コード例 #1
int runoff_open()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  returns the global error code
//  Purpose: opens the runoff analyzer.
    IsRaining = FALSE;
    HasRunoff = FALSE;
    HasSnow = FALSE;
    Nsteps = 0;

    // --- open the Ordinary Differential Equation solver
    //     to solve up to 3 ode's.
    if ( !odesolve_open(3) ) report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_ODE_SOLVER, "");

    // --- allocate memory for pollutant washoff loads
    WashoffQual = NULL;
    WashoffLoad = NULL;
    if ( Nobjects[POLLUT] > 0 )
        WashoffQual = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[POLLUT], sizeof(double));
        if ( !WashoffQual ) report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");
        WashoffLoad = (double *) calloc(Nobjects[POLLUT], sizeof(double));
        if ( !WashoffLoad ) report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_MEMORY, "");

    // --- see if a runoff interface file should be opened
    switch ( Frunoff.mode )
      case USE_FILE:
        if ( (Frunoff.file = fopen(Frunoff.name, "r+b")) == NULL)
            report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_RUNOFF_FILE_OPEN, Frunoff.name);
        else runoff_initFile();
      case SAVE_FILE:
        if ( (Frunoff.file = fopen(Frunoff.name, "w+b")) == NULL)
            report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_RUNOFF_FILE_OPEN, Frunoff.name);
        else runoff_initFile();

    // --- see if a climate file should be opened
    if ( Frunoff.mode != USE_FILE && Fclimate.mode == USE_FILE )
    return ErrorCode;
コード例 #2
void climate_validate()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: validates climatological variables
    int       i;                                                               //(5.1.007)
    double    a, z, pa;

    // --- check if climate data comes from external data file                 //(5.1.007)
    if ( Wind.type == FILE_WIND || Evap.type == FILE_EVAP ||
         Evap.type == TEMPERATURE_EVAP )
        if ( Fclimate.mode == NO_FILE )
            report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_NO_CLIMATE_FILE, "");

    // --- open the climate data file                                          //(5.1.007)
    if ( Fclimate.mode == USE_FILE ) climate_openFile();                       //(5.1.007)

    // --- snow melt parameters tipm & rnm must be fractions
    if ( Snow.tipm < 0.0 ||
         Snow.tipm > 1.0 ||
         Snow.rnm  < 0.0 ||
         Snow.rnm  > 1.0 ) report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_SNOWMELT_PARAMS, "");

    // --- latitude should be between -90 & 90 degrees
    a = Temp.anglat;
    if ( a <= -89.99 ||
         a >= 89.99  ) report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_SNOWMELT_PARAMS, "");
    else Temp.tanAnglat = tan(a * PI / 180.0);

    // --- compute psychrometric constant
    z = Temp.elev / 1000.0;
    if ( z <= 0.0 ) pa = 29.9;
    else  pa = 29.9 - 1.02*z + 0.0032*pow(z, 2.4); // atmos. pressure
    Temp.gamma = 0.000359 * pa;

    // --- convert units of monthly temperature & evap adjustments             //(5.1.007)
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        if (UnitSystem == SI) Adjust.temp[i] *= 9.0/5.0;
        Adjust.evap[i] /= UCF(EVAPRATE);