void ownCloudInfo::slotAuthentication( QNetworkReply *reply, QAuthenticator *auth ) { if( !(auth && reply) ) return; QString configHandle; // an empty config handle is ok for the default config. if( _configHandleMap.contains(reply) ) { configHandle = _configHandleMap[reply]; qDebug() << "Auth: Have a custom config handle: " << configHandle; } qDebug() << "Auth request to me and I am " << this; _authAttempts++; MirallConfigFile cfgFile( configHandle ); qDebug() << "Authenticating request for " << reply->url(); if( reply->url().toString().startsWith( cfgFile.ownCloudUrl( _connection, true )) ) { auth->setUser( cfgFile.ownCloudUser( _connection ) ); auth->setPassword( cfgFile.ownCloudPasswd( _connection )); } else { qDebug() << "WRN: attempt to authenticate to different url - attempt " <<_authAttempts; } if( _authAttempts > 10 ) { qDebug() << "Too many attempts to authenticate. Stop request."; reply->close(); } }
CfgFile::CfgFile(string fileName) : cfgFileName(fileName) { ifstream cfgFile(cfgFileName.c_str(), ios::in); string currentPair; if (cfgFile.is_open()) { while (cfgFile.good()) { getline(cfgFile, currentPair); unsigned int delimPos = currentPair.find(":"); //a comment or invalid string if (currentPair[0] == '#' || delimPos == string::npos || delimPos == 0) { continue; } string key = currentPair.substr(0, delimPos); string value = currentPair.substr(delimPos + 1, currentPair.length() - 1); //If either is empty we cry if (key == "" || value == "") { continue; } set<string>& values = parsedFile[key]; values.insert(value); } } else { cerr << "Error reading file: " << fileName << endl; } }
void MPDUser::setMusicFolder(const QString &folder) { if (folder==det.dir) { return; } init(true); QFile cfgFile(Utils::dataDir(constDir, true)+constConfigFile); QStringList lines; if (cfgFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { while (!cfgFile.atEnd()) { QString line = QString::fromUtf8(cfgFile.readLine()); if (line.startsWith(constMusicFolderKey)) { lines.append(constMusicFolderKey+" \""+folder+"\"\n"); } else { lines.append(line); } } } if (!lines.isEmpty()) { cfgFile.close(); if (cfgFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream out(&cfgFile); foreach (const QString &line, lines) { out << line; } }
int main() { // Settings bool isDebug = 0; // Running debug GUI? bool isTesting = 1; // Running from video file? bool hasGroundTruth = 0; // Has labeled ground truth data? int nCameras = 1; // Number of cameras/video files. std::string videoFilePath = "data/someFile00.avi"; // Location of video file(s). std::string groundTruthPath = "data/someFile00GT.xml"; // Location of ground truth data for specified video cv::FileStorage cfgFile("settings.yml", cv::FileStorage::WRITE); cfgFile << "isDebug" << isDebug; cfgFile << "isTesting" << isTesting; cfgFile << "hasGroundTruth" << hasGroundTruth; cfgFile << "nCameras" << nCameras; cfgFile << "videoFilePath" << videoFilePath; cfgFile << "groundTruthPath" << groundTruthPath; cfgFile.release(); DenseKitchen program; program.init(); program.readConfig("settings.yml"); debugging::logObject.dumpToConsole(); return 0; }
bool ConfigurationManager::loadConfig(const boost::filesystem::path& path, boost::program_options::variables_map& variables, boost::program_options::options_description& description) { boost::filesystem::path cfgFile(path); cfgFile /= std::string(openmwCfgFile); if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(cfgFile)) { if (!mSilent) std::cout << "Loading config file: " << cfgFile.string() << "... "; boost::filesystem::ifstream configFileStreamUnfiltered(cfgFile); boost::iostreams::filtering_istream configFileStream; configFileStream.push(escape_hash_filter()); configFileStream.push(configFileStreamUnfiltered); if (configFileStreamUnfiltered.is_open()) { boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_config_file( configFileStream, description, true), variables); if (!mSilent) std::cout << "done." << std::endl; return true; } else { if (!mSilent) std::cout << "failed." << std::endl; return false; } } return false; }
void BaseWindow::loadSettings() { QFile cfgFile(this->cfgFileLocation); if (!cfgFile.exists()) return; if (!cfgFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QDomDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(&cfgFile)) { cfgFile.close(); return; } cfgFile.close(); QDomNodeList root = doc.elementsByTagName("Server"); for (int i = 0; i < root.size(); i++) { QDomElement server = root.at(i).toElement(); this->insertServer(server); } }
bool App::readConfig() { QFile cfgFile(Global::applicationFileName("iqnotes", "iqnotes.cfg")); if (!cfgFile.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { if (!cfgFile.open(IO_WriteOnly)) return false; return saveConfig(); } cfgFile.close(); CfgFileParser handler; QXmlInputSource *source; QXmlSimpleReader reader; connect(&handler, SIGNAL(configLoaded(const NotesConfig &)), this, SLOT(configLoaded(const NotesConfig &))); source = new QXmlInputSource(cfgFile); reader.setContentHandler(&handler); // reader.setErrorHandler(new NotesFileParserError); if(!reader.parse(*source)) { qWarning(tr("can't load config file")); delete source; return false; } delete source; return true; }
void OwncloudSetupWizard::testOwnCloudConnect() { // write a temporary config. QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); _configHandle = now.toString(QLatin1String("MMddyyhhmmss")); MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); cfgFile.writeOwncloudConfig( Theme::instance()->appName(), _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCUrl")).toString(), _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCUser")).toString(), _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCPasswd")).toString(), _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("secureConnect")).toBool(), _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("PwdNoLocalStore")).toBool() ); // If there is already a config, take its proxy config. if( ownCloudInfo::instance()->isConfigured() ) { MirallConfigFile prevCfg; if( prevCfg.proxyType() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy ) { cfgFile.setProxyType( prevCfg.proxyType(), prevCfg.proxyHostName(), prevCfg.proxyPort(), prevCfg.proxyUser(), prevCfg.proxyPassword() ); } } // now start ownCloudInfo to check the connection. ownCloudInfo* info = ownCloudInfo::instance(); info->setCustomConfigHandle( _configHandle ); if( info->isConfigured() ) { // reset the SSL Untrust flag to let the SSL dialog appear again. info->resetSSLUntrust(); _checkInstallationRequest = info->checkInstallation(); } else { qDebug() << " ownCloud seems not to be configured, can not start test connect."; } }
void BaseWindow::saveSettings() { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement("RKnockSettings"); root.setAttribute("Version", RKNOCK_CFG_VERSION); doc.appendChild(root); for(int i = 0; i < m_servers.size(); i++) { ServerRecord *rec = m_servers.at(i); QDomElement server = rec->toElement(doc); root.appendChild(server); } QFileInfo cfgFileInfo(this->cfgFileLocation); QDir cfgPath = cfgFileInfo.absoluteDir(); // If the folder dosen't exist, make it! if (!cfgPath.exists()) cfgPath.mkpath("."); QFile cfgFile(this->cfgFileLocation); QString xmlOut = doc.toString(); if (!cfgFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Unable to open Settings file for write.", QString("We were unable to open `%1` for writing, details below:\n\n%2").arg(cfgFileInfo.filePath(), cfgFile.errorString())); return; } QTextStream out(&cfgFile); out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" ?>\n" << xmlOut; }
GlobalConfig::GlobalConfig(const char* cfgPath) { WTON_ASSERT(theConfig == NULL); WTON::ClassNotation* classy = NULL; { classy = new WTON::ClassNotation(); typedef GlobalConfig ActiveClass; // list members for wton serialization WTON_MEMBER(ZmakeToRoot); WTON_MEMBER(RootToProps); WTON_MEMBER(RootToSln); WTON_MEMBER(SlnToRoot); WTON_MEMBER(IncludePatterns); WTON_MEMBER(IgnorePatterns); WTON_MEMBER(AllPlatforms); WTON_MEMBER(AllConfigs); WTON_MEMBER(MsvcPlatforms); WTON_MEMBER(MakePlatforms); WTON_MEMBER(MsSlnFormatVersion); WTON_MEMBER(PchPattern); WTON_MEMBER(PchPrefix); WTON_MEMBER(LibPattern); WTON_MEMBER(SolutionPlatform); WTON_MEMBER(ExtensionItem); WTON_MEMBER(CompilationUnitExtensions); WTON_MEMBER(SuffixPlatforms); WTON_MEMBER(StubSuffix); WTON_MEMBER(AdditionalFileProps); } // default values MsSlnFormatVersion = "11.00"; StubSuffix = "_Stub"; WTON::TokenFile cfgFile(cfgPath); classy->load(cfgFile, this); #ifdef WTON_PC RootToProps.replace("/", "\\"); SlnToRoot.replace("/", "\\"); RootToSln.replace("/", "\\"); #endif for (int i = 0; i < AllPlatforms.len(); ++i) { const String& p = AllPlatforms[i]; String& p2 = SolutionPlatform[p]; // unspecified Platforms have the same Solution name as Project name if (p2.empty()) { p2 = p; } } theConfig = this; }
void Settings::saveSettings() const { QFile cfgFile(getDataDir().absoluteFilePath(QCoreApplication::applicationName() + ".cfg")); if (cfgFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { QJsonDocument cfg_doc(m_settings); cfgFile.write(cfg_doc.toJson()); cfgFile.close(); } }
QNetworkReply *ownCloudInfo::checkInstallation() { _redirectCount = 0; MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); QUrl url ( cfgFile.ownCloudUrl( _connection ) + QLatin1String("status.php") ); /* No authentication required for this. */ return getRequest(url); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CodeSnippetsConfig::SettingsLoad() // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- { // file will be saved in $HOME/codesnippets.ini #ifdef LOGGING wxString fn(__FUNCTION__, wxConvUTF8); LOGIT( _T("--- [%s] ---"),fn.c_str() ); LOGIT(wxT("Loading Settings File[%s]"),SettingsSnippetsCfgPath.c_str()); #endif //LOGGING wxFileConfig cfgFile( wxEmptyString, // appname wxEmptyString, // vendor SettingsSnippetsCfgPath,// local filename wxEmptyString, // global file wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE); cfgFile.Read( wxT("ExternalEditor"), &SettingsExternalEditor, wxEmptyString ) ; cfgFile.Read( wxT("SnippetFile"), &SettingsSnippetsXmlPath, wxEmptyString ) ; cfgFile.Read( wxT("SnippetFolder"), &SettingsSnippetsFolder, wxEmptyString ) ; cfgFile.Read( wxT("ViewSearchBox"), &GetConfig()->SettingsSearchBox, true ) ; cfgFile.Read( wxT("casesensitive"), &m_SearchConfig.caseSensitive, true ) ; int nScope; cfgFile.Read( wxT("scope"), &nScope, SCOPE_BOTH ) ; m_SearchConfig.scope = (SearchScope)nScope; // read Editors Stay-On-Top of main window option cfgFile.Read( _T("EditorsStayOnTop"), &SettingsEditorsStayOnTop, true); // read Editors ToolTips option cfgFile.Read( _T("ToolTipsOption"), &SettingsToolTipsOption, true); // Read External App state. Launched App will see it as false because // plugin has not set it true yet, so if this is launched App, set it true cfgFile.Read( wxT("ExternalPersistentOpen"), &m_IsExternalPersistentOpen, false ) ; if ( IsApplication() ) SetExternalPersistentOpen(true); // read user specified window state (External, Floating, or Docked) cfgFile.Read( wxT("WindowState"), &m_SettingsWindowState, wxT("Floating") ); #if defined(LOGGING) LOGIT( _T("WindowState[%s]"), GetSettingsWindowState().c_str() ); #endif // read last window position wxString winPos; cfgFile.Read( wxT("WindowPosition"), &winPos, wxEmptyString) ; if ( not winPos.IsEmpty() ) { const wxWX2MBbuf buf = csU2C(winPos); std::string cstring( buf ); std::stringstream istream(cstring); istream >> windowXpos ; istream >> windowYpos ; istream >> windowWidth ; istream >> windowHeight ; } else {
void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotNoOwnCloudFound( QNetworkReply *err ) { _ocWizard->appendToResultWidget(tr("<font color=\"red\">Failed to connect to %1!</font>") .arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI())); _ocWizard->appendToResultWidget(tr("Error: <tt>%1</tt>").arg(err->errorString()) ); // remove the config file again MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); cfgFile.cleanupCustomConfig(); finalizeSetup( false ); }
void OwncloudSetupWizard::testOwnCloudConnect() { // write a temporary config. QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); // remove a possibly existing custom config. if( ! _configHandle.isEmpty() ) { // remove the old config file. MirallConfigFile oldConfig( _configHandle ); oldConfig.cleanupCustomConfig(); } _configHandle = now.toString(QLatin1String("MMddyyhhmmss")); MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); QString url = _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCUrl")).toString(); if( url.isEmpty() ) return; if( !( url.startsWith(QLatin1String("https://")) || url.startsWith(QLatin1String("http://"))) ) { qDebug() << "url does not start with a valid protocol, assuming https."; url.prepend(QLatin1String("https://")); // FIXME: give a hint about the auto completion _ocWizard->setOCUrl(url); } cfgFile.writeOwncloudConfig( Theme::instance()->appName(), url, _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCUser")).toString(), _ocWizard->field(QLatin1String("OCPasswd")).toString() ); // If there is already a config, take its proxy config. if( ownCloudInfo::instance()->isConfigured() ) { MirallConfigFile prevCfg; if( prevCfg.proxyType() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy ) { cfgFile.setProxyType( prevCfg.proxyType(), prevCfg.proxyHostName(), prevCfg.proxyPort(), prevCfg.proxyUser(), prevCfg.proxyPassword() ); } } // now start ownCloudInfo to check the connection. ownCloudInfo* info = ownCloudInfo::instance(); info->setCustomConfigHandle( _configHandle ); if( info->isConfigured() ) { // reset the SSL Untrust flag to let the SSL dialog appear again. info->resetSSLUntrust(); connect(info, SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(QString,QString,QString,QString)), SLOT(slotOwnCloudFound(QString,QString,QString,QString))); connect(info, SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(slotNoOwnCloudFound(QNetworkReply*))); _checkInstallationRequest = info->checkInstallation(); } else { qDebug() << " ownCloud seems not to be configured, can not start test connect."; } }
void ExportInstWizard::GetIncludedConfigs(wxArrayString *out) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < cfgListCtrl->GetCount(); i++) { if (cfgListCtrl->IsChecked(i)) { wxFileName cfgFile(cfgListCtrl->GetString(i)); cfgFile.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_ALL, m_inst->GetRootDir().GetFullPath()); cfgFile.MakeRelativeTo(); out->Add(cfgFile.GetFullPath()); } } }
/** * Returns true if successful. */ bool readConfig(config_t& config) { string cfgFile(GetPESInfo()->mydir); cfgFile += "\\speeder.cfg"; FILE* cfg = fopen(cfgFile.c_str(), "rt"); if (cfg == NULL) return false; char str[BUFLEN]; char name[BUFLEN]; int value = 0; float dvalue = 0.0f; char *pName = NULL, *pValue = NULL, *comment = NULL; while (true) { ZeroMemory(str, BUFLEN); fgets(str, BUFLEN-1, cfg); if (feof(cfg)) break; // skip comments comment = strstr(str, "#"); if (comment != NULL) comment[0] = '\0'; // parse the line pName = pValue = NULL; ZeroMemory(name, BUFLEN); value = 0; char* eq = strstr(str, "="); if (eq == NULL || eq[1] == '\0') continue; eq[0] = '\0'; pName = str; pValue = eq + 1; ZeroMemory(name, NULL); sscanf(pName, "%s", name); if (strcmp(name, "debug")==0) { if (sscanf(pValue, "%d", &value)!=1) continue; config.debug = value; } else if (strcmp(name, "count.factor")==0) { float value = 1.0; if (sscanf(pValue, "%f", &value)!=1) continue; config.count_factor = min(max(value,0.1),2.5); } } fclose(cfg); return true; }
void Parameters::parseParametersFromConfigFile(std::string cfgFileName){ std::string line; //Open config file passed as parameter std::ifstream cfgFile(cfgFileName.c_str()); //Save parameters temporarily in a Map to ease its retrieval later std::map<std::string,std::string> parameters; if (cfgFile.is_open()){ //Read file line by line: while( getline(cfgFile, line)){ if(line.length() > 0){ std::vector<std::string> parsed = parseLine(line); //Add the parsed elements to an appropriate structure: if(parsed.size() == 2){ parameters[parsed[0]] = parsed[1]; } } } cfgFile.close(); } else{ printf("Unable to open the file '%s', defined as the configuration file.\n", cfgFileName.c_str()); } this->setAlpha(atof(parameters["ALPHA"].c_str())); this->setGamma(atof(parameters["GAMMA"].c_str())); this->setEpsilon(atof(parameters["EPSILON"].c_str())); this->setLambda(atof(parameters["LAMBDA"].c_str())); this->setDisplay(atoi(parameters["DISPLAY"].c_str())); this->setEpisodeLength(atoi(parameters["EPISODE_LENGTH"].c_str())); this->setNumEpisodesLearn(atoi(parameters["NUM_EPISODES_LEARN"].c_str())); this->setNumEpisodesEval(atoi(parameters["NUM_EPISODES_EVAL"].c_str())); this->setNumStepsPerAction(atoi(parameters["NUM_STEPS_PER_ACTION"].c_str())); this->setNumRows(atoi(parameters["NUM_ROWS"].c_str())); this->setNumColumns(atoi(parameters["NUM_COLUMNS"].c_str())); this->setNumColors(atoi(parameters["NUM_COLORS"].c_str())); this->setIsMinimalAction(atoi(parameters["USE_MIN_ACTIONS"].c_str())); this->setTraceThreshold(atof(parameters["TRACE_THRESHOLD"].c_str())); this->setUseRewardSign(atoi(parameters["USE_REWARD_SIGN"].c_str())); this->setSubtractBackground(atoi(parameters["SUBTRACT_BACKGROUND"].c_str())); this->setToSaveTrajectory(atoi(parameters["SAVE_TRAJECTORY"].c_str())); this->setOptimisticInitialization(atoi(parameters["OPTIMISTIC_INIT"].c_str())); this->setFrequencySavingWeights(atoi(parameters["FREQUENCY_SAVING"].c_str())); this->setLearningLength(atoi(parameters["TOTAL_FRAMES_LEARN"].c_str())); if(this->getSubtractBackground()){ std::string folderWithBackgrounds = parameters["PATH_TO_BACKGROUND"]; setPathToBackground(folderWithBackgrounds, this->gameBeingPlayed); } }
void OwncloudSetupWizard::slotNoOwnCloudFound( QNetworkReply *err ) { disconnect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(ownCloudInfoFound(QString,QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotOwnCloudFound(QString,QString,QString,QString))); disconnect(ownCloudInfo::instance(), SIGNAL(noOwncloudFound(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(slotNoOwnCloudFound(QNetworkReply*))); _ocWizard->displayError(tr("Failed to connect to %1:<br/>%2"). arg(Theme::instance()->appNameGUI()).arg(err->errorString())); // remove the config file again MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); cfgFile.cleanupCustomConfig(); finalizeSetup( false ); }
/** * \brief */ bool DbConfig::SaveToFolder(const CPath& cfgFileFolder) const { CPath cfgFile(cfgFileFolder); cfgFile += cPluginCfgFileName; FILE* fp; _tfopen_s(&fp, cfgFile.C_str(), _T("wt")); if (fp == NULL) return false; bool success = Write(fp); fclose(fp); return success; }
EmailNotify::EmailNotify() { bool serverFound = 0, portFound = 0, replyFound = 0; QString port; configOk = 0; QFile cfgFile("email_config.xml"); cfgFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); if (!cfgFile.isOpen()) { qWarning() << tr("Unable to open Email Config File!"); return; } QXmlStreamReader xml(&cfgFile); while (!xml.atEnd() && !xml.hasError()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && xml.name() == "server") { server = User::getXmlString(&xml); if (server.size()) serverFound = 1; } else if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && xml.name() == "port") { port = User::getXmlString(&xml); if (port.size()) { portFound = 1; server+= ':' + port; } } else if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && xml.name() == "reply") { reply = User::getXmlString(&xml); if (reply.size()) replyFound = 1; } } if (!serverFound) qWarning() << tr("Email config has no server specified"); if (!portFound) qWarning() << tr("Email config has no port specified"); if (!replyFound) qWarning() << tr("Email config has no reply address specified"); if (serverFound && portFound && replyFound) configOk = 1; cfgFile.close(); }
QNetworkReply* ownCloudInfo::mkdirRequest( const QString& dir ) { qDebug() << "OCInfo Making dir " << dir; MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); QUrl url = QUrl( cfgFile.ownCloudUrl( _connection, true ) + dir ); QHttp::ConnectionMode conMode = QHttp::ConnectionModeHttp; if (url.scheme() == "https") conMode = QHttp::ConnectionModeHttps; QHttp* qhttp = new QHttp(QString(url.encodedHost()), conMode, 0, this); connect(qhttp, SIGNAL(requestStarted(int)), this,SLOT(qhttpRequestStarted(int))); connect(qhttp, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int, bool)), this,SLOT(qhttpRequestFinished(int,bool))); connect(qhttp, SIGNAL(responseHeaderReceived(QHttpResponseHeader)), this, SLOT(qhttpResponseHeaderReceived(QHttpResponseHeader))); //connect(qhttp, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QString,quint16,QAuthenticator*)), this, SLOT(qhttpAuthenticationRequired(QString,quint16,QAuthenticator*))); QHttpRequestHeader header("MKCOL", QString(url.encodedPath()), 1,1); /* header */ header.setValue("Host", QString(url.encodedHost())); header.setValue("User-Agent", QString("mirall-%1").arg(MIRALL_STRINGIFY(MIRALL_VERSION)).toAscii() ); header.setValue("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"); header.setValue("Accept-Language", "it,de-de;q=0.8,it-it;q=0.6,en-us;q=0.4,en;q=0.2"); header.setValue("Connection", "keep-alive"); header.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //important header.setContentLength(0); QString con = _configHandle; if( con.isEmpty() ) con = DEFAULT_CONNECTION; if( _credentials.contains(con)) { oCICredentials creds = _credentials.value(con); QString concatenated = creds.user + QLatin1Char(':') + creds.passwd; const QString b(QLatin1String("Basic ")); QByteArray data = b.toLocal8Bit() + concatenated.toLocal8Bit().toBase64(); header.setValue("Authorization", data); qhttp->setUser( creds.user, creds.passwd ); } int david = qhttp->request(header,0,0); //////////////// connect(davinfo, SIGNAL(dataSendProgress(int,int)), this, SLOT(SendStatus(int, int))); /////////////////connect(davinfo, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this,SLOT(DavWake(bool))); //connect(_http, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int, bool)), this,SLOT(qhttpRequestFinished(int,bool))); ///////////connect(davinfo, SIGNAL(responseHeaderReceived(constQHttpResponseHeader &)), this, SLOT(RegisterBackHeader(constQHttpResponseHeader &))); return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /// ---------------------------------------- std::string fname = cfgFile(argc, argv); /// ------ Define your application here ---- AAAD_AppDiameterEap diamEap; /// ------ Register applications here ------ AAAD_FRAMEWORK().Register(diamEap); /// ------ Application main loop ----------- AAAD_FRAMEWORK().Start(fname); while (AAAD_FRAMEWORK().IsRunning()) { } AAAD_FRAMEWORK().Stop(); return (0); }
void IniConfig::readFromFile( const QString & fileName, bool overwriteExisting ) { QString file = fileName; if( file.isEmpty() ) file = mFile; if( !QFile::exists(file) ) { LOG_5( "Config file doesn't exist at: " + file ); return; } QFile cfgFile(file); if( !cfgFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) { LOG_5( "Unable to open config file for reading at: " + fileName ); return; } QTextStream in(&cfgFile); while(!in.atEnd()){ QString l = in.readLine(); if( l.startsWith("[") && l.endsWith("]") ){ mSection = l.mid(1,l.length()-2); if( mSection == "NO_SECTION" ) mSection = QString::null; continue; } int equalsPos = l.indexOf('='); if( equalsPos < 0 ) continue; QString key = l.left(equalsPos); QString val = l.mid(equalsPos+1); if( key.isEmpty() ) continue; if( overwriteExisting || !mValMap[mSection].contains( key ) ) { mValMap[mSection][key] = val; mValMap[mSection][key.toLower()] = val; } } cfgFile.close(); }
int Structure::loadConfigFromFile(string fileName) { string fullPath = "config/" + fileName; ifstream cfgFile(fullPath.c_str()); if (!cfgFile.is_open()) { cfgFile.close(); return FAIL; } string tmp; getline(cfgFile, tmp); cfgFile >> dim.x; getline(cfgFile, tmp); getline(cfgFile, tmp); cfgFile >> dim.y; getline(cfgFile, tmp); getline(cfgFile, tmp); cfgFile >> dim.z; cfgFile.close(); return SUCCESS; }
void ownCloudInfo::getRequest( const QString& path, bool webdav ) { qDebug() << "Get Request to " << path; MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); QString url = cfgFile.ownCloudUrl( _connection, webdav ) + path; QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl( QUrl( url ) ); setupHeaders( request, 0 ); QNetworkReply *reply = _manager->get( request ); connect( reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotReplyFinished())); _directories[reply] = path; if( !_configHandle.isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "Setting config handle " << _configHandle; _configHandleMap[reply] = _configHandle; } connect( reply, SIGNAL( error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError )), this, SLOT(slotError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ))); }
void ownCloudInfo::mkdirRequest( const QString& dir ) { qDebug() << "OCInfo Making dir " << dir; _authAttempts = 0; MirallConfigFile cfgFile( _configHandle ); QNetworkRequest req; req.setUrl( QUrl( cfgFile.ownCloudUrl( _connection, true ) + dir ) ); QNetworkReply *reply = davRequest(QLatin1String("MKCOL"), req, 0); // remember the confighandle used for this request if( ! _configHandle.isEmpty() ) qDebug() << "Setting config handle " << _configHandle; _configHandleMap[reply] = _configHandle; if( reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError ) { qDebug() << "mkdir request network error: " << reply->errorString(); } connect( reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotMkdirFinished()) ); connect( reply, SIGNAL( error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError )), this, SLOT(slotError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError ))); }
/** * \brief */ bool DbConfig::LoadFromFolder(const CPath& cfgFileFolder) { SetDefaults(); CPath cfgFile(cfgFileFolder); cfgFile += cPluginCfgFileName; if (!cfgFile.FileExists()) return false; FILE* fp; _tfopen_s(&fp, cfgFile.C_str(), _T("rt")); if (fp == NULL) return false; bool success = true; TCHAR line[8192]; while (_fgetts(line, _countof(line), fp)) { // Comment or empty line if (line[0] == _T('#') || line[0] == _T('\n')) continue; // Strip newline from the end of the line line[_tcslen(line) - 1] = 0; if (!ReadOption(line)) { success = false; SetDefaults(); break; } } fclose(fp); return success; }
void ConfigurationManager::loadConfig(const boost::filesystem::path& path, boost::program_options::variables_map& variables, boost::program_options::options_description& description) { boost::filesystem::path cfgFile(path); cfgFile /= std::string(openmwCfgFile); if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(cfgFile)) { std::cout << "Loading config file: " << cfgFile.string() << "... "; std::ifstream configFileStream(cfgFile.string().c_str()); if (configFileStream.is_open()) { boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_config_file( configFileStream, description, true), variables); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "failed." << std::endl; } } }
int DirScaner::loadConfig() { string line; ifstream cfgFile(m_config.c_str()); m_buffer.clear(); if (cfgFile.is_open()) { while (getline (cfgFile, line)) { vector<string> sVec; sVec = split(line, ' '); string dirStr = sVec[0]; for(int k = 1; k < sVec.size()-1; k++) { dirStr += ' '; dirStr += sVec[k]; } string timeStr = sVec[sVec.size()-1]; long int time = strtol(timeStr.c_str(), NULL, 10); if(time == 0) time = 60; syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "[LoadConfig] Check %s every %d sec.\n", dirStr.c_str(), time); f_info i; i.dirName = dirStr; i.mTime = time; m_buffer.push_back(i); } cfgFile.close(); } else { syslog(LOG_ERR, "[LoadConfig] Open config failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; }