コード例 #1
ファイル: chi.cpp プロジェクト: nilesh-iiita/polyscape
double get_chisqr_p(unsigned * first, unsigned * second) {
	double CriticalValue = 0.0;
	double XSqr; 
	unsigned int NumberOfEffectiveDatapoints = 0;
	for (unsigned index = 0; index < 100; index++) {
		if (first[index] + second[index] > 0.0)
		XSqr = first[index] - second[index];
		if (first[index] > 0.0)
			CriticalValue += (XSqr * XSqr) / first[index];
	for (unsigned index = 0; index < 100; index++) {
		std::cout << first[index] << " ";
	std::cout << std::endl;
	for (unsigned index = 0; index < 100; index++) {
		std::cout << second[index] << " ";
	std::cout << std::endl;
	if (NumberOfEffectiveDatapoints < 2)
		NumberOfEffectiveDatapoints = 2;
	double returnP = chisqr(NumberOfEffectiveDatapoints, CriticalValue);
	std::cout << CriticalValue << "\t" << NumberOfEffectiveDatapoints << "\t" << returnP << std::endl; 
	return returnP;
コード例 #2
ファイル: prepfold_utils.c プロジェクト: bretonr/presto
float estimate_offpulse_redchi2(double *inprofs, foldstats *stats,
                                int numparts, int numsubbands, 
                                int proflen, int numtrials, double dofeff)
// Randomly offset each pulse profile in a .pfd data square or cube
// and combine them to estimate a "true" off-pulse level.  Do this
// numtrials times in order to improve the statistics.  Return the
// inverse of the average of the off-pulse reduced-chi^2 (i.e. the
// correction factor).  dofeff is the effective number of DOF as
// returned by DOF_corr().
    int ii, jj, kk, offset, trialnum, phsindex, statindex;
    float *chis;
    double chi_avg, chi_var, redchi;
    double prof_avg, prof_var, *prof_ptr, *sumprof;

    sumprof = gen_dvect(proflen);
    chis = gen_fvect(numtrials);

    for (trialnum = 0; trialnum < numtrials; trialnum++) {
        // Initialize the summed profile
        for (ii = 0; ii < proflen; ii++)
            sumprof[ii] = 0.0;
        prof_avg = 0.0;
        prof_var = 0.0;
        prof_ptr = inprofs;
        for (ii = 0; ii < numparts; ii++) {  // parts
            for (jj = 0; jj < numsubbands; jj++) {  // subbands
                statindex = ii * numsubbands + jj;
                offset = random() % proflen;
                phsindex = 0;
                for (kk = offset; kk < proflen; kk++, phsindex++) // phases
                    sumprof[phsindex] += prof_ptr[kk];
                for (kk = 0; kk < offset; kk++, phsindex++) // phases
                    sumprof[phsindex] += prof_ptr[kk];
                prof_ptr += proflen;
                prof_avg += stats[statindex].prof_avg;
                prof_var += stats[statindex].prof_var;
        /* Calculate the current chi-squared */
        redchi = chisqr(sumprof, proflen, prof_avg, prof_var) / dofeff;
        chis[trialnum] = (float) redchi;
    avg_var(chis, numtrials, &chi_avg, &chi_var);
    return 1.0/chi_avg;
コード例 #3
ファイル: chi.cpp プロジェクト: nilesh-iiita/polyscape
double X2BetweenTwo(unsigned int * FirstOriginal, unsigned int * SecondOriginal, unsigned int dispots)

    // default dispots = 100

    // delare
    double *ExpFirst;
    double *ExpSecond;
    double *SumBoth;

    ExpFirst  = new double [dispots + 1];
    ExpSecond = new double [dispots + 1];
    SumBoth   = new double [dispots + 1];

    double SumFirst  = 0.0;
    double SumSecond = 0.0;
    double SumTotal  = 0.0;

    // calculation 
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dispots; i++)
        //Firstcount[i] = 0;
        //Secondcount[i] = 0;

        SumBoth[i] = FirstOriginal[i] + SecondOriginal[i];
        SumFirst += FirstOriginal[i];
        SumSecond += SecondOriginal[i];
    SumTotal = SumFirst + SumSecond; 
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dispots; i++)
        ExpFirst[i] = SumBoth[i] * SumFirst / SumTotal;
        ExpSecond[i] = SumBoth[i] * SumSecond / SumTotal;

    double result = 0.0; 
    unsigned Degree = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dispots; i++)
	if (FirstOriginal[i] + SecondOriginal[i] > 0.0) Degree++;
        if (ExpFirst[i])
            result +=  (FirstOriginal[i] - ExpFirst[i]) * (FirstOriginal[i] - ExpFirst[i]) / ExpFirst[i];
        if (ExpSecond[i])
            result +=  (SecondOriginal[i] - ExpSecond[i]) * (SecondOriginal[i] - ExpSecond[i]) / ExpSecond[i];
    // release mem

    double PValue;
    if (Degree == 1) 
	PValue = 1.0;
    else {
	PValue = chisqr(Degree, result);
    if (PValue < 0) PValue = PValue * (-1);
    if (PValue < 0.01) {
        for (unsigned index = 0; index < 30; index++) {
                std::cout << FirstOriginal[index] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        for (unsigned index = 0; index < 30; index++) {
                std::cout << SecondOriginal[index] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        //std::cout << result << "\t" << Degree << "\t" << PValue << std::endl;
        for (unsigned index = 0; index < 30; index++) {
                std::cout << ExpFirst[index] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;
        for (unsigned index = 0; index < 30; index++) {
                std::cout << ExpSecond[index] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

        std::cout << result << "\t" << Degree << "\t" << PValue << std::endl;

    delete [] ExpFirst;
    delete [] ExpSecond;
    delete [] SumBoth;

    return PValue;

コード例 #4
int main() {

	double Y_freq = 0.0;
	double Y_serial_two = 0.0;
	double Y_serial_three = 0.0;

	// p-value parameters
	double expected_freq = n_input/(2*4096);	//50% chance of occurring for each sample
	double expected_serial_two = n_input/(2*4*2048); //25% chance of occurrence every 2 samples
	double expected_serial_three = n_input/(3*8*2048); //12.5% chance of occurrence every 3 samples

	//Setup the freq serial hw platform
	int status = XFreq_serial_init(&FreqSerial);
	if (status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		print("Freq Serial peripheral setup failed\n\r");

//---START TEST---//

	//set the input parameters of the HLS block
		XFreq_serial_Set_seed_V(&FreqSerial, seed_input);
		XFreq_serial_Set_n_V(&FreqSerial, n_input);
		XFreq_serial_Set_offset_V(&FreqSerial, offset_input);

//check that suite is ready
	if (XFreq_serial_IsReady(&FreqSerial)){
		printf("Sample Size, %llu \n\r", XFreq_serial_Get_n_V(&FreqSerial));
		printf("Seed, %lu \n\r", XFreq_serial_Get_seed_V(&FreqSerial));
		printf("Offset, %lu \n\r", XFreq_serial_Get_offset_V(&FreqSerial));
		printf("Results ETA, %.2f, seconds\n\r",(double)(n_input/(COUNTS_PER_SECOND*0.3)));
		print("!!!WARNING: Freq Serial peripheral is not ready! Exiting...\n\r");

	// Simple non-interrupt driven test

	//start time measurement

		//get freq test hardware specification information
		freq_base_address_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_freqStream_V_BaseAddress(&FreqSerial);
		freq_high_address_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_freqStream_V_HighAddress(&FreqSerial);
		freq_total_bytes_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_freqStream_V_TotalBytes(&FreqSerial);
		freq_bit_width_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_freqStream_V_BitWidth(&FreqSerial);
		freq_depth_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_freqStream_V_Depth(&FreqSerial);

		//get serial two-tuple test hardware specification information
		serial_2_base_address_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialTwoStream_V_BaseAddress(&FreqSerial);
		serial_2_high_address_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialTwoStream_V_HighAddress(&FreqSerial);
		serial_2_total_bytes_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialTwoStream_V_TotalBytes(&FreqSerial);
		serial_2_bit_width_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialTwoStream_V_BitWidth(&FreqSerial);
		serial_2_depth_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialTwoStream_V_Depth(&FreqSerial);

		//get serial three-tuple test hardware specification information
		serial_3_base_address_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialThreeStream_V_BaseAddress(&FreqSerial);
		serial_3_high_address_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialThreeStream_V_HighAddress(&FreqSerial);
		serial_3_total_bytes_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialThreeStream_V_TotalBytes(&FreqSerial);
		serial_3_bit_width_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialThreeStream_V_BitWidth(&FreqSerial);
		serial_3_depth_hw = XFreq_serial_Get_serialThreeStream_V_Depth(&FreqSerial);

		//read freq test values
		freqchardebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_freqStream_V_Bytes(&FreqSerial, 0, charDataAddress, 128);
		freqintdebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_freqStream_V_Words(&FreqSerial, 0, intDataAddress, 32);

		//read serial two-tuple test values
		serialtwochardebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialTwoStream_V_Bytes(&FreqSerial, 0, charDataAddress+128, 512);
		serialtwointdebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialTwoStream_V_Words(&FreqSerial, 0, intDataAddress+32, 128);

		//read serial three-tuple test values
		serialthreechardebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialThreeStream_V_Bytes(&FreqSerial, 0, charDataAddress+640, 512);
		serialthreeintdebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialThreeStream_V_Words(&FreqSerial, 0, intDataAddress+160, 128);

	//get time measurement

	//output time measurements
	printf("Test completed in ,%.2f, us (,%.2f, seconds).\n", 1.0 * (tEnd - tStart) / (COUNTS_PER_SECOND/1000000), 1.0 * (tEnd - tStart) / (COUNTS_PER_SECOND));
	//Xilinx time functions measure time in PS clock cycles, so conversion to PL clock rate is required
	printf("PL clock cycles per sample:, %.2f \n", (1.0)*((2*(tEnd - tStart))/((n_input*6.66666687))));

		//number of chi-squared categories
		printf("Freq Char Debug Value: %d\n\r", freqchardebug_value);
		printf("Serial 2 Char Debug Value: %d\n\r", serialtwochardebug_value);
		printf("Serial 3 Char Debug Value: %d\n\r", serialthreechardebug_value);

		printf("Freq Int Debug Value: %d\n\r", freqintdebug_value);
		printf("Serial 2 Int Debug Value: %d\n\r", serialtwointdebug_value);
		printf("Serial 3 Int Debug Value: %d\n\r", serialthreeintdebug_value);

		//hardware specification information
		printf("Freq Base Address: %d\n\r", freq_base_address_hw);
		printf("Freq High Address: %d\n\r", freq_high_address_hw);
		printf("Freq Total Bytes: %d\n\r", freq_total_bytes_hw);
		printf("Freq Bit Width: %d\n\r", freq_bit_width_hw);
		printf("Freq Depth: %d\n\r", freq_depth_hw);

		printf("Serial 2 Base Address: %d\n\r", serial_2_base_address_hw);
		printf("Serial 2 High Address: %d\n\r", serial_2_high_address_hw);
		printf("Serial 2 Total Bytes: %d\n\r", serial_2_total_bytes_hw);
		printf("Serial 2 Bit Width: %d\n\r", serial_2_bit_width_hw);
		printf("Serial 2 Depth: %d\n\r", serial_2_depth_hw);

		printf("Serial 3 Base Address: %d\n\r", serial_3_base_address_hw);
		printf("Serial 3 High Address: %d\n\r", serial_3_high_address_hw);
		printf("Serial 3 Total Bytes: %d\n\r", serial_3_total_bytes_hw);
		printf("Serial 3 Bit Width: %d\n\r", serial_3_bit_width_hw);
		printf("Serial 3 Depth: %d\n\r", serial_3_depth_hw);

	//read previous test values

		//read freq test values
		freqchardebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_freqStream_V_Bytes(&FreqSerial, 0, charDataAddress, 128);
		freqintdebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_freqStream_V_Words(&FreqSerial, 0, intDataAddress, 32);

		//read serial two-tuple test values
		serialtwochardebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialTwoStream_V_Bytes(&FreqSerial, 0, charDataAddress+128, 512);
		serialtwointdebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialTwoStream_V_Words(&FreqSerial, 0, intDataAddress+32, 128);

		//read serial three-tuple test values
		serialthreechardebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialThreeStream_V_Bytes(&FreqSerial, 0, charDataAddress+640, 512);
		serialthreeintdebug_value = XFreq_serial_Read_serialThreeStream_V_Words(&FreqSerial, 0, intDataAddress+160, 128);

	//output previous test parameters and results

	//Histogram Decompression

		//serial two-tuple test decompression

		for (int i = 0; i<96; i++){
			serial_two_decompressed[i+i/3] = (unsigned long int) *(intDataAddress + 32 + i);
		for (int i = 0; i<32; i++){
			serial_two_decompressed[i * 4 + 3] = (expected_serial_two * 4)
					- (serial_two_decompressed[i * 4])
					- (serial_two_decompressed[i * 4 + 1])
					- (serial_two_decompressed[i * 4 + 2]);

		//serial three-tuple test decompression
		for (int i = 0; i < 112; i++) {
			serial_three_decompressed[i + (i / 7)] = (unsigned long int) *(intDataAddress + 160 + i);

		for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
			serial_three_decompressed[i * 8 + 7] = (expected_serial_three * 8)
					- (serial_three_decompressed[i * 8])
					- (serial_three_decompressed[i * 8 + 1])
					- (serial_three_decompressed[i * 8 + 2])
					- (serial_three_decompressed[i * 8 + 3])
					- (serial_three_decompressed[i * 8 + 4])
					- (serial_three_decompressed[i * 8 + 5])
					- (serial_three_decompressed[i * 8 + 6]);

	//report previous test histograms
		printf("Frequency Histogram,");
		for (int i = 0; i<32; i++){
			printf("%lu,", (unsigned long int) *(intDataAddress + i));
		printf("Serial 2-Tuple Histogram,");
		for (int i = 0; i<128; i++){
			printf("%lu,", serial_two_decompressed[i]);
		printf("Serial 3-Tuple Histogram,");
		for (int i = 0; i<128; i++){
			printf("%lu,", serial_three_decompressed[i]);
		printf("Test, Y\n");

		// Y-value computations

		for(int i=0; i<32; i++){
			Y_freq += (((unsigned long int) *(intDataAddress + i)-expected_freq)*((unsigned long int) *(intDataAddress + i)-expected_freq))/expected_freq;
		for(int i=0; i<128; i++){
			Y_serial_two += ((serial_two_decompressed[i]-expected_serial_two)*(serial_two_decompressed[i]-expected_serial_two))/expected_serial_two;
		for(int i=0; i<128; i++){
			Y_serial_three += ((serial_three_decompressed[i]-expected_serial_three)*(serial_three_decompressed[i]-expected_serial_three))/expected_serial_three;

		// p-value computations

		p_val_freq = chisqr(32, Y_freq);		//degrees of freedom for frequency: 32-1
		p_val_serial_two = chisqr(96, Y_serial_two);	//degrees of freedom for serial: 128-1
		p_val_serial_three = chisqr(112, Y_serial_three);	//degrees of freedom for serial: 128-1
		printf("Test, p-value\n");

		printf("Frequency Test, %g\n", p_val_freq);
		printf("Serial 2-Tuple Test, %g\n", p_val_serial_two);
		printf("Serial 3-Tuple Test, %g\n", p_val_serial_three);


	return 0;