static void plugin_if_maintoolbar_goto_frame(gconstpointer user_data) { if (user_data) { GHashTable * data_set = (GHashTable *) user_data; gpointer framenr; if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended(data_set, "frame_nr", NULL, &framenr)) { if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT(framenr) != 0) cf_goto_frame(&cfile, GPOINTER_TO_UINT(framenr)); } } }
void ExportObjectDialog::on_objectTree_currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item, QTreeWidgetItem *) { if (!item) { if (save_bt_) save_bt_->setEnabled(false); return; } if (save_bt_) save_bt_->setEnabled(true); export_object_entry_t *entry = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).value<export_object_entry_t *>(); if (entry && !file_closed_) { cf_goto_frame(cap_file_.capFile(), entry->pkt_num); } }
void SCTPGraphDialog::graphClicked(QCPAbstractPlottable* plottable, QMouseEvent* event) { frame_num = 0; int i=0; double times = ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x()); if (plottable->name().contains("TSN", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xt.size(); i++) { if (times <= xt.value(i)) { frame_num =; break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("SACK", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xs.size(); i++) { if (times <= xs.value(i)) { frame_num =; break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("DUP", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xd.size(); i++) { if (times <= xd.value(i)) { frame_num =; break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("NR_GAP", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xn.size(); i++) { if (times <= xn.value(i)) { frame_num =; break; } } } else if (plottable->name().contains("GAP", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { for (i = 0; i < xs.size(); i++) { if (times <= xs.value(i)) { frame_num =; break; } } } if (cap_file_ && frame_num > 0) { cf_goto_frame(cap_file_, frame_num); } ui->hintLabel->setText(QString(tr("<small><i>%1: %2 Time: %3 secs </i></small>")) .arg(plottable->name()) .arg(floor(ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y()) + 0.5)) .arg(ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x()))); }
/* Redraw all byte view windows. */ void redraw_packet_bytes_all(void) { if (cfile.current_frame != NULL) redraw_packet_bytes( byte_nb_ptr_gbl, cfile.current_frame, cfile.finfo_selected); redraw_packet_bytes_packet_wins(); /* XXX - this is a hack, to workaround a bug in GTK2.x! when changing the font size, even refilling of the corresponding gtk_text_buffer doesn't seem to trigger an update. The only workaround is to freshly select the frame, which will remove any existing notebook tabs and "restart" the whole byte view again. */ if (cfile.current_frame != NULL) { cfile.current_row = -1; cf_goto_frame(&cfile, cfile.current_frame->num); } }
static void packet_history_forward(void) { GList *next; if(history_current) { next = g_list_next(history_current); /* do we have a forward entry? */ if(next) { history_current = next; /* goto that packet but don't change history */ ignore_jump = TRUE; cf_goto_frame(&cfile, GPOINTER_TO_INT(next->data)); ignore_jump = FALSE; } } adjust_menus(); }
static void packet_history_back(void) { GList *previous; if(history_current) { previous = g_list_previous(history_current); /* do we have a previous entry */ if(previous) { history_current = previous; /* goto that packet but don't change history */ ignore_jump = TRUE; cf_goto_frame(&cfile, GPOINTER_TO_INT(previous->data)); ignore_jump = FALSE; } } adjust_menus(); }
void WirelessTimeline::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QPointF localPos = event->localPos(); qreal offset = localPos.x() - start_x; /* if this was a drag, ignore it */ if (std::abs(offset) > 3) return; /* this was a click */ guint num = find_packet(localPos.x()); if (num == 0) return; frame_data *fdata = frame_data_sequence_find(cfile.provider.frames, num); if (!fdata->passed_dfilter && fdata->prev_dis_num > 0) num = fdata->prev_dis_num; cf_goto_frame(&cfile, num); }
void SCTPGraphArwndDialog::graphClicked(QCPAbstractPlottable* plottable, QMouseEvent* event) { if (plottable->name().contains("Arwnd", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { double times = ui->sctpPlot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().x()); int i=0; for (i = 0; i < xa.size(); i++) { if (times <= xa.value(i)) { frame_num =; break; } } if (cap_file_ && frame_num > 0) { cf_goto_frame(cap_file_, frame_num); } ui->hintLabel->setText(QString(tr("<small><i>Graph %1: a_rwnd=%2 Time=%3 secs </i></small>")) .arg(plottable->name()) .arg(ya.value(i)) .arg(xa.value(i))); } }
void SCTPGraphByteDialog::graphClicked(QCPAbstractPlottable* plottable, QMouseEvent* event) { if (plottable->name().contains(tr("Bytes"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { double bytes = ui->sctpPlot->yAxis->pixelToCoord(event->pos().y()); int i; for (i = 0; i < yb.size(); i++) { if (bytes <= yb.value(i)) { frame_num =; break; } } if (cap_file_ && frame_num > 0) { cf_goto_frame(cap_file_, frame_num); } ui->hintLabel->setText(QString(tr("<small><i>Graph %1: Received bytes=%2 Time=%3 secs </i></small>")) .arg(plottable->name()) .arg(yb.value(i)) .arg(xb.value(i))); } }