bool FLACEncoder::encode(const QString &sourceFile, const AudioFileModel &metaInfo, const QString &outputFile, volatile bool *abortFlag) { QProcess process; QStringList args; args << QString("-%1").arg(QString::number(qBound(0, m_configBitrate, 8))); args << "--channel-map=none"; if(!metaInfo.fileName().isEmpty()) args << "-T" << QString("title=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.fileName())); if(!metaInfo.fileArtist().isEmpty()) args << "-T" << QString("artist=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.fileArtist())); if(!metaInfo.fileAlbum().isEmpty()) args << "-T" << QString("album=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.fileAlbum())); if(!metaInfo.fileGenre().isEmpty()) args << "-T" << QString("genre=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.fileGenre())); if(!metaInfo.fileComment().isEmpty()) args << "-T" << QString("comment=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.fileComment())); if(metaInfo.fileYear()) args << "-T" << QString("date=%1").arg(QString::number(metaInfo.fileYear())); if(metaInfo.filePosition()) args << "-T" << QString("track=%1").arg(QString::number(metaInfo.filePosition())); if(!metaInfo.fileCover().isEmpty()) args << QString("--picture=%1").arg(metaInfo.fileCover()); //args << "--tv" << QString().sprintf("Encoder=LameXP v%d.%02d.%04d [%s]", lamexp_version_major(), lamexp_version_minor(), lamexp_version_build(), lamexp_version_release()); if(!m_configCustomParams.isEmpty()) args << m_configCustomParams.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); args << "-f" << "-o" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary, args)) { return false; } bool bTimeout = false; bool bAborted = false; int prevProgress = -1; QRegExp regExp("\\b(\\d+)% complete"); while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*abortFlag) { process.kill(); bAborted = true; emit messageLogged("\nABORTED BY USER !!!"); break; } process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval); if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running) { process.kill(); qWarning("FLAC process timed out <-- killing!"); emit messageLogged("\nPROCESS TIMEOUT !!!"); bTimeout = true; break; } while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0) { QByteArray line = process.readLine().replace('\b', char(0x20)); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified(); if(regExp.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (progress > prevProgress)) { emit statusUpdated(progress); prevProgress = qMin(progress + 2, 99); } } else if(!text.isEmpty()) { emit messageLogged(text); } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } emit statusUpdated(100); emit messageLogged(QString().sprintf("\nExited with code: 0x%04X", process.exitCode())); if(bTimeout || bAborted || process.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return false; } return true; }
bool OpusEncoder::encode(const QString &sourceFile, const AudioFileModel_MetaInfo &metaInfo, const unsigned int duration, const QString &outputFile, volatile bool *abortFlag) { QProcess process; QStringList args; switch(m_configRCMode) { case SettingsModel::VBRMode: args << "--vbr"; break; case SettingsModel::ABRMode: args << "--cvbr"; break; case SettingsModel::CBRMode: args << "--hard-cbr"; break; default: MUTILS_THROW("Bad rate-control mode!"); break; } args << "--comp" << QString::number(m_configEncodeComplexity); switch(m_configFrameSize) { case 0: args << "--framesize" << "2.5"; break; case 1: args << "--framesize" << "5"; break; case 2: args << "--framesize" << "10"; break; case 3: args << "--framesize" << "20"; break; case 4: args << "--framesize" << "40"; break; case 5: args << "--framesize" << "60"; break; } args << QString("--bitrate") << QString::number(qBound(8, (m_configBitrate + 1) * 8, 256)); if(!metaInfo.title().isEmpty()) args << "--title" << cleanTag(metaInfo.title()); if(!metaInfo.artist().isEmpty()) args << "--artist" << cleanTag(metaInfo.artist()); if(!metaInfo.album().isEmpty()) args << "--album" << cleanTag(metaInfo.album()); if(!metaInfo.genre().isEmpty()) args << "--genre" << cleanTag(metaInfo.genre()); if(metaInfo.year()) args << "--date" << QString::number(metaInfo.year()); if(metaInfo.position()) args << "--comment" << QString("tracknumber=%1").arg(QString::number(metaInfo.position())); if(!metaInfo.comment().isEmpty()) args << "--comment" << QString("comment=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.comment())); if(!m_configCustomParams.isEmpty()) args << m_configCustomParams.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile); args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary, args)) { return false; } bool bTimeout = false; bool bAborted = false; int prevProgress = -1; QRegExp regExp("\\((\\d+)%\\)"); while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*abortFlag) { process.kill(); bAborted = true; emit messageLogged("\nABORTED BY USER !!!"); break; } process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval); if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running) { process.kill(); qWarning("Opus process timed out <-- killing!"); emit messageLogged("\nPROCESS TIMEOUT !!!"); bTimeout = true; break; } while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0) { QByteArray line = process.readLine(); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified(); if(regExp.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (progress > prevProgress)) { emit statusUpdated(progress); prevProgress = qMin(progress + 2, 99); } } else if(!text.isEmpty()) { emit messageLogged(text); } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } emit statusUpdated(100); emit messageLogged(QString().sprintf("\nExited with code: 0x%04X", process.exitCode())); if(bTimeout || bAborted || process.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return false; } return true; }
bool AACEncoder::encode(const QString &sourceFile, const AudioFileModel_MetaInfo &metaInfo, const unsigned int duration, const QString &outputFile, volatile bool *abortFlag) { QProcess process; QStringList args; const QString baseName = QFileInfo(outputFile).fileName(); switch(m_configRCMode) { case SettingsModel::VBRMode: args << "-q" << QString().sprintf("%.2f", double(qBound(0, m_configBitrate * 5, 100)) / 100.0); break; case SettingsModel::ABRMode: args << "-br" << QString::number(qBound(8, index2bitrate(m_configBitrate), 400) * 1000); break; case SettingsModel::CBRMode: args << "-cbr" << QString::number(qBound(8, index2bitrate(m_configBitrate), 400) * 1000); break; default: THROW("Bad rate-control mode!"); break; } if(m_configEnable2Pass && (m_configRCMode == SettingsModel::ABRMode)) { args << "-2pass"; } switch(m_configProfile) { case 1: args << "-lc"; //Forces use of LC AAC profile break; case 2: args << "-he"; //Forces use of HE AAC profile break; case 3: args << "-hev2"; //Forces use of HEv2 AAC profile break; } if(!m_configCustomParams.isEmpty()) args << m_configCustomParams.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); args << "-if" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile); args << "-of" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary_enc, args)) { return false; } bool bTimeout = false; bool bAborted = false; int prevProgress = -1; QRegExp regExp("Processed\\s+(\\d+)\\s+seconds"); QRegExp regExp_pass1("First\\s+pass:\\s+processed\\s+(\\d+)\\s+seconds"); QRegExp regExp_pass2("Second\\s+pass:\\s+processed\\s+(\\d+)\\s+seconds"); while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*abortFlag) { process.kill(); bAborted = true; emit messageLogged("\nABORTED BY USER !!!"); break; } process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval); if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running) { process.kill(); qWarning("NeroAacEnc process timed out <-- killing!"); emit messageLogged("\nPROCESS TIMEOUT !!!"); bTimeout = true; break; } while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0) { QByteArray line = process.readLine(); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified(); if(regExp_pass1.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp_pass1.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (duration > 0)) { int newProgress = qRound((static_cast<double>(progress) / static_cast<double>(duration)) * 50.0); if(newProgress > prevProgress) { emit statusUpdated(newProgress); prevProgress = qMin(newProgress + 2, 99); } } } else if(regExp_pass2.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp_pass2.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (duration > 0)) { int newProgress = qRound((static_cast<double>(progress) / static_cast<double>(duration)) * 50.0) + 50; if(newProgress > prevProgress) { emit statusUpdated(newProgress); prevProgress = qMin(newProgress + 2, 99); } } } else if(regExp.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (duration > 0)) { int newProgress = qRound((static_cast<double>(progress) / static_cast<double>(duration)) * 100.0); if(newProgress > prevProgress) { emit statusUpdated(newProgress); prevProgress = qMin(newProgress + 2, 99); } } } else if(!text.isEmpty()) { emit messageLogged(text); } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } emit statusUpdated(100); emit messageLogged(QString().sprintf("\nExited with code: 0x%04X", process.exitCode())); if(bTimeout || bAborted || process.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return false; } emit messageLogged("\n-------------------------------\n"); args.clear(); args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); if(!metaInfo.title().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:title=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.title())); if(!metaInfo.artist().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:artist=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.artist())); if(!metaInfo.album().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:album=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.album())); if(!metaInfo.genre().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:genre=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.genre())); if(!metaInfo.comment().isEmpty()) args << QString("-meta:comment=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.comment())); if(metaInfo.year()) args << QString("-meta:year=%1").arg(QString::number(metaInfo.year())); if(metaInfo.position()) args << QString("-meta:track=%1").arg(QString::number(metaInfo.position())); if(!metaInfo.cover().isEmpty()) args << QString("-add-cover:%1:%2").arg("front", metaInfo.cover()); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary_tag, args)) { return false; } bTimeout = false; while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*abortFlag) { process.kill(); bAborted = true; emit messageLogged("\nABORTED BY USER !!!"); break; } process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval); if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running) { process.kill(); qWarning("NeroAacTag process timed out <-- killing!"); emit messageLogged("\nPROCESS TIMEOUT !!!"); bTimeout = true; break; } while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0) { QByteArray line = process.readLine(); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified(); if(!text.isEmpty()) { emit messageLogged(text); } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } emit messageLogged(QString().sprintf("\nExited with code: 0x%04X", process.exitCode())); if(bTimeout || bAborted || process.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return false; } return true; }
bool VorbisEncoder::encode(const QString &sourceFile, const AudioFileModel_MetaInfo &metaInfo, const unsigned int duration, const unsigned int channels, const QString &outputFile, QAtomicInt &abortFlag) { QProcess process; QStringList args; const QString baseName = QFileInfo(outputFile).fileName(); switch(m_configRCMode) { case SettingsModel::VBRMode: args << L1S("-q") << QString::number(qBound(-2, m_configBitrate - 2, 10)); break; case SettingsModel::ABRMode: args << L1S("-b") << QString::number(qBound(32, (m_configBitrate + 4) * 8, 500)); break; default: MUTILS_THROW("Bad rate-control mode!"); break; } if((m_configBitrateMaximum > 0) && (m_configBitrateMinimum > 0) && (m_configBitrateMinimum <= m_configBitrateMaximum)) { args << L1S("--min-bitrate") << QString::number(qBound(32, m_configBitrateMinimum, 500)); args << L1S("--max-bitrate") << QString::number(qBound(32, m_configBitrateMaximum, 500)); } if(m_configSamplingRate > 0) { args << L1S("--resample") << QString::number(m_configSamplingRate) << L1S("--converter") << QString::number(0); } if (!metaInfo.empty(false)) { args << L1S("--discard-comments"); } if(!metaInfo.title().isEmpty()) args << L1S("-t") << cleanTag(metaInfo.title()); if(!metaInfo.artist().isEmpty()) args << L1S("-a") << cleanTag(metaInfo.artist()); if(!metaInfo.album().isEmpty()) args << L1S("-l") << cleanTag(metaInfo.album()); if(!metaInfo.genre().isEmpty()) args << L1S("-G") << cleanTag(metaInfo.genre()); if(!metaInfo.comment().isEmpty()) args << L1S("-c") << QString("comment=%1").arg(cleanTag(metaInfo.comment())); if(metaInfo.year()) args << L1S("-d") << QString::number(metaInfo.year()); if(metaInfo.position()) args << L1S("-N") << QString::number(metaInfo.position()); //args << "--tv" << QString().sprintf("Encoder=LameXP v%d.%02d.%04d [%s]", lamexp_version_major(), lamexp_version_minor(), lamexp_version_build(), lamexp_version_release()); if(!m_configCustomParams.isEmpty()) args << m_configCustomParams.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); args << L1S("-o") << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary, args)) { return false; } int prevProgress = -1; QRegExp regExp(L1S("\\[.*(\\d+)[.,](\\d+)%\\]")); const result_t result = awaitProcess(process, abortFlag, [this, &prevProgress, ®Exp](const QString &text) { if (regExp.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { qint32 newProgress; if (MUtils::regexp_parse_int32(regExp, newProgress)) { if (newProgress > prevProgress) { emit statusUpdated(newProgress); prevProgress = NEXT_PROGRESS(newProgress); } } return true; } return false; }); return (result == RESULT_SUCCESS); }
bool QAACEncoder::encode(const QString &sourceFile, const AudioFileModel_MetaInfo &metaInfo, const unsigned int duration, const QString &outputFile, volatile bool *abortFlag) { QProcess process; QStringList args; process.setWorkingDirectory(QFileInfo(outputFile).canonicalPath()); QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); env.insert("PATH", QDir::toNativeSeparators(QString("%1;%1/QTfiles;%2").arg(QDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()).canonicalPath(), lamexp_temp_folder2()))); process.setProcessEnvironment(env); if(m_configRCMode != SettingsModel::VBRMode) { switch(m_configProfile) { case 2: case 3: args << "--he"; //Forces use of HE AAC profile (there is no explicit HEv2 switch for QAAC) break; } } switch(m_configRCMode) { case SettingsModel::CBRMode: args << "--cbr" << QString::number(qBound(8, index2bitrate(m_configBitrate), 576)); break; case SettingsModel::ABRMode: args << "--abr" << QString::number(qBound(8, index2bitrate(m_configBitrate), 576)); break; case SettingsModel::VBRMode: args << "--tvbr" << QString::number(g_qaacVBRQualityLUT[qBound(0, m_configBitrate , 14)]); break; default: THROW("Bad rate-control mode!"); break; } if(!m_configCustomParams.isEmpty()) args << m_configCustomParams.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(!metaInfo.title().isEmpty()) args << "--title" << cleanTag(metaInfo.title()); if(!metaInfo.artist().isEmpty()) args << "--artist" << cleanTag(metaInfo.artist()); if(!metaInfo.album().isEmpty()) args << "--album" << cleanTag(metaInfo.album()); if(!metaInfo.genre().isEmpty()) args << "--genre" << cleanTag(metaInfo.genre()); if(!metaInfo.comment().isEmpty()) args << "--comment" << cleanTag( metaInfo.comment()); if(metaInfo.year()) args << "--date" << QString::number(metaInfo.year()); if(metaInfo.position()) args << "--track" << QString::number(metaInfo.position()); if(!metaInfo.cover().isEmpty()) args << "--artwork" << metaInfo.cover(); args << "-d" << "."; args << "-o" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile); args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile); if(!startProcess(process, m_binary_qaac, args)) { return false; } bool bTimeout = false; bool bAborted = false; int prevProgress = -1; QRegExp regExp("\\[(\\d+)\\.(\\d)%\\]"); while(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { if(*abortFlag) { process.kill(); bAborted = true; emit messageLogged("\nABORTED BY USER !!!"); break; } process.waitForReadyRead(m_processTimeoutInterval); if(!process.bytesAvailable() && process.state() == QProcess::Running) { process.kill(); qWarning("QAAC process timed out <-- killing!"); emit messageLogged("\nPROCESS TIMEOUT !!!"); bTimeout = true; break; } while(process.bytesAvailable() > 0) { QByteArray line = process.readLine(); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(line.constData()).simplified(); if(regExp.lastIndexIn(text) >= 0) { bool ok = false; int progress = regExp.cap(1).toInt(&ok); if(ok && (progress > prevProgress)) { emit statusUpdated(progress); prevProgress = qMin(progress + 2, 99); } } else if(!text.isEmpty()) { emit messageLogged(text); } } } process.waitForFinished(); if(process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished(-1); } emit statusUpdated(100); emit messageLogged(QString().sprintf("\nExited with code: 0x%04X", process.exitCode())); if(bTimeout || bAborted || process.exitCode() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return false; } return true; }