so. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err != NULL);
	device_ret = NULL;


	/* Return list of device wrappers. */
	return device_ret;

コード例 #3
 * @internal
 * Initialize device list in device container.
 * @private @memberof ccl_dev_container
 * @param[in] devcon Device container wrapper.
 * @param[in] get_devices Concrete wrapper implementation of
 * ccl_dev_container_get_cldevices(), which returns a list of
 * cl_device_id's for the wrapper.
 * @param[out] err Return location for a GError, or `NULL` if error
 * reporting is to be ignored.
 * */
static void ccl_dev_container_init_devices(CCLDevContainer* devcon,
	ccl_dev_container_get_cldevices get_devices, GError **err) {

	/* Make sure err is NULL or it is not set. */
	g_return_if_fail(err == NULL || *err == NULL);

	/* Make sure devcon is not NULL. */
	g_return_if_fail(devcon != NULL);

	/* Make sure device list is not initialized. */
	g_return_if_fail(devcon->devices == NULL);

	CCLWrapperInfo* info_devs;
	GError* err_internal = NULL;

	/* Get device IDs. */
	info_devs = get_devices(devcon, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

	/* Determine number of devices. */
	devcon->num_devices = (cl_uint) (info_devs->size / sizeof(cl_device_id));

	/* Allocate memory for array of device wrapper objects. */
	devcon->devices = g_slice_alloc(
		devcon->num_devices * sizeof(CCLDevice*));

	/* Wrap device IDs in device wrapper objects. */
	for (guint i = 0; i < devcon->num_devices; ++i) {

		/* Add device wrapper object to array of wrapper objects. */
		devcon->devices[i] = ccl_device_new_wrap(
			((cl_device_id*) info_devs->value)[i]);

	/* If we got here, everything is OK. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err == NULL);
	goto finish;

	/* If we got here there was an error, verify that it is so. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err != NULL);


	/* Terminate function. */

コード例 #4
ファイル: ccl_kernel_wrapper.c プロジェクト: LaSEEB/cf4ocl
 * Set kernel arguments and enqueue it for execution on a device.
 * Internally this function sets kernel arguments by calling
 * ::ccl_kernel_set_args_v(), and enqueues the kernel for execution
 * by calling ::ccl_kernel_enqueue_ndrange().
 * The ::ccl_kernel_set_args_and_enqueue_ndrange() function performs the
 * same operation but accepts a `NULL`-terminated variable list of
 * arguments instead.
 * If the ::ccl_arg_skip constant is passed in place of a specific
 * argument, that argument will not be set by this function call. Any
 * previously set argument continues to be valid.
 * @public @memberof ccl_kernel
 * @warning This function is not thread-safe. For multi-threaded
 * access to the same kernel function, create multiple instances of
 * a kernel wrapper for the given kernel function with ccl_kernel_new(),
 * one for each thread.
 * @param[in] krnl A kernel wrapper object.
 * @param[in] cq A command queue wrapper object.
 * @param[in] work_dim The number of dimensions used to specify the
 * global work-items and work-items in the work-group.
 * @param[in] global_work_offset Can be used to specify an array of
 * `work_dim` unsigned values that describe the offset used to calculate
 * the global ID of a work-item.
 * @param[in] global_work_size An array of `work_dim` unsigned values
 * that describe the number of global work-items in `work_dim`
 * dimensions that will execute the kernel function.
 * @param[in] local_work_size An array of `work_dim` unsigned values
 * that describe the number of work-items that make up a work-group that
 * will execute the specified kernel.
 * @param[in,out] evt_wait_lst List of events that need to complete
 * before this command can be executed. The list will be cleared and
 * can be reused by client code.
 * @param[in] args A `NULL`-terminated list of arguments to set.
 * Arguments must be of type ::CCLArg*, ::CCLBuffer*, ::CCLImage* or
 * ::CCLSampler*.
 * @param[out] err Return location for a ::CCLErr object, or `NULL` if error
 * reporting is to be ignored.
 * @return Event wrapper object that identifies this command.
 * */
CCLEvent* ccl_kernel_set_args_and_enqueue_ndrange_v(CCLKernel* krnl,
	CCLQueue* cq, cl_uint work_dim, const size_t* global_work_offset,
	const size_t* global_work_size, const size_t* local_work_size,
	CCLEventWaitList* evt_wait_lst, void** args, CCLErr** err) {

	/* Make sure krnl is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(krnl != NULL, NULL);
	/* Make sure cq is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(cq != NULL, NULL);
	/* Make sure err is NULL or it is not set. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(err == NULL || *err == NULL, NULL);

	CCLErr* err_internal = NULL;

	CCLEvent* evt = NULL;

	/* Set kernel arguments. */
	ccl_kernel_set_args_v(krnl, args);

	/* Enqueue kernel. */
	evt = ccl_kernel_enqueue_ndrange(krnl, cq, work_dim, global_work_offset,
		global_work_size, local_work_size, evt_wait_lst, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

	/* If we got here, everything is OK. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err == NULL);
	goto finish;


	/* If we got here there was an error, verify that it is so. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err != NULL);


	/* Return event wrapper. */
	return evt;

コード例 #5
ファイル: ccl_kernel_wrapper.c プロジェクト: LaSEEB/cf4ocl
 * Suggest appropriate local (and optionally global) work sizes for the
 * given real work size, based on device and kernel characteristics.
 * If the `gws` parameter is not `NULL`, it will be populated with a
 * global worksize which may be larger than the real work size
 * in order to better fit the kernel preferred multiple work size. As
 * such, kernels enqueued with global work sizes suggested by this
 * function should check if their global ID is within `real_worksize`.
 * @public @memberof ccl_kernel
 * @param[in] krnl Kernel wrapper object. If `NULL`, use only device
 * information for determining global and local worksizes.
 * @param[in] dev Device wrapper object.
 * @param[in] dims The number of dimensions used to specify the global
 * work-items and work-items in the work-group.
 * @param[in] real_worksize The real worksize.
 * @param[out] gws Location where to place a "nice" global worksize for
 * the given kernel and device, which must be equal or larger than the `
 * real_worksize` and a multiple of `lws`. This memory location should
 * be pre-allocated with space for `dims` values of size `size_t`. If
 * `NULL` it is assumed that the global worksize must be equal to
 * `real_worksize`.
 * @param[in,out] lws This memory location, of size
 * `dims * sizeof(size_t)`, serves a dual purpose: 1) as an input,
 * containing the maximum allowed local work size for each dimension, or
 * zeros if these maximums are to be fetched from the given device
 * `CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES` information (if the specified values
 * are larger than the device limits, the device limits are used
 * instead); 2) as an output, where to place a "nice" local worksize,
 * which is based and respects the limits of the given kernel and device
 * (and of the non-zero values given as input).
 * @param[out] err Return location for a ::CCLErr object, or `NULL` if error
 * reporting is to be ignored.
 * @return `CL_TRUE` if function returns successfully, `CL_FALSE`
 * otherwise.
 * */
cl_bool ccl_kernel_suggest_worksizes(CCLKernel* krnl, CCLDevice* dev,
	cl_uint dims, const size_t* real_worksize, size_t* gws, size_t* lws,
	CCLErr** err) {

	/* Make sure dev is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(dev != NULL, CL_FALSE);
	/* Make sure dims not zero. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(dims > 0, CL_FALSE);
	/* Make sure real_worksize is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(real_worksize != NULL, CL_FALSE);
	/* Make sure lws is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(lws != NULL, CL_FALSE);
	/* Make sure err is NULL or it is not set. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(err == NULL || *err == NULL, CL_FALSE);

	/* The preferred workgroup size. */
	size_t wg_size_mult = 0;
	size_t wg_size_max = 0;
	size_t wg_size = 1, wg_size_aux;
	size_t* max_wi_sizes;
	cl_uint dev_dims;
	cl_bool ret_status;
	size_t real_ws = 1;

	/* Error handling object. */
	CCLErr* err_internal = NULL;

	/* Check if device supports the requested dims. */
	dev_dims = ccl_device_get_info_scalar(
		dev, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS, cl_uint, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);
	ccl_if_err_create_goto(*err, CCL_ERROR, dims > dev_dims,
		"%s: device only supports a maximum of %d dimension(s), "
		"but %d were requested.",
		CCL_STRD, dev_dims, dims);

	/* Get max. work item sizes for device. */
	max_wi_sizes = ccl_device_get_info_array(
		dev, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES, size_t*, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

	/* For each dimension, if the user specified a maximum local work
	 * size, the effective maximum local work size will be the minimum
	 * between the user value and the device value. */
	for (cl_uint i = 0; i < dims; ++i) {
		if (lws[i] != 0)
			max_wi_sizes[i] = MIN(max_wi_sizes[i], lws[i]);

	/* If kernel is not NULL, query it about workgroup size preferences
	 * and capabilities. */
	if (krnl != NULL) {

		/* Determine maximum workgroup size. */
		wg_size_max = ccl_kernel_get_workgroup_info_scalar(krnl, dev,
			CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, size_t, &err_internal);
			err, err_internal, error_handler);

#ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1

		/* Determine preferred workgroup size multiple (OpenCL >= 1.1). */

		/* Get OpenCL version of the underlying platform. */
		cl_uint ocl_ver = ccl_kernel_get_opencl_version(krnl, &err_internal);
		ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

		/* If OpenCL version of the underlying platform is >= 1.1 ... */
		if (ocl_ver >= 110) {

			wg_size_mult = ccl_kernel_get_workgroup_info_scalar(
				size_t, &err_internal);
				err, err_internal, error_handler);

		} else {

			/* ...otherwise just use CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE. */
			wg_size_mult = wg_size_max;



		wg_size_mult = wg_size_max;



	/* If it was not possible to obtain wg_size_mult and wg_size_max, either
	 * because kernel is NULL or the information was unavailable, use values
	 * obtained from device. */
	if ((wg_size_max == 0) && (wg_size_mult == 0)) {
		wg_size_max = ccl_device_get_info_scalar(
			dev, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, size_t, &err_internal);
		ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);
		wg_size_mult = wg_size_max;

	/* Try to find an appropriate local worksize. */
	for (cl_uint i = 0; i < dims; ++i) {

		/* Each lws component is at most the preferred workgroup
		 * multiple or the maximum size of that component in device. */
		lws[i] = MIN(wg_size_mult, max_wi_sizes[i]);

		/* Update total workgroup size. */
		wg_size *= lws[i];

		/* Update total real worksize. */
		real_ws *= real_worksize[i];


	/* Don't let each component of the local worksize to be
	 * higher than the respective component of the real
	 * worksize. */
	for (cl_uint i = 0; i < dims; ++i) {
		while (lws[i] > real_worksize[i]) {
			lws[i] /= 2;
			wg_size /= 2;

	/* The total workgroup size can't be higher than the maximum
	 * supported by the device. */
	while (wg_size > wg_size_max) {
		wg_size_aux = wg_size;
		for (int i = dims - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
			if (lws[i] > 1) {
				/* Local work size can't be smaller than 1. */
				lws[i] /= 2;
				wg_size /= 2;
			if (wg_size <= wg_size_max) break;
		/* Avoid infinite loops and throw error if wg_size didn't
		 * change. */
		ccl_if_err_create_goto(*err, CCL_ERROR, wg_size == wg_size_aux,
			CCL_ERROR_OTHER, error_handler,
			"%s: Unable to determine a work size within the device limit (%d).",
			CCL_STRD, (int) wg_size_max);

	/* If output variable gws is not NULL... */
	if (gws != NULL) {
		/* ...find a global worksize which is a multiple of the local
		 * worksize and is big enough to handle the real worksize. */
		for (cl_uint i = 0; i < dims; ++i) {
			gws[i] = ((real_worksize[i] / lws[i])
				+ (((real_worksize[i] % lws[i]) > 0) ? 1 : 0))
				* lws[i];
	} else {
		/* ...otherwise check if found local worksizes are divisors of
		 * the respective real_worksize. If so keep them, otherwise find
		 * local worksizes which respect the maximum sizes allowed by
		 * the kernel and the device, and is a dimension-wise divisor of
		 * the real_worksize. */
		cl_bool lws_are_divisors = CL_TRUE;
		for (cl_uint i = 0; i < dims; ++i) {
			/* Check if lws[i] is divisor of real_worksize[i]. */
			if (real_worksize[i] % lws[i] != 0) {
				/* Ops... lws[i] is not divisor of real_worksize[i], so
				 * we'll have to try and find new lws ahead. */
				lws_are_divisors = CL_FALSE;
		/* Is lws divisor of real_worksize, dimension-wise? */
		if (!lws_are_divisors) {
			/* No, so we'll have to find new lws. */
			wg_size = 1;
			for (cl_uint i = 0; i < dims; ++i) {

				/* For each dimension, try to use the previously
				 * found lws[i]. */
				if ((real_worksize[i] % lws[i] != 0)
					|| (lws[i] * wg_size > wg_size_max))
					/* Previoulsy found lws[i] not usable, find
					 * new one. Must be a divisor of real_worksize[i]
					 * and respect the kernel and device maximum lws.*/
					cl_uint best_lws_i = 1;
					for (cl_uint j = 2; j <= real_worksize[i] / 2; ++j) {
						/* If current value is higher than the kernel
						 * and device limits, stop searching and use
						 * the best one so far. */
						if ((wg_size * j > wg_size_max)
							|| (j > max_wi_sizes[i])) break;
						/* Otherwise check if current value is divisor
						 * of lws[i]. If so, keep it as the best so
						 * far. */
						if (real_worksize[i] % j == 0)
							best_lws_i = j;
					/* Keep the best divisor for current dimension. */
					lws[i] = best_lws_i;
				/* Update absolute workgroup size (all dimensions). */
				wg_size *= lws[i];

	/* If we got here, everything is OK. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err == NULL);
	ret_status = CL_TRUE;
	goto finish;


	/* If we got here there was an error, verify that it is so. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err != NULL);
	ret_status = CL_FALSE;


	/* Return status. */
	return ret_status;

コード例 #6
ファイル: ccl_kernel_wrapper.c プロジェクト: LaSEEB/cf4ocl
 * Get a ::CCLWrapperInfo kernel argument information object.
 * @public @memberof ccl_kernel
 * @see ccl_wrapper_get_info()
 * @note Requires OpenCL >= 1.2
 * @param[in] krnl The kernel wrapper object.
 * @param[in] idx Argument index.
 * @param[in] param_name Name of information/parameter to get.
 * @param[out] err Return location for a ::CCLErr object, or `NULL` if error
 * reporting is to be ignored.
 * @return The requested kernel argument information object. This
 * object will be automatically freed when the kernel wrapper object is
 * destroyed. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.
 * */
CCLWrapperInfo* ccl_kernel_get_arg_info(CCLKernel* krnl, cl_uint idx,
	cl_kernel_arg_info param_name, CCLErr** err) {

	/* Make sure krnl is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(krnl != NULL, NULL);

	/* Helper wrapper. */
	CCLWrapper fake_wrapper;

	/* Kernel information to return. */
	CCLWrapperInfo* info;

	/* Error handling object. */
	CCLErr* err_internal = NULL;

	/* OpenCL version of the underlying platform. */
	double ocl_ver;

#ifndef CL_VERSION_1_2


	/* If cf4ocl was not compiled with support for OpenCL >= 1.2, always throw
	 * error. */
	ccl_if_err_create_goto(*err, CCL_ERROR, TRUE,
		"%s: Obtaining kernel argument information requires cf4ocl to be "
		"deployed with support for OpenCL version 1.2 or newer.",


	/* Check that context platform is >= OpenCL 1.2 */
	ocl_ver = ccl_kernel_get_opencl_version(krnl, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

	/* If OpenCL version is not >= 1.2, throw error. */
	ccl_if_err_create_goto(*err, CCL_ERROR, ocl_ver < 120,
		"%s: information about kernel arguments requires OpenCL" \
		" version 1.2 or newer.", CCL_STRD);

	/* Wrap argument index in a fake cl_object. */
	fake_wrapper.cl_object = GUINT_TO_POINTER(idx);

	/* Get kernel argument info. */
	info = ccl_wrapper_get_info(
		(CCLWrapper*) krnl, &fake_wrapper, param_name, 0,
		CCL_INFO_KERNEL_ARG, CL_FALSE, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);


	/* If we got here, everything is OK. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err == NULL);
	goto finish;


	/* If we got here there was an error, verify that it is so. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err != NULL);

	/* An error occurred, return NULL to signal it. */
	info = NULL;


	/* Return argument info. */
	return info;

コード例 #7
ファイル: ccl_sampler_wrapper.c プロジェクト: LaSEEB/cf4ocl
 * Create a new sampler wrapper object using a list of properties.
 * If a supported property is not specified, a default value is used.
 * Some valid properties are `CL_SAMPLER_NORMALIZED_COORDS` (default
 * value is `CL_TRUE`), `CL_SAMPLER_ADDRESSING_MODE` (default value is
 * `CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP`) and `CL_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE` (default value is
 * This function mimicks the style of the OpenCL 2.0 sampler
 * constructor, clCreateSamplerWithProperties(), but can be used with
 * any version of OpenCL. Thus, The underlying OpenCL sampler object is
 * created using:
 * * clCreateSampler() - for platforms with OpenCL version <= 1.2
 * * clCreateSamplerWithProperties() - for platforms with OpenCL version
 * >= 2.0.
 * @public @memberof ccl_sampler
 * @param[in] ctx A context wrapper object.
 * @param[in] sampler_properties A list of sampler property names and
 * their corresponding values. Each sampler property name is immediately
 * followed by the corresponding desired value. The list is terminated
 * with 0. If a supported property is not specified, its default value
 * will be used. If `NULL`, default values for supported sampler
 * properties will be used.
 * @param[out] err Return location for a ::CCLErr object, or `NULL` if error
 * reporting is to be ignored.
 * @return A new sampler wrapper object or `NULL` if an error occurs.
 * */
CCLSampler* ccl_sampler_new_full(CCLContext* ctx,
	const cl_sampler_properties *sampler_properties, CCLErr** err) {

	/* Make sure err is NULL or it is not set. */
	g_return_val_if_fail((err) == NULL || *(err) == NULL, NULL);
	/* Make sure ctx is not NULL. */
	g_return_val_if_fail(ctx != NULL, NULL);

	/* New sampler wrapper object to create. */
	CCLSampler* smplr = NULL;
	/* OpenCL sampler object to create and wrap. */
	cl_sampler sampler;
	/* OpenCL function status. */
	cl_int ocl_status;

#ifdef CL_VERSION_2_0

	/* OpenCL platform version. */
	double ocl_ver;
	/* Internal error handling object. */
	CCLErr* err_internal = NULL;

	/* Get context platform version. */
	ocl_ver = ccl_context_get_opencl_version(ctx, &err_internal);
	ccl_if_err_propagate_goto(err, err_internal, error_handler);

	/* Create the OpenCL sampler object. */
	if (ocl_ver >= 200) {
		/* Platform is OpenCL >= 2.0, use "new" API. */
		sampler = clCreateSamplerWithProperties(
			ccl_context_unwrap(ctx), sampler_properties, &ocl_status);
	} else {
		/* Platform is OpenCL <= 1.2, use "old" API. */
		struct ccl_sampler_basic_properties sbp =
		sampler = clCreateSampler(ccl_context_unwrap(ctx),
			sbp.normalized_coords, sbp.addressing_mode, sbp.filter_mode,


	/* Create OpenCL sampler object. */
	struct ccl_sampler_basic_properties sbp =
	sampler = clCreateSampler(ccl_context_unwrap(ctx),
		sbp.normalized_coords, sbp.addressing_mode, sbp.filter_mode,


	/* Check for errors. */
	ccl_if_err_create_goto(*err, CCL_OCL_ERROR,
		CL_SUCCESS != ocl_status, ocl_status, error_handler,
		"%s: unable to create sampler (OpenCL error %d: %s).",
		CCL_STRD, ocl_status, ccl_err(ocl_status));

	/* Create sampler wrapper. */
	smplr = ccl_sampler_new_wrap(sampler);

	/* If we got here, everything is OK. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err == NULL);
	goto finish;


	/* If we got here there was an error, verify that it is so. */
	g_assert(err == NULL || *err != NULL);


	/* Return sampler wrapper. */
	return smplr;
