static int hw_cleanup(void) { clear_instances(); /* TODO */ return SR_OK; }
static int hw_cleanup(void) { struct drv_context *drvc; if (!(drvc = di->priv)) return SR_OK; clear_instances(); return SR_OK; }
static GSList *hw_scan(GSList *options) { struct drv_context *drvc; struct dev_context *devc; struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct sr_usb_dev_inst *usb; struct sr_config *src; struct sr_probe *probe; libusb_device *dev; GSList *usb_devices, *devices, *l; int i; const char *conn; (void)options; drvc = di->priv; /* USB scan is always authoritative. */ clear_instances(); conn = NULL; for (l = options; l; l = l->next) { src = l->data; switch (src->key) { case SR_CONF_CONN: conn = src->value; break; } } if (!conn) conn = OSCI_VIDPID; devices = NULL; if ((usb_devices = sr_usb_find(drvc->sr_ctx->libusb_ctx, conn))) { for (l = usb_devices; l; l = l->next) { usb = l->data; if (!(sdi = sr_dev_inst_new(0, SR_ST_INACTIVE, OSCI_VENDOR, OSCI_MODEL, OSCI_VERSION))) return NULL; sdi->driver = di; for (i = 0; probe_names[i]; i++) { if (!(probe = sr_probe_new(i, SR_PROBE_ANALOG, TRUE, probe_names[i]))) return NULL; sdi->probes = g_slist_append(sdi->probes, probe); } if (!(devc = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct dev_context)))) return NULL; sdi->priv = devc; devc->usb = usb; if (strcmp(conn, OSCI_VIDPID)) { if (sr_usb_open(drvc->sr_ctx->libusb_ctx, usb) != SR_OK) break; dev = libusb_get_device(usb->devhdl); if (ezusb_upload_firmware(dev, 0, OSCI_FIRMWARE) == SR_OK) /* Remember when the firmware on this device was updated */ devc->fw_updated = g_get_monotonic_time(); else sr_err("Firmware upload failed for device " "at bus %d address %d.", usb->bus, usb->address); } drvc->instances = g_slist_append(drvc->instances, sdi); devices = g_slist_append(devices, sdi); } g_slist_free(usb_devices); } else g_slist_free_full(usb_devices, g_free); return devices; }
static GSList *hw_scan(GSList *options) { struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; const struct dso_profile *prof; struct drv_context *drvc; struct dev_context *devc; GSList *devices; struct libusb_device_descriptor des; libusb_device **devlist; int devcnt, ret, i, j; (void)options; drvc = di->priv; drvc->instances = NULL; devcnt = 0; devices = 0; clear_instances(); /* Find all Hantek DSO devices and upload firmware to all of them. */ libusb_get_device_list(drvc->sr_ctx->libusb_ctx, &devlist); for (i = 0; devlist[i]; i++) { if ((ret = libusb_get_device_descriptor(devlist[i], &des))) { sr_err("Failed to get device descriptor: %s.", libusb_error_name(ret)); continue; } prof = NULL; for (j = 0; dev_profiles[j].orig_vid; j++) { if (des.idVendor == dev_profiles[j].orig_vid && des.idProduct == dev_profiles[j].orig_pid) { /* Device matches the pre-firmware profile. */ prof = &dev_profiles[j]; sr_dbg("Found a %s %s.", prof->vendor, prof->model); sdi = dso_dev_new(devcnt, prof); devices = g_slist_append(devices, sdi); devc = sdi->priv; if (ezusb_upload_firmware(devlist[i], USB_CONFIGURATION, prof->firmware) == SR_OK) /* Remember when the firmware on this device was updated */ devc->fw_updated = g_get_monotonic_time(); else sr_err("Firmware upload failed for " "device %d.", devcnt); /* Dummy USB address of 0xff will get overwritten later. */ devc->usb = sr_usb_dev_inst_new( libusb_get_bus_number(devlist[i]), 0xff, NULL); devcnt++; break; } else if (des.idVendor == dev_profiles[j].fw_vid && des.idProduct == dev_profiles[j].fw_pid) { /* Device matches the post-firmware profile. */ prof = &dev_profiles[j]; sr_dbg("Found a %s %s.", prof->vendor, prof->model); sdi = dso_dev_new(devcnt, prof); sdi->status = SR_ST_INACTIVE; devices = g_slist_append(devices, sdi); devc = sdi->priv; devc->usb = sr_usb_dev_inst_new( libusb_get_bus_number(devlist[i]), libusb_get_device_address(devlist[i]), NULL); devcnt++; break; } } if (!prof) /* not a supported VID/PID */ continue; } libusb_free_device_list(devlist, 1); return devices; }
static int hw_cleanup(int dmm) { clear_instances(dmm); return SR_OK; }
static GSList *hw_scan(GSList *options) { GSList *usb_devices, *devices, *l; struct sr_dev_inst *sdi; struct dev_context *devc; struct drv_context *drvc; struct sr_usb_dev_inst *usb; struct sr_config *src; struct sr_probe *probe; const char *conn; (void)options; drvc = di->priv; /* USB scan is always authoritative. */ clear_instances(); conn = NULL; for (l = options; l; l = l->next) { src = l->data; switch (src->key) { case SR_CONF_CONN: conn = src->value; break; } } if (!conn) conn = UNI_T_UT_D04_NEW; devices = NULL; if (!(usb_devices = sr_usb_find(drvc->sr_ctx->libusb_ctx, conn))) { g_slist_free_full(usb_devices, g_free); return NULL; } for (l = usb_devices; l; l = l->next) { usb = l->data; if (!(devc = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct dev_context)))) { sr_err("Device context malloc failed."); return NULL; } if (!(sdi = sr_dev_inst_new(0, SR_ST_INACTIVE, di->longname, NULL, NULL))) { sr_err("sr_dev_inst_new returned NULL."); return NULL; } sdi->priv = devc; sdi->driver = di; if (!(probe = sr_probe_new(0, SR_PROBE_ANALOG, TRUE, "P1"))) return NULL; sdi->probes = g_slist_append(sdi->probes, probe); devc->usb = usb; drvc->instances = g_slist_append(drvc->instances, sdi); devices = g_slist_append(devices, sdi); } return devices; }