コード例 #1
void CL_SpanLayout_Impl::layout_inline_block(CurrentLine &current_line, int max_width, std::vector<TextBlock> &blocks, std::vector<TextBlock>::size_type block_index)
	CL_Size size;
	LineSegment segment;
	if (objects[current_line.object_index].type == object_image)
		size = objects[current_line.object_index].image.get_size();
		segment.type = object_image;
		segment.image = objects[current_line.object_index].image;
	else if (objects[current_line.object_index].type == object_component)
		size = objects[current_line.object_index].component->get_size();
		segment.type = object_component;
		segment.component = objects[current_line.object_index].component;

	if (current_line.x_position + size.width > max_width)

	segment.x_position = current_line.x_position;
	segment.width = size.width;
	segment.start = blocks[block_index].start;
	segment.end = blocks[block_index].end;
	segment.id = objects[current_line.object_index].id;
	segment.ascender = size.height - objects[current_line.object_index].baseline_offset;
	current_line.cur_line.height = cl_max(current_line.cur_line.height, size.height+objects[current_line.object_index].baseline_offset);
	current_line.cur_line.ascender = cl_max(current_line.cur_line.ascender, segment.ascender);
	current_line.x_position += size.width;
コード例 #2
void CL_SpanLayout_Impl::layout_text(CL_GraphicContext & gc, std::vector<TextBlock> blocks, std::vector<TextBlock>::size_type block_index, CurrentLine &current_line, int max_width)
	TextSizeResult text_size_result = find_text_size(gc, blocks[block_index], current_line.object_index);
	current_line.object_index += text_size_result.objects_traversed;

	current_line.cur_line.width = current_line.x_position;

	if (is_newline(blocks[block_index]))
		current_line.cur_line.height = cl_max(current_line.cur_line.height, text_size_result.height);
		current_line.cur_line.ascender = cl_max(current_line.cur_line.ascender, text_size_result.ascender);
		if (!fits_on_line(current_line.x_position, text_size_result, max_width) && !is_whitespace(blocks[block_index]))
			if (larger_than_line(text_size_result, max_width))
				// force line breaks to make it fit
				force_place_line_segments(current_line, text_size_result, max_width);
				place_line_segments(current_line, text_size_result);
			place_line_segments(current_line, text_size_result);
コード例 #3
CL_SpanLayout_Impl::TextSizeResult CL_SpanLayout_Impl::find_text_size(CL_GraphicContext &gc, const TextBlock &block, unsigned int object_index)
	CL_Font font = objects[object_index].font;
	if (layout_cache.object_index != object_index)
		layout_cache.object_index = object_index;
		layout_cache.metrics = font.get_font_metrics();

	TextSizeResult result;
	result.start = block.start;
	int pos = block.start;
	int x_position = 0;
	while (pos != block.end)
		int end = cl_min(objects[object_index].end, block.end);
		CL_StringRef subtext = text.substr(pos, end-pos);

		CL_Size text_size = font.get_text_size(gc, subtext);

		result.width += text_size.width;
		result.height = cl_max(result.height, (int)(layout_cache.metrics.get_height()+layout_cache.metrics.get_external_leading())/*text_size.height*/);
		result.ascender = cl_max(result.ascender, (int)layout_cache.metrics.get_ascent());
		result.descender = cl_max(result.descender, (int)layout_cache.metrics.get_descent());

		LineSegment segment;
		segment.type = object_text;
		segment.start = pos;
		segment.end = end;
		segment.font = objects[object_index].font;
		segment.color = objects[object_index].color;
		segment.id = objects[object_index].id;
		segment.x_position = x_position;
		segment.width = text_size.width;
		segment.ascender = (int)layout_cache.metrics.get_ascent();
		segment.descender = (int)layout_cache.metrics.get_descent();
		x_position += text_size.width;

		pos = end;
		if (pos == objects[object_index].end)

			if (object_index < objects.size())
				layout_cache.object_index = object_index;
				font = objects[object_index].font;
				layout_cache.metrics = font.get_font_metrics();
	result.end = pos;
	return result;
コード例 #4
int CL_GUIManager_Generic::find_highest_tab_id(const CL_Component *component)
	int id = cl_max(0, component->get_tab_id());
	const std::list<CL_Component *> &children = component->get_children();
	std::list<CL_Component *>::const_iterator it;
	for (it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); it++)
		id = cl_max(id, find_highest_tab_id(*it));
	return id;
コード例 #5
void CL_SpanLayout_Impl::place_line_segments(CurrentLine &current_line, TextSizeResult &text_size_result)
	for (std::vector<LineSegment>::iterator it = text_size_result.segments.begin(); it != text_size_result.segments.end(); ++it)
		LineSegment segment = *it;
		segment.x_position += current_line.x_position;
	current_line.x_position += text_size_result.width;
	current_line.cur_line.height = cl_max(current_line.cur_line.height, text_size_result.height);
	current_line.cur_line.ascender = cl_max(current_line.cur_line.ascender, text_size_result.ascender);
コード例 #6
ファイル: scrollbar.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
void CL_ScrollBar::calculate_ranges(int view_size, int total_size)
	if (view_size <= 0 || total_size <= 0)
		set_ranges(0, 1, 1, 1);
		int scroll_max = cl_max(1, total_size - view_size + 1);
		int page_step = cl_max(1, view_size);
		set_ranges(0, scroll_max, 1, page_step);
コード例 #7
CL_SpanLayout_Impl::FloatBox CL_SpanLayout_Impl::float_box_any(FloatBox box, int max_width, const std::vector<FloatBox> &floats1)
	bool restart;
		restart = false;
		for (size_t i=0; i<floats1.size(); i++)
			int top = cl_max(floats1[i].rect.top, box.rect.top);
			int bottom = cl_min(floats1[i].rect.bottom, box.rect.bottom);
			if (bottom > top && box.rect.left < floats1[i].rect.right)
				CL_Size s = box.rect.get_size();
				box.rect.left = floats1[i].rect.left;
				box.rect.right = box.rect.left+s.width;

				if (!box_fits_on_line(box, max_width))
					box.rect.left = 0;
					box.rect.right = s.width;
					box.rect.top = floats1[i].rect.bottom;
					box.rect.bottom = box.rect.top + s.height;
					restart = true;
	} while(restart);
	return box;
コード例 #8
ファイル: drawingutils.cpp プロジェクト: Hmaal/codelite
static void RGB_2_HSL(float r, float g, float b, float *h, float *s, float *l)
    float var_R = ( r / 255.0 );                     //RGB from 0 to 255
    float var_G = ( g / 255.0 );
    float var_B = ( b / 255.0 );

    float var_Min = cl_min( var_R, var_G, var_B );    //Min. value of RGB
    float var_Max = cl_max( var_R, var_G, var_B );    //Max. value of RGB
    float del_Max = var_Max - var_Min;             //Delta RGB value

    *l = ( var_Max + var_Min ) / 2.0;

    if ( del_Max == 0 ) {                   //This is a gray, no chroma...
        *h = 0;                                //HSL results from 0 to 1
        *s = 0;
    } else {                                 //Chromatic data...
        if ( *l < 0.5 ) *s = del_Max / ( var_Max + var_Min );
        else *s = del_Max / ( 2.0 - var_Max - var_Min );

        float del_R = ( ( ( var_Max - var_R ) / 6.0 ) + ( del_Max / 2.0 ) ) / del_Max;
        float del_G = ( ( ( var_Max - var_G ) / 6.0 ) + ( del_Max / 2.0 ) ) / del_Max;
        float del_B = ( ( ( var_Max - var_B ) / 6.0 ) + ( del_Max / 2.0 ) ) / del_Max;

        if      ( var_R == var_Max ) *h = del_B - del_G;
        else if ( var_G == var_Max ) *h = ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) + del_R - del_B;
        else if ( var_B == var_Max ) *h = ( 2.0 / 3.0 ) + del_G - del_R;

        if ( *h < 0 ) *h += 1;
        if ( *h > 1 ) *h -= 1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: tilemap.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
void TileMap::draw(CL_GraphicContext &gc)
	int screen_width = gc.get_width();
	int screen_height = gc.get_height();

	int start_tile_x = cl_max(0, current_map_position_x / tile_width); 
	int start_tile_y = cl_max(0, current_map_position_y / tile_height); 

	int scrolling_pixel_offset_x = current_map_position_x - start_tile_x * tile_width;
	int scrolling_pixel_offset_y = current_map_position_y - start_tile_y * tile_height;

	int tiles_on_screen_horizontally = screen_width / tile_width + 1;
	int tiles_on_screen_vertically = screen_height / tile_height + 1; 

	// since we might show half tiles on edges, make sure we display one more tile to fill screen

	// make sure we don't draw more than the level size
	if(tiles_on_screen_horizontally + start_tile_x > map_width)
		tiles_on_screen_horizontally = map_width - start_tile_x;
	if(tiles_on_screen_vertically + start_tile_y > map_height)
		tiles_on_screen_vertically = map_height - start_tile_y;

	for(size_t l = 0; l < layers.size(); ++l)
		for(int current_tile_y = 0; current_tile_y < tiles_on_screen_vertically; ++current_tile_y)
			for(int current_tile_x = 0; current_tile_x < tiles_on_screen_horizontally; ++current_tile_x)
				int index = (start_tile_y + current_tile_y) * map_width + (start_tile_x + current_tile_x);

				int sprite_index = layers[l].map[index];

				int tile_position_screen_x = current_tile_x * tile_width - scrolling_pixel_offset_x;
				int tile_position_screen_y = current_tile_y * tile_height - scrolling_pixel_offset_y;

				sprite_tiles.draw(gc, tile_position_screen_x, tile_position_screen_y); 
コード例 #10
void GameViewBattle::on_timer_hide_expired()
	if(attack_results.size() > 0 && defense_results.size() > 0)

		int max_dice = cl_max(attack_results.size(), defense_results.size());
		if(current_dice_index > max_dice + 2)
コード例 #11
CL_Size CL_SpanLayout_Impl::get_size() const
	CL_Size size(0,0);
	int x = 0;
	int y = 0;
	for (std::vector<Line>::size_type line_index = 0; line_index < lines.size(); line_index++)
		const Line &line = lines[line_index];
		for (std::vector<LineSegment>::size_type segment_index = 0; segment_index < line.segments.size(); segment_index++)
			const LineSegment &segment = line.segments[segment_index];
			CL_Rect area(CL_Point(x + segment.x_position, y - line.height), CL_Size(segment.width, line.height));
			size.width = cl_max(size.width, area.right);
			size.height = cl_max(size.height, area.bottom);
		y += line.height;
	size.height = cl_max(size.height, y);
	return size;
コード例 #12
ファイル: float_to_digits.o.c プロジェクト: hoobaa/mecl
static void
change_precision(float_approx *approx, cl_object position, cl_object relativep)
        cl_fixnum pos;
        if (Null(position))
        pos = ecl_fixnum(position);
        if (!Null(relativep)) {
                cl_object k = ecl_make_fixnum(0);
                cl_object l = ecl_make_fixnum(1);
                while (ecl_lower(ecl_times(approx->s, l),
                                 ecl_plus(approx->r, approx->mp))) {
                        k = ecl_one_plus(k);
                        l = ecl_times(l, PRINT_BASE);
                position = ecl_minus(k, position);
                        cl_object e1 = cl_expt(PRINT_BASE, position);
                        cl_object e2 = ecl_divide(e1, ecl_make_fixnum(2));
                        cl_object e3 = cl_expt(PRINT_BASE, k); 
                        if (ecl_greatereq(ecl_plus(approx->r, ecl_times(approx->s, e1)),
                                          ecl_times(approx->s, e2)))
                                position = ecl_one_minus(position);
                cl_object x = ecl_times(approx->s, cl_expt(PRINT_BASE, position));
                cl_object e = ecl_divide(x, ecl_make_fixnum(2));
                cl_object low = cl_max(2, approx->mm, e);
                cl_object high = cl_max(2, approx->mp, e);
                if (ecl_lowereq(approx->mm, low)) {
                        approx->mm = low;
                        approx->low_ok = 1;
                if (ecl_lowereq(approx->mp, high)) {
                        approx->mp = high;
                        approx->high_ok = 1;
コード例 #13
ファイル: quad.cpp プロジェクト: andrew889/proton_cm_open
CL_Rect CL_Quadx<Type>::get_bounds() const
{   return CL_Rect(
               cl_min(cl_min(cl_min(p.x, q.x), r.x), s.x),
               cl_min(cl_min(cl_min(p.y, q.y), r.y), s.y),
               cl_max(cl_max(cl_max(p.x, q.x), r.x), s.x),
               cl_max(cl_max(cl_max(p.y, q.y), r.y), s.y));
コード例 #14
ファイル: quad.cpp プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/flexlay-svn
CL_Rect CL_Quad::get_bounds() const
{ return CL_Rect( 
		cl_min(cl_min(cl_min(x1, x2), x3), x4), 
		cl_min(cl_min(cl_min(y1, y2), y3), y4), 
		cl_max(cl_max(cl_max(x1, x2), x3), x4), 
		cl_max(cl_max(cl_max(y1, y2), y3), y4)); 
コード例 #15
ファイル: color_hsv.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
CL_ColorHSVx<double>::CL_ColorHSVx(const CL_Colord &color)
	double red = color.get_red();
	double green = color.get_green();
	double blue = color.get_blue();

	const double min_value = cl_min(red,cl_min(blue, green));
	const double max_value = cl_max(red,cl_max(blue, green));
	a = color.get_alpha();

	if (min_value == max_value)
		h = 0.0;
		s = 0.0;
		v = min_value;

	s = max_value != 0.0 ? (max_value - min_value) / max_value : 0.0;
	v = max_value;
	double r = double(max_value - red) / (max_value - min_value);
	double g = double(max_value - green) / (max_value - min_value);
	double b = double(max_value - blue) / (max_value - min_value);

	if (max_value == red)
		h = (60.0 * (b - g));
	else if (max_value == green)
		h = (60.0 * (2.0 + r - b));
		h = (60.0 * (4.0 + g - r));
コード例 #16
ファイル: color_hsv.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
CL_ColorHSVx<int>::CL_ColorHSVx(const CL_Color &color)
	int red = color.get_red();
	int green = color.get_green();
	int blue = color.get_blue();

	const int min_value = cl_min(red,cl_min(blue, green));
	const int max_value = cl_max(red,cl_max(blue, green));
	a = color.get_alpha();
	if (min_value == max_value)
		h = 0;
		s = 0;
		v = min_value;

	s = max_value != 0 ? 255 * (max_value - min_value) / max_value : 0;
	v = max_value;
	float r = float(max_value - red) / (max_value - min_value);
	float g = float(max_value - green) / (max_value - min_value);
	float b = float(max_value - blue) / (max_value - min_value);

	if (max_value == red)
		h = (60 * (b - g))+0.5f;
	else if (max_value == green)
		h = (60 * (2 + r - b))+0.5f;
		h = (60 * (4 + g - r))+0.5f;
コード例 #17
ファイル: color_hsv.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
CL_ColorHSVx<float>::CL_ColorHSVx(const CL_Colorf &color)
	float red = color.get_red();
	float green = color.get_green();
	float blue = color.get_blue();

	const float min_value = cl_min(red,cl_min(blue, green));
	const float max_value = cl_max(red,cl_max(blue, green));
	a = color.get_alpha();

	if (min_value == max_value)
		h = 0.0f;
		s = 0.0f;
		v = min_value;

	s = max_value != 0.0f ? (max_value - min_value) / max_value : 0.0f;
	v = max_value;
	float r = float(max_value - red) / (max_value - min_value);
	float g = float(max_value - green) / (max_value - min_value);
	float b = float(max_value - blue) / (max_value - min_value);

	if (max_value == red)
		h = (60.0f * (b - g));
	else if (max_value == green)
		h = (60.0f * (2.0f + r - b));
		h = (60.0f * (4.0f + g - r));
コード例 #18
bool CL_SpanLayout_Impl::box_fits_on_line(const FloatBox &box, int max_width)
	for (size_t i=0; i<floats_right.size(); i++)
		int top = cl_max(floats_right[i].rect.top, box.rect.top);
		int bottom = cl_min(floats_right[i].rect.bottom, box.rect.bottom);
		if (bottom > top)
			if (box.rect.right + floats_right[i].rect.right > max_width)
				return false;
	return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: color_hsv.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
CL_ColorHSVf::operator CL_Colorf()
	float hue = cl_min(359.0f,cl_max(0.0f,h));
	float saturation = cl_min(1.0f,cl_max(0.0f,s));	
	float value = cl_min(1.0f,cl_max(0.0f,v));
	if (saturation == 0.0f)
		return CL_Colorf(value, value, value, a);

	int section = (int)(hue / 60);
	float f = (hue / 60.0f) - ((float) section);
	float p = value * (1.0f - saturation);
	float q = value * (1.0f - saturation * f);
	float t = value * (1.0f - saturation * (1.0f - f));
	if (section == 1)
		return CL_Colorf(q, value, p, a);
	if (section == 2)
		return CL_Colorf(p, value, t, a);
	if (section == 3)
		return CL_Colorf(p, q, value, a);
	if (section == 4)
		return CL_Colorf(t, p, value, a);
	if (section == 5)
		return CL_Colorf(value, p, q, a);
	return CL_Colorf(value, t, p, a);
コード例 #20
ファイル: color_hsv.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
CL_ColorHSVd::operator CL_Colord()
	double hue = cl_min(359.0,cl_max(0.0,h));
	double saturation = cl_min(1.0,cl_max(0.0,s));	
	double value = cl_min(1.0,cl_max(0.0,v));
	if (saturation == 0.0f)
		return CL_Colord(value, value, value, a);

	int section = (int)(hue / 60);
	double f = (hue / 60.0) - ((double) section);
	double p = value * (1.0 - saturation);
	double q = value * (1.0 - saturation * f);
	double t = value * (1.0 - saturation * (1.0 - f));
	if (section == 1)
		return CL_Colord(q, value, p, a);
	if (section == 2)
		return CL_Colord(p, value, t, a);
	if (section == 3)
		return CL_Colord(p, q, value, a);
	if (section == 4)
		return CL_Colord(t, p, value, a);
	if (section == 5)
		return CL_Colord(value, p, q, a);
	return CL_Colord(value, t, p, a);
コード例 #21
ファイル: color_hsv.cpp プロジェクト: PaulFSherwood/cplusplus
CL_ColorHSVi::operator CL_Color()
	int hue = cl_min(359,cl_max(0,h));
	int saturation = cl_min(255,cl_max(0,s));	
	int value = cl_min(255,cl_max(0,v));
	if (saturation == 0)
		return CL_Color(value, value, value, a);

	int section = (int)(hue / 60);
	int f = ((hue*256) / 60) - (section*256);
	int p = (value * (255 - saturation))/255;
	int q = (value * (255 - ((saturation * f) /256) ))/255;
	int t = (value * (255 - ((saturation * (256 - f)) / 256) ))/255;
	if (section == 1)
		return CL_Color(q, value, p, a);
	if (section == 2)
		return CL_Color(p, value, t, a);
	if (section == 3)
		return CL_Color(p, q, value, a);
	if (section == 4)
		return CL_Color(t, p, value, a);
	if (section == 5)
		return CL_Color(value, p, q, a);
	return CL_Color(value, t, p, a);
コード例 #22
ファイル: TileMap.cpp プロジェクト: zeroshade/ClanRPG
void TileMap::draw(CL_GraphicContext& gc) {
    int screen_width = gc.get_width();
    int screen_height = gc.get_height();
    int horiz_tiles = screen_width / tile_width + 1;
    int vert_tiles = screen_height / tile_height + 1;

    // avoid half tiles by increasing by one

    int start_tilex = cl_max(0, cur_map_x / tile_width);
    int start_tiley = cl_max(0, cur_map_y / tile_height);

    int scroll_offsetx = cur_map_x - start_tilex * tile_width;
    int scroll_offsety = cur_map_y - start_tiley * tile_width;

    if (horiz_tiles + start_tilex > map_width)
        horiz_tiles = map_width - start_tilex;

    if (vert_tiles + start_tiley > map_height)
        vert_tiles = map_height - start_tiley;

    for (MapLayer& layer : layers) {
        for (int cur_y = 0; cur_y < vert_tiles; ++cur_y) {
            for (int cur_x = 0; cur_x < horiz_tiles; ++cur_x) {
                int idx = (start_tiley + cur_y) * map_width + start_tilex + cur_x;
                int sprite_idx = layer.map[idx];
                int tile_xpos = cur_x * tile_width - scroll_offsetx;
                int tile_ypos = cur_y * tile_height - scroll_offsety;

                tiles.draw(gc, tile_xpos, tile_ypos);
コード例 #23
void GameViewBattle::on_message(CL_GUIMessage &message)
	if (message.is_type(CL_GUIMessage_Input::get_type_name()))
		CL_GUIMessage_Input msg_input = message;
		CL_InputEvent e = msg_input.get_event();
		if (e.type == CL_InputEvent::pressed)
			int max_dice = cl_max(attack_results.size(), defense_results.size());

			if(current_dice_index < max_dice)
				current_dice_index = max_dice;
コード例 #24
void TokenGroup::addToken(Token* token, float_t score)
コード例 #25
void *CL_PixelPipeline::alloc_command(size_t s)
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(PROFILE_PIPELINE)
	unsigned __int64 start_time = __rdtsc();

	s += sizeof(unsigned int);
	s = ((s+63)/64)*64; // Place each command in its own cache line (is this really smart?)
	if (cur_block == 0 || cur_block->pos+s > cur_block->size)
		if (cur_block)
			if (cur_block->refcount == 0)
				delete[] (char*) cur_block;
		cur_block = 0;

		size_t block_size = cl_max(s, (size_t)16*1024);
		char *data = new char[sizeof(AllocBlock) + block_size];
		cur_block = (AllocBlock *)data;
		cur_block->size = block_size;
		cur_block->data = data + sizeof(AllocBlock);
		cur_block->pos = 0;
		cur_block->refcount = 1;

	char *d = cur_block->data + cur_block->pos;
	unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) d;
	d += sizeof(unsigned int);
	*p = (unsigned int) cur_block->pos;
	cur_block->pos += s;

#if defined(WIN32) && defined(PROFILE_PIPELINE)
	unsigned __int64 end_time = __rdtsc();
	profiler.alloc_time += end_time-start_time;

	return d;
コード例 #26
ファイル: rect.cpp プロジェクト: Grumbel/netbrush
Rect Rect::get_rot_bounds(const Point &hotspot, float angle) const
	//Find the rotated positions of each corner
	Rect retVal(*this);
	Point ul = Point(retVal.left, retVal.top).rotate(hotspot, angle);
	Point ur = Point(retVal.right, retVal.top).rotate(hotspot, angle);
	Point ll = Point(retVal.left, retVal.bottom).rotate(hotspot, angle);
	Point lr = Point(retVal.right, retVal.bottom).rotate(hotspot, angle);

	//Use the sidemost corners as the bounds of the new rectangle
	retVal.left = cl_min(cl_min(ul.x, ur.x), cl_min(ll.x, lr.x));
	retVal.right = cl_max(cl_max(ul.x, ur.x), cl_max(ll.x, lr.x));
	retVal.top = cl_min(cl_min(ul.y, ur.y), cl_min(ll.y, lr.y));
	retVal.bottom = cl_max(cl_max(ul.y, ur.y), cl_max(ll.y, lr.y));

	return retVal;
コード例 #27
void CL_CSSUsedValues::set_width(const CL_CSSBoxProperties &properties)
	margin.left = get_margin_width(properties.margin_width_left);
	margin.right = get_margin_width(properties.margin_width_right);
	border.left = properties.border_width_left.length.value;
	border.right = properties.border_width_right.length.value;
	padding.left = get_padding_width(properties.padding_width_left);
	padding.right = get_padding_width(properties.padding_width_right);

	width = 0;
	undetermined_width = false;

	if (replaced)
		if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto && properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_auto && intrinsic.has_width)
			width = intrinsic.width;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto && properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_auto && intrinsic.has_height && intrinsic.has_ratio)
			width = intrinsic.height / intrinsic.ratio;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto && properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_auto && intrinsic.has_ratio)
			if (containing.undetermined_width)
				width = 0;
				undetermined_width = true;
				width = containing.width - margin.left - margin.right - border.left - border.right - padding.left - padding.right;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto && intrinsic.has_width)
			width = intrinsic.width;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto)
			width = 300; // bug: Should be 300px (css physical length)
			/*if (width > device.width)
				width = largest_2_1_ratio_rect();
	else if (is_inline(properties))
		// width property does not apply.
		width = 0;
		undetermined_width = true;
	else if (is_absolute(properties))
		if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_length)
			width = properties.width.length.value;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_percentage)
			if (containing.undetermined_width)
				width = 0;
				undetermined_width = true;
				width = properties.width.percentage * containing.width / 100.0f;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto && properties.left.type != CL_CSSBoxLeft::type_auto && properties.right.type != CL_CSSBoxRight::type_auto)
			if (containing.undetermined_width)
				width = 0;
				undetermined_width = true;
				// To do: Handle the cases where the length property is a percentage. Also determine what the containing box is (the viewport/page-area?)
				width = containing.width - properties.left.length.value - properties.right.length.value - margin.left - margin.right - border.left - border.right - padding.left - padding.right;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto)
			width = 0.0f;
			undetermined_width = true; // shrink-to-fit
	else if (is_floating(properties) || is_inline_block(properties))
		if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_length)
			width = properties.width.length.value;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_percentage)
			if (containing.undetermined_width)
				width = 0;
				undetermined_width = true;
				width = properties.width.percentage * containing.width / 100.0f;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto)
			width = 0.0f;
			undetermined_width = true; // shrink-to-fit
	else if (is_block(properties))
		if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_length)
			width = properties.width.length.value;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_percentage)
			if (containing.undetermined_width)
				width = 0;
				undetermined_width = true;
				width = properties.width.percentage * containing.width / 100.0f;
		else if (properties.width.type == CL_CSSBoxWidth::type_auto)
			if (containing.undetermined_width)
				width = 0;
				undetermined_width = true;
				width = cl_max(0.0f, containing.width - margin.left - margin.right - border.left - border.right - padding.left - padding.right);

	if (!undetermined_width)
		if (properties.max_width.type == CL_CSSBoxMaxWidth::type_length)
			width = cl_min(width, properties.max_width.length.value);
		else if (properties.max_width.type == CL_CSSBoxMaxWidth::type_percentage && !containing.undetermined_width)
			width = cl_min(width, properties.max_width.percentage * containing.width / 100.0f);

		if (properties.min_width.type == CL_CSSBoxMinWidth::type_length)
			width = cl_max(width, properties.min_width.length.value);
		else if (properties.min_width.type == CL_CSSBoxMinWidth::type_percentage && !containing.undetermined_width)
			width = cl_max(width, properties.min_width.percentage * containing.width / 100.0f);

コード例 #28
void CL_CSSUsedValues::calc_noncontent_width(const CL_CSSBoxProperties &properties)
	margin.left = get_margin_width(properties.margin_width_left);
	margin.right = get_margin_width(properties.margin_width_right);
	border.left = properties.border_width_left.length.value;
	border.right = properties.border_width_right.length.value;
	padding.left = get_padding_width(properties.padding_width_left);
	padding.right = get_padding_width(properties.padding_width_right);

	if (is_inline(properties) || is_inline_block(properties) || is_floating(properties))
		// Do nothing. Correct values already set by get_margin_width.
	else if (is_block(properties))
		if (properties.margin_width_left.type == CL_CSSBoxMarginWidth::type_auto && properties.margin_width_right.type == CL_CSSBoxMarginWidth::type_auto)
			margin.left = cl_max(0.0f, (containing.width-border.left-border.right-padding.left-padding.right-width)/2.0f);
			margin.right = cl_max(0.0f, containing.width-border.left-border.right-padding.left-padding.right-width-margin.left);
		else if (properties.margin_width_left.type == CL_CSSBoxMarginWidth::type_auto)
			margin.left = cl_max(0.0f, containing.width-margin.right-border.left-border.right-padding.left-padding.right-width);
		else if (properties.margin_width_right.type == CL_CSSBoxMarginWidth::type_auto)
			margin.right = cl_max(0.0f, containing.width-margin.left-border.left-border.right-padding.left-padding.right-width);

		if (margin.left + border.left + width + border.right + padding.right + margin.right > containing.width)
			if (properties.direction.type == CL_CSSBoxDirection::type_ltr)
				margin.right = cl_max(0.0f, containing.width-margin.left-border.left-border.right-padding.left-padding.right-width);
				margin.left = cl_max(0.0f, containing.width-margin.right-border.left-border.right-padding.left-padding.right-width);
	else if (is_absolute(properties) && !replaced)
		// Lots of annoying calculations here using 'left', 'right', 'width', 'direction' and the margin+border+padding+width=containing.width constraint
	else if (is_absolute(properties) && replaced)
		if (properties.margin_width_left.type == CL_CSSBoxMarginWidth::type_auto)
			if (properties.left.type == CL_CSSBoxLeft::type_auto || properties.right.type == CL_CSSBoxRight::type_auto)
				margin.left = 0;
				// solve using margin+border+padding+width=containing.width constraint

		if (properties.margin_width_right.type == CL_CSSBoxMarginWidth::type_auto)
			if (properties.left.type == CL_CSSBoxLeft::type_auto || properties.right.type == CL_CSSBoxRight::type_auto)
				margin.right = 0;
				// solve using margin+border+padding+width=containing.width constraint
コード例 #29
void CL_CSSUsedValues::set_height(const CL_CSSBoxProperties &properties)
	height = 0;
	undetermined_height = false;

	if (replaced)
		if (!is_absolute(properties))
			if (properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_length)
				height = properties.height.length.value;
			else if (properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_percentage)
				if (containing.undetermined_height)
					height = 0;
					undetermined_height = true;
					height = containing.height * properties.height.percentage / 100.0f;
			else if (properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_auto)
				height = 0;
				undetermined_height = true;
			height = 0;
			undetermined_height = true;

			// 'top' + 'margin-top' + 'border-top-width' + 'padding-top' + 'height' + 'padding-bottom' + 'border-bottom-width' + 'margin-bottom' + 'bottom' = height of containing block
	else if (is_inline(properties))
		// Height does not apply.
		height = 0;
		undetermined_height = true;
	else if (is_block(properties))
		if (properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_length)
			height = properties.height.length.value;
		else if (properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_percentage)
			if (containing.undetermined_height)
				height = 0;
				undetermined_height = true;
				height = containing.height * properties.height.percentage / 100.0f;
		else if (properties.height.type == CL_CSSBoxHeight::type_auto)
			height = 0;
			undetermined_height = true;
	else if (is_absolute(properties))
		height = 0;
		undetermined_height = true;

		// 'top' + 'margin-top' + 'border-top-width' + 'padding-top' + 'height' + 'padding-bottom' + 'border-bottom-width' + 'margin-bottom' + 'bottom' = height of containing block

	if (!undetermined_height)
		if (properties.max_height.type == CL_CSSBoxMaxHeight::type_length)
			height = cl_min(height, properties.max_height.length.value);
		else if (properties.max_height.type == CL_CSSBoxMaxHeight::type_percentage && !containing.undetermined_height)
			height = cl_min(height, properties.max_height.percentage * containing.height / 100.0f);

		if (properties.min_height.type == CL_CSSBoxMinHeight::type_length)
			height = cl_max(height, properties.min_height.length.value);
		else if (properties.min_height.type == CL_CSSBoxMinHeight::type_percentage && !containing.undetermined_height)
			height = cl_max(height, properties.min_height.percentage * containing.height / 100.0f);

コード例 #30
void CL_PixelFillRenderer::fill_rect(const CL_Rect &dest, const CL_Colorf &primary_color)
	int dest_buffer_width = colorbuffer0.size.width;
	int dest_buffer_height = colorbuffer0.size.height;
	unsigned int *dest_data = colorbuffer0.data;

	int start_x = cl_max(dest.left, clip_rect.left);
	int end_x = cl_min(dest.right, clip_rect.right);
	int start_y = cl_max(dest.top, clip_rect.top);
	int end_y = cl_min(dest.bottom, clip_rect.bottom);
	if (start_x < end_x && start_y < end_y)
		int dest_y = find_first_line_for_core(start_y, core, num_cores);

		int delta_x = start_x-dest.left;
		int delta_y = dest_y-dest.top;

		unsigned int *dest_line = dest_data+dest_y*dest_buffer_width+start_x;

		int line_length = end_x-start_x;
		int dest_line_incr = dest_buffer_width * num_cores;

		unsigned int sred = (unsigned int) (primary_color.r*255);
		unsigned int sgreen = (unsigned int) (primary_color.g*255);
		unsigned int sblue = (unsigned int) (primary_color.b*255);
		unsigned int salpha = (unsigned int) (primary_color.a*255);

		if (salpha == 255)
			unsigned int color = (salpha<<24) + (sred<<16) + (sgreen<<8) + sblue;
			while (dest_y < end_y)
				for (int x = 0; x < line_length; x++)
					dest_line[x] = color;

				dest_y += num_cores;
				dest_line += dest_line_incr;
			unsigned int pos_salpha = salpha*256/255;
			unsigned int neg_salpha = 256-salpha;
			while (dest_y < end_y)
				for (int x = 0; x < line_length; x++)
					#define alpha_component(a) (((a)&0xff000000)>>24)
					#define red_component(a) (((a)&0x00ff0000)>>16)
					#define green_component(a) (((a)&0x0000ff00)>>8)
					#define blue_component(a) ((a)&0x000000ff)

					unsigned int dest_color = dest_line[x];
					unsigned int dred = red_component(dest_color);
					unsigned int dgreen = green_component(dest_color);
					unsigned int dblue = blue_component(dest_color);
					unsigned int dalpha = alpha_component(dest_color);

					unsigned red = (dred * neg_salpha + sred * pos_salpha) >> 8;
					unsigned green = (dgreen * neg_salpha + sgreen * pos_salpha) >> 8;
					unsigned blue = (dblue * neg_salpha + sblue * pos_salpha) >> 8;
					unsigned alpha = (dalpha * neg_salpha + salpha * pos_salpha) >> 8;
					dest_line[x] = (alpha<<24) + (red<<16) + (green<<8) + blue;

				dest_y += num_cores;
				dest_line += dest_line_incr;