コード例 #1
ファイル: cache.cpp プロジェクト: alerque/bibledit
string resource_cache (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

  string resource = request->query ["resource"];
  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (menu_logic_resources_text (), request);
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_menu (), menu_logic_settings_text ());
  page = header.run ();
  Assets_View view;

  if (request->query.count ("clear")) {
    sendreceive_resources_clear_all ();
  vector <string> resources = Database_Config_General::getResourcesToCache ();
  if (!resources.empty ()) {
    view.enable_zone ("scheduled");
    view.set_variable ("scheduled", filter_string_implode (resources, " | "));
  vector <string> listed_resources;
  string block;
  // Display the available USFM resources.
  resources = client_logic_usfm_resources_get ();
  for (auto & resource : resources) {
    block.append ("<p>");
    block.append ("<a href=\"download?name=" + resource + "\">" + resource + "</a>");
    block.append ("</p>\n");
  listed_resources.insert (listed_resources.end (), resources.begin (), resources.end ());
  // Display the available external resources.
  resources = resource_external_names ();
  for (auto & resource : resources) {
    block.append ("<p>");
    block.append ("<a href=\"download?name=" + resource + "\">" + resource + "</a>");
    block.append ("</p>\n");
  listed_resources.insert (listed_resources.end (), resources.begin (), resources.end ());
  // Display the available SWORD resources.
  resources = sword_logic_get_available ();
  for (auto & resource : resources) {
    string source = sword_logic_get_source (resource);
    string module = sword_logic_get_remote_module (resource);
    string name = "[" + source + "][" + module + "]";
    block.append ("<p>");
    block.append ("<a href=\"download?name=" + name + "\">" + resource + "</a>");
    block.append ("</p>\n");
  listed_resources.insert (listed_resources.end (), resources.begin (), resources.end ());
  // Display any old USFM resources still available on the client.
  Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources;
  resources = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
  for (auto & resource : resources) {
    if (in_array (resource, listed_resources)) continue;
    block.append ("<p>");
    block.append ("<a href=\"download?name=" + resource + "&old=yes\">" + resource + "</a>");
    block.append ("</p>\n");
  // Display any offline resources still available on the client.
  Database_OfflineResources database_offlineresources;
  resources = database_offlineresources.names ();
  for (auto & resource : resources) {
    if (in_array (resource, listed_resources)) continue;
    block.append ("<p>");
    block.append ("<a href=\"download?name=" + resource + "&old=yes\">" + resource + "</a>");
    block.append ("</p>\n");
  // Display the list.
  view.set_variable ("block", block);

  page += view.render ("resource", "cache");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
コード例 #2
ファイル: logic.cpp プロジェクト: alerque/bibledit
// This is the most basic version that fetches the text of a $resource.
// It works on server and on client.
// It uses the cache.
string resource_logic_get_verse (void * webserver_request, string resource, int book, int chapter, int verse)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

  string data;

  Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources;
  Database_ImageResources database_imageresources;
  // Lists of the various types of resources.
  // As from February 2016 a client no longer automatically downloads USFM resources from the Cloud.
  // But a client takes in account existing USFM resources it has downloaded before.
  vector <string> bibles = request->database_bibles()->getBibles ();
  vector <string> local_usfms = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
  vector <string> remote_usfms;
  if (config_logic_client_prepared ()) {
    remote_usfms = client_logic_usfm_resources_get ();
  vector <string> externals = resource_external_names ();
  vector <string> images = database_imageresources.names ();
  vector <string> lexicons = lexicon_logic_resource_names ();
  // Possible SWORD details.
  string sword_module = sword_logic_get_remote_module (resource);
  string sword_source = sword_logic_get_source (resource);
  // Determine the type of the current resource.
  bool isBible = in_array (resource, bibles);
  bool isLocalUsfm = in_array (resource, local_usfms);
  bool isRemoteUsfm = in_array (resource, remote_usfms);
  bool isExternal = in_array (resource, externals);
  bool isImage = in_array (resource, images);
  bool isLexicon = in_array (resource, lexicons);
  bool isSword = (!sword_source.empty () && !sword_module.empty ());
  if (isBible || isLocalUsfm) {
    string chapter_usfm;
    if (isBible) chapter_usfm = request->database_bibles()->getChapter (resource, book, chapter);
    if (isLocalUsfm) chapter_usfm = database_usfmresources.getUsfm (resource, book, chapter);
    string verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (chapter_usfm, verse);
    string stylesheet = styles_logic_standard_sheet ();
    Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (resource);
    filter_text.html_text_standard = new Html_Text ("");
    filter_text.addUsfmCode (verse_usfm);
    filter_text.run (stylesheet);
    data = filter_text.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml ();
  } else if (isRemoteUsfm) {
    data = resource_logic_client_fetch_cache_from_cloud (resource, book, chapter, verse);
  } else if (isExternal) {
    if (config_logic_client_prepared ()) {
      // A client fetches it from the cache or from the Cloud,
      // or, for older versions, from the offline resources database.
      // As of 12 December 2015, the offline resources database is not needed anymore.
      // It can be removed after a year or so.
      Database_OfflineResources database_offlineresources;
      if (database_offlineresources.exists (resource, book, chapter, verse)) {
        data = database_offlineresources.get (resource, book, chapter, verse);
      } else {
        data = resource_logic_client_fetch_cache_from_cloud (resource, book, chapter, verse);
    } else {
      // The server fetches it from the web, via the http cache.
      data.append (resource_external_cloud_fetch_cache_extract (resource, book, chapter, verse));
  } else if (isImage) {
    vector <string> images = database_imageresources.get (resource, book, chapter, verse);
    for (auto & image : images) {
      data.append ("<div><img src=\"/resource/imagefetch?name=" + resource + "&image=" + image + "\" alt=\"Image resource\" style=\"width:100%\"></div>");
  } else if (isLexicon) {
    data = lexicon_logic_get_html (request, resource, book, chapter, verse);
  } else if (isSword) {
    data = sword_logic_get_text (sword_source, sword_module, book, chapter, verse);
  } else {
    // Nothing found.
  // Any font size given in a paragraph style may interfere with the font size setting for the resources
  // as given in Bibledit. For that reason remove the class name from a paragraph style.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    string fragment = "p class=\"";
    size_t pos = data.find (fragment);
    if (pos != string::npos) {
      size_t pos2 = data.find ("\"", pos + fragment.length () + 1);
      if (pos2 != string::npos) {
        data.erase (pos + 1, pos2 - pos + 1);
  // NET Bible updates.
  data = filter_string_str_replace ("<span class=\"s ", "<span class=\"", data);

  return data;
コード例 #3
string resource_organize (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

  string checkbox = request->post ["checkbox"];
  bool checked = convert_to_bool (request->post ["checked"]);

  if (request->query.count ("add") || request->post.count ("add")) {
    string add = request->query["add"];
    if (add.empty ()) add = request->post ["add"];
    vector <string> resources = request->database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
    resources.push_back (add);
    request->database_config_user()->setActiveResources (resources);
    request->database_config_user()->addUpdatedSetting (Sync_Logic::settings_send_resources_organization);
  if (request->query.count ("remove")) {
    size_t remove = convert_to_int (request->query["remove"]);
    vector <string> resources = request->database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
    if (remove < resources.size ()) {
      resources.erase (resources.begin () + remove);
    request->database_config_user()->setActiveResources (resources);
    request->database_config_user()->addUpdatedSetting (Sync_Logic::settings_send_resources_organization);

  if (request->query.count ("moveup")) {
    size_t moveup = convert_to_int (request->query["moveup"]);
    vector <string> resources = request->database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
    array_move_up_down (resources, moveup, true);
    request->database_config_user()->setActiveResources (resources);
    request->database_config_user()->addUpdatedSetting (Sync_Logic::settings_send_resources_organization);

  if (request->query.count ("movedown")) {
    size_t movedown = convert_to_int (request->query["movedown"]);
    vector <string> resources = request->database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
    array_move_up_down (resources, movedown, false);
    request->database_config_user()->setActiveResources (resources);
    request->database_config_user()->addUpdatedSetting (Sync_Logic::settings_send_resources_organization);
  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Resources"), request);
  page = header.run ();
  Assets_View view;

  // Active resources.
  vector <string> active_resources = request->database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
  string activesblock;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < active_resources.size (); i++) {
    activesblock.append ("<p>");
    activesblock.append ("<a href=\"?remove=" + convert_to_string (i) + "\">");
    activesblock.append (emoji_wastebasket ());
    activesblock.append ("</a>");
    activesblock.append (" ");
    activesblock.append ("<a href=\"?moveup=" + convert_to_string (i) + "\">");
    activesblock.append (unicode_black_up_pointing_triangle ());
    activesblock.append ("</a>");
    activesblock.append ("<a href=\"?movedown=" + convert_to_string (i) + "\">");
    activesblock.append (unicode_black_down_pointing_triangle ());
    activesblock.append ("</a>");
    activesblock.append (" ");
    activesblock.append (active_resources [i]);
    activesblock.append ("</p>");
    activesblock.append ("\n");
  view.set_variable ("activesblock", activesblock);
  // Context before.
  if (request->query.count ("before")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("organize", translate("Please enter the number of verses"), convert_to_string (request->database_config_user ()->getResourceVersesBefore ()), "before", translate ("How many verses of context to display before the focused verse."));
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count ("before")) {
    int value = convert_to_int (request->post["entry"]);
    if ((value >= 0) && (value <= 100)) {
      request->database_config_user ()->setResourceVersesBefore (value);
  view.set_variable ("before", convert_to_string (request->database_config_user ()->getResourceVersesBefore ()));

  // Context after.
  if (request->query.count ("after")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("organize", translate("Please enter the number of verses"), convert_to_string (request->database_config_user ()->getResourceVersesAfter ()), "after", translate ("How many verses of context to display after the focused verse."));
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count ("after")) {
    int value = convert_to_int (request->post["entry"]);
    if ((value >= 0) && (value <= 100)) {
      request->database_config_user ()->setResourceVersesAfter (value);
  view.set_variable ("after", convert_to_string (request->database_config_user ()->getResourceVersesAfter ()));

  if (checkbox == "related") {
    request->database_config_user ()->setIncludeRelatedPassages (checked);
    return "";
  view.set_variable ("related", get_checkbox_status (request->database_config_user ()->getIncludeRelatedPassages ()));

  if (request->query.count ("install")) {
    vector <string> usfm_resources = client_logic_usfm_resources_get ();
    vector <string> original_language_resources = resource_external_get_original_language_resources ();
    vector <string> bible_resources = resource_external_get_bibles ();
    vector <string> commentary_resources = resource_external_get_commentaries ();
    vector <string> general_resources = resource_external_get_general_resources ();
    vector <string> sword_resources = sword_logic_get_available ();
    vector <string> installable_resources;
    installable_resources.insert (installable_resources.end (), usfm_resources.begin (), usfm_resources.end ());
    installable_resources.insert (installable_resources.end (), original_language_resources.begin (), original_language_resources.end ());
    installable_resources.insert (installable_resources.end (), bible_resources.begin (), bible_resources.end ());
    installable_resources.insert (installable_resources.end (), commentary_resources.begin (), commentary_resources.end ());
    installable_resources.insert (installable_resources.end (), general_resources.begin (), general_resources.end ());
    installable_resources.insert (installable_resources.end (), sword_resources.begin (), sword_resources.end ());
    vector <string> installing_resources = Database_Config_General::getResourcesToCache ();
    vector <string> active_resources = request->database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
    for (auto & resource : active_resources) {
      if (in_array (resource, installable_resources)) {
        if (!in_array (resource, installing_resources)) {
          installing_resources.push_back (resource);
          Database_Config_General::setResourcesToCache (installing_resources);
    tasks_logic_queue (SYNCRESOURCES);
    view.set_variable ("success", translate ("Will install the resources.") + " " + translate ("The journal displays the progress."));

  view.enable_zone ("client");

  page += view.render ("resource", "organize");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
コード例 #4
ファイル: logic.cpp プロジェクト: alerque/bibledit
string resource_logic_get_html (void * webserver_request,
                                string resource, int book, int chapter, int verse,
                                bool add_verse_numbers)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

  string html;
  Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources;
  Database_ImageResources database_imageresources;
  Database_Mappings database_mappings;
  // Lists of the various types of resources.
  vector <string> bibles = request->database_bibles()->getBibles ();
  vector <string> usfms;
  if (config_logic_client_prepared ()) {
    usfms = client_logic_usfm_resources_get ();
    // As from February 2016 a client no longer automatically downloads USFM resources off the server.
    // But a client takes in account existing USFM resources it has downloaded before.
    vector <string> old_usfms = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
    usfms.insert (usfms.end (), old_usfms.begin (), old_usfms.end ());
  } else {
    usfms = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
  vector <string> externals = resource_external_names ();
  vector <string> images = database_imageresources.names ();
  vector <string> lexicons = lexicon_logic_resource_names ();

  // Possible SWORD details.
  string sword_module = sword_logic_get_remote_module (resource);
  string sword_source = sword_logic_get_source (resource);
  // Determine the type of the current resource.
  bool isBible = in_array (resource, bibles);
  bool isUsfm = in_array (resource, usfms);
  bool isExternal = in_array (resource, externals);
  bool isImage = in_array (resource, images);
  bool isLexicon = in_array (resource, lexicons);
  bool isSword = (!sword_source.empty () && !sword_module.empty ());

  // Retrieve versification system of the active Bible.
  string bible = request->database_config_user ()->getBible ();
  string bible_versification = Database_Config_Bible::getVersificationSystem (bible);

  // Determine the versification system of the current resource.
  string resource_versification;
  if (isBible || isUsfm) {
    resource_versification = Database_Config_Bible::getVersificationSystem (bible);
  } else if (isExternal) {
    resource_versification = resource_external_mapping (resource);
  } else if (isImage) {
  } else if (isLexicon) {
    resource_versification = database_mappings.original ();
    if (resource == KJV_LEXICON_NAME) resource_versification = "English";
  } else if (isSword) {
    resource_versification = "English";
  } else {

  // If the resource versification system differs from the Bible's versification system,
  // map the focused verse of the Bible to a verse in the Resource.
  // There are resources without versification system: Do nothing about them.
  vector <Passage> passages;
  if ((bible_versification != resource_versification) && !resource_versification.empty ()) {
    passages = database_mappings.translate (bible_versification, resource_versification, book, chapter, verse);
  } else {
    passages.push_back (Passage ("", book, chapter, convert_to_string (verse)));

  // If there's been a mapping, the resource should include the verse number for clarity.
  if (passages.size () != 1) add_verse_numbers = true;
  for (auto passage : passages) {
    if (verse != convert_to_int (passage.verse)) {
      add_verse_numbers = true;
  for (auto passage : passages) {
    int book = passage.book;
    int chapter = passage.chapter;
    int verse = convert_to_int (passage.verse);
    string possible_included_verse;
    if (add_verse_numbers) possible_included_verse = convert_to_string (verse) + " ";
    if (isImage) possible_included_verse.clear ();
    html.append (resource_logic_get_verse (webserver_request, resource, book, chapter, verse));
  return html;