KLUPD::CoreError KLUPD::HttpProtocol::httpRequest( const Path &fileNameIn, const Path &relativeUrlPathIn, const Address &serverAddress, const std::string &userAgent, const bool useProxy, const Address &proxyAddress, const AuthorizationTypeList &proxyAuthorizationMethods, const size_t regettingPosition) { // second get file attempt may needed in case current connection has been timed out bool needSecondAttempt = m_connected && (m_connectedTo == (useProxy ? proxyAddress : serverAddress)); while(true) { const CoreError getFileResult = httpRequestAttempt(fileNameIn, relativeUrlPathIn, serverAddress, userAgent, useProxy, proxyAddress, proxyAuthorizationMethods, regettingPosition); // check if not connection broken problem if(getFileResult != CORE_REMOTE_HOST_CLOSED_CONNECTION) return getFileResult; closeSession(); // was not connected, thus no timeout could happen if(!needSecondAttempt) return getFileResult; TRACE_MESSAGE("Second HTTP download attempt will be performed, because connection may have been timed out"); // last attempt (only 2 attempts) needSecondAttempt = false; // will re-use previous success authorization m_authorizationDriver.authorized(false); } }
void SessionManager::closeSession(int index) { GameWidget *gameWidget = dynamic_cast<GameWidget*>(TabWidget::getInstance()->widget(index)); closeSession(gameWidget, index); }
void SessionManager::closeSession(GameWidget *gameWidget) { int index = TabWidget::getInstance()->indexOf(gameWidget); closeSession(gameWidget, index); }
/** * Associate a new session with this instance of the filter. * * Create the file to log to and open it. * * @param instance The filter instance data * @param session The session itself * @return Session specific data for this session */ static void * newSession(FILTER *instance, SESSION *session) { TEE_INSTANCE *my_instance = (TEE_INSTANCE *) instance; TEE_SESSION *my_session; char *remote, *userName; if (strcmp(my_instance->service->name, session->service->name) == 0) { MXS_ERROR("%s: Recursive use of tee filter in service.", session->service->name); my_session = NULL; goto retblock; } HASHTABLE* ht = hashtable_alloc(100, simple_str_hash, strcmp); bool is_loop = detect_loops(my_instance, ht, session->service); hashtable_free(ht); if (is_loop) { MXS_ERROR("%s: Recursive use of tee filter in service.", session->service->name); my_session = NULL; goto retblock; } if ((my_session = calloc(1, sizeof(TEE_SESSION))) != NULL) { my_session->active = 1; my_session->residual = 0; my_session->tee_replybuf = NULL; my_session->client_dcb = session->client; my_session->instance = my_instance; my_session->client_multistatement = false; my_session->queue = NULL; spinlock_init(&my_session->tee_lock); if (my_instance->source && (remote = session_get_remote(session)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(remote, my_instance->source)) { my_session->active = 0; MXS_WARNING("Tee filter is not active."); } } userName = session_getUser(session); if (my_instance->userName && userName && strcmp(userName, my_instance->userName)) { my_session->active = 0; MXS_WARNING("Tee filter is not active."); } if (my_session->active) { DCB* dcb; SESSION* ses; FILTER_DEF* dummy; UPSTREAM* dummy_upstream; if ((dcb = dcb_clone(session->client)) == NULL) { freeSession(instance, (void *) my_session); my_session = NULL; MXS_ERROR("Creating client DCB for Tee " "filter failed. Terminating session."); goto retblock; } if ((dummy = filter_alloc("tee_dummy", "tee_dummy")) == NULL) { dcb_close(dcb); freeSession(instance, (void *) my_session); my_session = NULL; MXS_ERROR("tee: Allocating memory for " "dummy filter definition failed." " Terminating session."); goto retblock; } if ((ses = session_alloc(my_instance->service, dcb)) == NULL) { filter_free(dummy); dcb_close(dcb); freeSession(instance, (void *) my_session); my_session = NULL; MXS_ERROR("Creating client session for Tee " "filter failed. Terminating session."); goto retblock; } ss_dassert(ses->ses_is_child); dummy->obj = GetModuleObject(); dummy->filter = NULL; my_session->branch_session = ses; my_session->branch_dcb = dcb; my_session->dummy_filterdef = dummy; if ((dummy_upstream = filterUpstream( dummy, my_session, &ses->tail)) == NULL) { filter_free(dummy); closeSession(instance, (void*) my_session); dcb_close(dcb); free(my_session); MXS_ERROR("tee: Allocating memory for" "dummy upstream failed." " Terminating session."); return NULL; } ses->tail = *dummy_upstream; MySQLProtocol* protocol = (MySQLProtocol*) session->client->protocol; my_session->use_ok = protocol->client_capabilities & (1 << 6); free(dummy_upstream); } } retblock: return my_session; }
SNMPSession::~SNMPSession() { SNMPManager::getManager()->unregisterSession(this); closeSession(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int defaultParams = argc < 8; //start parameters if(defaultParams) { printf("1st parameter: number of nodes to read \n"); printf("2nd parameter: number of read-tries \n"); printf("3rd parameter: name of the file to save measurement data \n"); printf("4th parameter: 1 = read same node, 0 = read different nodes \n"); printf("5th parameter: ip adress \n"); printf("6th parameter: port \n"); printf("7th parameter: 0=stateful, 1=stateless\n"); printf("8th parameter: 0=tcp, 1=udp (only with stateless calls)\n"); printf("\nUsing default parameters. \n"); } UA_UInt32 nodesToReadSize; UA_UInt32 tries; UA_Boolean alwaysSameNode; UA_ByteString reply; UA_ByteString_newMembers(&reply, 65536); UA_Boolean stateless; UA_Boolean udp; if(defaultParams) nodesToReadSize = 1; else nodesToReadSize = atoi(argv[1]); if(defaultParams) tries= 2; else tries = (UA_UInt32) atoi(argv[2]); if(defaultParams){ alwaysSameNode = UA_TRUE; }else{ if(atoi(argv[4]) != 0) alwaysSameNode = UA_TRUE; else alwaysSameNode = UA_FALSE; } if(defaultParams){ stateless = UA_FALSE; }else{ if(atoi(argv[7]) != 0) stateless = UA_TRUE; else stateless = UA_FALSE; } if(defaultParams){ udp = UA_FALSE; }else{ if(atoi(argv[8]) != 0) udp = UA_TRUE; else udp = UA_FALSE; } //Connect to remote server UA_String endpoint; UA_String_copycstring("none",&endpoint); ConnectionInfo connectionInfo; /* REQUEST START*/ UA_NodeId *nodesToRead; nodesToRead = UA_Array_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID], 1); for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i<1; i++) { if(alwaysSameNode) nodesToRead[i].identifier.numeric = 2253; //ask always the same node else nodesToRead[i].identifier.numeric = 19000 +i; nodesToRead[i].identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC; nodesToRead[i].namespaceIndex = 0; } UA_DateTime tic, toc; UA_Double *timeDiffs; UA_Int32 received; timeDiffs = UA_Array_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DOUBLE], tries); UA_Double sum = 0; tic = UA_DateTime_now(); /** UA_Double duration; UA_UInt32 count = 0; UA_Double start = 0, stop = 0; UA_UInt32 timeToRun = 30; UA_UInt32 timeToStart = 8; UA_UInt32 timeToStop = 22; do{ toc = UA_DateTime_now(); duration = ((UA_Double)toc-(UA_Double)tic)/(UA_Double)1e4; if(duration>=timeToStart*1000 && duration <= timeToStop*1000){ if(start==0.0){ start=UA_DateTime_now(); } } //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==0)){ if(defaultParams){ if(ua_client_connectUA("",atoi("16664"),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } }else{ if(ua_client_connectUA(argv[5],atoi(argv[6]),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } } //} sendReadRequest(&connectionInfo,1,nodesToRead); received = recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); if(duration>=timeToStart*1000 && duration <= timeToStop*1000){ count++; } if(!stateless){ closeSession(&connectionInfo); recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); closeSecureChannel(&connectionInfo); } //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==tries-1)){ close(connectionInfo.socket); //} if(duration >= timeToStop*1000 && stop==0){ stop=UA_DateTime_now(); printf("%i messages in %f secs, rate %f m/s\n", count, (stop-start)/(UA_Double)1e7, (UA_Double)count/((stop-start)/(UA_Double)1e7)); } }while(duration<timeToRun*1000); exit(0); **/ for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i < tries; i++) { //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==0)){ tic = UA_DateTime_now(); if(defaultParams){ if(ua_client_connectUA("",atoi("16664"),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } }else{ if(ua_client_connectUA(argv[5],atoi(argv[6]),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } } //} for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i < nodesToReadSize; i++) { sendReadRequest(&connectionInfo,1,nodesToRead); received = recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); } if(!stateless){ closeSession(&connectionInfo); recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); closeSecureChannel(&connectionInfo); } //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==tries-1)){ close(connectionInfo.socket); //} toc = UA_DateTime_now() - tic; timeDiffs[i] = (UA_Double)toc/(UA_Double)1e4; sum = sum + timeDiffs[i]; } /* REQUEST END*/ UA_Double mean = sum / tries; printf("mean time for handling request: %16.10f ms \n",mean); if(received>0) printf("received: %i\n",received); // dummy //save to file char data[100]; const char flag = 'a'; FILE* fHandle = UA_NULL; if (defaultParams) { fHandle = fopen("client.log", &flag); }else{ fHandle = fopen(argv[3], &flag); } //header UA_Int32 bytesToWrite = sprintf(data, "measurement %s in ms, nodesToRead %d \n", argv[3], 1); fwrite(data,1,bytesToWrite,fHandle); for(UA_UInt32 i=0;i<tries;i++) { bytesToWrite = sprintf(data,"%16.10f \n",timeDiffs[i]); fwrite(data,1,bytesToWrite,fHandle); } fclose(fHandle); UA_String_deleteMembers(&reply); UA_Array_delete(nodesToRead,&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID], 1); UA_free(timeDiffs); return 0; }
void lsb_closejobinfo() { closeSession(mbdSock); }
struct jobInfoEnt * lsb_readjobinfo(int *more) { XDR xdrs; int num, i, aa; struct LSFHeader hdr; char *buffer = NULL; static struct jobInfoReply jobInfoReply; static struct jobInfoEnt jobInfo; static struct submitReq submitReq; static int first = TRUE; static int npids = 0; static struct pidInfo *pidInfo = NULL; static int npgids = 0; static int *pgid = NULL; TIMEIT(0, (num = readNextPacket(&buffer, _lsb_recvtimeout, &hdr, mbdSock)), "readNextPacket"); if (num < 0) { closeSession(mbdSock); lsberrno = LSBE_EOF; return NULL; } if (first) { if ( (submitReq.fromHost = malloc(MAXHOSTNAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.jobFile = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.inFile = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.outFile = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.errFile = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.inFileSpool = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.commandSpool = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.hostSpec = malloc(MAXHOSTNAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.chkpntDir = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.subHomeDir = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL || (jobInfoReply.userName = malloc(MAXLSFNAMELEN)) == NULL || (submitReq.cwd = malloc(MAXFILENAMELEN)) == NULL) { lsberrno = LSBE_NO_MEM; FREEUP(submitReq.fromHost); FREEUP(submitReq.jobFile); FREEUP(submitReq.inFile); FREEUP(submitReq.outFile); FREEUP(submitReq.errFile); FREEUP(submitReq.inFileSpool); FREEUP(submitReq.commandSpool); FREEUP(submitReq.hostSpec); FREEUP(submitReq.chkpntDir); FREEUP(submitReq.subHomeDir); FREEUP(jobInfoReply.userName); FREEUP(submitReq.cwd); free(buffer); return NULL; } submitReq.xf = NULL; submitReq.nxf = 0; jobInfoReply.numToHosts = 0; submitReq.numAskedHosts = 0; first = FALSE; } jobInfoReply.jobBill = &submitReq; if (jobInfoReply.numToHosts > 0) { for (i=0; i<jobInfoReply.numToHosts; i++) FREEUP(jobInfoReply.toHosts[i]); FREEUP(jobInfoReply.toHosts); jobInfoReply.numToHosts = 0; jobInfoReply.toHosts = NULL; } if (submitReq.xf) { free(submitReq.xf); submitReq.xf = NULL; } FREEUP( jobInfoReply.execHome ); FREEUP( jobInfoReply.execCwd ); FREEUP( jobInfoReply.execUsername ); FREEUP( jobInfoReply.parentGroup ); FREEUP( jobInfoReply.jName ); TIMEIT(1, xdrmem_create(&xdrs, buffer, XDR_DECODE_SIZE_(hdr.length), XDR_DECODE), "xdrmem_create"); TIMEIT(1, (aa = xdr_jobInfoReply(&xdrs, &jobInfoReply, &hdr)), "xdr_jobInfoReply"); if (aa == FALSE) { lsberrno = LSBE_XDR; xdr_destroy(&xdrs); free(buffer); jobInfoReply.toHosts = NULL; jobInfoReply.numToHosts = 0; return NULL; } TIMEIT(1, xdr_destroy(&xdrs), "xdr_destroy"); free(buffer); jobInfo.jobId = jobInfoReply.jobId; jobInfo.status = jobInfoReply.status; jobInfo.numReasons = jobInfoReply.numReasons; jobInfo.reasonTb = jobInfoReply.reasonTb; jobInfo.reasons = jobInfoReply.reasons; jobInfo.subreasons = jobInfoReply.subreasons; jobInfo.startTime = jobInfoReply.startTime; jobInfo.predictedStartTime = jobInfoReply.predictedStartTime; jobInfo.endTime = jobInfoReply.endTime; jobInfo.cpuTime = jobInfoReply.cpuTime; jobInfo.numExHosts = jobInfoReply.numToHosts; jobInfo.exHosts = jobInfoReply.toHosts; jobInfo.nIdx = jobInfoReply.nIdx; jobInfo.loadSched = jobInfoReply.loadSched; jobInfo.loadStop = jobInfoReply.loadStop; jobInfo.exitStatus = jobInfoReply.exitStatus; jobInfo.reserveTime = jobInfoReply.reserveTime; jobInfo.jobPid = jobInfoReply.jobPid; jobInfo.port = jobInfoReply.port; jobInfo.jobPriority = jobInfoReply.jobPriority; jobInfo.user = jobInfoReply.userName; jobInfo.execUid = jobInfoReply.execUid; jobInfo.execHome = jobInfoReply.execHome; jobInfo.execCwd = jobInfoReply.execCwd; jobInfo.execUsername = jobInfoReply.execUsername; jobInfo.jType = jobInfoReply.jType; jobInfo.parentGroup = jobInfoReply.parentGroup; jobInfo.jName = jobInfoReply.jName; for (i=0; i<NUM_JGRP_COUNTERS; i++) jobInfo.counter[i] = jobInfoReply.counter[i]; jobInfo.submitTime = jobInfoReply.jobBill->submitTime; jobInfo.umask = jobInfoReply.jobBill->umask; jobInfo.cwd = jobInfoReply.jobBill->cwd; jobInfo.subHomeDir = jobInfoReply.jobBill->subHomeDir; jobInfo.submit.options = jobInfoReply.jobBill->options; jobInfo.submit.options2 = jobInfoReply.jobBill->options2; jobInfo.submit.numProcessors = jobInfoReply.jobBill->numProcessors; jobInfo.submit.maxNumProcessors = jobInfoReply.jobBill->maxNumProcessors; jobInfo.submit.jobName = jobInfoReply.jobBill->jobName; jobInfo.submit.command = jobInfoReply.jobBill->command; jobInfo.submit.resReq = jobInfoReply.jobBill->resReq; jobInfo.submit.queue = jobInfoReply.jobBill->queue; jobInfo.fromHost = jobInfoReply.jobBill->fromHost; jobInfo.submit.inFile = jobInfoReply.jobBill->inFile; jobInfo.submit.outFile = jobInfoReply.jobBill->outFile; jobInfo.submit.errFile = jobInfoReply.jobBill->errFile; jobInfo.submit.beginTime = jobInfoReply.jobBill->beginTime; jobInfo.submit.termTime = jobInfoReply.jobBill->termTime; jobInfo.submit.userPriority = jobInfoReply.jobBill->userPriority; for (i=0; i<LSF_RLIM_NLIMITS; i++) { jobInfo.submit.rLimits[i] = jobInfoReply.jobBill->rLimits[i]; } jobInfo.submit.hostSpec = jobInfoReply.jobBill->hostSpec; jobInfo.submit.sigValue = jobInfoReply.jobBill->sigValue; jobInfo.submit.chkpntDir = jobInfoReply.jobBill->chkpntDir; jobInfo.submit.dependCond = jobInfoReply.jobBill->dependCond; jobInfo.submit.preExecCmd = jobInfoReply.jobBill->preExecCmd; jobInfo.submit.chkpntPeriod = jobInfoReply.jobBill->chkpntPeriod; jobInfo.submit.numAskedHosts = jobInfoReply.jobBill->numAskedHosts; jobInfo.submit.askedHosts = jobInfoReply.jobBill->askedHosts; jobInfo.submit.projectName = jobInfoReply.jobBill->projectName; jobInfo.submit.mailUser = jobInfoReply.jobBill->mailUser; jobInfo.submit.loginShell = jobInfoReply.jobBill->loginShell; jobInfo.submit.nxf = jobInfoReply.jobBill->nxf; jobInfo.submit.xf = jobInfoReply.jobBill->xf; jobInfo.jRusageUpdateTime = jobInfoReply.jRusageUpdateTime; jobInfo.runRusage.npids = npids; jobInfo.runRusage.pidInfo = pidInfo; jobInfo.runRusage.npgids = npgids; jobInfo.runRusage.pgid = pgid; copyJUsage(&(jobInfo.runRusage), &jobInfoReply.runRusage); npids = jobInfo.runRusage.npids; pidInfo = jobInfo.runRusage.pidInfo; npgids = jobInfo.runRusage.npgids; pgid = jobInfo.runRusage.pgid; if (jobInfoReply.runRusage.npids > 0) { FREEUP(jobInfoReply.runRusage.pidInfo); jobInfoReply.runRusage.npids = 0; } if (jobInfoReply.runRusage.npgids > 0) { FREEUP(jobInfoReply.runRusage.pgid); jobInfoReply.runRusage.npgids = 0; } if (more) *more = hdr.reserved; return &jobInfo; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { CompIOCtx ctx; char *displayName = 0; char *plugin[256]; int i, nPlugin = 0; Bool disableSm = FALSE; char *clientId = NULL; char *refreshRateArg = NULL; programName = argv[0]; programArgc = argc; programArgv = argv; signal (SIGHUP, signalHandler); signal (SIGCHLD, signalHandler); signal (SIGINT, signalHandler); signal (SIGTERM, signalHandler); signal (SIGSEGV, signalHandler); emptyRegion.rects = &emptyRegion.extents; emptyRegion.numRects = 0; emptyRegion.extents.x1 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.y1 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.x2 = 0; emptyRegion.extents.y2 = 0; emptyRegion.size = 0; infiniteRegion.rects = &infiniteRegion.extents; infiniteRegion.numRects = 1; infiniteRegion.extents.x1 = MINSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.y1 = MINSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.x2 = MAXSHORT; infiniteRegion.extents.y2 = MAXSHORT; memset (&ctx, 0, sizeof (ctx)); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--help")) { usage (); return 0; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--version")) { printf (PACKAGE_STRING "\n"); return 0; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--debug")) { debugOutput = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--display")) { if (i + 1 < argc) displayName = argv[++i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--refresh-rate")) { if (i + 1 < argc) { refreshRateArg = programArgv[++i]; defaultRefreshRate = atoi (refreshRateArg); defaultRefreshRate = RESTRICT_VALUE (defaultRefreshRate, 1, 1000); } } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--fast-filter")) { ctx.textureFilterData = "<default>Fast</default>"; defaultTextureFilter = "Fast"; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--indirect-rendering")) { /* force Mesa libGL into indirect rendering mode, because glXQueryExtensionsString is context-independant */ setenv ("LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT", "1", True); indirectRendering = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--loose-binding")) { strictBinding = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--ignore-desktop-hints")) { /* keep command line parameter for backward compatibility */ useDesktopHints = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--keep-desktop-hints")) { useDesktopHints = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--only-current-screen")) { onlyCurrentScreen = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--no-fbo")) { noFBO = TRUE; } #ifdef USE_COW else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--use-root-window")) { useCow = FALSE; } #endif else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--replace")) { replaceCurrentWm = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--sm-disable")) { disableSm = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--sm-client-id")) { if (i + 1 < argc) clientId = argv[++i]; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--no-detection")) { noDetection = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--bg-image")) { if (i + 1 < argc) backgroundImage = argv[++i]; } else if (*argv[i] == '-') { compLogMessage ("core", CompLogLevelWarn, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i]); } else { if (nPlugin < 256) plugin[nPlugin++] = argv[i]; } } /* add in default plugins if none are given */ if (nPlugin == 0) { plugin[nPlugin++] = "ccp"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "move"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "resize"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "place"; plugin[nPlugin++] = "decoration"; } if (refreshRateArg) { ctx.refreshRateData = malloc (strlen (refreshRateArg) + 256); if (ctx.refreshRateData) sprintf (ctx.refreshRateData, "<min>1</min><default>%s</default>", refreshRateArg); } if (nPlugin) { int size = 256; for (i = 0; i < nPlugin; i++) size += strlen (plugin[i]) + 16; ctx.pluginData = malloc (size); if (ctx.pluginData) { char *ptr = ctx.pluginData; ptr += sprintf (ptr, "<type>string</type><default>"); for (i = 0; i < nPlugin; i++) ptr += sprintf (ptr, "<value>%s</value>", plugin[i]); ptr += sprintf (ptr, "</default>"); } initialPlugins = malloc (nPlugin * sizeof (char *)); if (initialPlugins) { memcpy (initialPlugins, plugin, nPlugin * sizeof (char *)); nInitialPlugins = nPlugin; } else { nInitialPlugins = 0; } } xmlInitParser (); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; if (!compInitMetadata (&coreMetadata)) { compLogMessage ("core", CompLogLevelFatal, "Couldn't initialize core metadata"); return 1; } if (!compAddMetadataFromIO (&coreMetadata, readCoreXmlCallback, NULL, &ctx)) return 1; if (ctx.refreshRateData) free (ctx.refreshRateData); if (ctx.pluginData) free (ctx.pluginData); compAddMetadataFromFile (&coreMetadata, "core"); if (!initCore ()) return 1; coreInitialized = TRUE; if (!disableSm) { if (clientId == NULL) { char *desktop_autostart_id = getenv ("DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID"); if (desktop_autostart_id != NULL) clientId = strdup (desktop_autostart_id); unsetenv ("DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID"); } initSession (clientId); } if (!addDisplay (displayName)) return 1; eventLoop (); if (!disableSm) closeSession (); coreInitialized = FALSE; finiCore (); compFiniMetadata (&coreMetadata); xmlCleanupParser (); if (initialPlugins) free (initialPlugins); if (restartSignal) { execvp (programName, programArgv); return 1; } return 0; }
int testCaseSignAndVerifyRecover() { CK_RV rv; CK_ULONG ulTokenCount = 0; CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pTokenList = NULL_PTR; CK_SLOT_ID slotID; CK_BYTE application = 42; CK_NOTIFY myNotify = NULL; CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession; CK_MECHANISM keyMechanism = { 0, NULL_PTR, 0 }; CK_MECHANISM mechanism = { 0, NULL_PTR, 0 }; CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey = 0, hPublicKey = 0; CK_BYTE_PTR data = NULL_PTR; CK_BYTE_PTR dataSigned = NULL_PTR; CK_ULONG dataRecoveredLen = 0; CK_ULONG dataSignedLen = 0; struct timeval start, end, diff; int i,k,j, temp; printf("Testing case: SignAndVerifyRecover ...\n"); printf(" Check dependencies ...\n"); if(checkDependecies(testCaseSignAndVerifyRecoverDependencies) != 1) return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; printf(" Dependencies are fine\n"); //initialize printf(" call Initialize ..."); rv = pFunctionList->C_Initialize(NULL_PTR); if(rv != CKR_OK) returnTestCase(rv, 0); else printf(" success\n"); //GetSlotList -> Tokenlist findActiveTokens(&pTokenList, &ulTokenCount); for(i=0;i<ulTokenCount;i++) { slotID = pTokenList[i]; for(j=0;j<pMechaInfoListLen;j++)//each mechanism { if(!(pMechaInfoList[j].info.flags & (CKF_SIGN_RECOVER | CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER))) continue; mechanism.mechanism = pMechaInfoList[j].type; k = searchEleName(mechanism.mechanism, MECHANISM_LIST, (sizeof(MECHANISM_LIST)/sizeof(*MECHANISM_LIST))); if(k != -1) printf(" Signing and Verify Recover(%s) ...\n", MECHANISM_LIST[k].eleName); else printf(" Signing and Verify Recover(mecha = %lu) ...\n", mechanism.mechanism); rv = findGenerateMechanismForMechanism(&keyMechanism, mechanism.mechanism); if(rv == 0) { //OpenSession with CKF_SERIAL_SESSION printf(" call C_OpenSession on slot %lu with CKF_SERIAL_SESSION | CKF_RW_SESSION...", slotID); rv = pFunctionList->C_OpenSession(slotID, CKF_SERIAL_SESSION | CKF_RW_SESSION, (CK_VOID_PTR) &application, myNotify, &hSession); if(rv != CKR_OK) returnTestCase(rv, 0); else printf(" success\n"); loginUser(hSession); hKey = 0; hPublicKey = 0; if((generateKey(&keyMechanism, &hKey, &hSession) == 0) | (generateKeyPair(&keyMechanism, &hKey, &hPublicKey, hSession) == 0))//gen key { generateSampleData(16, &data); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); rv = signRecover(data, &dataSigned, &dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism); gettimeofday(&end, NULL); if(rv == 0) { timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start); printf(" Could sign %zu CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", strlen((char *) data), diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); temp = dataSignedLen; free(data); //because it's reused in verifyRecover gettimeofday(&start, NULL); if(hPublicKey != 0) rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hPublicKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//asymetric if(hPublicKey == 0) rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//symetric gettimeofday(&end, NULL); timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start); if(rv == 0) { printf(" Could recover from %d CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", temp, diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); free(dataSigned); } else printf(" failed\n"); free(data); //try different data length generateSampleData(256, &data); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); rv = signRecover(data, &dataSigned, &dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism); gettimeofday(&end, NULL); if(rv == 0) { timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start); printf(" Could sign %zu CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", strlen((char *) data), diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); temp = dataSignedLen; free(data); //because it's reused in verifyRecover gettimeofday(&start, NULL); if(hPublicKey != 0) rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hPublicKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//asymetric if(hPublicKey == 0) rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//symetric gettimeofday(&end, NULL); timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start); if(rv == 0) { printf(" Could verify %d CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", temp, diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec); free(dataSigned); } else printf(" failed\n"); } else printf(" failed\n"); free(data); if(dataSigned!=NULL_PTR) free(dataSigned); } else printf(" failed\n"); if(checkFunctionImplemented("C_DestroyObject")!=-1) { pFunctionList->C_DestroyObject(hSession, hPublicKey); pFunctionList->C_DestroyObject(hSession, hKey); } } else { if(k != -1) printf(" skip %s because mecha is not yet implemented ...\n", MECHANISM_LIST[k].eleName); else printf(" skip mecha = %lu because mecha is not yet implemented ...\n", mechanism.mechanism); } logoutUser(hSession); closeSession(hSession); } else { if(k != -1) printf(" skip %s because the related key generation mechanism was not found...\n", MECHANISM_LIST[k].eleName); else printf(" skip mecha = %lu because the related key generation mechanism was not found...\n", mechanism.mechanism); } } } //finalize printf(" call Finalize ..."); rv = pFunctionList->C_Finalize(NULL_PTR); if(rv != CKR_OK) returnTestCase(rv, 0); else printf(" success\n"); free(pTokenList); printf(" ... case successful\n"); return CKR_OK; }
KLUPD::CoreError KLUPD::HttpProtocol::httpRequestAttempt( const Path &fileNameIn, const Path &relativeUrlPathIn, const Address &serverAddressIn, const std::string &userAgent, const bool useProxy, const Address &proxyAddressIn, const AuthorizationTypeList &proxyAuthorizationMethods, const size_t regettingPosition) { size_t infiniteRedirectLoop = 0; Path fileName = fileNameIn; Path relativeUrlPath = relativeUrlPathIn; Address serverAddress = serverAddressIn; Address proxyAddress = proxyAddressIn; m_regettingPosition = regettingPosition; // cache for next iteration generate request // at first attempt the target is not known, but proxy server target is used, // because of possible protection from client for authorization on server DownloadProgress::AuthorizationTarget authorizationTarget = DownloadProgress::proxyServer; //////////////////// // the State flags agains proxies that close connection after authorization switch. // There are proxies (e.g. Squid/2.4.STABLE7) which deals in next way: // *** Client -> Server: GET file // *** Server -> Client: HTTP 407 / Proxy-Connection: keep-alive // *** Server closes connection // *** Client -> Server GET 407 // // Here are 3 flags to track such situations, that previous response is received, // BUT then server closes connection bool previousResponseReceived = false; bool authorizationTypeSwitched = false; bool requestHasAlreadyBeenRepeated = false; //////////////////// //////////////////// // in case proxy server requires authorization, but sends incorrect (from HTTP) // code for authorization failure in next way // *** Client -> Server: GET file // *** Server -> Client: HTTP 407 / Proxy-Authorization: NTLM // *** Client -> Server GET / Proxy-Authorization: NTLM // *** Server -> Client: HTTP 502 (or 403 or other code) // *** here is authorization state is forgotten, because 502 request does NOT contain "Proxy-Authorization: NTLM" // *** Client ask from product new credentials // *** Client -> Server GET / Proxy-Authorization: NTLM (with new credentials) bool authorizationWasNeededOnProxy = false; // it makes no sence to try Ntlm without credentials authorization type, // because this authorization type does not depend on provided credentials bool ntlmAuthorizationTriedAlready = false; int lastHttpCode = 0; for(size_t protectionAgainstCyclingCounter = 100; protectionAgainstCyclingCounter; --protectionAgainstCyclingCounter) { const CoreError connectionResult = setupLowLevelConnectionIfNeed(useProxy, useProxy ? proxyAddress : serverAddress, proxyAuthorizationMethods); if(connectionResult != CORE_NO_ERROR) { TRACE_MESSAGE2("Failed to setup connection to HTTP Server, result '%S'", toString(connectionResult).toWideChar()); return connectionResult; } // make proxy authorization header std::string proxyAuthorizationHeader; if(!m_authorizationDriver.makeProxyAuthorizationHeader(proxyAuthorizationHeader) // we know authorization methods supported by proxy server || ((m_authorizationDriver.currentAuthorizationType() == noAuthorization) && !m_authorizationDriver.supportedAuthorizationTypesByServer().empty())) { if(!switchAuthorization(fileName, relativeUrlPath, authorizationTarget, proxyAddress, authorizationTypeSwitched, ntlmAuthorizationTriedAlready)) { if(lastHttpCode) return HttpHeader::convertHttpCodeToUpdaterCode(lastHttpCode); return useProxy ? CORE_PROXY_AUTH_ERROR : CORE_SERVER_AUTH_ERROR; } // try other authorization type continue; } HTTPRequestBuilder requestBuilder(m_method); const std::vector<unsigned char> requestBuffer = requestBuilder.generateRequest( fileName, relativeUrlPath, useProxy, serverAddress, userAgent, proxyAuthorizationHeader, m_regettingPosition, m_postData); TRACE_MESSAGE2("Sending HTTP request\n%s", requestBuilder.toString().c_str()); if(requestBuffer.empty()) { TRACE_MESSAGE("Failed to send empty HTTP request"); return CORE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR; } const CoreError sendRequestResult = m_socket.send(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&requestBuffer[0]), requestBuffer.size()); if(sendRequestResult != CORE_NO_ERROR) { TRACE_MESSAGE2("Failed to send HTTP request, error %S", toString(sendRequestResult).toWideChar()); if((sendRequestResult == CORE_REMOTE_HOST_CLOSED_CONNECTION) && previousResponseReceived && authorizationTypeSwitched && !requestHasAlreadyBeenRepeated) { TRACE_MESSAGE("Repeating the same request (without authorization switch), because server was reachable, but unexpectedly closed connection"); requestHasAlreadyBeenRepeated = true; continue; } return sendRequestResult; } HttpHeader httpHeader; const CoreError receiveResponseAndDataResult = receiveResponseAndData(httpHeader); const bool needCloseConnection = httpHeader.needCloseConnection(useProxy) || (receiveResponseAndDataResult != CORE_NO_ERROR); if(needCloseConnection) { TRACE_MESSAGE2("Closing connection to HTTP server, get file result %S", toString(receiveResponseAndDataResult).toWideChar()); closeSession(); } if(receiveResponseAndDataResult != CORE_NO_ERROR) { TRACE_MESSAGE2("Failed to receive HTTP response, error %S", toString(receiveResponseAndDataResult).toWideChar()); if((receiveResponseAndDataResult == CORE_REMOTE_HOST_CLOSED_CONNECTION) && previousResponseReceived && authorizationTypeSwitched && !requestHasAlreadyBeenRepeated) { TRACE_MESSAGE("Repeating the same request (without authorization switch), because server was reachable, but unexpectedly closed connection"); requestHasAlreadyBeenRepeated = true; continue; } return receiveResponseAndDataResult; } previousResponseReceived = true; requestHasAlreadyBeenRepeated = false; m_authorizationDriver.authorized( // authorization information is reset in case connection is to be closed !needCloseConnection // authorization success in case file received or successful redirect && (httpHeader.isFile() || httpHeader.redirectRequired() || httpHeader.fileNotFound())); if(httpHeader.isFile()) { // in case proxy server by some ocassion desided to close // connection after successful file receive event if(needCloseConnection) m_authorizationDriver.resetNtlmState(); return CORE_NO_ERROR; } authorizationTarget = httpHeader.authorizationTarget(); authorizationWasNeededOnProxy = !proxyAuthorizationHeader.empty(); lastHttpCode = httpHeader.httpCode(); // authorization error if(httpHeader.authorizationNeeded()) { authorizationWasNeededOnProxy = (authorizationTarget == DownloadProgress::proxyServer); if(!switchAuthorization(fileName, relativeUrlPath, httpHeader.authorizationTarget(), proxyAddress, authorizationTypeSwitched, ntlmAuthorizationTriedAlready)) { return httpHeader.convertHttpCodeToUpdaterCode(); } } // redirect needed else if(httpHeader.redirectRequired()) { // protection against infinite loop (according to RFC 2616) if(++infiniteRedirectLoop > 2) { TRACE_MESSAGE2("Infinite redirection loop detected for location '%S'", httpHeader.m_location.toWideChar()); return CORE_NO_SOURCE_FILE; } if(httpHeader.m_location.isAbsoluteUri()) serverAddress.parse(httpHeader.m_location); else { serverAddress.parse(toProtocolPrefix(serverAddress.m_protocol) + serverAddress.m_hostname + serverAddress.m_path + httpHeader.m_location); serverAddress.m_path.correctPathDelimiters(); } fileName = serverAddress.m_fileName; relativeUrlPath.erase(); TRACE_MESSAGE3("HTTP Redirect to file '%S' on server %S", fileName.toWideChar(), serverAddress.toString().toWideChar()); } // known HTTP results else if(httpHeader.resourceUnavailable() || httpHeader.fileNotFound()) { return httpHeader.convertHttpCodeToUpdaterCode(); } // retry authorization with other credentials in case Forbidden // code received after successful authorization has happened else if(httpHeader.retryAuthorization(authorizationWasNeededOnProxy) && treat_403_502_httpCodesAs407()) { if(!switchAuthorization(fileName, relativeUrlPath, DownloadProgress::proxyServer, proxyAddress, authorizationTypeSwitched, ntlmAuthorizationTriedAlready)) { TRACE_MESSAGE2("Authorization was needed, but error HTTP code '%d' received and switch to next authorization type failed", httpHeader.httpCode()); return httpHeader.convertHttpCodeToUpdaterCode(); } TRACE_MESSAGE3("Authorization was needed, but error HTTP code '%d' received, try next authorization type '%S'", httpHeader.httpCode(), toString(m_authorizationDriver.currentAuthorizationType()).toWideChar()); } else { // processing HTTP code is not implemented m_authorizationDriver.resetAuthorizatoinState(proxyAuthorizationMethods); return httpHeader.convertHttpCodeToUpdaterCode(); } } // Authorization state machine is complex and may contain bug, // that is why protection against infinite loop is implemented TRACE_MESSAGE3("Error in HTTP authorization state implementation: credentials '%S', current authorization type '%S'", m_authorizationDriver.credentials().toString().toWideChar(), toString(m_authorizationDriver.currentAuthorizationType()).toWideChar()); return CORE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR; }
KLUPD::HttpProtocol::~HttpProtocol() { closeSession(); }