static void fd_seek(void) { unsigned long flags; DPRINT(("fd_seek() to track %d (unit[SelectedDrive].track=%d)\n", ReqTrack, unit[SelectedDrive].track)); if (unit[SelectedDrive].track == ReqTrack << unit[SelectedDrive].disktype->stretch) { fd_seek_done(0); return; } FDC1772_WRITE(FDC1772REG_DATA, ReqTrack << unit[SelectedDrive].disktype->stretch); udelay(25); save_flags(flags); clf(); SET_IRQ_HANDLER(fd_seek_done); FDC1772_WRITE(FDC1772REG_CMD, FDC1772CMD_SEEK | unit[SelectedDrive].steprate | /* DAG */ (MotorOn?FDC1772CMDADD_H:0)); restore_flags(flags); MotorOn = 1; set_head_settle_flag(); START_TIMEOUT(); /* wait for IRQ */ }
static void arc_floppy_data_enable_dma(dmach_t channel, dma_t *dma) { DPRINTK("arc_floppy_data_enable_dma\n"); if (dma->using_sg) BUG(); switch (dma->dma_mode) { case DMA_MODE_READ: { /* read */ unsigned long flags; DPRINTK("enable_dma fdc1772 data read\n"); local_save_flags_cli(flags); clf(); memcpy ((void *)0x1c, (void *)&fdc1772_dma_read, &fdc1772_dma_read_end - &fdc1772_dma_read); fdc1772_setupdma(dma->buf.length, dma->buf.__address); /* Sets data pointer up */ enable_fiq(FIQ_FLOPPYDATA); loacl_irq_restore(flags); } break; case DMA_MODE_WRITE: { /* write */ unsigned long flags; DPRINTK("enable_dma fdc1772 data write\n"); local_save_flags_cli(flags); clf(); memcpy ((void *)0x1c, (void *)&fdc1772_dma_write, &fdc1772_dma_write_end - &fdc1772_dma_write); fdc1772_setupdma(dma->buf.length, dma->buf.__address); /* Sets data pointer up */ enable_fiq(FIQ_FLOPPYDATA); local_irq_restore(flags); } break; default: printk ("enable_dma: dma%d not initialised\n", channel); } }
static void arc_floppy_data_enable_dma(dmach_t channel, dma_t *dma) { DPRINTK("arc_floppy_data_enable_dma\n"); switch (dma->dma_mode) { case DMA_MODE_READ: { /* read */ extern unsigned char fdc1772_dma_read, fdc1772_dma_read_end; extern void fdc1772_setupdma(unsigned int count,unsigned int addr); unsigned long flags; DPRINTK("enable_dma fdc1772 data read\n"); save_flags(flags); clf(); memcpy ((void *)0x1c, (void *)&fdc1772_dma_read, &fdc1772_dma_read_end - &fdc1772_dma_read); fdc1772_setupdma(dma->buf.length, dma->buf.address); /* Sets data pointer up */ enable_fiq(FIQ_FLOPPYDATA); restore_flags(flags); } break; case DMA_MODE_WRITE: { /* write */ extern unsigned char fdc1772_dma_write, fdc1772_dma_write_end; extern void fdc1772_setupdma(unsigned int count,unsigned int addr); unsigned long flags; DPRINTK("enable_dma fdc1772 data write\n"); save_flags(flags); clf(); memcpy ((void *)0x1c, (void *)&fdc1772_dma_write, &fdc1772_dma_write_end - &fdc1772_dma_write); fdc1772_setupdma(dma->buf.length, dma->buf.address); /* Sets data pointer up */ enable_fiq(FIQ_FLOPPYDATA; restore_flags(flags); } break; default: printk ("enable_dma: dma%d not initialised\n", channel); } }
static void arc_floppy_cmdend_enable_dma(dmach_t channel, dma_t *dma) { /* Need to build a branch at the FIQ address */ extern void fdc1772_comendhandler(void); unsigned long flags; DPRINTK("arc_floppy_cmdend_enable_dma\n"); /*printk("enable_dma fdc1772 command end FIQ\n");*/ save_flags(flags); clf(); /* B fdc1772_comendhandler */ *((unsigned int *)0x1c)=0xea000000 | (((unsigned int)fdc1772_comendhandler-(0x1c+8))/4); local_irq_restore(flags); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FLOCK::integrate() { timers["integrate"]->start(); euler_integration.execute(num, settings->GetSettingAs<float>("time_step"), cl_position_u, cl_position_s, cl_velocity_u, cl_velocity_s, cl_separation_s, cl_alignment_s, cl_cohesion_s, cl_goal_s, cl_avoid_s, cl_leaderfollowing_s, cl_rotation_u, cl_sort_indices, cl_FLOCKParameters, cl_GridParamsScaled, //debug clf_debug, cli_debug); // mymese debugging #if 0 if(num > 0) { vector<int4> cli(num); cli_debug.copyToHost(cli); vector<float4> clf(num); clf_debug.copyToHost(clf); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf("w1 = %d\t w2 = %d\t w3 = %d\t w4 = %d\n", cli[i].x, cli[i].y, cli[i].z, cli[i].w); printf("clf[%d] = %f %f %f %f\n", i, clf[i].x, clf[i].y, clf[i].z, clf[i].w); } printf("num= %d\n", num); printf("\n\n"); } #endif timers["integrate"]->stop(); }
void Density::execute(int num, //input //Buffer<float4>& svars, Buffer<float4>& pos_s, Buffer<float>& dens_s, //output Buffer<unsigned int>& ci_start, Buffer<unsigned int>& ci_end, //params Buffer<SPHParams>& sphp, Buffer<GridParams>& gp, //debug params Buffer<float4>& clf_debug, Buffer<int4>& cli_debug) { int iarg = 0; //k_density.setArg(iarg++, svars.getDevicePtr()); k_density.setArg(iarg++, pos_s.getDevicePtr()); k_density.setArg(iarg++, dens_s.getDevicePtr()); k_density.setArg(iarg++, ci_start.getDevicePtr()); k_density.setArg(iarg++, ci_end.getDevicePtr()); k_density.setArg(iarg++, gp.getDevicePtr()); k_density.setArg(iarg++, sphp.getDevicePtr()); // ONLY IF DEBUGGING k_density.setArg(iarg++, clf_debug.getDevicePtr()); k_density.setArg(iarg++, cli_debug.getDevicePtr()); int local = 64; try { float gputime = k_density.execute(num, local); if(gputime > 0) timer->set(gputime); } catch (cl::Error er) { printf("ERROR(density): %s(%s)\n", er.what(), CL::oclErrorString(er.err())); } #if 0 //printouts //DEBUGING if(num > 0)// && choice == 0) { printf("============================================\n"); printf("which == %d *** \n", choice); printf("***** PRINT neighbors diagnostics ******\n"); printf("num %d\n", num); std::vector<int4> cli(num); std::vector<float4> clf(num); cli_debug.copyToHost(cli); clf_debug.copyToHost(clf); std::vector<float4> poss(num); std::vector<float4> dens(num); for (int i=0; i < num; i++) //for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { //printf("-----\n"); printf("clf_debug: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", clf[i].x, clf[i].y, clf[i].z, clf[i].w); //if(clf[i].w == 0.0) exit(0); //printf("cli_debug: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", cli[i].x, cli[i].y, cli[i].z, cli[i].w); // printf("pos : %f, %f, %f, %f\n", pos[i].x, pos[i].y, pos[i].z, pos[i].w); } } #endif }
void LeapFrog::execute(int num, float dt, Buffer<float4>& pos_u, Buffer<float4>& pos_s, Buffer<float4>& vel_u, Buffer<float4>& vel_s, Buffer<float4>& veleval_u, Buffer<float4>& force_s, Buffer<float4>& xsph_s, Buffer<float4>& color_u, Buffer<float4>& color_s, //Buffer<float4>& uvars, //Buffer<float4>& svars, Buffer<unsigned int>& indices, //params Buffer<SPHParams>& sphp, //debug params Buffer<float4>& clf_debug, Buffer<int4>& cli_debug) { int iargs = 0; //k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, uvars.getDevicePtr()); //k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, svars.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, pos_u.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, pos_s.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, vel_u.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, vel_s.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, veleval_u.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, force_s.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, xsph_s.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, color_u.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, color_s.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, indices.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, sphp.getDevicePtr()); k_leapfrog.setArg(iargs++, dt); //time step int local_size = 128; float gputime = k_leapfrog.execute(num, local_size); if(gputime > 0) timer->set(gputime); #if 0 //printouts //DEBUGING if(num > 0)// && choice == 0) { printf("***** leapfrog diagnostics ******\n"); printf("num %d\n", num); std::vector<float4> clf(num); std::vector<float4> force(num); clf_debug.copyToHost(clf); force_s.copyToHost(force); for (int i=0; i < num && i<5; i++) { printf("clf_debug: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", clf[i].x, clf[i].y, clf[i].z, clf[i].w); printf("force: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", force[i].x, force[i].y, force[i].z, force[i].w); } dout<<"size of sphparam = "<<sizeof(SPHParams)<<endl; } #endif } //namespace sph
void Lifetime::execute(int num, float increment, Buffer<float4>& pos_u, Buffer<float4>& color_u, Buffer<float4>& color_s, Buffer<unsigned int>& indices, Buffer<float4>& clf_debug, Buffer<int4>& cli_debug) { int iargs = 0; k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, num); //time step k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, increment); //time step k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, pos_u.getDevicePtr()); k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, color_u.getDevicePtr()); k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, color_s.getDevicePtr()); k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, indices.getDevicePtr()); //lifetime.setArg(iargs++, color.getDevicePtr()); k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, clf_debug.getDevicePtr()); k_lifetime.setArg(iargs++, cli_debug.getDevicePtr()); int local_size = 128; float gputime = k_lifetime.execute(num, local_size); if(gputime > 0) timer->set(gputime); #if 0 if(num > 0) { printf("************ Lifetime**************\n"); int nbc = num + 5; std::vector<int4> cli(nbc); std::vector<float4> clf(nbc); cli_debug.copyToHost(cli); clf_debug.copyToHost(clf); for (int i=0; i < nbc; i++) { //printf("-----\n"); printf("clf_debug: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", clf[i].x, clf[i].y, clf[i].z, clf[i].w); //printf("cli_debug: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", cli[i].x, cli[i].y, cli[i].z, cli[i].w); } } #endif /* * enables us to cut off after a couple iterations * by setting cut = 1 from some other function if(cut >= 1) { if (cut == 2) {exit(0);} cut++; } */ }
void PRBEuler::execute(int num, float dt, /*Buffer<float4>& pos_u, Buffer<float4>& pos_s, Buffer<float4>& vel_u, Buffer<float4>& vel_s, Buffer<float4>& linear_force_s, Buffer<float4>& torque_force_s,*/ Buffer<float4>& comLinearForce, Buffer<float4>& comTorqueForce, Buffer<float4>& comVel, Buffer<float4>& comAngVel, Buffer<float4>& comAngMomentum, Buffer<float4>& comPos, Buffer<float4>& comRot, Buffer<float16>& inertialTensor, Buffer<float>& rbMass, float4 gravity, int numRBs, Buffer<ParticleRigidBodyParams>& prbp, //debug params Buffer<float4>& clf_debug, Buffer<int4>& cli_debug) { int iargs = 0; k_euler.setArg(iargs++,comLinearForce.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,comTorqueForce.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,comVel.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,comAngVel.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,comAngMomentum.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,comPos.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,comRot.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,inertialTensor.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++,rbMass.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++, gravity); k_euler.setArg(iargs++, dt); //time step k_euler.setArg(iargs++, prbp.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++, clf_debug.getDevicePtr()); k_euler.setArg(iargs++, cli_debug.getDevicePtr()); try { float gputime = k_euler.execute(numRBs);//, local_size); if(gputime > 0) timer->set(gputime); } catch (cl::Error er) { printf("ERROR(force ): %s(%s)\n", er.what(), CL::oclErrorString(er.err())); } //int local_size = 128; #if 0 //printouts //DEBUGING if(numRBs > 0)// && choice == 0) { printf("============================================\n"); printf("***** PRINT euler output ******\n"); printf("num %d\n", numRBs); std::vector<int4> cli(numRBs); std::vector<float4> clf(numRBs); cli_debug.copyToHost(cli); clf_debug.copyToHost(clf); for (int i=0; i < numRBs; i++) //for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { //printf("-----\n"); printf("clf_debug: %08f, %08f, %08f, %08f\n", clf[i].x, clf[i].y, clf[i].z, clf[i].w); //if(clf[i].w == 0.0) exit(0); //printf("cli_debug: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", cli[i].x, cli[i].y, cli[i].z, cli[i].w); // printf("pos : %f, %f, %f, %f\n", pos[i].x, pos[i].y, pos[i].z, pos[i].w); } } #endif }
void PRBSegmentedScan::execute(int num, Buffer<float4>& pos_l, //Buffer<float4>& veleval_s, Buffer<int2>& particleIndex, Buffer<float4>& linear_force_u, Buffer<float4>& comLinearForce, Buffer<float4>& comTorqueForce, Buffer<float4>& comPos, Buffer<float4>& comRot, int numRBs, Buffer<ParticleRigidBodyParams>& prbp, //Buffer<float4>& torque_force_s, //Buffer<unsigned int>& ci_start, //Buffer<unsigned int>& ci_end, //debug params Buffer<float4>& clf_debug, Buffer<int4>& cli_debug) { int iarg = 0; k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, pos_l.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, particleIndex.getDevicePtr()); //k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, veleval_s.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, linear_force_u.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, comLinearForce.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, comTorqueForce.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, comPos.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, comRot.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, prbp.getDevicePtr()); //k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, torque_force_s.getDevicePtr()); //k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, ci_start.getDevicePtr()); //k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, ci_end.getDevicePtr()); // ONLY IF DEBUGGING k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, clf_debug.getDevicePtr()); k_segmented_scan.setArg(iarg++, cli_debug.getDevicePtr()); int local = 64; try { float gputime = k_segmented_scan.execute(numRBs);//, local); if(gputime > 0) timer->set(gputime); } catch (cl::Error er) { printf("ERROR(PRBSegmentedScan): %s(%s)\n", er.what(), CL::oclErrorString(er.err())); } #if 0 //printouts //DEBUGING if(numRBs > 0)// && choice == 0) { printf("============================================\n"); printf("***** PRINT Segmented Scan diagnostics ******\n"); printf("numRBs %d\n", numRBs); std::vector<int4> cli(numRBs); std::vector<float4> clf(numRBs); cli_debug.copyToHost(cli); clf_debug.copyToHost(clf); for (int i=0; i < numRBs; i++) //for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { //printf("-----\n"); printf("clf_debug: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", clf[i].x, clf[i].y, clf[i].z, clf[i].w); //if(clf[i].w == 0.0) exit(0); //printf("cli_debug: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", cli[i].x, cli[i].y, cli[i].z, cli[i].w); // printf("pos : %f, %f, %f, %f\n", pos[i].x, pos[i].y, pos[i].z, pos[i].w); } } #endif }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { try { po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "print this help message") ("config,c", po::value<std::string>()->required(), "path to config file") ("model,m", po::value<std::string>()->required(), "path to model file") ("input,i", po::value<std::string>()->required(), "path to image file") ; po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 0; } po::notify(vm); std::shared_ptr<TextDetector::ConfigurationManager> config( new TextDetector::ConfigurationManager( vm["config"].as<std::string>())); TextDetector::ConfigurationManager::set_instance(config); float threshold = config->get_threshold(); srand(config->get_random_seed()); // creates the models TextDetector::ModelManager model_manager(config); if (config->verbose()) std::cout << "Read inputs" << std::endl; std::string input(vm["input"].as<std::string>()); if (!fs::exists(input)) { std::cerr << "Input image not available" << std::endl; return 1; } TextDetector::MserDetector detector(config); TextDetector::AdaboostClassifier clf(vm["model"].as<std::string>()); cv::Mat image = cv::imread(input); cv::Mat mask; clf.detect(image, mask); cv::Mat result_image; std::vector<cv::Rect> words = detector(image, result_image, mask > (255 * threshold)); for (size_t i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { cv::Rect r = words[i]; cv::rectangle(result_image,,, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 4); std::cout << r.x << "," << r.y << "," << r.width << "," << r.height << std::endl; } cv::imshow("MASK", mask); cv::imshow("RESULT", result_image); cv::waitKey(0); } catch (const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
dsort(char *from, char *to) #endif { struct Memb { struct Memb *next; int n; char buf[32000]; }; typedef struct Memb memb; memb *mb, *mb1; register char *x, *x0, *xe; register int c, n; FILE *f; char **z, **z0; int nn = 0; f = opf(from, textread); mb = (memb *)Alloc(sizeof(memb)); mb->next = 0; x0 = x = mb->buf; xe = x + sizeof(mb->buf); n = 0; for(;;) { c = getc(f); if (x >= xe && (c != EOF || x != x0)) { if (!n) return 126; nn += n; mb->n = n; mb1 = (memb *)Alloc(sizeof(memb)); mb1->next = mb; mb = mb1; memcpy(mb->buf, x0, n = x-x0); x0 = mb->buf; x = x0 + n; xe = x0 + sizeof(mb->buf); n = 0; } if (c == EOF) break; if (c == '\n') { ++n; *x++ = 0; x0 = x; } else *x++ = c; } clf(&f, from, 1); f = opf(to, textwrite); if (x > x0) { /* shouldn't happen */ *x = 0; ++n; } mb->n = n; nn += n; if (!nn) /* shouldn't happen */ goto done; z = z0 = (char **)Alloc(nn*sizeof(char *)); for(mb1 = mb; mb1; mb1 = mb1->next) { x = mb1->buf; n = mb1->n; for(;;) { *z++ = x; if (--n <= 0) break; while(*x++); } } qsort((char *)z0, nn, sizeof(char *), compare); for(n = nn, z = z0; n > 0; n--) fprintf(f, "%s\n", *z++); free((char *)z0); done: clf(&f, to, 1); do { mb1 = mb->next; free((char *)mb); } while(mb = mb1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { device_use = 0; if(argc>1) device_use = atoi(argv[1]); static char* exampleImagePath = "..\\..\\..\\media\\kewell1.jpg"; //create a random filterbank const int num_filters = 256; //number of pipeline passes const int num_iters = 125; const int filter_dim = 3; FilterBank fb(filter_dim, num_filters); fb.set_on_device(); Classifier clf(128, 64, 8, 2, num_filters); //load the image on device cv::Mat exampleImage = cv::imread(exampleImagePath, 0); //convert to float exampleImage.convertTo(exampleImage, CV_32FC1); cv::resize(exampleImage, exampleImage, cv::Size(exampleImage.cols, exampleImage.rows)); if(device_use==0) std::cout << "running on CPU" <<std::endl; else std::cout << "running on GPU" <<std::endl; std::cout << "Image dimensions:" << exampleImage.size().height <<" "<< exampleImage.size().width <<std::endl; //pull the data float* f_imData = (float*); DeviceMatrixCL::Ptr dmpCL = makeDeviceMatrixCL(exampleImage.size().height, exampleImage.size().width); DeviceMatrixCL_copyToDevice(*dmpCL, f_imData); /* for(int i=0; i<20; i++) { DeviceMatrixCL3D::Ptr ff_im = fb.apply_cl(dmpCL); // tic1= omp_get_wtime(); DeviceMatrixCL::Ptr block_histogram = cell_histogram_dense_cl( ff_im, num_filters, 8, 0, 0, exampleImage.size().height, exampleImage.size().width); // tic2= omp_get_wtime(); DeviceMatrixCL::Ptr result = clf.apply(block_histogram); } */ double tic0, tic1, tic2, tic3; double tim1 = 0.0; double tim2 = 0.0; double tim3 = 0.0; for(int i=0; i<num_iters; i++) { tic0= omp_get_wtime(); DeviceMatrixCL3D::Ptr ff_im = fb.apply_cl(dmpCL); tic1= omp_get_wtime(); tim1 += tic1 - tic0; DeviceMatrixCL::Ptr block_histogram = cell_histogram_dense_cl( ff_im, num_filters, 8, 0, 0, exampleImage.size().height, exampleImage.size().width); tic2= omp_get_wtime(); tim2 += tic2 - tic1; DeviceMatrixCL::Ptr result = clf.apply(block_histogram); TheContext* tc = new TheContext(); clFinish(tc->getMyContext()->cqCommandQueue); tic3 = omp_get_wtime(); tim3 += tic3 - tic2; } std::cout << "full pipeline time: " << tim1 + tim2 + tim3 << std::endl; std::cout << "filter pipeline time: " << tim1 << std::endl; std::cout << "histogram pipeline time: " << tim2 << std::endl; std::cout << "classifier pipeline time: " << tim3 << std::endl; return 0; }
void RigidBodyForce::execute(int num, Buffer<float>& density, Buffer<float4>& pos_s, Buffer<float4>& veleval_s, Buffer<float4>& force_s, Buffer<float>& mass_s, Buffer<float4>& rb_pos_s, Buffer<float4>& rb_velocity_s, Buffer<float>& rb_mass_s, Buffer<unsigned int>& ci_start, Buffer<unsigned int>& ci_end, //params Buffer<SPHParams>& sphp, Buffer<GridParams>& gp, float stiffness, float dampening, float friction_dynamic, float friction_static, float friction_static_threshold, //debug params Buffer<float4>& clf_debug, Buffer<int4>& cli_debug) { int iarg = 0; k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, density.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, pos_s.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, veleval_s.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, force_s.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, mass_s.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, rb_pos_s.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, rb_velocity_s.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, rb_mass_s.getDevicePtr()); float16 rbParams; rbParams.m[0]=stiffness; rbParams.m[1]=dampening; rbParams.m[2]=friction_dynamic; rbParams.m[3]=friction_static; rbParams.m[4]=friction_static_threshold; k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, rbParams); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, ci_start.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, ci_end.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, gp.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, sphp.getDevicePtr()); // ONLY IF DEBUGGING k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, clf_debug.getDevicePtr()); k_rigidbody_force.setArg(iarg++, cli_debug.getDevicePtr()); int local = 64; try { float gputime = k_rigidbody_force.execute(num, local); if(gputime > 0) timer->set(gputime); } catch (cl::Error er) { printf("ERROR(rigidbody force ): %s(%s)\n", er.what(), CL::oclErrorString(er.err())); } #if 0 //printouts //DEBUGING if(num > 0)// && choice == 0) { printf("============================================\n"); printf("which == %d *** \n", choice); printf("***** PRINT neighbors diagnostics ******\n"); printf("num %d\n", num); std::vector<int4> cli(num); std::vector<float4> clf(num); cli_debug.copyToHost(cli); clf_debug.copyToHost(clf); std::vector<float4> poss(num); std::vector<float4> dens(num); for (int i=0; i < num; i++) //for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { //printf("-----\n"); printf("clf_debug: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", clf[i].x, clf[i].y, clf[i].z, clf[i].w); //if(clf[i].w == 0.0) exit(0); //printf("cli_debug: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", cli[i].x, cli[i].y, cli[i].z, cli[i].w); //printf("pos : %f, %f, %f, %f\n", pos[i].x, pos[i].y, pos[i].z, pos[i].w); } } #endif }