コード例 #1
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static void newJavaGD_Path(double *x, double *y, int npoly, int *nper, Rboolean winding,
        R_GE_gcontext *gc, NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;
    jarray na, xa, ya;
    int n;

    if (!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;

    checkGC(env, xd, gc);

    na = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, npoly);
    if (!na) return;
    (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, na, 0, npoly, (jint *) nper);
    n = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < npoly; ++i)
        n += nper[i];
    xa = newDoubleArray(env, n, x);
    if (!xa) return;
    ya = newDoubleArray(env, n, y);
    if (!ya) return;
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdPath", "(I[I[D[DZ)V");
    if (mid) (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, (jint) npoly, na, xa, ya, winding);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, na);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, xa); 
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, ya);
コード例 #2
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static void newJavaGD_MetricInfo(int c,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  double* ascent, double* descent,  double* width, NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
    if(c <0) c = -c;
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdMetricInfo", "(I)[D");
    if (mid) {
        jobject o=(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, c);
        if (o) {
            jdouble *ac=(jdouble*)(*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements(env, o, 0);
            if (!ac) {
	      (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, o);
            *ascent=ac[0]; *descent=ac[1]; *width=ac[2];
            (*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env, o, ac, 0);
	    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, o);
コード例 #3
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: carrot-garden/rp_rj-core
static void newJavaGD_Rect(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
	(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, jmGDInterfaceRect, x0, y0, x1, y1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: carrot-garden/rp_rj-core
static void newJavaGD_Circle(double x, double y, double r,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;

    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
	(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, jmGDInterfaceCircle, x, y, r);
コード例 #5
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static void newJavaGD_Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdLine", "(DDDD)V");
    if (mid) (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, x1, y1, x2, y2);
コード例 #6
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: carrot-garden/rp_rj-core
static void newJavaGD_TextUTF8(double x, double y, constxt char *str,  double rot, double hadj,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jstring s;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
    s = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, str);
	(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, jmGDInterfaceText, x, y, s, rot, hadj);
	(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, s);  
コード例 #7
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static void newJavaGD_Rect(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdRect", "(DDDD)V");
    if (mid) (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, x0, y0, x1, y1);
    else gdWarning("gdRect: can't get mid ");
コード例 #8
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: carrot-garden/rp_rj-core
static double newJavaGD_StrWidthUTF8(constxt char *str,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jstring s;
	double width;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return 0.0;
    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
    s = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, str);
	width = (*env)->CallDoubleMethod(env, xd->talk, jmGDInterfaceStrWidth, s);
    /* s not released! */
    return width;
コード例 #9
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static void newJavaGD_TextUTF8(double x, double y, constxt char *str,  double rot, double hadj,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;
    jstring s;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env, xd, gc);
    s = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, str);
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdText", "(DDLjava/lang/String;DD)V");
    if (mid)
        (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, x, y, s, rot, hadj);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, s);  
コード例 #10
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static double newJavaGD_StrWidthUTF8(constxt char *str,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;
    jstring s;
    double res = 0.0;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return 0.0;
    checkGC(env, xd, gc);
    s = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, str);
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdStrWidth", "(Ljava/lang/String;)D");
    if (mid) res = (*env)->CallDoubleMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, s);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, s);
    return res;
コード例 #11
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: carrot-garden/rp_rj-core
static void newJavaGD_Polyline(int n, double *x, double *y,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jarray xa, ya;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env,xd, gc);
    xa=newDoubleArray(env, n, x);
    if (!xa) return;
    ya=newDoubleArray(env, n, y);
    if (!ya) return;
	(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, jmGDInterfacePolyline, n, xa, ya);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, xa); 
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, ya);
コード例 #12
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static void newJavaGD_Raster(unsigned int *raster, int w, int h,
			   double x, double y, double width, double height,
			   double rot, Rboolean interpolate,
			   R_GE_gcontext *gc, NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;

    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;
    checkGC(env, xd, gc);
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdRaster", "([BIIDDDDDZ)V");
    if (mid) {
	jbyteArray img = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, w * h * 4);
	(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, img, 0, w * h * 4, (jbyte*) raster);
        (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, img, w, h, x, y, width, height, rot, interpolate);
	(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, img);

コード例 #13
ファイル: jGDtalk.c プロジェクト: cran/JavaGD
static void newJavaGD_Polygon(int n, double *x, double *y,  R_GE_gcontext *gc,  NewDevDesc *dd)
    newJavaGDDesc *xd = (newJavaGDDesc *) dd->deviceSpecific;
    JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv();
    jmethodID mid;
    jarray xa, ya;
    if(!env || !xd || !xd->talk) return;

    checkGC(env, xd, gc);

    xa = newDoubleArray(env, n, x);
    if (!xa) return;
    ya = newDoubleArray(env, n, y);
    if (!ya) return;
    mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, xd->talkClass, "gdPolygon", "(I[D[D)V");
    if (mid) (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, xd->talk, mid, n, xa, ya);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, xa); 
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, ya);
コード例 #14
ファイル: Balloon.c プロジェクト: Gilles86/afni
* Name:			SetValues
* Return Type:	Boolean
* Description:	xmBalloonWidgetClass SetValues method.
* In:
*	current:	copy of widget before any set_values methods are called
*	request:	copy of widget after resources have changed but before any
*				set_values methods are called
*	set:		widget with resources set and as modified by any superclass
*				methods that have called XtSetValues()
*	args:		argument list passed to XtSetValues, done by programmer
*	num_args:	no of args
* Returns:
*	True if a changed resource requires a redisplay, False otherwise.
static Boolean
SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget set, ArgList args,
	Cardinal *num_args)
	XmBalloonWidget w_curr = (XmBalloonWidget)current;
	XmBalloonWidget w_req  = (XmBalloonWidget)request;
	XmBalloonWidget w_new  = (XmBalloonWidget)set;
	int i;

	* Values of cancelWaitPeriod and waitPeriod are accepted without checking

	/* widget colors */
	if(w_new->balloon.foreground != w_curr->balloon.foreground  ||
		w_new->core.background_pixel != w_curr->core.background_pixel)

	/* label string, check if a new one has been provided */
	for(i = 0; i < *num_args; i++)
		if(!strcmp(XmNlabelString, args[i].name))
			/* a new label has been specified */
			setLabel(w_new, w_req->balloon.label);
	/* new label set while widget is up, change it */
	if(i != *num_args && w_curr->balloon.popped)
		popupBalloon((Widget)w_new, 0);

コード例 #15
ファイル: traits.c プロジェクト: damianday/dmd
Expression *semanticTraits(TraitsExp *e, Scope *sc)
    printf("TraitsExp::semantic() %s\n", e->toChars());
    if (e->ident != Id::compiles && e->ident != Id::isSame &&
        e->ident != Id::identifier && e->ident != Id::getProtection)
        if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 1))
            return new ErrorExp();
    size_t dim = e->args ? e->args->dim : 0;

    if (e->ident == Id::isArithmetic)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeArithmetic);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isFloating)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeFloating);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isIntegral)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeIntegral);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isScalar)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeScalar);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isUnsigned)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeUnsigned);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isAssociativeArray)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeAssociativeArray);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isStaticArray)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeStaticArray);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isAbstractClass)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeAbstractClass);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isFinalClass)
        return isTypeX(e, &isTypeFinalClass);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isPOD)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Type *t = isType(o);
        StructDeclaration *sd;
        if (!t)
            e->error("type expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s", e->ident->toChars(), o->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        Type *tb = t->baseElemOf();
        if (tb->ty == Tstruct
            && ((sd = (StructDeclaration *)(((TypeStruct *)tb)->sym)) != NULL))
            if (sd->isPOD())
                goto Ltrue;
                goto Lfalse;
        goto Ltrue;
    else if (e->ident == Id::isNested)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        AggregateDeclaration *a;
        FuncDeclaration *f;

        if (!s) { }
        else if ((a = s->isAggregateDeclaration()) != NULL)
            if (a->isNested())
                goto Ltrue;
                goto Lfalse;
        else if ((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL)
            if (f->isNested())
                goto Ltrue;
                goto Lfalse;

        e->error("aggregate or function expected instead of '%s'", o->toChars());
        goto Lfalse;
    else if (e->ident == Id::isAbstractFunction)
        return isFuncX(e, &isFuncAbstractFunction);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isVirtualFunction)
        return isFuncX(e, &isFuncVirtualFunction);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isVirtualMethod)
        return isFuncX(e, &isFuncVirtualMethod);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isFinalFunction)
        return isFuncX(e, &isFuncFinalFunction);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isOverrideFunction)
        return isFuncX(e, &isFuncOverrideFunction);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isStaticFunction)
        return isFuncX(e, &isFuncStaticFunction);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isRef)
        return isDeclX(e, &isDeclRef);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isOut)
        return isDeclX(e, &isDeclOut);
    else if (e->ident == Id::isLazy)
        return isDeclX(e, &isDeclLazy);
    else if (e->ident == Id::identifier)
        // Get identifier for symbol as a string literal
        /* Specify 0 for bit 0 of the flags argument to semanticTiargs() so that
         * a symbol should not be folded to a constant.
         * Bit 1 means don't convert Parameter to Type if Parameter has an identifier
        if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 2))
            return new ErrorExp();

        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Parameter *po = isParameter(o);
        Identifier *id;
        if (po)
            id = po->ident;
            Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
            if (!s || !s->ident)
                e->error("argument %s has no identifier", o->toChars());
                goto Lfalse;
            id = s->ident;
        StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, id->toChars());
        return se->semantic(sc);
    else if (e->ident == Id::getProtection)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;

        Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
        sc2->flags = sc->flags | SCOPEnoaccesscheck;
        bool ok = TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc2, e->args, 1);

        if (!ok)
            return new ErrorExp();

        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        if (!s)
            if (!isError(o))
                e->error("argument %s has no protection", o->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        if (s->scope)
        PROT protection = s->prot();

        const char *protName = Pprotectionnames[protection];

        StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, (char *) protName);
        return se->semantic(sc);
    else if (e->ident == Id::parent)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        if (s)
            if (FuncDeclaration *fd = s->isFuncDeclaration())   // Bugzilla 8943
                s = fd->toAliasFunc();
            if (!s->isImport())  // Bugzilla 8922
                s = s->toParent();
        if (!s || s->isImport())
            e->error("argument %s has no parent", o->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;

        if (FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration())
            if (TemplateDeclaration *td = getFuncTemplateDecl(f))
                if (td->overroot)       // if not start of overloaded list of TemplateDeclaration's
                    td = td->overroot;  // then get the start
                Expression *ex = new TemplateExp(e->loc, td, f);
                ex = ex->semantic(sc);
                return ex;

            if (FuncLiteralDeclaration *fld = f->isFuncLiteralDeclaration())
                // Directly translate to VarExp instead of FuncExp
                Expression *ex = new VarExp(e->loc, fld, 1);
                return ex->semantic(sc);

        return (new DsymbolExp(e->loc, s))->semantic(sc);
    else if (e->ident == Id::hasMember ||
             e->ident == Id::getMember ||
             e->ident == Id::getOverloads ||
             e->ident == Id::getVirtualMethods ||
             e->ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions)
        if (dim != 2)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Expression *ex = isExpression((*e->args)[1]);
        if (!ex)
            e->error("expression expected as second argument of __traits %s", e->ident->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        ex = ex->ctfeInterpret();
        StringExp *se = ex->toStringExp();
        if (!se || se->length() == 0)
            e->error("string expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s", e->ident->toChars(), ex->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        se = se->toUTF8(sc);
        if (se->sz != 1)
            e->error("string must be chars");
            goto Lfalse;
        Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool((char *)se->string);

        /* Prefer dsymbol, because it might need some runtime contexts.
        Dsymbol *sym = getDsymbol(o);
        if (sym)
            ex = new DsymbolExp(e->loc, sym);
            ex = new DotIdExp(e->loc, ex, id);
        else if (Type *t = isType(o))
            ex = typeDotIdExp(e->loc, t, id);
        else if (Expression *ex2 = isExpression(o))
            ex = new DotIdExp(e->loc, ex2, id);
            e->error("invalid first argument");
            goto Lfalse;

        if (e->ident == Id::hasMember)
            if (sym)
                Dsymbol *sm = sym->search(e->loc, id);
                if (sm)
                    goto Ltrue;

            /* Take any errors as meaning it wasn't found
            Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
            ex = ex->trySemantic(sc2);
            if (!ex)
                goto Lfalse;
                goto Ltrue;
        else if (e->ident == Id::getMember)
            ex = ex->semantic(sc);
            return ex;
        else if (e->ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions ||
                 e->ident == Id::getVirtualMethods ||
                 e->ident == Id::getOverloads)
            unsigned errors = global.errors;
            Expression *eorig = ex;
            ex = ex->semantic(sc);
            if (errors < global.errors)
                e->error("%s cannot be resolved", eorig->toChars());

            /* Create tuple of functions of ex
            Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
            FuncDeclaration *f;
            if (ex->op == TOKvar)
                VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)ex;
                f = ve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
                ex = NULL;
            else if (ex->op == TOKdotvar)
                DotVarExp *dve = (DotVarExp *)ex;
                f = dve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
                if (dve->e1->op == TOKdottype || dve->e1->op == TOKthis)
                    ex = NULL;
                    ex = dve->e1;
                f = NULL;
            Ptrait p;
            p.exps = exps;
            p.e1 = ex;
            p.ident = e->ident;
            overloadApply(f, &p, &fptraits);

            TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
            return tup->semantic(sc);
    else if (e->ident == Id::classInstanceSize)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        ClassDeclaration *cd;
        if (!s || (cd = s->isClassDeclaration()) == NULL)
            e->error("first argument is not a class");
            goto Lfalse;
        if (cd->sizeok == SIZEOKnone)
            if (cd->scope)
        if (cd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
            e->error("%s %s is forward referenced", cd->kind(), cd->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        return new IntegerExp(e->loc, cd->structsize, Type::tsize_t);
    else if (e->ident == Id::getAliasThis)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        AggregateDeclaration *ad;
        if (!s || (ad = s->isAggregateDeclaration()) == NULL)
            e->error("argument is not an aggregate type");
            goto Lfalse;

        Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
        if (ad->aliasthis)
            exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, ad->aliasthis->ident->toChars()));

        Expression *ex = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
        ex = ex->semantic(sc);
        return ex;
    else if (e->ident == Id::getAttributes)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        if (!s)
        #if 0
            Expression *x = isExpression(o);
            Type *t = isType(o);
            if (x) printf("e = %s %s\n", Token::toChars(x->op), x->toChars());
            if (t) printf("t = %d %s\n", t->ty, t->toChars());
            e->error("first argument is not a symbol");
            goto Lfalse;
        //printf("getAttributes %s, attrs = %p, scope = %p\n", s->toChars(), s->userAttributes, s->userAttributesScope);
        UserAttributeDeclaration *udad = s->userAttribDecl;
        TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, udad ? udad->getAttributes() : new Expressions());
        return tup->semantic(sc);
    else if (e->ident == Id::getFunctionAttributes)
        /// extract all function attributes as a tuple (const/shared/inout/pure/nothrow/etc) except UDAs.

        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        Type *t = isType(o);
        TypeFunction *tf = NULL;

        if (s)
            if (FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration())
                t = f->type;
            else if (VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration())
                t = v->type;
        if (t)
            if (t->ty == Tfunction)
                tf = (TypeFunction *)t;
            else if (t->ty == Tdelegate)
                tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
            else if (t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction)
                tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf();
        if (!tf)
            e->error("first argument is not a function");
            goto Lfalse;

        Expressions *mods = new Expressions();

        PushAttributes pa;
        pa.mods = mods;

        tf->modifiersApply(&pa, &PushAttributes::fp);
        tf->attributesApply(&pa, &PushAttributes::fp, TRUSTformatSystem);

        TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, mods);
        return tup->semantic(sc);
    else if (e->ident == Id::allMembers || e->ident == Id::derivedMembers)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        ScopeDsymbol *sds;
        if (!s)
            e->error("argument has no members");
            goto Lfalse;
        Import *import;
        if ((import = s->isImport()) != NULL)
            // Bugzilla 9692
            sds = import->mod;
        else if ((sds = s->isScopeDsymbol()) == NULL)
            e->error("%s %s has no members", s->kind(), s->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;

        // use a struct as local function
        struct PushIdentsDg
            static int dg(void *ctx, size_t n, Dsymbol *sm)
                if (!sm)
                    return 1;
                //printf("\t[%i] %s %s\n", i, sm->kind(), sm->toChars());
                if (sm->ident)
                    if (sm->ident != Id::ctor &&
                        sm->ident != Id::dtor &&
                        sm->ident != Id::_postblit &&
                        memcmp(sm->ident->string, "__", 2) == 0)
                        return 0;

                    //printf("\t%s\n", sm->ident->toChars());
                    Identifiers *idents = (Identifiers *)ctx;

                    /* Skip if already present in idents[]
                    for (size_t j = 0; j < idents->dim; j++)
                    {   Identifier *id = (*idents)[j];
                        if (id == sm->ident)
                            return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
                        // Avoid using strcmp in the first place due to the performance impact in an O(N^2) loop.
                        assert(strcmp(id->toChars(), sm->ident->toChars()) != 0);

                    EnumDeclaration *ed = sm->isEnumDeclaration();
                    if (ed)
                        ScopeDsymbol::foreach(NULL, ed->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, (Identifiers *)ctx);
                return 0;

        Identifiers *idents = new Identifiers;

        ScopeDsymbol::foreach(sc, sds->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, idents);

        ClassDeclaration *cd = sds->isClassDeclaration();
        if (cd && e->ident == Id::allMembers)
            struct PushBaseMembers
                static void dg(ClassDeclaration *cd, Identifiers *idents)
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < cd->baseclasses->dim; i++)
                        ClassDeclaration *cb = (*cd->baseclasses)[i]->base;
                        ScopeDsymbol::foreach(NULL, cb->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, idents);
                        if (cb->baseclasses->dim)
                            dg(cb, idents);
            PushBaseMembers::dg(cd, idents);

        // Turn Identifiers into StringExps reusing the allocated array
        assert(sizeof(Expressions) == sizeof(Identifiers));
        Expressions *exps = (Expressions *)idents;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < idents->dim; i++)
            Identifier *id = (*idents)[i];
            StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, id->toChars());
            (*exps)[i] = se;

        /* Making this a tuple is more flexible, as it can be statically unrolled.
         * To make an array literal, enclose __traits in [ ]:
         *   [ __traits(allMembers, ...) ]
        Expression *ex = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps);
        ex = ex->semantic(sc);
        return ex;
    else if (e->ident == Id::compiles)
        /* Determine if all the objects - types, expressions, or symbols -
         * compile without error
        if (!dim)
            goto Lfalse;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            unsigned errors = global.startGagging();
            unsigned oldspec = global.speculativeGag;
            global.speculativeGag = global.gag;
            Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
            sc2->speculative = true;
            sc2->flags = sc->flags & ~SCOPEctfe | SCOPEcompile;
            bool err = false;

            RootObject *o = (*e->args)[i];
            Type *t = isType(o);
            Expression *ex = t ? t->toExpression() : isExpression(o);
            if (!ex && t)
                Dsymbol *s;
                t->resolve(e->loc, sc2, &ex, &t, &s);
                if (t)
                    t->semantic(e->loc, sc2);
                    if (t->ty == Terror)
                        err = true;
                else if (s && s->errors)
                    err = true;
            if (ex)
                ex = ex->semantic(sc2);
                ex = resolvePropertiesOnly(sc2, ex);
                ex = ex->optimize(WANTvalue);
                ex = checkGC(sc2, ex);
                if (ex->op == TOKerror)
                    err = true;

            global.speculativeGag = oldspec;
            if (global.endGagging(errors) || err)
                goto Lfalse;
        goto Ltrue;
    else if (e->ident == Id::isSame)
        /* Determine if two symbols are the same
        if (dim != 2)
            goto Ldimerror;
        if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 0))
            return new ErrorExp();
        RootObject *o1 = (*e->args)[0];
        RootObject *o2 = (*e->args)[1];
        Dsymbol *s1 = getDsymbol(o1);
        Dsymbol *s2 = getDsymbol(o2);

        //printf("isSame: %s, %s\n", o1->toChars(), o2->toChars());
#if 0
        printf("o1: %p\n", o1);
        printf("o2: %p\n", o2);
        if (!s1)
            Expression *ea = isExpression(o1);
            if (ea)
                printf("%s\n", ea->toChars());
            Type *ta = isType(o1);
            if (ta)
                printf("%s\n", ta->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
            printf("%s %s\n", s1->kind(), s1->toChars());
        if (!s1 && !s2)
            Expression *ea1 = isExpression(o1);
            Expression *ea2 = isExpression(o2);
            if (ea1 && ea2)
                if (ea1->equals(ea2))
                    goto Ltrue;

        if (!s1 || !s2)
            goto Lfalse;

        s1 = s1->toAlias();
        s2 = s2->toAlias();

        if (s1->isFuncAliasDeclaration())
            s1 = ((FuncAliasDeclaration *)s1)->toAliasFunc();
        if (s2->isFuncAliasDeclaration())
            s2 = ((FuncAliasDeclaration *)s2)->toAliasFunc();

        if (s1 == s2)
            goto Ltrue;
            goto Lfalse;
    else if (e->ident == Id::getUnitTests)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        if (!s)
            e->error("argument %s to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate", o->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;

        Import *imp = s->isImport();
        if (imp)  // Bugzilla 10990
            s = imp->mod;

        ScopeDsymbol* scope = s->isScopeDsymbol();

        if (!scope)
            e->error("argument %s to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate, not a %s", s->toChars(), s->kind());
            goto Lfalse;

        Expressions* unitTests = new Expressions();
        Dsymbols* symbols = scope->members;

        if (global.params.useUnitTests && symbols)
            // Should actually be a set
            AA* uniqueUnitTests = NULL;
            collectUnitTests(symbols, uniqueUnitTests, unitTests);

        TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, unitTests);
        return tup->semantic(sc);
    else if(e->ident == Id::getVirtualIndex)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        FuncDeclaration *fd;
        if (!s || (fd = s->isFuncDeclaration()) == NULL)
            e->error("first argument to __traits(getVirtualIndex) must be a function");
            goto Lfalse;
        fd = fd->toAliasFunc(); // Neccessary to support multiple overloads.
        return new IntegerExp(e->loc, fd->vtblIndex, Type::tptrdiff_t);
        if (const char *sub = (const char *)speller(e->ident->toChars(), &trait_search_fp, NULL, idchars))
            e->error("unrecognized trait '%s', did you mean '%s'?", e->ident->toChars(), sub);
            e->error("unrecognized trait '%s'", e->ident->toChars());

        goto Lfalse;

    return NULL;

    e->error("wrong number of arguments %d", (int)dim);
    goto Lfalse;

    return new IntegerExp(e->loc, 0, Type::tbool);

    return new IntegerExp(e->loc, 1, Type::tbool);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Balloon.c プロジェクト: Gilles86/afni
* Name: 		Initialize
* Return Type: 	void
* Description: 	XmBalloonWidgetClass initialize method
* In:
*	request:	widget with resource values set as requested by the argument
*				list, resource database and widget defaults
*	init:		same widget with values as modified by superclass initialize()
*				methods
*	args:		argument list passed to XtCreateWidget
*	num_args:	number of entries in the argument list
* Returns:
*	nothing, but init is updated with checked/updated resource values.
static void
Initialize(Widget request, Widget init, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
	XmBalloonWidget balloon = (XmBalloonWidget)init;
	XmBalloonWidget req     = (XmBalloonWidget)request;
	int shape_event_base, shape_error_base;

	/* initialize fields */
	ATTR(gc)			= NULL;
	ATTR(popped)		= False;
	ATTR(pop_x)		    = (Position)0;
	ATTR(pop_y)	    	= (Position)0;
	ATTR(popup_id)    	= (XtIntervalId)0;
	ATTR(popdown_id)	= (XtIntervalId)0;
	ATTR(context)		= XtWidgetToApplicationContext(XtParent(request));

	balloon->core.x     = 0;
	balloon->core.y     = 0;
	balloon->core.width = 1;
	balloon->core.height= 1;

	/* select default backingStore model */
	ATTR(backing_store) = Always + WhenMapped + NotUseful;

	/* check for correct XmNcornerStyle value */
	if(!XmRepTypeValidValue(corner_style_repid, ATTR(corner_style), init))
		_XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(balloon, "initialize"),
			"Bad XmNcornerStyle value, reset to XmCORNER_STRAIGHT");
		ATTR(corner_style) = XmCORNER_STRAIGHT;

	/* check for correct XmNballoonStyle value */
	if(!XmRepTypeValidValue(balloon_style_repid, ATTR(balloon_style), init))
		_XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(balloon, "Initialize"),
			"Bad XmNballoonStyle value, reset to XmBALLOON_SQUARE");
		ATTR(balloon_style) = XmBALLOON_SQUARE;

	/* When a shaped balloon is requested, check if the server supports it. */
	if(ATTR(balloon_style) == XmBALLOON_SHAPED &&
		!XShapeQueryExtension(XtDisplay(balloon), &shape_event_base,
		_XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(balloon, "Initialize"),
			"Shape extension not supported by XServer, resetting "
			"XmNballoonStyle to XmBALLOON_SQUARE.");
		ATTR(balloon_style) = XmBALLOON_SQUARE;
	ATTR(shape_window) = (ATTR(balloon_style) == XmBALLOON_SHAPED);
	ATTR(shape_mask)   = None;
	ATTR(shape_gc)     = 0;
	ATTR(shape_width)  = 0;
	ATTR(shape_height) = 0;

	/* get font info */

	/* and create the GC's for us to use */

	/* label string */
	if(req->balloon.label != NULL)
		ATTR(source) = strdup(req->balloon.label);
		ATTR(source_len) = strlen(req->balloon.label);
		ATTR(source) = NULL;
		ATTR(source_len) = 0;