コード例 #1
ファイル: cmsio1.c プロジェクト: AndresPozo/PCL
// Returns TRUE if the intent is implemented as CLUT
cmsBool  CMSEXPORT cmsIsCLUT(cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number UsedDirection)
    const cmsTagSignature* TagTable;

    // For devicelinks, the supported intent is that one stated in the header
    if (cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile) == cmsSigLinkClass) {
            return (cmsGetHeaderRenderingIntent(hProfile) == Intent);

    switch (UsedDirection) {

       case LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT: TagTable = Device2PCS16; break;
       case LCMS_USED_AS_OUTPUT:TagTable = PCS2Device16; break;

       // For proofing, we need rel. colorimetric in output. Let's do some recursion
       case LCMS_USED_AS_PROOF:
           return cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile, Intent, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT) &&
                  cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, LCMS_USED_AS_OUTPUT);

           cmsSignalError(cmsGetProfileContextID(hProfile), cmsERROR_RANGE, "Unexpected direction (%d)", UsedDirection);
           return FALSE;

    return cmsIsTag(hProfile, TagTable[Intent]);

コード例 #2
ファイル: cmswtpnt.c プロジェクト: makinacorpus/libecw
int BlackPointUsingPerceptualBlack(LPcmsCIEXYZ BlackPoint, 
                                   cmsHPROFILE hProfile, 
                                   DWORD dwFlags)
    cmsHTRANSFORM hPercLab2CMYK, hRelColCMYK2Lab;
    cmsHPROFILE hLab;
    cmsCIELab LabIn, LabOut;
    cmsCIEXYZ  BlackXYZ, MediaWhite;        

     if (!cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT)) {

        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return 0;
    hLab = cmsCreateLabProfile(NULL);

    hPercLab2CMYK  = cmsCreateTransform(hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, 
                                        hProfile, TYPE_CMYK_16, 
                                        INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOTPRECALC);

    hRelColCMYK2Lab = cmsCreateTransform(hProfile, TYPE_CMYK_16, 
                                         hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, 
                                         INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_NOTPRECALC);

    LabIn.L = LabIn.a = LabIn.b = 0;

    cmsDoTransform(hPercLab2CMYK, &LabIn, CMYK, 1);
    cmsDoTransform(hRelColCMYK2Lab, CMYK, &LabOut, 1);

    if (LabOut.L > 50) LabOut.L = 50;
    LabOut.a = LabOut.b = 0;


    cmsLab2XYZ(NULL, &BlackXYZ, &LabOut);   
    if (!(dwFlags & LCMS_BPFLAGS_D50_ADAPTED)){
            cmsTakeMediaWhitePoint(&MediaWhite, hProfile);
            cmsAdaptToIlluminant(BlackPoint, cmsD50_XYZ(), &MediaWhite, &BlackXYZ);
            *BlackPoint = BlackXYZ;
    return 1;

コード例 #3
ファイル: _imagingcms.c プロジェクト: znanja/pil-py3k
static PyObject *
cms_profile_is_intent_supported(CmsProfileObject *self, PyObject *args)
    LCMSBOOL result;

    int intent;
    int direction;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii:is_intent_supported", &intent, &direction))
        return NULL;

    result = cmsIsIntentSupported(self->profile, intent, direction);

    /* printf("cmsIsIntentSupported(%p, %d, %d) => %d\n", self->profile, intent, direction, result); */

    return PyInt_FromLong(result != 0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: cmssamp.c プロジェクト: jlubea/propelize
// Get a black point of output CMYK profile, discounting any ink-limiting embedded 
// in the profile. For doing that, we use perceptual intent in input direction:
// Lab (0, 0, 0) -> [Perceptual] Profile -> CMYK -> [Rel. colorimetric] Profile -> Lab
cmsBool BlackPointUsingPerceptualBlack(cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint, cmsHPROFILE hProfile)
    cmsHTRANSFORM hRoundTrip;    
    cmsCIELab LabIn, LabOut;
    cmsCIEXYZ  BlackXYZ;        
     // Is the intent supported by the profile?
    if (!cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT)) {

        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return TRUE;
    hRoundTrip = CreateRoundtripXForm(hProfile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
    if (hRoundTrip == NULL) {
        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return FALSE;

    LabIn.L = LabIn.a = LabIn.b = 0;
    cmsDoTransform(hRoundTrip, &LabIn, &LabOut, 1);

    // Clip Lab to reasonable limits
    if (LabOut.L > 50) LabOut.L = 50;
    LabOut.a = LabOut.b = 0;

    // Convert it to XYZ
    cmsLab2XYZ(NULL, &BlackXYZ, &LabOut);   
    if (BlackPoint != NULL)
        *BlackPoint = BlackXYZ;

    return TRUE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: cmswtpnt.c プロジェクト: makinacorpus/libecw
int BlackPointAsDarkerColorant(cmsHPROFILE hInput,                               
                               int Intent,
                               LPcmsCIEXYZ BlackPoint,
                               DWORD dwFlags)
    WORD *Black, *White;
    cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
    icColorSpaceSignature Space;
    int nChannels;
    DWORD dwFormat; 
    cmsHPROFILE hLab;
    cmsCIELab  Lab;
    cmsCIEXYZ  BlackXYZ, MediaWhite;        
    // If the profile does not support input direction, assume Black point 0
    if (!cmsIsIntentSupported(hInput, Intent, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT)) {

        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return 0;

    // Try to get black by using black colorant

    Space = cmsGetColorSpace(hInput);
    if (!_cmsEndPointsBySpace(Space, &White, &Black, &nChannels)) {
        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return 0;
    dwFormat = CHANNELS_SH(nChannels)|BYTES_SH(2);

    hLab = cmsCreateLabProfile(NULL);
    xform = cmsCreateTransform(hInput, dwFormat,
                                hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOTPRECALC);
    cmsDoTransform(xform, Black, &Lab, 1);

    // Force it to be neutral, clip to max. L* of 50

    Lab.a = Lab.b = 0;
    if (Lab.L > 50) Lab.L = 50;

    cmsLab2XYZ(NULL, &BlackXYZ, &Lab);
        *BlackPoint = BlackXYZ; 
    else {
        if (!(dwFlags & LCMS_BPFLAGS_D50_ADAPTED)) {

            cmsTakeMediaWhitePoint(&MediaWhite, hInput);
            cmsAdaptToIlluminant(BlackPoint, cmsD50_XYZ(), &MediaWhite, &BlackXYZ);
            *BlackPoint = BlackXYZ;
    return 1;
コード例 #6
ファイル: cmssamp.c プロジェクト: jlubea/propelize
// Use darker colorants to obtain black point. This works in the relative colorimetric intent and
// assumes more ink results in darker colors. No ink limit is assumed.
cmsBool  BlackPointAsDarkerColorant(cmsHPROFILE    hInput,                               
                                    cmsUInt32Number Intent,
                                    cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint,
                                    cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
    cmsUInt16Number *Black;
    cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
    cmsColorSpaceSignature Space;
    cmsUInt32Number nChannels;
    cmsUInt32Number dwFormat; 
    cmsHPROFILE hLab;
    cmsCIELab  Lab;
    cmsCIEXYZ  BlackXYZ;        
    cmsContext ContextID = cmsGetProfileContextID(hInput);
    // If the profile does not support input direction, assume Black point 0    
    if (!cmsIsIntentSupported(hInput, Intent, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT)) {

        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return FALSE;
    // Create a formatter which has n channels and floating point
    dwFormat = cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hInput, 2);

   // Try to get black by using black colorant    
    Space = cmsGetColorSpace(hInput);

    // This function returns darker colorant in 16 bits for several spaces
    if (!_cmsEndPointsBySpace(Space, NULL, &Black, &nChannels)) {
        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return FALSE;

    if (nChannels != T_CHANNELS(dwFormat)) {
       BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
       return FALSE;

    // Lab will be used as the output space, but lab2 will avoid recursion
    hLab = cmsCreateLab2ProfileTHR(ContextID, NULL);
    if (hLab == NULL) {
       BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
       return FALSE;    

    // Create the transform
    xform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(ContextID, hInput, dwFormat,
                                hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE|cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
    if (xform == NULL) {
        // Something went wrong. Get rid of open resources and return zero as black
        BlackPoint -> X = BlackPoint ->Y = BlackPoint -> Z = 0.0;
        return FALSE;
    // Convert black to Lab
    cmsDoTransform(xform, Black, &Lab, 1);

    // Force it to be neutral, clip to max. L* of 50
    Lab.a = Lab.b = 0;
    if (Lab.L > 50) Lab.L = 50;

    // Free the resources    
    // Convert from Lab (which is now clipped) to XYZ.
    cmsLab2XYZ(NULL, &BlackXYZ, &Lab);
    if (BlackPoint != NULL)
        *BlackPoint = BlackXYZ;
    return TRUE;

コード例 #7
ファイル: cmsgmt.c プロジェクト: Andy-Hay/LightZone
LPLUT ComputeGamutWithInput(cmsHPROFILE hInput, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, int Intent)
    cmsHPROFILE hLab;
    LPLUT Gamut;
    DWORD dwFormat;
    int nErrState, nChannels, nGridpoints;
    LPGAMMATABLE Trans[3];
    icColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace;
    ZeroMemory(&Chain, sizeof(GAMUTCHAIN)); 
    hLab = cmsCreateLabProfile(NULL);
    // Safeguard against early abortion
    nErrState = cmsErrorAction(LCMS_ERROR_IGNORE);

    // The figure of merit. On matrix-shaper profiles, should be almost zero as
    // the conversion is pretty exact. On LUT based profiles, different resolutions
    // of input and output CLUT may result in differences. 

    if (!cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile, Intent, LCMS_USED_AS_INPUT) &&
        !cmsIsIntentSupported(hProfile, Intent, LCMS_USED_AS_OUTPUT))

        Chain.Thereshold = 1.0;
        Chain.Thereshold = ERR_THERESHOLD;
    ColorSpace  = cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile);  

    // If input profile specified, create a transform from such profile to Lab
    if (hInput != NULL) {
        nChannels   = _cmsChannelsOf(ColorSpace);     
        nGridpoints = _cmsReasonableGridpointsByColorspace(ColorSpace, cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC);
        dwFormat    = (CHANNELS_SH(nChannels)|BYTES_SH(2));

        Chain.hInput = cmsCreateTransform(hInput, dwFormat, 
                                          hLab,   TYPE_Lab_16, 
    else  {
        // Input transform=NULL (Lab) Used to compute the gamut tag
        // This table will take 53 points to give some accurancy, 
        // 53 * 53 * 53 * 2 = 291K

        nChannels    = 3;      // For Lab
        nGridpoints  = 53;
        Chain.hInput = NULL;
        dwFormat = (CHANNELS_SH(_cmsChannelsOf(ColorSpace))|BYTES_SH(2)); 

    // Does create the forward step
    Chain.hForward = cmsCreateTransform(hLab, TYPE_Lab_16, 
                                        hProfile, dwFormat, 

    // Does create the backwards step
    Chain.hReverse = cmsCreateTransform(hProfile, dwFormat, 
                                        hLab, TYPE_Lab_16,                                      

    // Restores error handler previous state

    // All ok?
    if (Chain.hForward && Chain.hReverse) {
    // Go on, try to compute gamut LUT from PCS.
    // This consist on a single channel containing 
    // dE when doing a transform back and forth on
    // the colorimetric intent. 

    Gamut = cmsAllocLUT();
    Gamut = cmsAlloc3DGrid(Gamut, nGridpoints, nChannels, 1);
    // If no input, then this is a gamut tag operated by Lab,
    // so include pertinent prelinearization
    if (hInput == NULL) {
        cmsAllocLinearTable(Gamut, Trans, 1);              

    cmsSample3DGrid(Gamut, GamutSampler, (LPVOID) &Chain, Gamut ->wFlags);          
        Gamut = NULL;   // Didn't work...

    // Free all needed stuff.
    if (Chain.hInput)   cmsDeleteTransform(Chain.hInput);
    if (Chain.hForward) cmsDeleteTransform(Chain.hForward);
    if (Chain.hReverse) cmsDeleteTransform(Chain.hReverse);

    // And return computed hull
    return Gamut;