コード例 #1
ファイル: mksys.cpp プロジェクト: mbarazzouq/legato-af
static void GenerateSystemConfig
    const std::string& stagingDirPath
    // Open the bindings file for writing
    std::string path = stagingDirPath + "/bindings";

    if (BuildParams.IsVerbose())
        std::cout << "Writing non-app bindings to file '" << path << "'."
                  << std::endl;

    std::ofstream cfgStream(path, std::ofstream::trunc);

    // For each binding in the System object's list,
    for (auto bindIter : System.ApiBinds())
        auto& bind = bindIter.second;

        // If the client is a non-app user,
        // Write an entry into the bindings file for this binding.
        if (! bind.IsClientAnApp())
            cfgStream << '<' << bind.ClientUserName() << ">."
                      << bind.ClientInterfaceName() << " -> ";

            if (bind.IsServerAnApp())
                cfgStream << bind.ServerAppName() << ".";
                cfgStream << "<" << bind.ServerUserName() << ">.";

            cfgStream << bind.ServerInterfaceName() << std::endl;
コード例 #2
static void GenerateSystemConfig
    const std::string& stagingDirPath,  ///< Path to the root of the app's staging directory.
    legato::App& app,                   ///< The app to generate the configuration for.
    const legato::BuildParams_t& buildParams ///< Build parameters, such as the "is verbose" flag.
    // TODO: Rename this file to something that makes more sense (like "system.cfg", because it
    // gets installed in the "system" config tree).
    std::string path = stagingDirPath + "/root.cfg";

    if (buildParams.IsVerbose())
        std::cout << "Generating system configuration data for app '" << app.Name() << "' in file '"
                  << path << "'." << std::endl;

    std::ofstream cfgStream(path, std::ofstream::trunc);

    cfgStream << "{" << std::endl;

    GenerateAppVersionConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateAppLimitsConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateGroupsConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateFileMappingConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateProcessConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateIpcBindingConfig(cfgStream, app, buildParams);

    GenerateConfigTreeAclConfig(cfgStream, app);

    cfgStream << "}" << std::endl;
コード例 #3
	void BaseRunTimeConfig::initializeFromBuffer( const string& cfgStr )
	{ TRACER_OP_START("BaseRunTimeConfig::initializeFromBuffer"); TRACER(cfgStr, READ, HEAP, "Configuration string");
        if (&cfgStr != &this->cfgStr)
            this->cfgStr = cfgStr;

        RunTimeVariableMap newVars;
        int lineNum = 0;


            istringstream cfgStream(cfgStr);

            string line;
		    while (getline(cfgStream, line))
                bal::trim(line); // trim whitespace

                // skip blank or comment lines
                if (line.empty() || line.find_first_of("#[") == 0)

                // otherwise, the line must be in the form "Key=Value" and Key must be in the variables map
                if (!bal::contains(line, "="))
                    m_warnings << "Line " << lineNum << ": line does not define a parameter in the \"Parameter = Value\" format.\n";

                size_t predIdx = line.find_first_of('=') + 1;
				TRACER_OP_START("get value for key"); TRACER_BI;
                string key = line.substr(0, predIdx-1); TRACER(key, WRITE, STACK, "Parameter name");

                if (m_variables.count(key) == 0)
                    m_warnings << "Line " << lineNum << ": \"" << key << "\" is not a supported parameter.\n";

                RunTimeVariableMap::iterator itr = newVars.find(key);
                if (itr != newVars.end())
                    m_warnings << "Line " << lineNum << ": \"" << key << "\" has already been defined.\n";
                size_t valBegin = line.find_first_not_of("\t ", predIdx);
                size_t valEnd = valBegin;
                bool inQuote = false;
                for (valEnd = valBegin; valEnd < line.size(); ++valEnd)
                    if (line[valEnd] == '"' && line[valEnd-1] != '\\')
                        inQuote = !inQuote;
                    else if ((line[valEnd] == '#') && !inQuote)
                        break; // stop at unquoted comment token
                if (valEnd == valBegin || valBegin == string::npos)
                    m_warnings << "Line " << lineNum << ": no value set for \"" << key << "\"; did you mean to use an empty string (\"\")?\n";

                string& value = newVars[key];
                value = TrimWhitespace(line.substr(valBegin, valEnd-valBegin));
                if (value.empty())
                    m_warnings << "Line " << lineNum << ": no value set for \"" << key << "\"; did you mean to use an empty string (\"\")?\n";

                value = UnquoteString(value);
                bal::replace_all(value, "\\\"", "\"");
                bal::replace_all(value, "true", "1");
                bal::replace_all(value, "false", "0"); TRACER(value, WRITE, HEAP, std::string("Value for ")+std::string(key)); TRACER_BO; TRACER_OP_END("get value for key");
        catch (exception& e)
            m_warnings << "Line " << lineNum << ": " << e.what() << "\n";

        // apply the new variable values
        setVariables(newVars); TRACER_OP_END("BaseRunTimeConfig::initializeFromBuffer");