コード例 #1
ファイル: ActorViewer.cpp プロジェクト: TiriliPiitPiit/0ad
void ActorViewer::SetActor(const CStrW& name, const CStrW& animation, player_id_t playerID)
	bool needsAnimReload = false;

	CStrW id = name;

	// Recreate the entity, if we don't have one or if the new one is different
	if (m.Entity == INVALID_ENTITY || id != m.CurrentUnitID)
		// Delete the old entity (if any)
		if (m.Entity != INVALID_ENTITY)
			m.Entity = INVALID_ENTITY;

		// Clear particles associated with deleted entity

		// If there's no actor to display, return with nothing loaded
		if (id.empty())

		m.Entity = m.Simulation2.AddEntity(L"preview|" + id);
		if (m.Entity == INVALID_ENTITY)

		CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(m.Simulation2, m.Entity);
		if (cmpPosition)
			ssize_t c = TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE * m.Terrain.GetPatchesPerSide()*PATCH_SIZE/2;
			cmpPosition->JumpTo(entity_pos_t::FromInt(c), entity_pos_t::FromInt(c));

		CmpPtr<ICmpOwnership> cmpOwnership(m.Simulation2, m.Entity);
		if (cmpOwnership)

		needsAnimReload = true;

	if (animation != m.CurrentUnitAnim)
		needsAnimReload = true;

	if (needsAnimReload)
		CStr anim = animation.ToUTF8().LowerCase();

		// Emulate the typical simulation animation behaviour
		float speed;
		float repeattime = 0.f;
		if (anim == "walk")
			CmpPtr<ICmpUnitMotion> cmpUnitMotion(m.Simulation2, m.Entity);
			if (cmpUnitMotion)
				speed = cmpUnitMotion->GetWalkSpeed().ToFloat();
				speed = 7.f; // typical unit speed

			m.CurrentSpeed = speed;
		else if (anim == "run")
			CmpPtr<ICmpUnitMotion> cmpUnitMotion(m.Simulation2, m.Entity);
			if (cmpUnitMotion)
				speed = cmpUnitMotion->GetRunSpeed().ToFloat();
				speed = 12.f; // typical unit speed

			m.CurrentSpeed = speed;
		else if (anim == "melee")
			speed = 1.f; // speed will be ignored if we have a repeattime
			m.CurrentSpeed = 0.f;

			CStr code = "var cmp = Engine.QueryInterface("+CStr::FromUInt(m.Entity)+", IID_Attack); " +
				"if (cmp) cmp.GetTimers(cmp.GetBestAttack()).repeat; else 0;";
			m.Simulation2.GetScriptInterface().Eval(code.c_str(), repeattime);
			// Play the animation at normal speed, but movement speed is zero
			speed = 1.f;
			m.CurrentSpeed = 0.f;

		CStr sound;
		if (anim == "melee")
			sound = "attack";
		else if (anim == "build")
			sound = "build";
		else if (anim.Find("gather_") == 0)
			sound = anim;

		std::wstring soundgroup;
		if (!sound.empty())
			CStr code = "var cmp = Engine.QueryInterface("+CStr::FromUInt(m.Entity)+", IID_Sound); " +
				"if (cmp) cmp.GetSoundGroup('"+sound+"'); else '';";
			m.Simulation2.GetScriptInterface().Eval(code.c_str(), soundgroup);

		CmpPtr<ICmpVisual> cmpVisual(m.Simulation2, m.Entity);
		if (cmpVisual)
			// TODO: SetEntitySelection(anim)
			cmpVisual->SelectAnimation(anim, false, fixed::FromFloat(speed), soundgroup);
			if (repeattime)

		// update prop list for new entity/animation (relies on needsAnimReload also getting called for entire entity changes)

	m.CurrentUnitID = id;
	m.CurrentUnitAnim = animation;
コード例 #2
	virtual CFixedVector3D PickSpawnPoint(entity_id_t spawned)
		// Try to find a free space around the building's footprint.
		// (Note that we use the footprint, not the obstruction shape - this might be a bit dodgy
		// because the footprint might be inside the obstruction, but it hopefully gives us a nicer
		// shape.)

		const CFixedVector3D error(fixed::FromInt(-1), fixed::FromInt(-1), fixed::FromInt(-1));

		CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(GetSimContext(), GetEntityId());
		if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
			return error;

		CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
		if (!cmpObstructionManager)
			return error;

		entity_pos_t spawnedRadius;
		ICmpObstructionManager::tag_t spawnedTag;

		CmpPtr<ICmpObstruction> cmpSpawnedObstruction(GetSimContext(), spawned);
		if (cmpSpawnedObstruction)
			spawnedRadius = cmpSpawnedObstruction->GetUnitRadius();
			spawnedTag = cmpSpawnedObstruction->GetObstruction();
		// else use zero radius

		// Get passability class from UnitMotion
		CmpPtr<ICmpUnitMotion> cmpUnitMotion(GetSimContext(), spawned);
		if (!cmpUnitMotion)
			return error;

		ICmpPathfinder::pass_class_t spawnedPass = cmpUnitMotion->GetPassabilityClass();
		CmpPtr<ICmpPathfinder> cmpPathfinder(GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
		if (!cmpPathfinder)
			return error;
		CFixedVector2D initialPos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
		entity_angle_t initialAngle = cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y;

		// Max spawning distance in tiles
		const i32 maxSpawningDistance = 4;

		if (m_Shape == CIRCLE)
			// Expand outwards from foundation
			for (i32 dist = 0; dist <= maxSpawningDistance; ++dist)
				// The spawn point should be far enough from this footprint to fit the unit, plus a little gap
				entity_pos_t clearance = spawnedRadius + entity_pos_t::FromInt(2 + (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*dist);
				entity_pos_t radius = m_Size0 + clearance;

				// Try equally-spaced points around the circle in alternating directions, starting from the front
				const i32 numPoints = 31 + 2*dist;
				for (i32 i = 0; i < (numPoints+1)/2; i = (i > 0 ? -i : 1-i)) // [0, +1, -1, +2, -2, ... (np-1)/2, -(np-1)/2]
					entity_angle_t angle = initialAngle + (entity_angle_t::Pi()*2).Multiply(entity_angle_t::FromInt(i)/(int)numPoints);

					fixed s, c;
					sincos_approx(angle, s, c);

					CFixedVector3D pos (initialPos.X + s.Multiply(radius), fixed::Zero(), initialPos.Y + c.Multiply(radius));

					SkipTagObstructionFilter filter(spawnedTag); // ignore collisions with the spawned entity
					if (cmpPathfinder->CheckUnitPlacement(filter, pos.X, pos.Z, spawnedRadius, spawnedPass) == ICmpObstruction::FOUNDATION_CHECK_SUCCESS)
						return pos; // this position is okay, so return it
			fixed s, c;
			sincos_approx(initialAngle, s, c);

			// Expand outwards from foundation
			for (i32 dist = 0; dist <= maxSpawningDistance; ++dist)
				// The spawn point should be far enough from this footprint to fit the unit, plus a little gap
				entity_pos_t clearance = spawnedRadius + entity_pos_t::FromInt(2 + (int)TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*dist);

				for (i32 edge = 0; edge < 4; ++edge)
					// Try equally-spaced points along the edge in alternating directions, starting from the middle
					const i32 numPoints = 9 + 2*dist;

					// Compute the direction and length of the current edge
					CFixedVector2D dir;
					fixed sx, sy;
					switch (edge)
					case 0:
						dir = CFixedVector2D(c, -s);
						sx = m_Size0;
						sy = m_Size1;
					case 1:
						dir = CFixedVector2D(-s, -c);
						sx = m_Size1;
						sy = m_Size0;
					case 2:
						dir = CFixedVector2D(s, c);
						sx = m_Size1;
						sy = m_Size0;
					case 3:
						dir = CFixedVector2D(-c, s);
						sx = m_Size0;
						sy = m_Size1;
					CFixedVector2D center = initialPos - dir.Perpendicular().Multiply(sy/2 + clearance);
					dir = dir.Multiply((sx + clearance*2) / (int)(numPoints-1));

					for (i32 i = 0; i < (numPoints+1)/2; i = (i > 0 ? -i : 1-i)) // [0, +1, -1, +2, -2, ... (np-1)/2, -(np-1)/2]
						CFixedVector2D pos (center + dir*i);

						SkipTagObstructionFilter filter(spawnedTag); // ignore collisions with the spawned entity
						if (cmpPathfinder->CheckUnitPlacement(filter, pos.X, pos.Y, spawnedRadius, spawnedPass) == ICmpObstruction::FOUNDATION_CHECK_SUCCESS)
							return CFixedVector3D(pos.X, fixed::Zero(), pos.Y); // this position is okay, so return it

		return error;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CCmpObstruction.cpp プロジェクト: Rektosauros/0ad
	virtual void Init(const CParamNode& paramNode)
		// The minimum obstruction size is the navcell size * sqrt(2)
		// This is enforced in the schema as a minimum of 1.5
		fixed minObstruction = (Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE.Square() * 2).Sqrt();
		m_TemplateFlags = 0;
		if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockMovement").ToBool())
			m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT;
		if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockPathfinding").ToBool())
			m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING;
		if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockFoundation").ToBool())
			m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_FOUNDATION;
		if (paramNode.GetChild("BlockConstruction").ToBool())
			m_TemplateFlags |= ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTION;

		m_Flags = m_TemplateFlags;
		if (paramNode.GetChild("DisableBlockMovement").ToBool())
			m_Flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT);
		if (paramNode.GetChild("DisableBlockPathfinding").ToBool())
			m_Flags &= (flags_t)(~ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING);

		if (paramNode.GetChild("Unit").IsOk())
			m_Type = UNIT;

			CmpPtr<ICmpUnitMotion> cmpUnitMotion(GetEntityHandle());
			if (cmpUnitMotion)
				m_Clearance = cmpUnitMotion->GetUnitClearance();
		else if (paramNode.GetChild("Static").IsOk())
			m_Type = STATIC;
			m_Size0 = paramNode.GetChild("Static").GetChild("@width").ToFixed();
			m_Size1 = paramNode.GetChild("Static").GetChild("@depth").ToFixed();
			ENSURE(m_Size0 > minObstruction);
			ENSURE(m_Size1 > minObstruction);
			m_Type = CLUSTER;
			CFixedVector2D max = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(0), fixed::FromInt(0));
			CFixedVector2D min = CFixedVector2D(fixed::FromInt(0), fixed::FromInt(0));
			const CParamNode::ChildrenMap& clusterMap = paramNode.GetChild("Obstructions").GetChildren();
			for(CParamNode::ChildrenMap::const_iterator it = clusterMap.begin(); it != clusterMap.end(); ++it)
				Shape b;
				b.size0 = it->second.GetChild("@width").ToFixed();
				b.size1 = it->second.GetChild("@depth").ToFixed();
				ENSURE(b.size0 > minObstruction);
				ENSURE(b.size1 > minObstruction);
				b.dx = it->second.GetChild("@x").ToFixed();
				b.dz = it->second.GetChild("@z").ToFixed();
				b.da = entity_angle_t::FromInt(0);
				b.flags = m_Flags;
				max.X = MAX(max.X, b.dx + b.size0/2);
				max.Y = MAX(max.Y, b.dz + b.size1/2);
				min.X = MIN(min.X, b.dx - b.size0/2);
				min.Y = MIN(min.Y, b.dz - b.size1/2);
			m_Size0 = fixed::FromInt(2).Multiply(MAX(max.X, -min.X));
			m_Size1 = fixed::FromInt(2).Multiply(MAX(max.Y, -min.Y));

		m_Active = paramNode.GetChild("Active").ToBool();
		m_ControlPersist = paramNode.GetChild("ControlPersist").IsOk();

		m_Tag = tag_t();
		if (m_Type == CLUSTER)
		m_Moving = false;
		m_ControlGroup = GetEntityId();
		m_ControlGroup2 = INVALID_ENTITY;