static int get_cellconfig(char *cell, afsconf_cell *cellconfig, char *local_cell) { #ifdef NO_AFS return(0); #else int rc; local_cell[0] = (char)0; memset(cellconfig, 0, sizeof(*cellconfig)); /* WIN32: cm_GetRootCellName(local_cell) - NOTE: no way to get max chars */ if (rc = cm_GetRootCellName(local_cell)) { return(rc); } if (strlen(cell) == 0) strcpy(cell, local_cell); /* WIN32: cm_SearchCellFile(cell, pcallback, pdata) */ strcpy(cellconfig->name, cell); return cm_SearchCell(cell, get_cellconfig_callback, NULL, (void*)cellconfig); #endif }
DWORD APIENTRY NPLogonNotify( PLUID lpLogonId, LPCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR lpStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, LPWSTR *lpLogonScript) { char uname[MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH]=""; char password[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH]=""; char logonDomain[MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH]=""; char cell[256]="<non-integrated logon>"; char homePath[MAX_PATH]=""; char szLogonId[128] = ""; MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON *IL; DWORD code = 0, code2; int pw_exp; char *reason; char *ctemp; BOOLEAN interactive; BOOLEAN flag; DWORD LSPtype, LSPsize; HKEY NPKey; HWND hwndOwner = (HWND)StationHandle; BOOLEAN afsWillAutoStart; BOOLEAN lowercased_name = TRUE; LogonOptions_t opt; /* domain specific logon options */ int retryInterval; int sleepInterval; /* Are we interactive? */ interactive = (wcsicmp(lpStationName, L"WinSta0") == 0); #ifdef DISABLE_NON_INTERACTIVE /* Do not do anything if the logon session is not interactive. */ if (!interactive) return 0; #endif (void) RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSREG_CLT_SVC_PARAM_SUBKEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &NPKey); LSPsize=sizeof(TraceOption); RegQueryValueEx(NPKey, REG_CLIENT_TRACE_OPTION_PARM, NULL, &LSPtype, (LPBYTE)&TraceOption, &LSPsize); RegCloseKey (NPKey); DebugEvent("NPLogonNotify - LoginId(%d,%d)", lpLogonId->HighPart, lpLogonId->LowPart); /* Make sure the AFS Libraries are initialized */ AfsLogonInit(); /* Initialize Logon Script to none */ *lpLogonScript=NULL; /* MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON and KERB_INTERACTIVE_LOGON are equivalent for * our purposes */ if ( wcsicmp(lpAuthentInfoType,L"MSV1_0:Interactive") && wcsicmp(lpAuthentInfoType,L"Kerberos:Interactive") ) { DebugEvent("Unsupported Authentication Info Type: %S", lpAuthentInfoType); return 0; } IL = (MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON *) lpAuthentInfo; /* Convert from Unicode to ANSI */ /*TODO: Use SecureZeroMemory to erase passwords */ if (!UnicodeStringToANSI(IL->UserName, uname, MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH) || !UnicodeStringToANSI(IL->Password, password, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) || !UnicodeStringToANSI(IL->LogonDomainName, logonDomain, MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH)) return 0; /* Make sure AD-DOMANS sent from login that is sent to us is striped */ ctemp = strchr(uname, '@'); if (ctemp) *ctemp = 0; /* is the name all lowercase? */ for ( ctemp = uname; *ctemp ; ctemp++) { if ( !islower(*ctemp) ) { lowercased_name = FALSE; break; } } /* * Get Logon options */ GetDomainLogonOptions( lpLogonId, uname, logonDomain, &opt ); retryInterval = opt.retryInterval; sleepInterval = opt.sleepInterval; *lpLogonScript = opt.logonScript; if (retryInterval < sleepInterval) sleepInterval = retryInterval; DebugEvent("Got logon script: %S",opt.logonScript); afsWillAutoStart = AFSWillAutoStart(); DebugEvent("LogonOption[%x], Service AutoStart[%d]", opt.LogonOption,afsWillAutoStart); /* Check for zero length password if integrated logon*/ if ( ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) ) { if ( password[0] == 0 ) { DebugEvent0("Password is the empty string"); code = GT_PW_NULL; reason = "zero length password is illegal"; code=0; } /* Get cell name if doing integrated logon. We might overwrite this if we are logging into an AD realm and we find out that the user's home dir is in some other cell. */ DebugEvent("About to call cm_GetRootCellName(%s)",cell); code = cm_GetRootCellName(cell); if (code < 0) { DebugEvent0("Unable to obtain Root Cell"); code = KTC_NOCELL; reason = "unknown cell"; code=0; } else { DebugEvent("Cell is %s",cell); } /* We get the user's home directory path, if applicable, though we can't lookup the cell right away because the client service may not have started yet. This call also sets the AD_REALM flag in opt.flags if applicable. */ if (ISREMOTE(opt.flags)) { DebugEvent0("Is Remote"); GetAdHomePath(homePath,MAX_PATH,lpLogonId,&opt); } } /* loop until AFS is started. */ if (afsWillAutoStart) { while (IsServiceRunning() || IsServiceStartPending()) { DebugEvent("while(autostart) LogonOption[%x], Service AutoStart[%d]", opt.LogonOption,afsWillAutoStart); if (ISADREALM(opt.flags)) { code = GetFileCellName(homePath,cell,256); if (!code) { DebugEvent("profile path [%s] is in cell [%s]",homePath,cell); } /* Don't bail out if GetFileCellName failed. * The home dir may not be in AFS after all. */ } else code=0; /* if Integrated Logon */ if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption)) { if ( KFW_is_available() ) { SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, ""); if (opt.realm) { char * principal, *p; size_t len, tlen; StringCchLength(opt.realm, MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH, &tlen); len = tlen; StringCchLength(uname, MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, &tlen); len += tlen + 2; /* tlen is now the length of uname in characters */ principal = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if ( principal ) { StringCchCopy(principal, len, uname); p = principal + tlen; *p++ = '@'; StringCchCopy(p, len - tlen -1, opt.realm); code = KFW_AFS_get_cred(principal, cell, password, 0, opt.smbName, &reason); DebugEvent("KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=[%s] smbname=[%s] cell=[%s] code=[%d]", principal,opt.smbName,cell,code); free(principal); } } else { code = KFW_AFS_get_cred(uname, cell, password, 0, opt.smbName, &reason); DebugEvent("KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=[%s] smbname=[%s] cell=[%s] code=[%d]", uname,opt.smbName,cell,code); } SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, NULL); if (code == 0 && opt.theseCells) { char * principal, *p; size_t len, tlen; StringCchLength(opt.realm ? opt.realm : cell, MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH, &tlen); len = tlen; StringCchLength(uname, MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, &tlen); len += tlen + 2; /* tlen is now the length of uname in characters */ principal = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if ( principal ) { StringCchCopy(principal, len, uname); p = principal + tlen; *p++ = '@'; if (opt.realm) { StringCchCopy(p, len - tlen -1, opt.realm); } else { StringCchCopy(p, len - tlen - 1, cell); for ( ;*p; p++) { *p = toupper(*p); } } p = opt.theseCells; while ( *p ) { if ( cm_stricmp_utf8(p, cell) ) { SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, ""); code2 = KFW_AFS_get_cred(principal, p, 0, 0, opt.smbName, &reason); SetEnvironmentVariable(DO_NOT_REGISTER_VARNAME, NULL); DebugEvent("KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=[%s] smbname=[%s] cell=[%s] code=[%d]", principal,opt.smbName,p,code2); } p += strlen(p) + 1; } free(principal); } } } else { code = ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2(KA_USERAUTH_VERSION+KA_USERAUTH_AUTHENT_LOGON, uname, "", cell, password, opt.smbName, 0, &pw_exp, 0, &reason); DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - (INTEGRATED only)ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2 Code[%x] uname[%s] smbname=[%s] Cell[%s] PwExp=[%d] Reason=[%s]", code,uname,opt.smbName,cell,pw_exp,reason?reason:""); } if ( code && code != KTC_NOCM && code != KTC_NOCMRPC && !lowercased_name ) { for ( ctemp = uname; *ctemp ; ctemp++) { *ctemp = tolower(*ctemp); } lowercased_name = TRUE; goto sleeping; } /* is service started yet?*/ /* If we've failed because the client isn't running yet and the * client is set to autostart (and therefore it makes sense for * us to wait for it to start) then sleep a while and try again. * If the error was something else, then give up. */ if (code != KTC_NOCM && code != KTC_NOCMRPC) break; } else { /*JUST check to see if its running*/ if (IsServiceRunning()) break; if (!IsServiceStartPending()) { code = KTC_NOCMRPC; reason = "AFS Service start failed"; break; } } /* If the retry interval has expired and we still aren't * logged in, then just give up if we are not in interactive * mode or the failSilently flag is set, otherwise let the * user know we failed and give them a chance to try again. */ if (retryInterval <= 0) { reason = "AFS not running"; if (!interactive || opt.failSilently) break; flag = MessageBox(hwndOwner, "AFS is still starting. Retry?", "AFS Logon", MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_RETRYCANCEL); if (flag == IDCANCEL) break; /* Wait just a little while and try again */ retryInterval = opt.retryInterval; } sleeping: Sleep(sleepInterval * 1000); retryInterval -= sleepInterval; } } DebugEvent0("while loop exited"); /* remove any kerberos 5 tickets currently held by the SYSTEM account * for this user */ if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) && KFW_is_available()) { #ifdef KFW_LOGON sprintf(szLogonId,"%d.%d",lpLogonId->HighPart, lpLogonId->LowPart); KFW_AFS_copy_cache_to_system_file(uname, szLogonId); #endif KFW_AFS_destroy_tickets_for_principal(uname); } if (code) { char msg[128]; HANDLE h; char *ptbuf[1]; StringCbPrintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Integrated login failed: %s", reason); if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) && interactive && !opt.failSilently) MessageBox(hwndOwner, msg, "AFS Logon", MB_OK); h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, AFS_LOGON_EVENT_NAME); ptbuf[0] = msg; ReportEvent(h, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, 1008, NULL, 1, 0, ptbuf, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(h); code = MapAuthError(code); SetLastError(code); if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(opt.LogonOption) && (code!=0)) { if (*lpLogonScript) LocalFree(*lpLogonScript); *lpLogonScript = NULL; if (!afsWillAutoStart) // its not running, so if not autostart or integrated logon then just skip code = 0; } } if (opt.theseCells) free(opt.theseCells); if (opt.smbName) free(opt.smbName); if (opt.realm) free(opt.realm); DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - Exit","Return Code[%x]",code); return code; }