コード例 #1
ファイル: match-3.cpp プロジェクト: TabitaPL/smallCode
1. foreach element in table which is not visited:
a) check in row (right/left):
	- mark gem as visited
	- check gems before this one (till other gem)
	- check gems next one (till other gem)
	- sum how many gems (right + left) are same
	- if sum is greater or equal 3 we have match -> save to remove
b) check in column similar as too row
void myAlgorithm()
	std::vector<int> currentlyHorizontalMarked;
	std::vector<int> currentlyVerticalMarked;
	std::vector< std::pair<int,int> > toRemove; //indexes, which should be removed

	for (int i = 0; i < BOARDSIZE; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < BOARDSIZE; j++)
			if (!BoardVisited[i][j])
				currentlyHorizontalMarked = checkHorizontal(i,j);
				if (currentlyHorizontalMarked.size() >= 3)
				{//we have horizontal match. We should check vertical for every horizontal matching gem and set to remove
					for (int index : currentlyHorizontalMarked)
						toRemove.push_back(std::make_pair(i, index));
			//check columns
			if (!BoardVerticalVisited[i][j])
				currentlyVerticalMarked = checkVertical(i, j);
				if (currentlyVerticalMarked.size() >= 3)
					for (int vInd : currentlyVerticalMarked)
						toRemove.push_back(std::make_pair(vInd, j));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Tarea2.c プロジェクト: SNBSniper/Programming
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	FILE *arch=fopen("Jugadas.txt", "w");
	int i=0,columna,size,length=0,jugadas=1;                                    //i se usa para recorrer el for; columna es la variable donde se almacena 
	char *cubo;
	printf("Ingrese la cantidad de Columnas \n");
	scanf("%d", &size);	                                                        //size es la cantidad de pilas que se deberan usar

	db *array[size];
	for (i = 0; i < size; i += 1)
		columna=rancolumn(size);	                                            //pila al azar para que caiga un cubo al azar
		cubo=rancube();                                                         //color al azar
		array[columna-1]=append(&array[columna-1], cubo);                       //le agrega un elemento a la pila que haya sido seleccionada al azar
		fprintf(arch, "Jugada %d:Cubo %s - Pila %d \n",jugadas,cubo,columna);   //se imprime cada una de las jugadas al archivo de salida
		checkVertical(array,columna, arch);                                     //se verifica la regla 1 con la funcion checkVertical
		checkHorizontal(array, size, arch, columna);                            //se verifica la regla 2 con la funcion checkHorizontal
			length=len(array[columna-1]);                                       //aumenta la variable de longitud de la pila en 1 para provocar la salida del while.
	fprintf(arch, "--JUEGO TERMINADO-- \n");                                    //sale del while cuando una pila tiene 10 cubos
	for (i = 0; i < size; i += 1)                                               //y se hara un registro del estado final de las pilas, usando la funcion len
		fprintf(arch, "Pila %d [%d]: " ,i+1, len(array[i]));		
		writeList(array[i], arch); 
	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: test-tree.cpp プロジェクト: mkaguilera/yesquel
// check that following right pointers lead to siblings
// direction = 0 for left, 1 for right
// if strongcheck is true, do a full horizontal check
void checkHorizontal(Transaction *tx, COid coid, int direction, bool strongcheck){
  int res;
  Ptr<Valbuf> buf, buf2;
  COid coid2;
  SuperValue *sv, *sv2;
  int nextattr, prevattr;
  res = tx->vsuperget(coid, buf, 0, 0); assert(res==0);
  sv = buf->u.raw;
  if (direction == 0){ // left
  else { // right
  // if right pointer is set
  if (sv->Attrs[nextattr]){
    // read it
    coid2.cid = coid.cid;
    coid2.oid = sv->Attrs[nextattr];
    res = tx->vsuperget(coid2, buf2, 0, 0); assert(res==0);
    sv2 = buf2->u.raw;

    // check that it points back to us
    assert(sv2->Attrs[prevattr] == coid.oid);
    // check that level is the same
    // check that leaf status is the same

    // check that int status is the same

    // check that largest key in first node is < smallest key in second
    if (sv->Ncells && sv2->Ncells){
      if (direction == 0){
        assert(sv->Cells[0].nKey > sv2->Cells[sv2->Ncells-1].nKey);
      } else {
        assert(sv->Cells[sv->Ncells-1].nKey < sv2->Cells[0].nKey);
    // recursively call on right pointer
    if (strongcheck) checkHorizontal(tx, coid2, direction, strongcheck);
コード例 #4
ファイル: SudokuSolver.c プロジェクト: wmair-tgm/C_A06_Sudoku
* Prueft ob Zahl schon vorhanden (ruft fuer jede Bedingung eine Unterfunktion auf
* Rueckgabe: 0 fuer nicht gefunden
* 1 fuer gefunden
int check(int x, int y, int wert) {
	if(checkHorizontal(y, wert))
		return 1;
	if(checkVertical(x, wert))
		return 1;
	if(checkBox(x, y, wert))
		return 1;
	return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: sudokode.c プロジェクト: JonGuilbe/CS1Spring2016
int main(){

    int puzzles;
    scanf("%d", &puzzles);
    int runs;

    for (runs = 0; runs < puzzles; ++runs) {
        int correctSolution = 1; // If this value is never changed, then the solution is correct.

        int field[SIZE][SIZE];
        int i,j,k,l;

        for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
            for (j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j) {
                scanf("%1d",&field[i][j]); // Reads in data

        i = 0;
        while(i <= 6 && correctSolution == 1){
            j = i + 3;
            k = 0;
            while(k <= 6 && correctSolution == 1){
                l = k + 3;
                correctSolution = checkBox(field,i,j,k,l);
                k += 3;
            i += 3;

        if(correctSolution == 1){
            // If the solution is still correct to this point, all horizontal lines are checked.
            correctSolution = checkHorizontal(field);

        if(correctSolution == 1){
            // If the solution is still correct to this point, all vertical lines are checked.
            correctSolution = checkVertical(field);

        if(correctSolution == 1){
    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: tictactoe.c プロジェクト: jonech/tic-tac-toe
 *	Begin game of tic-tac-toe
playGame(int **board, int board_size)
	int winner = 0;
	int current_player = PLAYER1;

	position_t input;

	// if no winner, and board is not full yet, proceed playing
	while (winner == 0 && !isBoardFull(board, board_size)) {

		int move = 0;

		// scan the player input, if it is not valid, prompt player and scan again
		while (!move) {

			printBoard(board, board_size);
			input = takePlayerInput(board, current_player, board_size);

			// input is valid, place input on the board, and escape the scan loop
			if (checkPlayerInput(board, current_player, input, board_size) == 1)
				move = 1;
				board[input.row][input.col] = current_player;

		// check if input is winning move, escape play loop if it is, or else switch player.
		if (checkHorizontal(board, current_player, input.row, board_size) == 1 ||
			checkVertical(board, current_player, input.col, board_size) == 1 ||
			checkDiagonal(board, current_player, input.row, input.col, board_size) == 1) {

			printf("~~~~Player %d wins!~~~~\n", current_player);
			winner = 1; 
		else {
			// switch player
			if (current_player == PLAYER1)
				current_player = PLAYER2;
				current_player = PLAYER1;

	/* print the final status of the board */
	printBoard(board, board_size);
コード例 #7
* Esse é o início do programa.
int main(){

    * A variável n é inicializada, ela armazenará o tamanho da matriz
    * e servirá como parâmetro para inicializá-la.
    int n;

    * Uma mensagem de boas-vindas é exibida ao usuário, a medida do
    * quadrado é pedida a ele e é armazenada na variável n.
    printf("Bem vindo ao programa do quadrado latino!\n");
    printf("Digite a medida do quadrado: ");
    scanf("%i", &n);

    * A matriz é inicializada com n linhas e n colunas e, logo após, a função
    * popularMatriz é chamada e valores são atribuídos.
    int matriz[n][n];
    popularMatriz(n, matriz);

    * A seguir, uma estrutura condicional usa as funções checkHorizontal
    * e checkVertical para checar se a matriz é ou não um quadrado latino.
    * As funções retornam valores booleanos de 1 (True) ou 0 (False), e a
    * matriz só é considerada um quadrado latino se ambas as condições forem
    * verdadeiras.
    * Se ambas forem verdadeiras, o programa diz que a matriz é um quadrado
    * latino, mas se ao menos uma das condições for falsa, o programa dirá
    * que a matriz não é um quadrado latino.
    if (checkHorizontal(n, matriz) && checkVertical(n, matriz))
        printf("A matriz digitada eh um quadrado latino.");
        printf("A matriz digitada nao eh um quadrado latino.");

    * Fim do programa
    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: connect4.c プロジェクト: Kyzael/ZaelDump
	 *Description: Works through each scanning function to find a winner
	int checkWinner(int grid[column_size][row_size])
		//prorotypes for checkWinner
        int checkHorizontal(int grid[column_size][row_size]), checkVertical(int grid[column_size][row_size]), forwardDiagonal(int grid[column_size][row_size]), backwardDiagonal(int grid[column_size][row_size]), checkDraw(int grid[column_size][row_size]);
		int winner; //intialised as default value.
		//works through each test until winner is not 0
		//this saves doing the deeper tests if one of the higher tests is successful at finding a winner.
		winner = checkHorizontal(grid);
			if(winner == 0)
				winner = checkVertical(grid);
				if(winner == 0)
					winner = forwardDiagonal(grid);
					if(winner == 0)
						winner = backwardDiagonal(grid);
						if(winner == 0)
							winner = checkDraw(grid); //will return a 3 if a draw is found.

コード例 #9
ファイル: test-tree.cpp プロジェクト: mkaguilera/yesquel
// if allkeys is set, stores all found keys there
// if strongcheck is true, do full horizontal traversals for every node (slow)
void checkCoid(COid startcoid, Set<I64> *allkeys, bool strongcheck){
  Transaction *tx;
  tx = new Transaction(SC);
  LinkList<COidQueueElement> coidqueue;
  Set<COid> pastcoids;
  COidQueueElement *el, *elchild;
  COid coid;
  COid child;
  int res;
  Ptr<Valbuf> buf;
  i64 fencemin, fencemax;

  SuperValue *sv;

  el = new COidQueueElement(startcoid);
  el->fencemin = LLONG_MIN;
  el->fencemax = LLONG_MAX;

  while (!coidqueue.empty()){
    el = coidqueue.popHead();
    coid = el->coid;
    fencemin = el->fencemin;
    fencemax = el->fencemax;
    delete el;

    if (pastcoids.belongs(coid)){
      printf("COid %016llx:%016llx referenced more than once\n", (long long)coid.cid, (long long)coid.oid);
    } else pastcoids.insert(coid);
    // read coid
    res = tx->vsuperget(coid, buf, 0, 0); assert(res==0);

    if (buf->type==0){
      printf("COid %llx:%llx not a supervalue\n", (long long)coid.cid, (long long)coid.oid);

    sv = buf->u.raw;

    checkNodeFence(coid, sv, fencemin, fencemax);
    checkHorizontal(tx, coid, 0, strongcheck);
    checkHorizontal(tx, coid, 1, strongcheck);
    if (sv->Attrs[DTREENODE_ATTRIB_FLAGS] & DTREENODE_FLAG_LEAF){ // this is a leaf node
      checkLeaf(coid, sv, allkeys);
    } else {  // this is an inner node
      checkInner(coid, sv);

      // add children to queue
      child.cid = coid.cid;
      for (int i=0; i < sv->Ncells; ++i){
        child.oid = sv->Cells[i].value;
        elchild = new COidQueueElement(child);

        if (sv->CellType == 0){ // intkey
          if (i==0) elchild->fencemin = fencemin;
          else elchild->fencemin = sv->Cells[i-1].nKey;
          elchild->fencemax = sv->Cells[i].nKey;
        } else {
          // checking functionality is disabled for non-intkey trees, so just set fences to 0
          elchild->fencemin = elchild->fencemax = 0;
      // now add the last pointer
      child.oid = sv->Attrs[DTREENODE_ATTRIB_LASTPTR];
      elchild = new COidQueueElement(child);
      if (sv->CellType == 0){ // intkey
        if (sv->Ncells >= 1) elchild->fencemin = sv->Cells[sv->Ncells-1].nKey;
        else elchild->fencemin = fencemin;
        elchild->fencemax = fencemax;
      } else {
        elchild->fencemin = elchild->fencemax = 0;
  delete tx;