コード例 #1
ファイル: Math.hpp プロジェクト: Lums-proj/Lums
    inline float
    interpolateAngle(float a, float b, float alpha)
        float ca = clampAngle(a);
        float cb = clampAngle(b);

        if (fabs(ca - cb) > 180.f)
            if (ca < cb)
                ca += 360.f;
                cb += 360.f;
        return clampAngle(interpolate(ca, cb, alpha));
コード例 #2
ファイル: AngularConstraint.cpp プロジェクト: DaveDubUK/hifi
// virtual 
bool ConeRollerConstraint::clamp(glm::quat& rotation) const {
    bool applied = false;
    glm::vec3 rotatedAxis = rotation * _coneAxis;
    glm::vec3 perpAxis = glm::cross(rotatedAxis, _coneAxis);
    float perpAxisLength = glm::length(perpAxis);
    if (perpAxisLength > EPSILON) {
        perpAxis /= perpAxisLength;
        // enforce the cone
        float angle = acosf(glm::dot(rotatedAxis, _coneAxis));
        if (angle > _coneAngle) {
            rotation = glm::angleAxis(angle - _coneAngle, perpAxis) * rotation;
            rotatedAxis = rotation * _coneAxis;
            applied = true;
    } else {
        // the rotation is 100% roll
        // there is no obvious perp axis so we must pick one
        perpAxis = rotatedAxis;
        // find the first non-zero element:
        float iValue = 0.0f;
        int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
            if (fabsf(perpAxis[i]) > EPSILON) {
                iValue = perpAxis[i];
        assert(i != 3);
        // swap or negate the next element
        int j = (i + 1) % 3;
        float jValue = perpAxis[j];
        if (fabsf(jValue - iValue) > EPSILON) {
            perpAxis[i] = jValue;
            perpAxis[j] = iValue;
        } else {
            perpAxis[i] = -iValue;
        perpAxis = glm::cross(perpAxis, rotatedAxis);
        perpAxisLength = glm::length(perpAxis);
        assert(perpAxisLength > EPSILON);
        perpAxis /= perpAxisLength;
    // measure the roll
    // NOTE: perpAxis is perpendicular to both _coneAxis and rotatedConeAxis, so we can 
    // rotate it again and we'll end up with an something that has only been rolled.
    glm::vec3 rolledPerpAxis = rotation * perpAxis;
    float sign = glm::dot(rotatedAxis, glm::cross(perpAxis, rolledPerpAxis)) > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
    float roll = sign * angleBetween(rolledPerpAxis, perpAxis);
    if (roll < _minRoll || roll > _maxRoll) {
        float clampedRoll = clampAngle(roll, _minRoll, _maxRoll);
        rotation = glm::normalize(glm::angleAxis(clampedRoll - roll, rotatedAxis) * rotation);
        applied = true;
    return applied;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AngularConstraint.cpp プロジェクト: DaveDubUK/hifi
// virtual 
bool HingeConstraint::clamp(glm::quat& rotation) const {
    glm::vec3 forward = rotation * _forwardAxis;
    forward -= glm::dot(forward, _rotationAxis) * _rotationAxis;
    float length = glm::length(forward);
    if (length < EPSILON) {
        // infinite number of solutions ==> choose the middle of the contrained range
        rotation = glm::angleAxis(0.5f * (_minAngle + _maxAngle), _rotationAxis);
        return true;
    forward /= length;
    float sign = (glm::dot(glm::cross(_forwardAxis, forward), _rotationAxis) > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
    //float angle = sign * acos(glm::dot(forward, _forwardAxis) / length);
    float angle = sign * acosf(glm::dot(forward, _forwardAxis));
    glm::quat newRotation = glm::angleAxis(clampAngle(angle, _minAngle, _maxAngle), _rotationAxis);
    if (fabsf(1.0f - glm::dot(newRotation, rotation)) > EPSILON * EPSILON) {
        rotation = newRotation;
        return true;
    return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: sprite.cpp プロジェクト: CyrilPaulus/isometric
void Sprite::setRotation(float rotation) {
  this->rotation = clampAngle(rotation);
コード例 #5
QPolygonF curvedArrow( QPointF po, QPointF pm, QPointF pd, qreal startWidth, qreal width, qreal headSize, QgsArrowSymbolLayer::HeadType headType, qreal offset )
  qreal circleRadius;
  QPointF circleCenter;
  if ( ! pointsToCircle( po, pm, pd, circleCenter, circleRadius ) || circleRadius > 10000.0 )
    // aligned points => draw a straight arrow
    return straightArrow( po, pd, startWidth, width, headSize, headType, offset );

  // angles of each point
  qreal angle_o = clampAngle( atan2( circleCenter.y() - po.y(), po.x() - circleCenter.x() ) );
  qreal angle_m = clampAngle( atan2( circleCenter.y() - pm.y(), pm.x() - circleCenter.x() ) );
  qreal angle_d = clampAngle( atan2( circleCenter.y() - pd.y(), pd.x() - circleCenter.x() ) );

  // arc direction : 1 = counter-clockwise, -1 = clockwise
  int direction = clampAngle( angle_m - angle_o ) < clampAngle( angle_m - angle_d ) ? 1 : -1;

  qreal deltaAngle = angle_d - angle_o;
  if ( direction * deltaAngle < 0.0 )
    deltaAngle = deltaAngle + direction * 2 * M_PI;

  qreal length = euclidian_distance( po, pd );
  // for close points and deltaAngle < 180, draw a straight line
  if ( fabs( deltaAngle ) < M_PI && ((( headType == QgsArrowSymbolLayer::HeadSingle ) && ( length < headSize ) ) ||
                                     (( headType == QgsArrowSymbolLayer::HeadReversed ) && ( length < headSize ) ) ||
                                     (( headType == QgsArrowSymbolLayer::HeadDouble ) && ( length < 2*headSize ) ) ) )
    return straightArrow( po, pd, startWidth, width, headSize, headType, offset );

  // ajust coordinates to include offset
  circleRadius += offset;
  po = circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius, angle_o );
  pm = circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius, angle_m );
  pd = circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius, angle_d );

  qreal headAngle = direction * atan( headSize / circleRadius );

  QPainterPath path;

  if ( headType == QgsArrowSymbolLayer::HeadDouble )
    // the first head
    path.moveTo( po );
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * headSize, angle_o + headAngle ) );

    pathArcTo( path, circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * width / 2, angle_o + headAngle, angle_d - headAngle, direction );

    // the second head
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * headSize, angle_d - headAngle ) );
    path.lineTo( pd );
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius - direction * headSize, angle_d - headAngle ) );

    pathArcTo( path, circleCenter, circleRadius - direction * width / 2, angle_d - headAngle, angle_o + headAngle, -direction );

    // the end of the first head
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius - direction * headSize, angle_o + headAngle ) );
    path.lineTo( po );
  else if ( headType == QgsArrowSymbolLayer::HeadSingle )
    path.moveTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * startWidth / 2, angle_o ) );

    spiralArcTo( path, circleCenter, angle_o, circleRadius + direction * startWidth / 2, angle_d - headAngle, circleRadius + direction * width / 2, direction );

    // the arrow head
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * headSize, angle_d - headAngle ) );
    path.lineTo( pd );
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius - direction * headSize, angle_d - headAngle ) );

    spiralArcTo( path, circleCenter, angle_d - headAngle, circleRadius - direction * width / 2, angle_o, circleRadius - direction * startWidth / 2, -direction );

    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * startWidth / 2, angle_o ) );
  else if ( headType == QgsArrowSymbolLayer::HeadReversed )
    path.moveTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * width / 2, angle_o + headAngle ) );

    spiralArcTo( path, circleCenter, angle_o + headAngle, circleRadius + direction * width / 2, angle_d, circleRadius + direction * startWidth / 2, direction );

    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius - direction * startWidth / 2, angle_d ) );

    spiralArcTo( path, circleCenter, angle_d, circleRadius - direction * startWidth / 2, angle_o + headAngle, circleRadius - direction * width / 2, - direction );

    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius - direction * headSize, angle_o + headAngle ) );
    path.lineTo( po );
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * headSize, angle_o + headAngle ) );
    path.lineTo( circlePoint( circleCenter, circleRadius + direction * width / 2, angle_o + headAngle ) );

  return path.toSubpathPolygons().at( 0 );