コード例 #1
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
 *   Objsegs :
void Objsegs (int * style,
              int   flag ,
              int   n1   ,
              double  * x    ,
              double  * y    ,
              double  * z    ,
              double    arsize)
    char *pobjUID = NULL;
    char *psubwinUID = NULL;
    int type = 0, colored = 0;
    double *fx = NULL, *fy = NULL; // No fx or fy
    int typeofchamp = -1; /* no champ here, only segs ; this info is useless */

    psubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();

    pobjUID = ConstructSegs(psubwinUID, type,
                            x, y, z, n1, n1, (z == NULL ? 0 : n1), // x, y and z have the same size n1
                            fx, fy, flag, style, arsize, colored, typeofchamp);

    if (pobjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objsegs");

    releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_SEGS__, pobjUID, jni_string, 1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: tempbottle/scilab
void Objarc(double* angle1    ,
            double* angle2    ,
            double* x         ,
            double* y         ,
            double* width     ,
            double* height    ,
            int    * foreground,
            int    * background,
            BOOL     isfilled  ,
            BOOL     isline    ,
            long   * hdl  )
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iObjUID = 0;
    double rect[6];

    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

    rect[0] = *x;
    rect[1] = *x + *width;
    rect[2] = *y - *height;
    rect[3] = *y;

    updateXYDataBounds(iSubwinUID, rect);

    iObjUID = createArc(iSubwinUID, *x, *y,
                        *height, *width, *angle1, *angle2, foreground, background, isfilled, isline);

    *hdl = getHandle(iObjUID);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Gray.c プロジェクト: FOSSEE-Internship/scilab
  For matplot1
int C2F(implot1)(unsigned char *z, int *n1, int *n2, double *xrect, int plottype)
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iGrayplotUID = 0;
    BOOL isRedrawn = FALSE;
    double y = 0; /* void for ConstructGrayplot */
    int clipState = 0;
    int firstPlot = 0;

    isRedrawn = checkRedrawing();

    /*---- Boundaries of the frame ----*/
    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

    /* Force "cligrf" clipping (1) */
    clipState = 1;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

    iGrayplotUID = ConstructImplot(iSubwinUID, xrect, z, *n1 + 1, *n2 + 1, plottype);
    if (iGrayplotUID == 0)
        // allocation error
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "grayplot");
        return -1;

    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, &firstPlot, jni_bool, 1);

    return (0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
/* box is an OUTPUT re-used inside matdes.c in scixstring */
void Objstring(char            ** fname      ,
               int                nbRow      ,
               int                nbCol      ,
               double             x          ,
               double             y          ,
               double           * angle      ,
               double             box[4]     ,
               BOOL               autoSize   ,
               double             userSize[2],
               long             * hdl        ,
               int                centerPos  ,
               int              * foreground ,
               int              * background ,
               BOOL               isboxed    ,
               BOOL               isline     ,
               BOOL               isfilled   ,
               sciTextAlignment   alignment)
    char * psubwinUID = NULL;
    char * pobjUID = NULL;
    char * pfigureUID = NULL;

    pfigureUID = (char*)getCurrentFigure();
    psubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();


    pobjUID = ConstructText(psubwinUID   ,
                            fname     ,
                            nbRow     ,
                            nbCol     ,
                            x         ,
                            y         ,
                            autoSize  ,
                            userSize  ,
                            centerPos ,
                            isboxed   ,
                            isline    ,
                            isfilled  ,

    if (pobjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objstring");

    *hdl = getHandle(pobjUID);

    setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_FONT_ANGLE__, angle, jni_double, 1);
コード例 #5
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: tempbottle/scilab
 *   Objsegs :
void Objsegs (int * style,
              int   flag ,
              int   n1   ,
              double  * x    ,
              double  * y    ,
              double  * z    ,
              double    arsize)
    int iObjUID = 0;
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int type = 0, colored = 0;
    double *fx = NULL, *fy = NULL; // No fx or fy
    int typeofchamp = -1; /* no champ here, only segs ; this info is useless */
    double rect[6];

    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

    if (n1)
        MiniMaxi(x, n1, rect, rect + 1);
        MiniMaxi(y, n1, rect + 2, rect + 3);

        if (z)
            MiniMaxi(z, n1, rect + 4, rect + 5);
            updateXYZDataBounds(iSubwinUID, rect);
            updateXYDataBounds(iSubwinUID, rect);

    iObjUID = createSegs(iSubwinUID, x, n1, y, n1, z, (z == NULL ? 0 : n1), style, flag == 0 ? 1 : n1, arsize);

    if (iObjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objsegs");

コード例 #6
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: tempbottle/scilab
void Objpoly (double  * x     ,
              double  * y     ,
              int   n     ,
              int   closed,
              int       mark  ,
              long    * hdl)
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iObjUID = 0;
    double rect[6];

    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();


    if (n)
        MiniMaxi(x, n, rect, rect + 1);
        MiniMaxi(y, n, rect + 2, rect + 3);

        updateXYDataBounds(iSubwinUID, rect);

    if (mark <= 0)
        int absmark = abs(mark);
        iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(iSubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n, 1,
                                    NULL, NULL, &absmark, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
        iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(iSubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n, 1,
                                    &mark, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

    if (iObjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objpoly");

    *hdl = getHandle(iObjUID);
コード例 #7
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: tempbottle/scilab
void Objrect (double* x         ,
              double* y         ,
              double* width     ,
              double* height    ,
              int    * foreground,
              int    * background,
              BOOL     isfilled  ,
              BOOL     isline    ,
              long   * hdl )
    int iNewObjUID = 0;
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    double rect[6];

    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

    /* check if the auto_clear property is on and then erase everything */

    rect[0] = *x;
    rect[1] = *x + *width;
    rect[2] = *y - *height;
    rect[3] = *y;

    updateXYDataBounds(iSubwinUID, rect);

    /*newObjUID = ConstructRectangle(iSubwinUID , *x, *y, *height, *width,
      foreground, background, isfilled, isline);*/

    iNewObjUID = createRect(iSubwinUID, *x, *y, *height, *width,
                            foreground == NULL ? -1 : *foreground,
                            background == NULL ? -1 : *background,
                            (int)isfilled, (int)isline);

    if (iNewObjUID == 0)
        /* an error occurred */
        *hdl = -1;

    *hdl = getHandle(iNewObjUID);
コード例 #8
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
void Objrect (double* x         ,
              double* y         ,
              double* width     ,
              double* height    ,
              int    * foreground,
              int    * background,
              BOOL     isfilled  ,
              BOOL     isline    ,
              long   * hdl )
    char* newObjUID = NULL;
    char* psubwinUID = NULL;
    char* pFigureUID = NULL;

    pFigureUID = (char*)getCurrentFigure();
    psubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();

    /* check if the auto_clear property is on and then erase everything */
    /*newObjUID = ConstructRectangle(psubwinUID , *x, *y, *height, *width,
      foreground, background, isfilled, isline);*/

    newObjUID = constructRectangles(psubwinUID, *x, *y, *height, *width,
                                    foreground == NULL ? -1 : *foreground,
                                    background == NULL ? -1 : *background,
                                    (int)isfilled, (int)isline);

    if (newObjUID == NULL)
        /* an error occurred */
        *hdl = -1;

    *hdl = getHandle(newObjUID);

    releaseGraphicObjectProperty(-1, newObjUID, jni_string, 0);
コード例 #9
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
void Objpoly (double  * x     ,
              double  * y     ,
              int   n     ,
              int   closed,
              int       mark  ,
              long    * hdl)
    char * pfigureUID = NULL;
    char * psubwinUID = NULL;
    char * pobjUID = NULL;

    psubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();


    if (mark <= 0)
        int absmark = abs(mark);
        pobjUID = ConstructPolyline(psubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n, 1,
                                    NULL, NULL, &absmark, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
        pobjUID = ConstructPolyline(psubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n, 1,
                                    &mark, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

    if (pobjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objpoly");

    *hdl = getHandle(pobjUID);

    releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_POLYLINE__, pobjUID, jni_string, 1);
コード例 #10
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
void Objarc(double* angle1    ,
            double* angle2    ,
            double* x         ,
            double* y         ,
            double* width     ,
            double* height    ,
            int    * foreground,
            int    * background,
            BOOL     isfilled  ,
            BOOL     isline    ,
            long   * hdl  )
    char * psubwinUID = NULL;
    char * pobjUID = NULL;

    psubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();
    pobjUID = ConstructArc(psubwinUID, *x, *y,
                           *height, *width, *angle1, *angle2, foreground, background, isfilled, isline);

    *hdl = getHandle(pobjUID);
    releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_PARENT__, pobjUID, jni_string, 1);
コード例 #11
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
void Objdrawaxis (char     dir    ,
                  char     tics   ,
                  double* x      ,
                  int    * nx     ,
                  double* y      ,
                  int    * ny     ,
                  char   * val[]  ,
                  int      subint ,
                  char   * format ,
                  int      font   ,
                  int      textcol,
                  int      ticscol,
                  char     flag   ,
                  int      seg    ,
                  int      nb_tics_labels)
    char* pobjUID = NULL;
    char* psubwinUID = NULL;

    psubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();


    pobjUID = ConstructAxis(
                  dir, tics, x, *nx, y, *ny, val, subint, format, font, textcol, ticscol, flag, seg, nb_tics_labels);

    if (pobjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objdrawaxis");

    releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_PARENT__, pobjUID, jni_string, 1);
コード例 #12
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: tempbottle/scilab
void Objdrawaxis (char     dir    ,
                  char     tics   ,
                  double* x      ,
                  int    * nx     ,
                  double* y      ,
                  int    * ny     ,
                  char   * val[]  ,
                  int      subint ,
                  char   * format ,
                  int      font   ,
                  int      textcol,
                  int      ticscol,
                  char     flag   ,
                  int      seg    ,
                  int      nb_tics_labels)
    int iObjUID = 0;
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int ticksDirection = 0;
    int ticksStyle = 0;

    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();


    switch (dir)
        default :
        case 'u' :
            ticksDirection = 0;
        case 'd' :
            ticksDirection = 1;
        case 'l' :
            ticksDirection = 2;
        case 'r' :
            ticksDirection = 3;

    switch (tics)
        case 'v':
            ticksStyle = 0;
        case 'r':
            ticksStyle = 1;
        case 'i':
            ticksStyle = 2;

    iObjUID = createAxis(iSubwinUID, ticksDirection, ticksStyle, x, *nx, y, *ny, subint, format, font, textcol, ticscol, seg);

    if (iObjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objdrawaxis");

    if (val == NULL)
        char **matData;
        StringMatrix *tics_labels;

        tics_labels = computeDefaultTicsLabels(iObjUID);

        if (tics_labels == NULL)

        matData = getStrMatData(tics_labels);

        * The labels vector size must be computed using the matrix's dimensions.
        * To be modified when the labels computation is moved to the Model.
        setGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_TICKS_LABELS__, matData, jni_string_vector, tics_labels->nbCol * tics_labels->nbRow);

        int i = 0;
        * Labels are set using the str argument; the previous code tested whether each element of the
        * str array was null and set the corresponding Axis' element to NULL, though there was no
        * apparent reason to do so. This is still checked, but now aborts building the Axis.

        if (nb_tics_labels == -1)
            Scierror(999, _("Impossible case when building axis\n"));

        for (i = 0; i < nb_tics_labels; i++)
            if (val[i] == NULL)

        setGraphicObjectProperty(iObjUID, __GO_TICKS_LABELS__, val, jni_string_vector, nb_tics_labels);

コード例 #13
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
 *  plot3d
void Objplot3d (char    * fname ,
                int * isfac ,
                int * izcol ,
                double    x[]   ,
                double    y[]   ,
                double    z[]   ,
                double  * zcol  ,
                int * m     ,
                int * n     ,
                double  * theta ,
                double  * alpha ,
                char    * legend,
                int * iflag ,
                double  * ebox  ,
                int * m1    , /*Adding F.Leray 12.03.04 and 19.03.04*/
                int * n1    ,
                int * m2    ,
                int * n2    ,
                int * m3    ,
                int * n3    ,
                int * m3n   ,
                int * n3n)
/* F.Leray 25.04.05 : warning here legends means "X@Y@Z": it is labels writings!! */
/* legends has not the same meaning than inside plot2dn (there, it is really the legends of the plotted curves)*/
    sciTypeOf3D typeof3d;
    int flagcolor = 0;
    long *hdltab = NULL;
    int i = 0;

    char *psubwinUID = NULL;
    char *pobjUID = NULL;
    char *parentFigureUID = NULL;

    double drect[6];
    double rotationAngles[2];
    double* dataBounds = NULL;
    char * loc = NULL;
    char * legx = NULL;
    char * legy = NULL;
    char * legz = NULL;
    char* labelId = NULL;
    /*   char * buff = NULL; */
    int flag_x = 1;
    int flag_y = 1;
    int dimvectx = -1;
    int dimvecty = -1;
    int view = 0;
    int linLogFlag;
    int firstPlot = 0;
    int *piFirstPlot = &firstPlot;

    int box = 0;
    int axisVisible = 0;
    int autoScale = 0;
    int *piAutoScale = &autoScale;

    int isoview = 0;
    int clipState = 0;

    char *pNewSurfaceUID = NULL;

    /* Initialisation drect A.C pour debuggueur */
    drect[0] = 0.0;
    drect[1] = 0.0;
    drect[2] = 0.0;
    drect[3] = 0.0;
    drect[4] = 0.0;
    drect[5] = 0.0;

    /* =================================================
     * Force SubWindow properties according to arguments
     * ================================================= */

    parentFigureUID = (char*)getCurrentFigure();
    psubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();


    /* Force 3D view */
    view = 1;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_VIEW__, &view, jni_int, 1);

    if (legend != NULL)
        int textDimensions[2] = {1, 1};
        /* F.Leray 25.04.05 replace the default labels by the user labels if specified */
        loc = (char *) MALLOC((strlen(legend) + 1) * sizeof(char));
        if (loc == NULL)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objplot3d");

        strcpy(loc, legend);

        /*   legx=strtok_r(loc,"@",&buff); */
        legx = strtok(loc, "@");

        if (legx != NULL)
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);

            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_TEXT_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS__, textDimensions, jni_int_vector, 2);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_TEXT_STRINGS__, &legx, jni_string_vector, textDimensions[0]*textDimensions[1]);

        /*   legy=strtok_r((char *)0,"@",&buff); */
        legy = strtok((char *)NULL, "@"); /* NULL to begin at the last read character */
        if (legy != NULL)
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);

            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_TEXT_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS__, textDimensions, jni_int_vector, 2);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_TEXT_STRINGS__, &legy, jni_string_vector, textDimensions[0]*textDimensions[1]);

        /*   legz=strtok_r((char *)0,"@",&buff); */
        legz = strtok((char *)NULL, "@");
        if (legz != NULL)
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);

            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_TEXT_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS__, textDimensions, jni_int_vector, 2);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_TEXT_STRINGS__, &legz, jni_string_vector, textDimensions[0]*textDimensions[1]);

    /* Force psubwin->logflags to linear */
    linLogFlag = 0;

    setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &linLogFlag, jni_bool, 1);
    setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &linLogFlag, jni_bool, 1);
    setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &linLogFlag, jni_bool, 1);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, jni_bool, (void **)&piFirstPlot);

    if (firstPlot == 0 && (iflag[2] == 0 || iflag[2] == 1))
        /* Nothing to do: we leave as before */
        int labelVisible;

        if (iflag[2] == 0 || iflag[2] == 1)
            if (firstPlot)
                /* 0: OFF */
                box = 0;

                axisVisible = 0;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);

                setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_BOX_TYPE__, &box, jni_int, 1);

                labelVisible = 0;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
                getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
                getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            /*else no changes : the axes visible properties are driven by the previous plot */
        else if (iflag[2] == 2)
            /* 2: HIDDEN_AXES */
            box = 2;

            /* for 2d use only (when switching to 2d mode) */
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_BOX_TYPE__, &box, jni_int, 1);

            axisVisible = 0;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);

            labelVisible = 0;
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
        else if (iflag[2] == 3)
            /* 1: ON */
            box = 1;

            /* for 2d use only (when switching to 2d mode) */
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_BOX_TYPE__, &box, jni_int, 1);

            axisVisible = 0;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);

            labelVisible = 1;
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
        else if (iflag[2] == 4)
            /* 1: ON */
            box = 1;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_BOX_TYPE__, &box, jni_int, 1);

            axisVisible = 1;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_VISIBLE__, &axisVisible, jni_bool, 1);

            labelVisible = 1;
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LABEL__, jni_string, (void **)&labelId);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(labelId, __GO_VISIBLE__, &labelVisible, jni_bool, 1);

    rotationAngles[0] = *alpha;
    rotationAngles[1] = *theta;

    setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_ROTATION_ANGLES__, rotationAngles, jni_double_vector, 2);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_DATA_BOUNDS__, jni_double_vector, (void **)&dataBounds);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SCALE__, jni_bool, (void **)&piAutoScale);

    if (autoScale)
        /* compute and merge new specified bounds with data bounds */
        switch (iflag[1])
            case 0:  /* do not change data bounds */
            case 1 :
            case 3 :
            case 5 :
            case 7 : /* Force data bounds=ebox */
                drect[0] = ebox[0]; /*xmin*/
                drect[2] = ebox[2]; /*ymin*/
                drect[1] = ebox[1]; /*xmax*/
                drect[3] = ebox[3]; /*ymax*/
                drect[4] = ebox[4]; /*zmin*/
                drect[5] = ebox[5]; /*zmax*/
            case 2 :
            case 4 :
            case 6 :
            case 8:/* Force data bounds to the x and y bounds */
                getDrect(x, (*m1) * (*n1), &drect[0], &drect[1], dataBounds[0], dataBounds[1]);
                getDrect(y, (*m2) * (*n2), &drect[2], &drect[3], dataBounds[2], dataBounds[3]);
                getDrect(z, (*m3) * (*n3), &drect[4], &drect[5], dataBounds[4], dataBounds[5]);

        /* merge data bounds and drect */
        if (!firstPlot)
            drect[0] = Min(dataBounds[0], drect[0]); /* xmin */
            drect[1] = Max(dataBounds[1], drect[1]); /* xmax */
            drect[2] = Min(dataBounds[2], drect[2]); /* ymin */
            drect[3] = Max(dataBounds[3], drect[3]); /* ymax */
            drect[4] = Min(dataBounds[4], drect[4]); /* zmin */
            drect[5] = Max(dataBounds[5], drect[5]); /* zmax */

        if (iflag[1] != 0)
            setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_DATA_BOUNDS__, drect, jni_double_vector, 6);

    if (iflag[1] != 0)
        isoview = (iflag[1] == 3 || iflag[1] == 4 || iflag[1] == 5 || iflag[1] == 6);

        setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_ISOVIEW__, &isoview, jni_bool, 1);

    /* =================================================
     * Analyze arguments to find entity type
     * ================================================= */

    if (*isfac == 1)
        if (*izcol == 0)
            if (strcmp(fname, "plot3d1") == 0)
                typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
                flagcolor = 1;
                typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
                flagcolor = 0;
        else if (*izcol == 2)
            typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
            flagcolor = 3;
            typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
            flagcolor = 2;
    else if (*isfac == 0)
        if (strcmp(fname, "plot3d1") == 0)
            typeof3d = SCI_PLOT3D;
            flagcolor = 1;
            typeof3d = SCI_PLOT3D;
            flagcolor = 0;
        typeof3d = SCI_PARAM3D1;
        flagcolor = 1;

    /* =================================================
     * Construct the Entities
     * ================================================= */

    /*Distinction here between SCI_PARAM3D1 and others*/
    if (typeof3d != SCI_PARAM3D1)
        if (*isfac == 1)
            /* x is considered as a matrix */
            dimvectx = -1;
        else if (*m1 == 1) /* x is a row vector */
            dimvectx = *n1;
        else if (*n1 == 1) /* x is a column vector */
            dimvectx = *m1;
        else /* x is a matrix */
            dimvectx = -1;

        if (dimvectx > 1)
            int monotony = checkMonotony(x, dimvectx);
            if (monotony == 0)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: x vector is not monotonous.\n"), "Objplot3d");

            flag_x = monotony;

        if (*isfac == 1)
            /* y is considered as a matrix */
            dimvecty = -1;
        else if (*m2 == 1) /* y is a row vector */
            dimvecty = *n2;
        else if (*n2 == 1) /* y is a column vector */
            dimvecty = *m2;
        else /* y is a matrix */
            dimvecty = -1;

        if (dimvecty > 1)
            /* test the monotony on y*/
            int monotony = checkMonotony(y, dimvecty);
            if (monotony == 0)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: y vector is not monotonous.\n"), "Objplot3d");

            flag_y = monotony;

        pNewSurfaceUID = ConstructSurface(psubwinUID, typeof3d,
                                          x, y, z, zcol, *izcol, *m, *n, iflag, ebox, flagcolor,
                                          isfac, m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3, m3n, n3n);

        if (pNewSurfaceUID == NULL)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objplot3d");


        /* Force clipping, 1: CLIPGRF */
        clipState = 1;
        setGraphicObjectProperty(pNewSurfaceUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

        releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_PARENT__, pNewSurfaceUID, jni_string, 1);
        char* pNewPolylineUID = NULL;
        char* currentSubwinUID = NULL;

        if ((hdltab = MALLOC (*n * sizeof (long))) == NULL)
            Scierror(999, "%s: No more memory.\n", fname);

        currentSubwinUID = (char*)getCurrentSubWin();

        for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
            /* F.Leray Pb here: In fact we do not create a Surface but one or several 3D Polylines
               Pb comes when wanting to access the fields "surface_color" or "flag" for example
               in function sciSet (cf. matdes.c).
               Question 1: Are these properties accessible from a SCI_PARAM3D1 ?
               Question 2: Is "flag" obsolete and replaced by "color_mode"?*/

            if ((*n > 0) && (zcol != (double *)NULL))
                if ((int) zcol[i] > 0)
                    int intzcol = (int) zcol[i];
                    pNewPolylineUID = ConstructPolyline
                                       &(x[*m * i]), &(y[*m * i]), &(z[*m * i]), 0, *m, 1,
                                       &intzcol, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
                    int intzcol = (int) - zcol[i];
                    pNewPolylineUID = ConstructPolyline
                                       &(x[*m * i]), &(y[*m * i]), &(z[*m * i]), 0, *m, 1,
                                       NULL, NULL, &intzcol, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
                /* default case, nothing is given */
                int curcolor = 0;
                int *piCurColor = &curcolor;

                getGraphicObjectProperty(currentSubwinUID, __GO_LINE_COLOR__, jni_int, (void**)&piCurColor);

                pNewPolylineUID = ConstructPolyline(currentSubwinUID,
                                                    &(x[*m * i]), &(y[*m * i]), &(z[*m * i]), 0, *m, 1,
                                                    &curcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

            if (pNewPolylineUID == NULL)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname);

            setGraphicObjectRelationship(currentSubwinUID, pNewPolylineUID);
            releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_PARENT__, pNewPolylineUID, jni_string, 1);
            pNewPolylineUID = NULL;

            pobjUID = (char*)getCurrentObject();

            /* Force clipping, 1: CLIPGRF */
            clipState = 1;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(pobjUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

            hdltab[i] = getHandle(pobjUID);

        /** construct Compound and make it current object**/
        if (*n > 1)
            char* o = ConstructCompound (hdltab, *n);
            releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_PARENT__, o, jni_string, 1);

    /* =================================================
     * Redraw Figure
     * ================================================= */

    // subwin has been modified

    firstPlot = 0;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, &firstPlot, jni_bool, 1);

    loc = NULL;

コード例 #14
ファイル: Champ.c プロジェクト: ScilabOrg/scilab
void champg(char *name, int colored, double *x, double *y, double *fx, double *fy, int *n1,
            int *n2, char *strflag, double *brect, double *arfact, int lstr)
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iNewSegsUID = 0;

    int clipState = 0;
    char textLogFlags[3];
    double xx[2];
    double yy[2];
    double* boundingBox = NULL;
    double rotationAngles[2];
    int nn1 = 1;
    int nn2 = 2;
    int autoScale = 0;
    int* piAutoScale = &autoScale;
    int firstPlot = 0;
    int* piFirstPlot = &firstPlot;
    int logFlags[3];
    int flag, type = 1;
    double arsize1 = 0.;
    int *style = NULL;

    int iTmp = 0;
    int* piTmp = &iTmp;

    int i = 0;
    double drect[6];
    BOOL bounds_changed = FALSE;
    BOOL axes_properties_changed = FALSE;

    /* champ with color inherited from subwin */
    /* or champ1 (normed vector + color) is enabled */
    int typeofchamp = (colored == 0 ? 0 : 1);

    /* First create champ object */
    /* F.Leray Allocation de style[dim = Nbr1] */
    if ((style = (int*)MALLOC ((*n1) * sizeof (int))) == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "champg");

    flag = 1; /* je le mets � 1 pour voir F.Leray 19.02.04*/
    arsize1 = *arfact;

    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

    /* then modify subwindow if needed */

    /* Force clipping to CLIPGRF (1) */
    clipState = 1;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

    for (i = 0; i < (*n1); i++)
        style[i] = i;

    iNewSegsUID = createChamp(iSubwinUID, x, *n1, y, *n2, fx, *n1 * *n2, fy, *n1 * *n2, arsize1, typeofchamp != 0);

    if (iNewSegsUID == 0)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "champg");
        if (style != NULL)



    if (style != NULL)
        style = NULL;

    /* Get segs bounding box */
    getGraphicObjectProperty(iNewSegsUID, __GO_BOUNDING_BOX__, jni_double_vector, (void **)&boundingBox);
    if (!boundingBox)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Could not retrive bounding box.\n"), "champg");

    xx[0] = boundingBox[0];
    xx[1] = boundingBox[1];
    yy[0] = boundingBox[2];
    yy[1] = boundingBox[3];

    releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_BOUNDING_BOX__, boundingBox, jni_double_vector, 4);

    rotationAngles[0] = 0.0;
    rotationAngles[1] = 270.0;

    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_ROTATION_ANGLES__, rotationAngles, jni_double_vector, 2);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SCALE__, jni_bool, (void **)&piAutoScale);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, jni_bool, (void **)&piFirstPlot);

    if (autoScale)
        /* compute and merge new specified bounds with the data bounds */
        switch (strflag[1])
            case '0':
                /* do not change data bounds */
            case '1' :
            case '3' :
            case '5' :
            case '7':
                /* Force data bounds=brect */
                re_index_brect(brect, drect);
            case '2' :
            case '4' :
            case '6' :
            case '8':
            case '9':

                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[0] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[1] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[2] = iTmp;

                /* Conversion required by compute_data_bounds2 */
                textLogFlags[0] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[0]);
                textLogFlags[1] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[1]);
                textLogFlags[2] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[2]);

                /* Force data bounds to the x and y bounds */
                compute_data_bounds2(0, 'g', textLogFlags, xx, yy, nn1, nn2, drect);

        /* merge data bounds and drect */
        if (!firstPlot &&
                (strflag[1] == '7' || strflag[1] == '8' || strflag[1] == '9'))
            double* dataBounds;

            getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_DATA_BOUNDS__, jni_double_vector, (void **)&dataBounds);

            drect[0] = Min(dataBounds[0], drect[0]); /*xmin*/
            drect[2] = Min(dataBounds[2], drect[2]); /*ymin*/
            drect[1] = Max(dataBounds[1], drect[1]); /*xmax*/
            drect[3] = Max(dataBounds[3], drect[3]); /*ymax*/

        if (strflag[1] != '0')
            bounds_changed = update_specification_bounds(iSubwinUID, drect, 2);


    if (firstPlot)
        bounds_changed = TRUE;

    axes_properties_changed = strflag2axes_properties(iSubwinUID, strflag);

    /* just after strflag2axes_properties */
    firstPlot = 0;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, &firstPlot, jni_bool, 1);
コード例 #15
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: tempbottle/scilab
void Objfpoly (double  * x    ,
               double  * y    ,
               int   n    ,
               int * style,
               long    * hdl  ,
               int   shading)
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iObjUID = 0;

    int fillcolor = 0;
    int contourcolor = 0;
    int *piContourColor = &contourcolor;

    int closed = 1; /* we close the polyline by default */
    double rect[6];

    iSubwinUID = getOrCreateDefaultSubwin();


    if (n)
        MiniMaxi(x, n, rect, rect + 1);
        MiniMaxi(y, n, rect + 2, rect + 3);

        updateXYDataBounds(iSubwinUID, rect);

    if (shading == 2)
        /* interpolated shading is "on" */
        iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(iSubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                    1, NULL, style, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);

        /* flat mode is "on" */
        if (*style < 0)
            fillcolor = abs(*style);
            iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(iSubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                        1, NULL, &fillcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
        else if (*style == 0)
            getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_LINE_COLOR__, jni_int, (void**)&piContourColor);
            iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(iSubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                        1, &contourcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
            /* *style > 0*/
            fillcolor = *style;
            getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_LINE_COLOR__, jni_int, (void**)&piContourColor);
            iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(iSubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                        1, &contourcolor, &fillcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);


    if (iObjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objfpoly");

    *hdl = getHandle(iObjUID);
コード例 #16
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: ZhanlinWang/scilab
void Objfpoly (double  * x    ,
               double  * y    ,
               int   n    ,
               int * style,
               long    * hdl  ,
               int   shading)
    char* psubwinUID = NULL;
    char* pobjUID = NULL;

    int fillcolor = 0;
    int contourcolor = 0;
    int *piContourColor = &contourcolor;

    int closed = 1; /* we close the polyline by default */

    psubwinUID = (char*)getOrCreateDefaultSubwin();


    if (shading == 2)
        /* interpolated shading is "on" */
        pobjUID = ConstructPolyline(psubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                    1, NULL, style, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);

        /* flat mode is "on" */
        if (*style < 0)
            fillcolor = abs(*style);
            pobjUID = ConstructPolyline(psubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                        1, NULL, &fillcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
        else if (*style == 0)
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_LINE_COLOR__, jni_int, (void**)&piContourColor);
            pobjUID = ConstructPolyline(psubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                        1, &contourcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
            /* *style > 0*/
            fillcolor = *style;
            getGraphicObjectProperty(psubwinUID, __GO_LINE_COLOR__, jni_int, (void**)&piContourColor);
            pobjUID = ConstructPolyline(psubwinUID, x, y, PD0, closed, n,
                                        1, &contourcolor, &fillcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);


    if (pobjUID == NULL)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objfpoly");

    *hdl = getHandle(pobjUID);

    releaseGraphicObjectProperty(__GO_PARENT__, pobjUID, jni_string, 1);
コード例 #17
ファイル: sciCall.c プロジェクト: tempbottle/scilab
 *  plot3d
void Objplot3d (char    * fname ,
                int * isfac ,
                int * izcol ,
                double    x[]   ,
                double    y[]   ,
                double    z[]   ,
                double  * zcol  ,
                int * m     ,
                int * n     ,
                double  * theta ,
                double  * alpha ,
                char    * legend,
                int * iflag ,
                double  * ebox  ,
                int * m1    , /*Adding F.Leray 12.03.04 and 19.03.04*/
                int * n1    ,
                int * m2    ,
                int * n2    ,
                int * m3    ,
                int * n3    ,
                int * m3n   ,
                int * n3n)
/* F.Leray 25.04.05 : warning here legends means "X@Y@Z": it is labels writings!! */
/* legends has not the same meaning than inside plot2dn (there, it is really the legends of the plotted curves)*/
    sciTypeOf3D typeof3d;
    int flagcolor = 0;
    int* pObj = NULL;
    int i = 0;

    int iSubwinUID = 0;

    int firstPlot = 0;

    int clipState = 0;

    int iNewSurfaceUID = 0;

    /* =================================================
     * Force SubWindow properties according to arguments
     * ================================================= */

    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();
    initSubWinTo3d(iSubwinUID, legend, iflag, *alpha, *theta, ebox, x, *m1 **n1, y, *m2 **n2, z, *m3 **n3);

    /* =================================================
     * Analyze arguments to find entity type
     * ================================================= */

    if (*isfac == 1)
        if (*izcol == 0)
            if (strcmp(fname, "plot3d1") == 0)
                typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
                flagcolor = 1;
                typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
                flagcolor = 0;
        else if (*izcol == 2)
            typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
            flagcolor = 3;
            typeof3d = SCI_FAC3D;
            flagcolor = 2;
    else if (*isfac == 0)
        if (strcmp(fname, "plot3d1") == 0)
            typeof3d = SCI_PLOT3D;
            flagcolor = 1;
            typeof3d = SCI_PLOT3D;
            flagcolor = 0;
        typeof3d = SCI_PARAM3D1;
        flagcolor = 1;

    /* =================================================
     * Construct the Entities
     * ================================================= */

    /*Distinction here between SCI_PARAM3D1 and others*/
    if (typeof3d != SCI_PARAM3D1)
        int dimvectx = -1;
        int dimvecty = -1;
        if (*isfac == 1)
            /* x is considered as a matrix */
            dimvectx = -1;
        else if (*m1 == 1) /* x is a row vector */
            dimvectx = *n1;
        else if (*n1 == 1) /* x is a column vector */
            dimvectx = *m1;
        else /* x is a matrix */
            dimvectx = -1;

        if (dimvectx > 1)
            int monotony = checkMonotony(x, dimvectx);
            if (monotony == 0)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: x vector is not monotonous.\n"), "Objplot3d");


        if (*isfac == 1)
            /* y is considered as a matrix */
            dimvecty = -1;
        else if (*m2 == 1) /* y is a row vector */
            dimvecty = *n2;
        else if (*n2 == 1) /* y is a column vector */
            dimvecty = *m2;
        else /* y is a matrix */
            dimvecty = -1;

        if (dimvecty > 1)
            /* test the monotony on y*/
            int monotony = checkMonotony(y, dimvecty);
            if (monotony == 0)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: y vector is not monotonous.\n"), "Objplot3d");

        iNewSurfaceUID = ConstructSurface(iSubwinUID, typeof3d,
                                          x, y, z, zcol, *izcol, *m, *n, iflag, ebox, flagcolor,
                                          isfac, m1, n1, m2, n2, m3, n3, m3n, n3n);

        if (iNewSurfaceUID == 0)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "Objplot3d");


        /* Force clipping, 1: CLIPGRF */
        clipState = 1;
        setGraphicObjectProperty(iNewSurfaceUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);
        int iNewPolylineUID = 0;
        int iCurrentSubwinUID = 0;

        if ((pObj = (int*)MALLOC (*n * sizeof (int))) == NULL)
            Scierror(999, "%s: No more memory.\n", fname);

        iCurrentSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

        for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
            if ((*n > 0) && (zcol != (double *)NULL))
                if ((int) zcol[i] > 0)
                    int intzcol = (int) zcol[i];
                    iNewPolylineUID = ConstructPolyline
                                       &(x[*m * i]), &(y[*m * i]), &(z[*m * i]), 0, *m, 1,
                                       &intzcol, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
                    int intzcol = (int) - zcol[i];
                    iNewPolylineUID = ConstructPolyline
                                       &(x[*m * i]), &(y[*m * i]), &(z[*m * i]), 0, *m, 1,
                                       NULL, NULL, &intzcol, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
                /* default case, nothing is given */
                int curcolor = 0;
                int *piCurColor = &curcolor;

                getGraphicObjectProperty(iCurrentSubwinUID, __GO_LINE_COLOR__, jni_int, (void**)&piCurColor);

                iNewPolylineUID = ConstructPolyline(iCurrentSubwinUID,
                                                    &(x[*m * i]), &(y[*m * i]), &(z[*m * i]), 0, *m, 1,
                                                    &curcolor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

            if (iNewPolylineUID == 0)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), fname);

            setGraphicObjectRelationship(iCurrentSubwinUID, iNewPolylineUID);

            /* Force clipping, 1: CLIPGRF */
            clipState = 1;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(iNewPolylineUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

            pObj[i] = iNewPolylineUID;

        /** construct Compound and make it current object**/
        if (*n > 1)
            int o = createCompound (iCurrentSubwinUID, pObj, *n);

    /* =================================================
     * Redraw Figure
     * ================================================= */

    // subwin has been modified

    firstPlot = 0;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, &firstPlot, jni_bool, 1);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Plo2dn.c プロジェクト: scitao/scilab
int plot2dn(int ptype, char *logflags, double *x, double *y, int *n1, int *n2, int *style, char *strflag, char *legend, double *brect, int *aaint,
            BOOL flagNax, int lstr1, int lstr2)
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iCurFigureUID = 0;
    int closeflag = 0;
    int jj = 0;
    long hdl = 0;
    int *pObj = NULL;
    int cmpt = 0;
    int with_leg = 0;
    double drect[6];
    char dataflag = 0;

    BOOL bounds_changed = FALSE;
    BOOL axes_properties_changed = FALSE;

    double rotationAngles[2];
    int clipState = 0;
    int autoScale = 0;
    int logFlags[3];
    int iTmp = 0;
    int *piTmp = &iTmp;
    char textLogFlags[3];
    int firstPlot = 0;
    int newFirstPlot = 0;
    int autoSubticks = 0;

    iSubwinUID = getOrCreateDefaultSubwin();

     * Check if the auto_clear property is on and then erase everything
     * To be implemented

    rotationAngles[0] = 0.0;
    rotationAngles[1] = 270.0;

    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_ROTATION_ANGLES__, rotationAngles, jni_double_vector, 2);

    /* Force logflags to those given by argument */

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
    firstPlot = iTmp;

    /* Reset x and y logflags */
    if (firstPlot)
        logFlags[0] = getBooleanLogFlag(logflags[1]);
        logFlags[1] = getBooleanLogFlag(logflags[2]);

        setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &logFlags[0], jni_bool, 1);
        setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &logFlags[1], jni_bool, 1);

    /* Forces "clipgrf" clipping (1) */
    clipState = 1;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SCALE__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
    autoScale = iTmp;

    if (autoScale)
        /* compute and merge new specified bounds with the data bounds */
        switch (strflag[1])
            case '0':
                /* do not change data bounds */
            case '1':
            case '3':
            case '5':
            case '7':
                /* Force data bounds=brect */
                re_index_brect(brect, drect);
            case '2':
            case '4':
            case '6':
            case '8':
            case '9':
                /* Force data bounds to the x and y bounds */
                if ((int)strlen(logflags) < 1)
                    dataflag = 'g';
                    dataflag = logflags[0];

                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[0] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[1] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[2] = iTmp;

                /* Conversion required by compute_data_bounds2 */
                textLogFlags[0] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[0]);
                textLogFlags[1] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[1]);
                textLogFlags[2] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[2]);

                compute_data_bounds2(0, dataflag, textLogFlags, x, y, *n1, *n2, drect);


        /* merge data bounds and drect */
        if (!firstPlot && (strflag[1] == '5' || strflag[1] == '7' || strflag[1] == '8' || strflag[1] == '9'))
            double *dataBounds;

            getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_DATA_BOUNDS__, jni_double_vector, (void **)&dataBounds);

            drect[0] = Min(dataBounds[0], drect[0]);    /*xmin */
            drect[2] = Min(dataBounds[2], drect[2]);    /*ymin */
            drect[1] = Max(dataBounds[1], drect[1]);    /*xmax */
            drect[3] = Max(dataBounds[3], drect[3]);    /*ymax */

        if (strflag[1] != '0')
            bounds_changed = update_specification_bounds(iSubwinUID, drect, 2);

    if (firstPlot)
        bounds_changed = TRUE;

    /* Adapted to the MVC */
    axes_properties_changed = strflag2axes_properties(iSubwinUID, strflag);

    /* just after strflag2axes_properties */
    newFirstPlot = 0;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, &newFirstPlot, jni_bool, 1);

    with_leg = (strflag[0] == '1');

    /* F.Leray 07.10.04 : trigger algo to init. manual graduation u_xgrads and
     * u_ygrads if nax (in matdes.c which is == aaint HERE) was specified */

    /* The MVC AUTO_SUBTICKS property corresponds to !flagNax */
    autoSubticks = !flagNax;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SUBTICKS__, &autoSubticks, jni_bool, 1);

    if (flagNax == TRUE)
        getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
        logFlags[0] = iTmp;
        getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
        logFlags[1] = iTmp;

        if (logFlags[0] == 0 && logFlags[1] == 0)
            int autoTicks = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int iSize = 0;
            double dblFabs = 0;
            char** stringVector = NULL;

            if (aaint[1] == -1)
                autoTicks = 1;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
            else if (aaint[1] == 0)
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_TICKS_LOCATIONS__, NULL, jni_double_vector, 0);
                autoTicks = 0;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
                double* dXGrads = (double*) MALLOC(aaint[1] * sizeof(double));

                // Compute X grads
                dXGrads[0] = drect[0];
                if (aaint[1] > 1)
                    double pas = (drect[1] - drect[0]) / (aaint[1] - 1);
                    for (i = 0; i < aaint[1]; i++)
                        dXGrads[i] = drect[0] + pas * i;

                autoTicks = 0;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_TICKS_LOCATIONS__, dXGrads, jni_double_vector, aaint[1]);
                // Create X Labels
                stringVector = (char **) MALLOC(aaint[1] * sizeof(char*));
                for (i = 0; i < aaint[1]; i++)
                    iSize = 6;
                    if (dXGrads[i] < 0)
                        iSize += 2;
                    dblFabs = fabs(dXGrads[i]);
                    if (dblFabs >= 10)
                        iSize = iSize + (int)floor(log10(dblFabs));

                    stringVector[i] = (char*) MALLOC(iSize * sizeof(char));
                    sprintf(stringVector[i], "%.3f", dXGrads[i]);
                    stringVector[i][iSize - 1] = '\0';

                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_TICKS_LABELS__, stringVector, jni_string_vector, aaint[1]);

                for (i = 0; i < aaint[1]; i++)

                stringVector = NULL;

            if (aaint[3] == -1)
                autoTicks = 1;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
            else if (aaint[3] == 0)
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_TICKS_LOCATIONS__, NULL, jni_double_vector, 0);
                autoTicks = 0;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
                double* dYGrads = (double*) MALLOC(aaint[3] * sizeof(double));

                // Compute Y grads
                dYGrads[0] = drect[2];
                if (aaint[3] > 1)
                    double pas = (drect[3] - drect[2]) / (aaint[3] - 1);
                    for (i = 0; i < aaint[3]; i++)
                        dYGrads[i] = drect[2] + pas * i;

                autoTicks = 0;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_TICKS_LOCATIONS__, dYGrads, jni_double_vector, aaint[3]);

                // Create Y Labels
                stringVector = (char**) MALLOC(aaint[3] * sizeof(char*));
                for (i = 0; i < aaint[3]; i++)
                    iSize = 6;
                    if (dYGrads[i] < 0)
                        iSize += 2;
                    dblFabs = fabs(dYGrads[i]);
                    if (dblFabs >= 10)
                        iSize = iSize + (int)floor(log10(dblFabs));
                    stringVector[i] = (char*) MALLOC(iSize * sizeof(char));
                    sprintf(stringVector[i], "%.3f", dYGrads[i]);
                    stringVector[i][iSize - 1] = '\0';

                setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_TICKS_LABELS__, stringVector, jni_string_vector, aaint[3]);

                for (i = 0; i < aaint[3]; i++)

                stringVector = NULL;

            // X and Y subticks
            setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_SUBTICKS__, aaint, jni_int, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_SUBTICKS__, &aaint[2], jni_int, 1);
            sciprint(_("Warning: Nax does not work with logarithmic scaling.\n"));


    /*---- Drawing the curves and the legends ----*/
    if (*n1 != 0)
        if ((pObj = (int*)MALLOC((*n1 + 1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "plot2d");
            return -1;

        /*A.Djalel 3D axes */
        for (jj = 0; jj < *n1; jj++)
            int iObjUID = 0;

            if (style[jj] > 0)
                BOOL isline = TRUE;

                if (ptype == 3)
                    isline = FALSE;
                iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(getCurrentSubWin(), &(x[jj * (*n2)]),
                                            &(y[jj * (*n2)]), PD0, closeflag, *n2, ptype,
                                            &style[jj], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, isline, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
                int minusstyle = -style[jj];

                iObjUID = ConstructPolyline(getCurrentSubWin(), &(x[jj * (*n2)]),
                                            &(y[jj * (*n2)]), PD0, closeflag, *n2, ptype,
                                            NULL, NULL, &minusstyle, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
            if (iObjUID == 0)
                // skip
                Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "plot2d");

                pObj[cmpt] = iObjUID;


        /*---- Drawing the Legends ----*/
        if (with_leg)
            int iLegUID = 0;
            char **Str;
            int nleg;

            if (scitokenize(legend, &Str, &nleg))
                Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "plot2d");
                return 0;

            iLegUID = ConstructLegend(getCurrentSubWin(), Str, pObj, Min(nleg, cmpt));

            if (iLegUID != 0)
                int legendLocation;
                int contourMode;

                /* 9: LOWER_CAPTION */
                legendLocation = 9;
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iLegUID, __GO_LEGEND_LOCATION__, &legendLocation, jni_int, 1);

                contourMode = 0;

                setGraphicObjectProperty(iLegUID, __GO_FILL_MODE__, &contourMode, jni_bool, 1);
                setGraphicObjectProperty(iLegUID, __GO_LINE_MODE__, &contourMode, jni_bool, 1);

            freeArrayOfString(Str, nleg);

        /*---- construct Compound ----*/
        if (cmpt > 0)
            int parentVisible = 0;
            int *piParentVisible = &parentVisible;
            int iCompoundUID = createCompound(iSubwinUID, pObj, cmpt);

    /* End of the curves and legend block */

    return 0;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Gray.c プロジェクト: FOSSEE-Internship/scilab
int C2F(xgray)(double *x, double *y, double *z, int *n1, int *n2, char *strflag, double *brect, int *aaint, BOOL flagNax, char *logflags, long int l1)
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iGrayplotUID = 0;
    double xx[2], yy[2];
    int nn1 = 1, nn2 = 2;
    double drect[6];
    BOOL bounds_changed = FALSE;
    BOOL isRedrawn = FALSE;
    BOOL axes_properties_changed = FALSE;

    char textLogFlags[3];
    double rotationAngles[2];
    int clipState = 0;
    int autoScale = 0;
    int firstPlot = 0;
    int logFlags[3];
    char dataflag = 0;
    int autoSubticks = 0;

    int iTmp = 0;
    int* piTmp = &iTmp;

    xx[0] = Mini(x, *n1);
    xx[1] = Maxi(x, *n1);
    yy[0] = Mini(y, *n2);
    yy[1] = Maxi(y, *n2);

    /* Adding F.Leray 22.04.04 */
    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

    isRedrawn = checkRedrawing();

    rotationAngles[0] = 0.0;
    rotationAngles[1] = 270.0;

    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_ROTATION_ANGLES__, rotationAngles, jni_double_vector, 2);

    /* Force "cligrf" clipping (1) */
    clipState = 1;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
    firstPlot = iTmp;

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SCALE__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
    autoScale = iTmp;

    /* Reset x and y logflags */
    if (firstPlot)
        logFlags[0] = getBooleanLogFlag(logflags[1]);
        logFlags[1] = getBooleanLogFlag(logflags[2]);

        setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &logFlags[0], jni_bool, 1);
        setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &logFlags[1], jni_bool, 1);

    if (autoScale)
        /* compute and merge new specified bounds with the data bounds */
        switch (strflag[1])
            case '0':
                /* do not change data bounds */
            case '1' :
            case '3' :
            case '5' :
            case '7':
                /* Force data bounds=brect */
                re_index_brect(brect, drect);
            case '2' :
            case '4' :
            case '6' :
            case '8':
            case '9':
                /* Force data bounds to the x and y bounds */
                if ((int)strlen(logflags) < 1)
                    dataflag = 'g';
                    dataflag = logflags[0];

                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[0] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[1] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[2] = iTmp;

                /* Conversion required by compute_data_bounds2 */
                textLogFlags[0] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[0]);
                textLogFlags[1] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[1]);
                textLogFlags[2] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[2]);

                /* Force data bounds to the x and y bounds */
                compute_data_bounds2(0, dataflag, textLogFlags, xx, yy, nn1, nn2, drect);

        /* merge data bounds and drect */
        if (!firstPlot && (strflag[1] == '7' || strflag[1] == '8'))
            double* dataBounds;
            getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_DATA_BOUNDS__, jni_double_vector, (void **)&dataBounds);

            drect[0] = Min(dataBounds[0], drect[0]); /*xmin*/
            drect[2] = Min(dataBounds[2], drect[2]); /*ymin*/
            drect[1] = Max(dataBounds[1], drect[1]); /*xmax*/
            drect[3] = Max(dataBounds[3], drect[3]); /*ymax*/

        if (strflag[1] != '0')
            bounds_changed = update_specification_bounds(iSubwinUID, drect, 2);

    if (firstPlot)
        bounds_changed = TRUE;

    axes_properties_changed = strflag2axes_properties(iSubwinUID, strflag);

    firstPlot = 0;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, &firstPlot, jni_bool, 1);

    /* F.Leray 07.10.04 : trigger algo to init. manual graduation u_xgrads and
    u_ygrads if nax (in matdes.c which is == aaint HERE) was specified */

    /* The MVC AUTO_SUBTICKS property corresponds to !flagNax */
    autoSubticks = !flagNax;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SUBTICKS__, &autoSubticks, jni_bool, 1);

    if (flagNax == TRUE)
        if (logFlags[0] == 0 && logFlags[1] == 0)
            int autoTicks;

            autoTicks = 0;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
            Sciwarning(_("Warning: Nax does not work with logarithmic scaling.\n"));

    /* Constructs the object */
    iGrayplotUID = ConstructGrayplot(getCurrentSubWin(), x, y, z, *n1, *n2, 0);

    /* Failed allocation */
    if (iGrayplotUID == 0)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "grayplot");
        return -1;

    /* Sets the grayplot as current */

    return (0);