コード例 #1
ファイル: utilities.c プロジェクト: ashtonmendes/AES
void longHandDiv(unsigned long long b, unsigned long long a, unsigned long long* quo, unsigned long long* rem, int isLastStep) // b divided by a = quotient: quo and remainder: rem
	//find degrees of the polynomials
	int deg_a = findDeg(a);
	int deg_b = findDeg(b);

	/*printf("deg(a) = %d\n", deg_a);
	printf("deg(b) = %d\n", deg_b);*/

	unsigned long long dividend = b;

	//initialize the masks
	unsigned long long mask_a = (unsigned long long)255 << (deg_a*8);
	unsigned long long mask_dividend = (unsigned long long)255 << (deg_b*8);

	unsigned char firstByte_a = ((mask_a) & a) >> (deg_a*8);
	unsigned char nxtByte_dividend = 0;
	unsigned char tempQuo = 0;
	unsigned long long temp = 0;

	int i=0;
	for(i=0; i<deg_b-deg_a+1; i++)
		nxtByte_dividend = ((mask_dividend) & dividend) >> ((deg_b - i)*8); //find the next byte in b, form the left.

		/*printf("byte a = %02x\n", firstByte_a);
		printf("byte b = %02x\n", nxtByte_dividend);
		printf("inverse(a) = %02x\n", inverseBitCoeff(firstByte_a));
		printf("bigDot(inv(a), nxtByte_b) = %02x\n", bigDot(inverseBitCoeff(firstByte_a), nxtByte_dividend));*/

		if(isLastStep == 1 && i==deg_b-deg_a) //we want remainder to be {01}
			tempQuo = (bigDot(inverseBitCoeff(firstByte_a), nxtByte_dividend^1));
			tempQuo = (bigDot(inverseBitCoeff(firstByte_a), nxtByte_dividend));

		*quo = ((*quo) << 8) | tempQuo; //store quotient in 'quo'

		temp = (unsigned long long)(circleX(tempQuo, (unsigned int)a)) << ((deg_b - deg_a - i)*8);

		dividend = dividend ^ temp;

		mask_dividend = mask_dividend >> 8;

		/*printf("quo = %02x\n", tempQuo);
		printf("temp = %010llx\n", temp);
		printf("dividend = %010llx\n", dividend);*/

	*rem = dividend;

	//printf("%llx / %llx = quo: %llx rem: %llx\n", b, a, *quo, *rem);
コード例 #2
ファイル: utilities.c プロジェクト: ashtonmendes/AES
unsigned char inverseBitCoeff(unsigned char byte) //brute force method to find inverse of polynomial with bit coefficients
	if(byte == 0)
		return 0;

	int i=0;
	for(i=0; i<256; i++)
		if(circleX(byte, (unsigned char)i) == 1)
			return i;

	return 0; //control will never reach this statement.
コード例 #3
ファイル: modprod.c プロジェクト: ashtonmendes/AES
void computeModprod(char* poly1, char* poly2)
	//check if length of hexstring is 8
	if(strlen(poly1) != 8 || strlen(poly2) != 8)
		fprintf(stderr, "Either poly1 or poly2 or both are not represented by a hexstring of length 8.\n");
		int k=0;
		for(k=0; k<8; k++) //check if poly1 contains valid hex symbols
			if(poly1[k] < 48 || (poly1[k] > 57 && poly1[k] < 97) || poly1[k] > 102)
				fprintf(stderr, "poly1 is not in hexstring format.\n");

		for(k=0; k<8; k++) //check if poly2 contains valid hex symbols
			if(poly2[k] < 48 || (poly2[k] > 57 && poly2[k] < 97) || poly2[k] > 102)
				fprintf(stderr, "poly2 is not in hexstring format.\n");

	//convert hexstring to int
	unsigned int a = convertHexToInt(poly1);
	unsigned int b = convertHexToInt(poly2);

	unsigned result = circleX(a, b);

	//print results
	unsigned char d3 = (result & (255<<24)) >> 24;
	unsigned char d2 = (result & (255<<16)) >> 16;
	unsigned char d1 = (result & (255<<8)) >> 8;
	unsigned char d0 = (result & 255);
	printf("{%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c} CIRCLEX {%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c}{%c%c} = {%02x}{%02x}{%02x}{%02x}\n", poly1[0], poly1[1], poly1[2], poly1[3], poly1[4], poly1[5], poly1[6], poly1[7], poly2[0], poly2[1], poly2[2], poly2[3], poly2[4], poly2[5], poly2[6], poly2[7], d3, d2, d1, d0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: utilities.c プロジェクト: ashtonmendes/AES
void mixColumns(unsigned char state[4][4], unsigned int P)
	unsigned int s = 0, mask = (unsigned int)255 << 24;
	int col = 0, row = 3;

	for(col=0; col<4; col++)
		mask = (unsigned int)255 << 24;

		s = word(state[3][col], state[2][col], state[1][col], state[0][col]); //construct a 32 bit word from one column in the state array.
		s = circleX(P, s);

		//now separate 8 bits and put them back into the column
		for(row=3; row>=0; row--)
			state[row][col] = (s & mask) >> (row*8);
			mask = mask >> 8;
コード例 #5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  We should just subclass QwtPlotGrid and do all the drawing there.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void StatsGenODFWidget::drawODFPlotGrid(QwtPlot* plot)
  // Draw the accepted Inverse Pole Grid Style

  // Draw the Horizontal and Vertical Lines that form the central cross
  m_PlotGrid = new QwtPlotMarker();
  m_PlotGrid->setLinePen(QPen(Qt::darkMagenta, 1, Qt::SolidLine));

  // Draw the outer Circle
  QwtArray<double> circleX(900); // 900 because our plots are hard set to 450 pixels
  QwtArray<double> circleY(900);
  float inc = 2.0f / 449.0f;

  for(int i = 0; i < 450; ++i)
    circleX[i] = 1.0 - (i * inc);
    circleX[450 + i] = -1.0 + (i * inc);

    circleY[i] = sqrt(1.0 - (circleX[i] * circleX[i]));
    circleY[450 + i] = -circleY[i];
  m_CircleGrid = new QwtPlotCurve;
#if QWT_VERSION >= 0x060000
  m_CircleGrid->setSamples(circleX, circleY);
  m_CircleGrid->setData(circleX, circleY);
  QColor c = QColor(Qt::darkMagenta);

  // Draw the Rotated Central cross
    QwtArray<double> rotCrossX(2);
    QwtArray<double> rotCrossY(2);
    rotCrossX[0] = 0.7071067811f;
    rotCrossY[0] = sqrt(1.0 - (rotCrossX[0] * rotCrossX[0]));
    rotCrossX[1] = -0.7071067811f;
    rotCrossY[1] = -sqrt(1.0 - (rotCrossX[1] * rotCrossX[1]));
    m_RotCross0 = new QwtPlotCurve;
#if QWT_VERSION >= 0x060000
    m_RotCross0->setSamples(rotCrossX, rotCrossY);
    m_RotCross0->setData(rotCrossX, rotCrossY);
    QColor c = QColor(Qt::darkMagenta);

    QwtArray<double> rotCrossX(2);
    QwtArray<double> rotCrossY(2);
    rotCrossX[0] = 0.7071067811f;
    rotCrossY[0] = -sqrt(1.0 - (rotCrossX[0] * rotCrossX[0]));
    rotCrossX[1] = -0.7071067811f;
    rotCrossY[1] = sqrt(1.0 - (rotCrossX[1] * rotCrossX[1]));
    m_RotCross1 = new QwtPlotCurve;
#if QWT_VERSION >= 0x060000
    m_RotCross1->setSamples(rotCrossX, rotCrossY);
    m_RotCross1->setData(rotCrossX, rotCrossY);
    QColor c = QColor(Qt::darkMagenta);