コード例 #1
ファイル: checkTableCoords.c プロジェクト: maximilianh/kent
void processExcludes(char *exclude)
/* Combine alwaysExclude and command like -exclude arg (if given), and 
 * process into a list.  If it contains "genbank", add genbankExclude. */
struct dyString *allExcludes = newDyString(512);
char *patterns[128];
int numPats = 0, i = 0;

dyStringAppend(allExcludes, alwaysExclude);
if (exclude != NULL)
    dyStringPrintf(allExcludes, ",%s", exclude);
numPats = chopCommas(allExcludes->string, patterns);
for (i=0;  i < numPats;  i++)
    if (sameWord(patterns[i], "genbank"))
	char *gbPatterns[128];
	int gbNumPats = 0, j = 0;
	char *gbExclude = cloneString(genbankExclude);
	gbNumPats = chopCommas(gbExclude, gbPatterns);
	for (j=0;  j < gbNumPats;  j++)
	    struct slName *pat = newSlName(gbPatterns[j]);
	    slAddHead(&excludePatterns, pat);
	struct slName *pat = newSlName(patterns[i]);
	slAddHead(&excludePatterns, pat);
コード例 #2
ファイル: pslPairs.c プロジェクト: blumroy/kentUtils
void readPairFile(struct lineFile *prf)
/* Read in pairs and initialize clone list */
  int lineSize, i;
  char *line;
  char *words[4];
  char *names[16];
  int wordCount, nameCount;
  struct clone *clone;
  struct cloneName *cloneName;
  while (lineFileNext(prf, &line, &lineSize))
      wordCount = chopTabs(line,words);
      if (wordCount != 3)
	errAbort("Bad line %d of %s\n", prf->lineIx, prf->fileName);
      if (!hashLookup(clones, words[2])) 
	  clone = createClone(words[2],NULL,NULL);
	  hashAdd(clones, words[2], clone);
      sprintf(cloneName->name, "%s", words[2]);
      nameCount = chopCommas(words[0],names);
      for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) 
	hashAdd(leftNames, names[i], cloneName);
      nameCount = chopCommas(words[1],names);
      for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) 
	hashAdd(rightNames, names[i], cloneName);
コード例 #3
static struct slName *getBedFieldSlNameList(struct hTableInfo *hti,
        char *db, char *table)
/* Return the bed-compat field list for the given table, as
 * slName list of "$db.$table.$field". */
    struct slName *snList = NULL, *sn = NULL;
    int fieldCount = 0;
    char *fields = NULL;
    char *words[16];
    char dtf[256];
    int i;
    if (hti == NULL)
        errAbort("Can't find table info for table %s.%s", db, table);
    bedSqlFieldsExceptForChrom(hti, &fieldCount, &fields);
    /* Update our notion of fieldCount -- the chrom field is omitted, and
     * (if applicable) the reserved field is omitted too: */
    fieldCount = chopCommas(fields, words);
    for (i=fieldCount-1;  i >= 0;  i--)
        if (sameString(words[i], "0"))
        safef(dtf, sizeof(dtf), "%s.%s.%s", db, table, words[i]);
        sn = slNameNew(dtf);
        slAddHead(&snList, sn);
    safef(dtf, sizeof(dtf), "%s.%s.%s", db, table, hti->chromField);
    sn = slNameNew(dtf);
    slAddHead(&snList, sn);
    return snList;
コード例 #4
void getNiceSizes(char *niceSizeList, int **retNiceSizes, int *retCount)
/* Parse out comma separated list. */
char *words[256];
int i, wordCount = chopCommas(niceSizeList, words);
int *niceSizes;
AllocArray(niceSizes, wordCount);
for (i=0; i<wordCount; ++i)
    niceSizes[i] = atoi(words[i]);
*retNiceSizes = niceSizes;
*retCount = wordCount;
コード例 #5
ファイル: calcGap.c プロジェクト: blumroy/kentUtils
void getSamples(char *sampleList, int **retSamples, int *retCount)
/* Parse out comma separated list. */
char *words[256];
int i, wordCount = chopCommas(sampleList, words);
int *samples;
AllocArray(samples, wordCount);
for (i=0; i<wordCount; ++i)
    samples[i] = atoi(words[i]);
*retSamples = samples;
*retCount = wordCount;
コード例 #6
/*	Return is an array of integers, last one of value zero to indicate the
 *	end of the array.  In case of nothing found in trackDb, return
 *	a NULL pointer indicating no results. 
 *      If the value is 'first' then use the first span value from the table.
 *      Assumes that all values in the table are the same. */
int *wiggleSpanList(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct trackDb *tdb)
char *tdbDefault = cloneString(trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, SPANLIST, "NONE"));
int *ret = (int *)NULL;

if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault))
    struct hashEl *hel;
    /*	if not found in trackDb, maybe it is in tdb->settings
     *	(custom tracks keep settings here)
    if ((tdb->settings != (char *)NULL) &&
	(tdb->settingsHash != (struct hash *)NULL))
	if ((hel = hashLookup(tdb->settingsHash, SPANLIST)) != NULL)
	    tdbDefault = cloneString((char *)hel->val);
/* if we still don't have a spanList, or we got "first" for spanList,
 * make up spanList by choosing the first span we find in the table */
//if (sameWord("NONE",tdbDefault) || sameWord("first",tdbDefault))
else if( sameWord("first",tdbDefault))
    char query[1024];
    snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT span FROM %s limit 1", tdb->table );
    char *tmpSpan = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
    ret[0] = sqlUnsigned(tmpSpan);
    ret[1] = 0;
    /*	If something found, let's parse it	*/
    int i;
    char *words[MAX_SPAN_COUNT];
    int wc;
    wc = chopCommas(tdbDefault,words);
    AllocArray(ret,wc+1);	/*	+ 1 for the extra zero	*/
    for ( i = 0; i < wc; ++i )
	ret[i] = sqlUnsigned(words[i]);
    ret[wc] = 0;	/*	end of list	*/

}	/*	int *wiggleSpanList(struct trackDb *tdb)	*/
コード例 #7
static struct hash *hashFromCommaString(char *commaString)
/* Return a hash that stores words in comma-separated string, or NULL if string is NULL or empty. */
struct hash *hash = NULL;
if (isNotEmpty(commaString))
    hash = hashNew(0);
    char *words[1024];
    int i, wordCount = chopCommas(commaString, words);
    for (i = 0;  i < wordCount;  i++)
        hashStoreName(hash, words[i]);
return hash;
コード例 #8
ファイル: vcf.c プロジェクト: vatlab/VariantTools
static void parseRefAndAlt(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct vcfRecord *record, char *ref, char *alt)
/* Make an array of alleles, ref first, from the REF and comma-sep'd ALT columns.
 * Use the length of the reference sequence to set record->chromEnd.
 * Note: this trashes the alt argument, since this is expected to be its last use. */
char *altAlleles[VCF_MAX_INFO];
int altCount = chopCommas(alt, altAlleles);
record->alleleCount = 1 + altCount;
record->alleles = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, record->alleleCount * sizeof(record->alleles[0]));
record->alleles[0] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, ref);
int i;
for (i = 0;  i < altCount;  i++)
    record->alleles[1+i] = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, altAlleles[i]);
int refLen = strlen(ref);
if (refLen == dnaFilteredSize(ref))
    record->chromEnd = record->chromStart + refLen;
コード例 #9
ファイル: vcf.c プロジェクト: vatlab/VariantTools
static int parseInfoValue(struct vcfRecord *record, char *infoKey, enum vcfInfoType type,
			  char *valStr, union vcfDatum **pData, bool **pMissingData)
/* Parse a comma-separated list of values into array of union vcfInfoDatum and return count. */
char *valWords[VCF_MAX_INFO];
int count = chopCommas(valStr, valWords);
struct vcfFile *vcff = record->file;
union vcfDatum *data = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, count * sizeof(union vcfDatum));
bool *missingData = vcfFileAlloc(vcff, count * sizeof(*missingData));
int j;
for (j = 0;  j < count;  j++)
    if (type != vcfInfoString && type != vcfInfoCharacter && sameString(valWords[j], "."))
	missingData[j] = TRUE;
    switch (type)
	case vcfInfoInteger:
	    data[j].datInt = atoi(valWords[j]);
	case vcfInfoFloat:
	    data[j].datFloat = atof(valWords[j]);
	case vcfInfoFlag:
	    // Flag key might have a value in older VCFs e.g. 3.2's DB=0, DB=1
	    data[j].datString = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, valWords[j]);
	case vcfInfoCharacter:
	    data[j].datChar = valWords[j][0];
	case vcfInfoString:
	    data[j].datString = vcfFilePooledStr(vcff, valWords[j]);
	    errAbort("invalid vcfInfoType (uninitialized?) %d", type);
// If END is given, use it as chromEnd:
if (sameString(infoKey, vcfInfoEnd))
    record->chromEnd = data[0].datInt;
*pData = data;
*pMissingData = missingData;
return count;
コード例 #10
ファイル: hgTomRough.c プロジェクト: elmargb/kentUtils
struct tomRough *loadAllRough(char *fileName)
/* Load up all bands from database. */
struct tomRough *list = NULL, *el;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *words[16], *line;
int wordCount, lineSize;

while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &lineSize))
    wordCount = chopCommas(line, words);
    lineFileExpectWords(lf, 5, wordCount);
    el = tomRoughLoad(words);
    slAddHead(&list, el);
printf("Loaded %d rough lines\n", slCount(list));
return list;
コード例 #11
ファイル: filterFields.c プロジェクト: noelnamai/kent
static void makeEnumValMenu(char *type, char ***pMenu, int *pMenuSize)
/* Given a SQL type description of an enum or set, parse out the list of
 * values and turn them into a char array for menu display, with "*" as
 * the first item (no constraint).
 * This assumes that the values do not contain the ' character.
 * This will leak a little mem unless you free *pMenu[1] and *pMenu
 * when done. */
static char *noop = "*";
char *dup = NULL;
char *words[256];
int wordCount = 0;
int len = 0, i = 0;
if (startsWith("enum(", type))
    dup = cloneString(type + strlen("enum("));
else if (startsWith("set(", type))
    dup = cloneString(type + strlen("set("));
    errAbort("makeEnumValMenu: expecting a SQL type description that begins "
	     "with \"enum(\" or \"set(\", but got \"%s\".", type);
stripChar(dup, '\'');
wordCount = chopCommas(dup, words);
len = strlen(words[wordCount-1]);
if (words[wordCount-1][len-1] == ')')
    words[wordCount-1][len-1] = 0;
    errAbort("makeEnumValMenu: expecting a ')' at the end of the last word "
	     "of SQL type, but got \"%s\"", type);
*pMenuSize = wordCount + 1;
AllocArray(*pMenu, wordCount+1);
*pMenu[0] = noop;
for (i = 1;  i < wordCount + 1;  i++)
    (*pMenu)[i] = words[i-1];
コード例 #12
ファイル: gvfClick.c プロジェクト: bowhan/kent
void doGvf(struct trackDb *tdb, char *item)
/* Show details for variants represented as GVF, stored in a bed8Attrs table */
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
int start = cartInt(cart, "o");
char query[1024];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
      "select * from %s where name = '%s' and chrom = '%s' and chromStart = %d",
      tdb->table, item, seqName, start);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;
if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) == NULL)
    errAbort("doGvfDetails: can't find item '%s' in %s at %s:%d", item, database, seqName, start);
int rowOffset = hOffsetPastBin(database, seqName, tdb->table);
struct bed8Attrs *ba = bed8AttrsLoad(row+rowOffset);
bedPrintPos((struct bed *)ba, 3, tdb);
int i = 0;
// Note: this loop modifies ba->attrVals[i], assuming we won't use them again:
for (i = 0;  i < ba->attrCount;  i++)
    // The ID is the bed8Attrs name and has already been displayed:
    if (sameString(ba->attrTags[i], "ID"))
    cgiDecode(ba->attrVals[i], ba->attrVals[i], strlen(ba->attrVals[i]));
    char *tag = ba->attrTags[i];
    // User-defined keywords used in dbVar's GVF:
    if (sameString(tag, "var_type")) // This one isn't anymore, but I add it back (hg18.txt).
	tag = "Variant type";
    else if (sameString(tag, "clinical_int"))
	tag = "Clinical interpretation";
    else if (sameString(tag, "var_origin"))
	tag = "Variant origin";
    else if (islower(tag[0]))
	// Uppercase for nice display, assuming user doesn't care which keywords are
	// user-defined vs. GVF standard:
	tag[0] = toupper(tag[0]);
    // GVF standard Start_range and End_range tags (1-based coords):
    if (sameString(tag, "Start_range") || sameString(tag, "End_range"))
	char *copy = cloneString(ba->attrVals[i]);
	char *words[3];
	int wordCount = chopCommas(copy, words);
	if (wordCount == 2 &&
	    (sameString(".", words[0]) || isInteger(words[0])) &&
	    (sameString(".", words[1]) || isInteger(words[1])))
	    boolean isStartRange = sameString(tag, "Start_range");
	    char *rangeStart = words[0], *rangeEnd = words[1];
	    if (sameString(".", rangeStart))
		rangeStart = "unknown";
	    if (sameString(".", rangeEnd))
		rangeEnd = "unknown";
	    if (isStartRange)
		printf("<B>Start range</B>: outer start %s, inner start %s<BR>\n",
		       rangeStart, rangeEnd);
		printf("<B>End range</B>: inner end %s, outer end %s<BR>\n",
		       rangeStart, rangeEnd);
	    // not formatted as expected, just print as-is:
	    printf("<B>%s</B>: %s<BR>\n", tag, htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
    // Parent sounds like mom or dad (as in var_origin)... tweak it too:
    else if (sameString(tag, "Parent"))
	printf("<B>Variant region:</B> "
	       "<A HREF=\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dbvar/variants/%s/\" "
	       "TARGET=_BLANK>%s</A><BR>\n", ba->attrVals[i], htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
    else if (sameString(tag, "Name"))
	char *url = trackDbSetting(tdb, "url");
	// Show the Name only if it hasn't already appeared in the URL:
	if (url == NULL || !stringIn("$$", url))
	    printf("<B>%s</B>: %s<BR>\n", tag, htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
    else if (sameWord(tag, "Phenotype_id") && startsWith("HPO:HP:", ba->attrVals[i]))
	subChar(tag, '_', ' ');
	printf("<B>%s</B>: <A HREF=\"http://www.berkeleybop.org/obo/%s\" "
	       "TARGET=_BLANK>%s</A><BR>\n", tag, ba->attrVals[i]+strlen("HPO:"),
	subChar(tag, '_', ' ');
	printf("<B>%s</B>: %s<BR>\n", tag, htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
/* printTrackHtml is done in genericClickHandlerPlus. */
コード例 #13
void doMiddle()
struct hash *cvHash = raReadAll((char *)cvFile(), CV_TERM);
struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(cvHash);
struct hashEl *hEl;
struct slList *termList = NULL;
struct hash *ra;
int totalPrinted = 0;
boolean excludeDeprecated = (cgiOptionalString("deprecated") == NULL);

// Prepare an array of selected terms (if any)
int requestCount = 0;
char **requested = NULL;
char *requestVal = termOpt;
char *queryBy = CV_TERM;
if (tagOpt)
    requestVal = tagOpt;
    queryBy = CV_TAG;
else if (targetOpt)
    requestVal = targetOpt;
    queryBy = CV_TERM;  // request target is special: lookup term, convert to target, display target
else if (labelOpt)
    requestVal = labelOpt;
    queryBy = CV_LABEL;
if (requestVal)
    requestCount = chopCommas(requestVal,NULL);
    requested = needMem(requestCount * sizeof(char *));

char *org = NULL;
// if the org is specified in the type (eg. cell line)
// then use that for the org, otherwise use the command line option,
// otherwise use human.
char *type = findType(cvHash,requested,requestCount,&queryBy, &org, FALSE);
if (org == NULL)
    org = organismOptLower;
if (org == NULL)
    org = ORG_HUMAN;

// Special logic for requesting antibody by target
if (targetOpt && requestCount > 0 && sameWord(queryBy,CV_TERM) && sameWord(type,CV_TERM_ANTIBODY))
    // Several antibodies may have same target.
    // requested target={antibody} and found antibody
    // Must now convert each of the requested terms to its target before displaying all targets
    char **targets = convertAntibodiesToTargets(cvHash,requested,requestCount);
    if (targets != NULL)
        requested = targets;
        queryBy = CV_TARGET;
//warn("Query by: %s = '%s' type:%s",queryBy,requestVal?requestVal:"all",type);

// Get just the terms that match type and requested, then sort them
if (differentWord(type,CV_TOT) || typeOpt != NULL ) // If type resolves to typeOfTerm and
    {                                               // typeOfTerm was not requested,
    while ((hEl = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)           // then just show definition
        ra = (struct hash *)hEl->val;
        char *thisType = (char *)cvTermNormalized(hashMustFindVal(ra,CV_TYPE));
        if (differentWord(thisType,type) && (requested == NULL
        ||  differentWord(thisType,CV_TERM_CONTROL)))
        // Skip all rows that do not match queryBy param if specified
        if (requested)
            char *val = hashFindVal(ra, queryBy);
            if (val == NULL)
                // Special case for input that has no target
                if (sameString(queryBy, CV_TARGET))
                    val = hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TERM);
            if (-1 == stringArrayIx(val,requested,requestCount))
        else if (excludeDeprecated)
            if (hashFindVal(ra, "deprecated") != NULL)
        slAddTail(&termList, ra);
slSort(&termList, termCmp);

boolean described = doTypeDefinition(type,FALSE,(slCount(termList) == 0));
boolean sortable = (slCount(termList) > 5);
if (sortable)
    printf("<TABLE class='sortable' border=1 CELLSPACING=0 style='border: 2px outset #006600; "
if (slCount(termList) > 0)
    doTypeHeader(type, org,sortable);

    // Print out the terms
    while ((ra = slPopHead(&termList)) != NULL)
        if (doTypeRow( ra, org ))
if (sortable)
    jsInline("{$(document).ready(function() "
if (totalPrinted == 0)
    if (!described)
        warn("Error: Unrecognised type (%s)\n", type);
else if (totalPrinted > 1)
    printf("Total = %d\n", totalPrinted);