/**** changelogs ****/ static int mdd_changelog_mask_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *data) { struct mdd_device *mdd = m->private; int i = 0; while (i < CL_LAST) { if (mdd->mdd_cl.mc_mask & (1 << i)) seq_printf(m, "%s ", changelog_type2str(i)); i++; } return 0; }
/**** changelogs ****/ static int lprocfs_rd_changelog_mask(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) { struct mdd_device *mdd = data; int i = 0, rc = 0; *eof = 1; while (i < CL_LAST) { if (mdd->mdd_cl.mc_mask & (1 << i)) rc += snprintf(page + rc, count - rc, "%s ", changelog_type2str(i)); i++; } return rc; }
static int lustre_changelog_upcall(struct lustre_filesystem *lustre_fs, const struct fsal_up_vector *event_func, struct changelog_rec *rec) { struct changelog_ext_jobid *jid; struct changelog_ext_rename *rnm; /* changelog are displayed with the format of "lfs changelog" */ char format_chgl[] = "%llu %02d%-5s %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d %04d.%02d.%02d 0x%x %s t="DFID; char message[LEN_MESSAGE]; char message2[LEN_MESSAGE]; struct tm ts; time_t secs; int rc; secs = rec->cr_time >> 30; gmtime_r(&secs, &ts); if (rec->cr_flags & CLF_JOBID) jid = changelog_rec_jobid(rec); else return -1; if (rec->cr_flags & CLF_RENAME) rnm = changelog_rec_rename(rec); snprintf(message, LEN_MESSAGE, format_chgl, rec->cr_index, rec->cr_type, changelog_type2str(rec->cr_type), ts.tm_hour, ts.tm_min, ts.tm_sec, (int)(rec->cr_time & ((1 << 30) - 1)), ts.tm_year + 1900, ts.tm_mon + 1, ts.tm_mday, rec->cr_flags & CLF_FLAGMASK, jid->cr_jobid, PFID(&rec->cr_tfid)); if (rec->cr_namelen) snprintf(message2, LEN_MESSAGE, " p="DFID" %.*s", PFID(&rec->cr_pfid), rec->cr_namelen, changelog_rec_name(rec)); else message2[0] = '\0'; strncat(message, message2, LEN_MESSAGE); LogFullDebug(COMPONENT_FSAL_UP, "%s", message); switch (rec->cr_type) { case CL_CREATE: case CL_MKDIR: case CL_HARDLINK: case CL_SOFTLINK: case CL_MKNOD: case CL_UNLINK: case CL_RMDIR: /* invalidate parent entry */ rc = lustre_invalidate_entry(lustre_fs, event_func, &rec->cr_pfid); if (rc) LogDebug(COMPONENT_FSAL, "Could not invalidate fid="DFID, PFID(&rec->cr_pfid)); break; case CL_RENAME: /* invalidate parent entry * and target entry */ rc = lustre_invalidate_entry(lustre_fs, event_func, &rnm->cr_spfid); if (rc) LogDebug(COMPONENT_FSAL, "Could not invalidate fid="DFID, PFID(&rnm->cr_spfid)); rc = lustre_invalidate_entry(lustre_fs, event_func, &rec->cr_pfid); if (rc) LogDebug(COMPONENT_FSAL, "Could not invalidate fid="DFID, PFID(&rec->cr_pfid)); rc = lustre_invalidate_entry(lustre_fs, event_func, &rec->cr_tfid); if (rc) LogDebug(COMPONENT_FSAL, "Could not invalidate fid="DFID, PFID(&rec->cr_tfid)); break; case CL_ATIME: case CL_MTIME: case CL_CTIME: case CL_SETATTR: /* invalidate target entry */ rc = lustre_invalidate_entry(lustre_fs, event_func, &rec->cr_tfid); if (rc) LogDebug(COMPONENT_FSAL, "Could not invalidate fid="DFID, PFID(&rec->cr_tfid)); break; default: /* untracked record type */ break; } return 0; }