static void check_graph1(const model::gparser::SGraph& g) { check_equal<std::string>("",, "gid"); check_equal<std::string>("",, "hans"); std::list<model::gparser::SNode> nodes = g.nodes(); check_equal<int>("#nodes", nodes.size(), 1); model::gparser::SNode n1 = *nodes.begin(); check_equal<std::string>("",, "n1"); check_equal<std::string>("n1.type()", n1.type(), "t1"); std::list<model::gparser::SDataItem> dat = n1.dataitems(); check_equal<int>("#dataitems", dat.size(), 2); std::list<model::gparser::SDataItem>::const_iterator dat_it = dat.begin(); check_equal_dataitem(*dat_it, "k1", "HARR"); check_equal_dataitem(*(++dat_it), "k2", "PAFF"); std::list<model::gparser::SConnection> connections = g.connections(); check_equal<int>("#connections", connections.size(), 1); model::gparser::SConnection conn = connections.front(); check_equal_connection(conn, "n1", "p1", "n2", "p2"); std::list<model::gparser::SSnapshot> snapshots = g.snapshots(); check_equal<int>("#snapshots", snapshots.size(), 1); model::gparser::SSnapshot snap = snapshots.front(); std::list<model::gparser::SValue> values = snap.values(); check_equal<int>("#values", values.size(), 2); std::list<model::gparser::SValue>::const_iterator val_it = values.begin(); check_equal_value(*val_it, "n1", "p1", "das ist das haus vom nikolaus"); check_equal_value(*(++val_it), "n2", "p2", "brat bratfett mit salamo ohne"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { float val_f; /* for misc use */ double val_d; /* for misc use */ stat_table *stats = NULL; double min, max; equal_val_array *eqvals = NULL; unsigned int n = 0, nsteps; int map_type; char *infile = NULL; void *map = NULL; RASTER3D_Region region; unsigned int rows, cols, depths; unsigned int x, y, z; struct Option *inputfile, *steps; struct Flag *equal, *counts_only; struct GModule *module; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster3d")); G_add_keyword(_("statistics")); module->description = _("Generates volume statistics for 3D raster maps."); /* Define the different options */ inputfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R3_INPUT); steps = G_define_option(); steps->key = "nsteps"; steps->type = TYPE_INTEGER; steps->required = NO; steps->answer = "20"; steps->description = _("Number of subranges to collect stats from"); equal = G_define_flag(); equal->key = 'e'; equal->description = _("Calculate statistics based on equal value groups"); counts_only = G_define_flag(); counts_only->key = 'c'; counts_only->description = _("Only print cell counts"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /*Set the defaults */ Rast3d_init_defaults(); /*get the current region */ Rast3d_get_window(®ion); cols = region.cols; rows = region.rows; depths = region.depths; sscanf(steps->answer, "%i", &nsteps); /* break if the wrong number of subranges are given */ if (nsteps <= 0) G_fatal_error(_("The number of subranges has to be equal or greater than 1")); infile = inputfile->answer; if (NULL == G_find_raster3d(infile, "")) Rast3d_fatal_error(_("3D raster map <%s> not found"), infile); map = Rast3d_open_cell_old(infile, G_find_raster3d(infile, ""), ®ion, RASTER3D_TILE_SAME_AS_FILE, RASTER3D_USE_CACHE_DEFAULT); if (map == NULL) Rast3d_fatal_error(_("Unable to open 3D raster map <%s>"), infile); map_type = Rast3d_tile_type_map(map); /* calculate statistics for groups of equal values */ if ((equal->answer)) { /*search for equal values */ eqvals = NULL; n = 0; for (z = 0; z < depths; z++) { G_percent(z, depths - 1, 2); for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) { for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) { if (map_type == FCELL_TYPE) { Rast3d_get_value(map, x, y, z, &val_f, map_type); if (!Rast3d_is_null_value_num(&val_f, map_type)) { /*the first entry */ if (eqvals == NULL) eqvals = add_equal_val_to_array(eqvals, (double)val_f); else check_equal_value(eqvals, (double)val_f); n++; /*count non null cells */ } } else if (map_type == DCELL_TYPE) { Rast3d_get_value(map, x, y, z, &val_d, map_type); if (!Rast3d_is_null_value_num(&val_d, map_type)) { /*the first entry */ if (eqvals == NULL) eqvals = add_equal_val_to_array(eqvals, val_d); else check_equal_value(eqvals, val_d); n++; /*count non null cells */ } } } } } if (eqvals) { /* sort the equal values array */ G_message(_("Sort non-null values")); heapsort_eqvals(eqvals, eqvals->count); /* create the statistic table with equal values */ stats = create_stat_table(eqvals->count, eqvals, 0, 0); /* compute the number of null values */ stats->null->count = rows * cols * depths - n; free_equal_val_array(eqvals); } } else { /* create the statistic table based on value ranges */ /* get the range of the map */ Rast3d_range_load(map); Rast3d_range_min_max(map, &min, &max); stats = create_stat_table(nsteps, NULL, min, max); n = 0; for (z = 0; z < depths; z++) { G_percent(z, depths - 1, 2); for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) { for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) { if (map_type == FCELL_TYPE) { Rast3d_get_value(map, x, y, z, &val_f, map_type); if (!Rast3d_is_null_value_num(&val_f, map_type)) { check_range_value(stats, (double)val_f); n++; } } else if (map_type == DCELL_TYPE) { Rast3d_get_value(map, x, y, z, &val_d, map_type); if (!Rast3d_is_null_value_num(&val_d, map_type)) { check_range_value(stats, val_d); n++; } } } } } /* compute the number of null values */ stats->null->count = rows * cols * depths - n; } if(stats) { /* Compute the volume and percentage */ update_stat_table(stats, ®ion); /* Print the statistics to stdout */ print_stat_table(stats, counts_only->answer); free_stat_table(stats); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }