int jx_resize_pad(jx_window *w, int pw, int ph) { /* validate window */ if (check_window(w)) return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW; /* validate is pad */ if (w->flags & JX_WF_PAD) return JX_ERR_INVALID_PAD; /* check size is valid */ if (pw <= 0 || ph <= 0) return JX_ERR_INVALID_PAD_SIZE; /* check if its in range */ if (pw < w->w || ph < w->h) return JX_ERR_OUT_OF_PAD; /* move the scroll into range */ if (w->px + w->w > pw) w->px = pw - w->w; if (w->py + w->h > ph) w->py = ph - w->h; wchar_t *buffer_text = malloc(pw * ph * sizeof(wchar_t)); memcpy(buffer_text, w->buffer_text, pw * ph * sizeof(wchar_t)); uint16_t *buffer_fg = malloc(pw * ph * sizeof(uint16_t)); memcpy(buffer_fg, w->buffer_fg, pw * ph * sizeof(uint16_t)); uint16_t *buffer_bg = malloc(pw * ph * sizeof(uint16_t)); memcpy(buffer_bg, w->buffer_bg, pw * ph * sizeof(uint16_t)); w->buffer_text = buffer_text; w->buffer_fg = buffer_fg; w->buffer_bg = buffer_bg; w->flags |= JX_WF_DIRTY; w->pw = pw; w->ph = ph; return JX_SUCCESS; }
/* window.autoscroll -> true/false the window can scroll? Stack: 1: the instance table 2: the accessed key */ int lui_window_get_autoscroll(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p = check_window(L, 1); lua_pushboolean(L, (is_scrollok(panel_window(p)) == TRUE)); return 1; }
/* window.hidden -> true/false the window is visible? Stack: 1: the instance table 2: the accessed key */ int lui_window_get_hidden(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p = check_window(L, 1); lua_pushboolean(L, (panel_hidden(p) == TRUE)); return 1; }
/* move a window */ int jx_move(jx_window *w, int x, int y) { /* validate window */ if (check_window(w)) return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW; /* check if any work needs to be done */ if (w->x == x && w->y == y) return JX_SUCCESS; /* the parent window is dirty */ w->parent->flags |= JX_WF_DIRTY; /* the siblings are dirty if this window overlaps them */ for (jx_window *a = window_head; a != window_tail; a = a->next) { /* only process windows that are under this window */ if (a == w) break; /* if overlap, mark as dirty */ if (a->parent == w->parent && a->x < w->x + w->w && a->x + a->w > w->x && a->y < w->y + w->h && a->y + a->h > w->y) a->flags |= JX_WF_DIRTY; } /* this window is dirty */ w->flags |= JX_WF_DIRTY; w->x = x; w->y = y; return JX_SUCCESS; }
/* destroy a window */ int jx_destroy_window(jx_window *w) { /* validate window */ if (check_window(w)) return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW; /* destroy children */ for (jx_window *a = window_head; a != window_tail; a = a->next) if (a->parent == w) jx_destroy_window(a); /* finally destroy window */ for (jx_window *a = window_head; a != window_tail; a = a->next) { if (a == w) { if (w->flags & JX_WF_PAD) { free(w->buffer_text); free(w->buffer_fg); free(w->buffer_bg); } a->prev->next = w->next; a->next->prev = w->prev; free(w); return JX_SUCCESS; } } return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW; }
static void update_slider_value(GuiObject * slid) { GuiObject *text; GuiWindow *win; check_object(slid, "slid", "update_slider_value"); text = slid->next; check_object(text, "text", "update_slider_value"); win = slid->win; check_window(win, "update_slider_value"); if (slid->max_value <= 2) sprintf(text->label, "%0.2f", slid->position / (float) (slid->slider_length - 1) * slid->max_value); else if (slid->max_value <= 10) sprintf(text->label, "%0.1f", slid->position / (float) (slid->slider_length - 1) * slid->max_value); else sprintf(text->label, "%0.0f", slid->position / (float) (slid->slider_length - 1) * slid->max_value); win_fillbox(win, text->x, text->y, text->width, text->height, text->bg_col1); text->x = slid->x_min - string_length(text->label) / 2 + slid_width / 2 - 1; create_text(text); update_text(text); }
/* window.cursor.y return the row number of the cursor Stack: 1: the instance table 2: the accessed key */ int lui_window_get_cursor_y(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p = check_window(L, 1); lua_pushinteger(L, getcury(panel_window(p))); return 1; }
/* window["autoscroll"] = true/false enable/disable autoscrolling Stack: 1: the instance table 2: the accessed key 3: the value to set */ int lui_window_set_autoscroll(lua_State *L) { WINDOW *w = panel_window(check_window(L, 1)); scrollok(w, lua_toboolean(L, 3) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE); wrefresh(w); return 0; /* TODO: send something ? */ }
void show_number(GuiObject * obj) { check_object(obj, "obj", "show_number"); check_window(obj->win, "show_number"); update_number(obj); show_window(obj->win); }
void show_slider(GuiObject * slid) { check_object(slid, "slid", "show_slider"); check_window(slid->win, "show_slider"); update_slider(slid); show_window(slid->win); }
/* window:addch(c) put a char in the virtual window */ int lui_addch_window(lua_State *L) { WINDOW *w = panel_window(check_window(L, 1)); const char *str = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (*str) waddch(w, *str); return 0; }
/* window:move(x, y) move the window */ int lui_move_window(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p = check_window(L, 1); const int x = luaL_checkint(L, 2); const int y = luaL_checkint(L, 3); move_panel(p, y, x); return 0; }
int lui_window_set_style(lua_State *L) { WINDOW *w = panel_window(check_window(L, 1)); t_style s; get_style(L, 3, s); wbkgd(w, s.on &; return 0; }
/* window.["hidden"] = true/false hide or unhide the window. Stack: 1: the instance table 2: the accessed key 3: the value to set */ int lui_window_set_hidden(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p = check_window(L, 1); if (lua_toboolean(L, 3)) /* hidden = true -> hide the window */ hide_panel(p); else /* hidden = false -> show the window */ show_panel(p); update_panels(); return 0; /* TODO: send something ? */ }
/* window:clear() clearing the window */ int lui_clear_window(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p; p = check_window(L, 1); wclear(panel_window(p)); update_panels(); doupdate(); return 0; }
/* window.__gc destroy the window Stack: 1: the instance table 2: the accessed key */ int lui_destroy_window(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p; WINDOW *w; p = check_window(L, 1); w = panel_window(p); del_panel(p); delwin(w); return 0; }
/* * call-seq: * insert_sub_page(pos, window, text, [select], [bitmap]) -> true/false * insert_sub_page(pos, WindowClass, text, [select], [bitmap],**options) [{|window| }] -> true/false * * inserts a new page to the BookCtrl widget into the given position. * * ===Arguments * * pos is a Integer * * window is a WX::Window instance * * text is the Label of the page. String * * select is true/false and says if the new page should be selected * * bitmap is a Integer and says the position of the bitmap in the image_list * ===Return value * true/false * === Exceptions * [IndexError] * * bitmap is greater than the list of bitmaps in the image_list * [ArgumentError] * * window does not have this BookCtrl as parent * */ DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insertSubPage(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self) { VALUE n,window,text,select,imageid,hash; wxWindow *w = NULL; bool sel = false; int iid = -1; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "32:",&n,&window,&text,&select,&imageid,&hash); check_imagelist(_self,imageid,iid); check_window(self,hash,window,w); return wrap(_self->InsertSubPage(NUM2INT(n),w,unwrap<wxString>(text),sel,iid)); }
/* window:addstr(s) put a string in the virtual window */ int lui_addstr_window(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p; char *str; WINDOW *w; p = check_window(L, 1); str = luasoul_strdup(luaL_checkstring(L, 2)); w = panel_window(p); waddstr(w, str); return 0; }
/* window:scroll(nlines) if nlines > 0 scroll up nlines otherwise scroll down nlines */ int lui_scroll_window(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p; WINDOW *w; int nlines; p = check_window(L, 1); nlines = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); w = panel_window(p); wscrl(w, nlines); wrefresh(w); return 0; }
/* window:refresh() refresh the window (update physical window to match virtual window). */ int lui_refresh_window(lua_State *L) { WINDOW *w = panel_window(check_window(L, 1)); /* FIXME: set the bkgd each time we refresh is absolutely not necessary, but when we clear the screen it's useful... */ wbkgd(w, getbkgd(w)); update_panels(); doupdate(); return 0; }
/* * call-seq: * prepend_sub_page(window, text, [select], [bitmap]) -> true/false * prepend_sub_page(WindowClass, text, [select], [bitmap],**options) [{|window| }] -> true/false * * prepends a new page to the BookCtrl widget. * * ===Arguments * * window is a WX::Window instance * * text is the Label of the page. String * * select is true/false and says if the new page should be selected * * bitmap is a Integer and says the position of the bitmap in the image_list * ===Return value * true/false * === Exceptions * [IndexError] * * bitmap is greater than the list of bitmaps in the image_list * [ArgumentError] * * window does not have this BookCtrl as parent * */ DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prependSubPage(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self) { VALUE window,text,select,imageid,hash; wxWindow *w = NULL; bool sel = false; int iid = -1; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22:",&window,&text,&select,&imageid,&hash); if(!NIL_P(select)) sel = RTEST(select); check_imagelist(_self,imageid,iid); check_window(self,hash,window,w); return wrap(_self->InsertSubPage(0,w,unwrap<wxString>(text),sel,iid)); }
static void move_slider(GuiObject * slid, int pos_neg) { GuiWinThread *win_thread; check_object(slid, "slid", "move_slider"); check_window(slid->win, "move_slider"); win_thread = (slid->win)->win_thread; do { usleep(sleep_time); do_window_functions(win_thread); new_position(slid, pos_neg); if (GuiGetMessage() == GuiMouseEvent) move_mouse(); } while (GuiMouseGetButton() == GuiMouseLeftButton); }
GuiObject *add_number(GuiWindow * win, int type, int x, int y, int seg_length, char *mask) { GuiObject *number; int i; check_window(win, "add_number"); number = (GuiObject *) malloc(sizeof(GuiObject)); if (number == NULL) error("Cannot allocate memory for number."); number->win = win; number->x = number->x_min = x; number->y = number->y_min = y; number->objclass = NUMBER; number->active = TRUE; number->pressed = FALSE; number->hide = FALSE; number->type = type; number->fg_col = NUMBER_FORE; number->bg_col1 = BLACK; number->width = 0; for (i = 0;i < strlen(mask);i++) if (mask[i] == ' ') number->width += 13; else number->width += bigfont_width[mask[i] - ' ']; number->height = bigfont_height; number->x_max = x + number->width - 1; number->y_max = y + number->height - 1; number->align = ALIGN_LEFT; sprintf(number->label, "%s", mask); number->info[0] = '\0'; /* make string length zero */ number->data[0] = (char *) malloc(number->width * number->height); if (number->data[0] == NULL) error("Cannot allocate memory for number."); number->data[1] = NULL; /* don't use second data-block */ create_number(number); add_object(number); return number; }
/* window:resize(width, height) resize the window */ int lui_resize_window(lua_State *L) { PANEL *p; WINDOW *w; const int width = luaL_checkint(L, 2); const int height = luaL_checkint(L, 3); p = check_window(L, 1); w = panel_window(p); if (width <= 0 && height <= 0) { luaL_error(L, "can't resize window: invalid dimension"); return 0; } wresize(w, height, width); return 0; }
int jx_resize(jx_window *win, int w, int h) { /* validate window */ if (check_window(win)) return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW; /* check size is valid */ if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW_SIZE; /* check if any work needs to be done */ if (win->w == w && win->h == h) return JX_SUCCESS; win->parent->flags |= JX_WF_DIRTY; /* the siblings are dirty if this window overlaps them */ for (jx_window *a = window_head; a != window_tail; a = a->next) { /* only process windows that are under this window */ if (a == win) break; /* if overlap, mark as dirty */ if (a->parent == win->parent && (a->x < win->x + win->w && a->x + a->w > win->x && a->y < win->y + win->h && a->y + a->h > win->y) || (a->x < win->x + w && a->x + a->w > win->x && a->y < win->y + h && a->y + a->h > win->y)) a->flags |= JX_WF_DIRTY; } if (win->flags & JX_WF_PAD) { if (win->pw < w || win->ph < h) jx_resize_pad(win, MAX(w, win->pw), MAX(h, win->ph)); } else { wchar_t *buffer_text = malloc(w * h * sizeof(wchar_t)); memcpy(buffer_text, win->buffer_text, w * h * sizeof(wchar_t)); uint16_t *buffer_fg = malloc(w * h * sizeof(uint16_t)); memcpy(buffer_fg, win->buffer_fg, w * h * sizeof(uint16_t)); uint16_t *buffer_bg = malloc(w * h * sizeof(uint16_t)); memcpy(buffer_bg, win->buffer_bg, w * h * sizeof(uint16_t)); win->buffer_text = buffer_text; win->buffer_fg = buffer_fg; win->buffer_bg = buffer_bg; } win->w = w; win->h = h; return JX_SUCCESS; }
/* * call-seq: * prepend(window, [options]) * prepend(sizer, [options]) * prepend(size, [options]) * * prepends a new WX::Sizer::Item * ===Arguments * * window is a WX::Window * * sizer is a WX::Sizer * * size is a WX::Size * * *options: Hash with possible options to set: * * expand true/false says if the element should expand to the whole size * * proportion Integer * ===Return value * WX::Sizer::Item */ DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prepend(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self) { VALUE obj,hash; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:",&obj,&hash); wxSizerFlags flags(unwrap<wxSizerFlags>(hash)); if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_cWXWindow)) { wxWindow *win = unwrap<wxWindow*>(obj); if(check_window(_self, win, hash)) return wrap(_self->Prepend(win, flags)); } else if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_cWXSizer)) return wrap(_self->Prepend(unwrap<wxSizer*>(obj),flags)); else { const wxSize &size = unwrap<wxSize>(obj); return wrap(_self->Prepend(size.GetWidth(),size.GetHeight(),flags)); } return Qnil; }
/* * call-seq: * insert(pos, window, [options]) * insert(pos, sizer, [options]) * insert(pos, size, [options]) * * inserts a new WX::Sizer::Item into the given position. * ===Arguments * * pos is Integer * * window is a WX::Window * * sizer is a WX::Sizer * * size is a WX::Size * * *options: Hash with possible options to set: * * expand true/false says if the element should expand to the whole size * * proportion Integer * ===Return value * WX::Sizer::Item */ DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insert(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self) { VALUE index,obj,hash; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "2:",&index,&obj,&hash); wxSizerFlags flags(unwrap<wxSizerFlags>(hash)); if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_cWXWindow)) { wxWindow *win = unwrap<wxWindow*>(obj); if(check_window(_self, win, hash)) return wrap(_self->Insert(RB_NUM2INT(index), win, flags)); } else if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_cWXSizer)) return wrap(_self->Insert(RB_NUM2INT(index),unwrap<wxSizer*>(obj),flags)); else { const wxSize &size = unwrap<wxSize>(obj); return wrap(_self->Insert(RB_NUM2INT(index),size.GetWidth(),size.GetHeight(),flags)); } return Qnil; }
/* create a window to edit */ jx_window *jx_create_window(jx_window *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags) { /* validate parent window */ if (check_window(parent)) return NULL; jx_window *win = calloc(sizeof(jx_window), 1); win->x = x; win->y = y; win->w = w; win->h = h; win->buffer_text = malloc(w * h * sizeof(wchar_t)); win->buffer_fg = malloc(w * h * sizeof(uint16_t)); win->buffer_bg = malloc(w * h * sizeof(uint16_t)); win->flags = flags | JX_WF_DIRTY; win->parent = parent; win->prev = window_tail; window_tail->next = win; return win; }
/* change a window into a pad */ int jx_make_pad(jx_window *w, int pw, int ph) { /* validate window */ if (check_window(w)) return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW; if (pw < w->w || ph < w->h) return JX_ERR_INVALID_PAD_SIZE; w->flags |= JX_WF_PAD | JX_WF_DIRTY; if (w->buffer_text) free(w->buffer_text); w->buffer_text = malloc(pw * ph * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (w->buffer_fg) free(w->buffer_fg); w->buffer_fg = malloc(pw * ph * sizeof(uint16_t)); if (w->buffer_bg) free(w->buffer_bg); w->buffer_bg = malloc(pw * ph * sizeof(uint16_t)); return JX_SUCCESS; }
int jx_scroll_pad(jx_window *w, int px, int py) { /* validate window */ if (check_window(w)) return JX_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW; /* validate is pad */ if (w->flags & JX_WF_PAD) return JX_ERR_INVALID_PAD; /* check if its in range */ if (w->px < 0 || w->py < 0 || w->px + w->w > w->pw || w->py + w->h > w->ph) return JX_ERR_OUT_OF_PAD; /* check if any work needs to be done */ if (w->px == px && w->py && py) return JX_SUCCESS; w->flags |= JX_WF_DIRTY; w->px = px; w->py = py; return JX_SUCCESS; }