コード例 #1
ファイル: postfit.cpp プロジェクト: cran/MSBVAR
//extern "C"
SEXP log_marg_A0k(SEXP WpostR, SEXP A0R, SEXP N2R, SEXP consttermR,
			     SEXP bfR, SEXP UTR, SEXP TinvR, SEXP dfR, SEXP n0R)
  int i, j, *dTi, db, m, N2, df, len;
  N2=INTEGER(N2R)[0]; df=INTEGER(dfR)[0]; m=INTEGER(coerceVector(listElt(WpostR,"m"),INTSXP))[0];

  double *pbfi, *lpa0, *cterm, lN2, tol, maxvlog, lqlog;
  lN2=log((double)N2); tol=1E-12; cterm=REAL(consttermR); //Rprintf("m: %d\nN2: %d\ndf: %d\n",m,N2,df);

  // Initialize Tinv/b.free/vlog variables
  SEXP Ti, bfi; Matrix Tinv; ColumnVector bfree, vlog(N2), qlog;

  // Initialize Wlist/W/Wmat objects and populate Wlist from WpostR
  Wlist Wall(WpostR,N2); Wobj W; Matrix Wmat;

  // Initialize SEXP/ptr to store/access log marginal A0k values
  SEXP lpa0yao; PROTECT(lpa0yao=allocVector(REALSXP,m)); lpa0=REAL(lpa0yao);
    dTi=getdims(Ti); Tinv=R2Cmat(Ti,dTi[0],dTi[1]);
    UNPROTECT(1); //Rprintf("Tinv[[%d]](%dx%d) initialized\n",i,dTi[0],dTi[1]);

    db=length(bfi); bfree.ReSize(db); pbfi=REAL(bfi); bfree<<pbfi;
    UNPROTECT(1); //Rprintf("bfree[[%d]](%d) initialized\n",i,db);

      Wall.getWobj(W,j); Wmat=W.getWelt(i+1); W.clear();
      vlog(j)=getvlog(Wmat,Tinv,bfree,cterm[i],df,tol); //Rprintf("vlog(%d): %f\n",j,vlog(j));

    // Modified harmonic mean of the max
    maxvlog=vlog.Maximum(); qlog=vlog-maxvlog; len=qlog.Storage();
    lqlog=0; for(j=1;j<=len;j++) lqlog+=exp(qlog(j)); lqlog=log(lqlog); // log(sum(exp(qlog)))
    lpa0[i]=maxvlog-lN2+lqlog; //Rprintf("lpa0[%d] = %f\n", i, lpa0[i]);

  // Computations for last column
  dTi=getdims(Ti); Tinv=R2Cmat(Ti,dTi[0],dTi[1]);
  UNPROTECT(1); //Rprintf("Tinv[[%d]](%dx%d) initialized\n",i,dTi[0],dTi[1]);

  pbfi=REAL(bfi); bfree.ReSize(length(bfi)); bfree<<pbfi;
  UNPROTECT(1); //Rprintf("bfree[[%d]](%d) initialized\n",i,db);

  UTobj UT(UTR); Matrix A0=R2Cmat(A0R,m,m);
  A0=drawA0cpp(A0,UT,df,INTEGER(n0R),W); Wmat=W.getWelt(m);
  lpa0[m-1]=getvlog(Wmat,Tinv,bfree,cterm[m-1],df,tol); //Rprintf("lpa0[%d] = %f\n",m-1,lpa0[m-1]);

  // Return R object lpa0yao
  UNPROTECT(1); return lpa0yao;
コード例 #2
ファイル: reorder.c プロジェクト: rforge/dhclus
SEXP icav_Matrix_sort(SEXP _M,SEXP Param)
    // sorts a cloned version
    //copies values in (Col_index and Row_index) of _M to a new matrix mimat. size of mimat < size of _M

    // param[0] rows of _M
    // param[1] cols of _M
    // param[2] chunk size
    SEXP mimat;
    int i,j,_COL;
    int MAX_T,Tnum;
    int one = 1;

    double *M,*mm;
    int *param;

    PROTECT(_M = coerceVector(_M, REALSXP));
    PROTECT(Param = coerceVector(Param, INTSXP));

    M = REAL(_M);
    param = INTEGER(Param);
    PROTECT(mimat = allocMatrix(REALSXP,param[0],param[1]));
    MAX_T = omp_get_max_threads();

    //we order the cols
    for(i=0; i<param[1]; i++) {
        _COL = i*param[0];
        for(j=0; j<param[0]; j++) {
    for(i=0; i<param[1]; i++) {
        _COL = i*param[0];
        qsort (&mm[_COL], param[0], sizeof(double), icav_compare_doubles);

コード例 #3
ファイル: family.c プロジェクト: FatManCoding/r-source
SEXP binomial_dev_resids(SEXP y, SEXP mu, SEXP wt)
    int i, n = LENGTH(y), lmu = LENGTH(mu), lwt = LENGTH(wt), nprot = 1;
    SEXP ans;
    double mui, yi, *rmu, *ry, *rwt, *rans;

    if (!isReal(y)) {y = PROTECT(coerceVector(y, REALSXP)); nprot++;}
    ry = REAL(y);
    ans = PROTECT(duplicate(y));
    rans = REAL(ans);
    if (!isReal(mu)) {mu = PROTECT(coerceVector(mu, REALSXP)); nprot++;}
    if (!isReal(wt)) {wt = PROTECT(coerceVector(wt, REALSXP)); nprot++;}
    rmu = REAL(mu);
    rwt = REAL(wt);
    if (lmu != n && lmu != 1)
	error(_("argument %s must be a numeric vector of length 1 or length %d"),
	      "mu", n);
    if (lwt != n && lwt != 1)
	error(_("argument %s must be a numeric vector of length 1 or length %d"),
	      "wt", n);
    /* Written separately to avoid an optimization bug on Solaris cc */
    if(lmu > 1) {
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    mui = rmu[i];
	    yi = ry[i];
	    rans[i] = 2 * rwt[lwt > 1 ? i : 0] *
		(y_log_y(yi, mui) + y_log_y(1 - yi, 1 - mui));
    } else {
	mui = rmu[0];
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	    yi = ry[i];
	    rans[i] = 2 * rwt[lwt > 1 ? i : 0] *
		(y_log_y(yi, mui) + y_log_y(1 - yi, 1 - mui));

    return ans;
コード例 #4
ファイル: logic.c プロジェクト: nirvananoob/r-source
/* all, any */
SEXP attribute_hidden do_logic3(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP ans, s, t, call2;
    int narm, has_na = 0;
    /* initialize for behavior on empty vector
       all(logical(0)) -> TRUE
       any(logical(0)) -> FALSE
    Rboolean val = PRIMVAL(op) == _OP_ALL ? TRUE : FALSE;

    PROTECT(args = fixup_NaRm(args));
    PROTECT(call2 = duplicate(call));
    SETCDR(call2, args);

    if (DispatchGroup("Summary", call2, op, args, env, &ans)) {

    ans = matchArgExact(R_NaRmSymbol, &args);
    narm = asLogical(ans);

    for (s = args; s != R_NilValue; s = CDR(s)) {
	t = CAR(s);
	/* Avoid memory waste from coercing empty inputs, and also
	   avoid warnings with empty lists coming from sapply */
	if(xlength(t) == 0) continue;
	/* coerceVector protects its argument so this actually works
	   just fine */
	if (TYPEOF(t) != LGLSXP) {
	    /* Coercion of integers seems reasonably safe, but for
	       other types it is more often than not an error.
	       One exception is perhaps the result of lapply, but
	       then sapply was often what was intended. */
	    if(TYPEOF(t) != INTSXP)
			    _("coercing argument of type '%s' to logical"),
	    t = coerceVector(t, LGLSXP);
	val = checkValues(PRIMVAL(op), narm, LOGICAL(t), XLENGTH(t));
        if (val != NA_LOGICAL) {
            if ((PRIMVAL(op) == _OP_ANY && val)
                || (PRIMVAL(op) == _OP_ALL && !val)) {
                has_na = 0;
        } else has_na = 1;
    return has_na ? ScalarLogical(NA_LOGICAL) : ScalarLogical(val);
コード例 #5
ファイル: convolve2.c プロジェクト: mkampert/samplecode
SEXP convolve2(SEXP a, SEXP b) {
    int na, nb, nab;
    double *xa, *xb, *xab;
    SEXP ab;

    a = PROTECT(coerceVector(a, REALSXP));
    b = PROTECT(coerceVector(b, REALSXP));
    na = length(a);
    nb = length(b);
    nab = na + nb - 1;
    ab = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nab));
    xa = REAL(a);
    xb = REAL(b);
    xab = REAL(ab);
    for(int i = 0; i < nab; i++)
        xab[i] = 0.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < na; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
            xab[i + j] += xa[i] * xb[j];
    return ab;
コード例 #6
ファイル: population.c プロジェクト: smee/rpg
SEXP createPopulation(SEXP popSize_ext, SEXP funcSet, SEXP inSet, SEXP maxDepth_ext, SEXP constProb_ext, SEXP subtreeProb_ext, SEXP constScaling_ext) {
  SEXP pop;
  PROTECT(popSize_ext = coerceVector(popSize_ext, INTSXP));
  int popSize= INTEGER(popSize_ext)[0];

  PROTECT(pop= allocVector(VECSXP, popSize));
  for(int i=0; i < popSize; i++)
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(pop, i, randFuncGrow(funcSet, inSet, maxDepth_ext, constProb_ext, subtreeProb_ext, constScaling_ext));
  return pop;
コード例 #7
ファイル: getScalarReal.c プロジェクト: cran/fuzzyRankTests
double getScalarReal(SEXP foo)
    if (! isNumeric(foo))
        error("argument must be numeric");
    if (LENGTH(foo) != 1)
        error("argument must be scalar");
    if (isReal(foo)) {
        return REAL(foo)[0];
    } else {
        SEXP bar = coerceVector(foo, REALSXP);
        return REAL(bar)[0];
コード例 #8
ファイル: pacf.c プロジェクト: csilles/cxxr
SEXP pacf1(SEXP acf, SEXP lmax)
    int lagmax = asInteger(lmax);
    acf = PROTECT(coerceVector(acf, REALSXP));
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, lagmax));
    uni_pacf(REAL(acf), REAL(ans), lagmax);
    SEXP d = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, 3));
    INTEGER(d)[0] = lagmax;
    INTEGER(d)[1] = INTEGER(d)[2] = 1;
    setAttrib(ans, R_DimSymbol, d);
    return ans;
コード例 #9
ファイル: tracks.c プロジェクト: maressyl/R.Rgb
// Returns the proper integer chrom target (as is or through factor levels)
// Negative values should skip further treatments (level not found in factor)
int chromTarget(SEXP chrom, SEXP targetChrom) {
	int output;
	if(isFactor(chrom)) {
		// Convert 'targetChrom' to a character vector
		if(isFactor(targetChrom)) { targetChrom = PROTECT(asCharacterFactor(targetChrom));
		} else                    { targetChrom = PROTECT(coerceVector(targetChrom, STRSXP));
		if(LENGTH(targetChrom) != 1 || STRING_ELT(targetChrom, 0) == NA_STRING) {
			error("As 'chrom' is factor, target 'chrom' must be a single non-NA character-coercible value");
		// From character to integer position in the index (0+)
		SEXP levels = PROTECT(getAttrib(chrom, R_LevelsSymbol));
		for(int i = 0; i < LENGTH(levels); i++) {
			if(strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(levels, i)), CHAR(STRING_ELT(targetChrom, 0))) == 0) {
				// Early exit when found
				output = i;
				return output;
		// Was not found in levels
		output = -1;
	} else {
		// Integer chrom
		targetChrom = PROTECT(coerceVector(targetChrom, INTSXP));
		if(LENGTH(targetChrom) != 1 || INTEGER(targetChrom)[0] == NA_INTEGER || INTEGER(targetChrom)[0] < 0) {
			error("As 'chrom' is integer, target 'chrom' must be a single non-NA integer-coercible strictly positive value");
		// Position in the index (0+)
		output = INTEGER(targetChrom)[0] - 1;
	return output;
コード例 #10
ファイル: dense.c プロジェクト: rforge/matrix
SEXP lsq_dense_QR(SEXP X, SEXP y)
    SEXP ans;
    int info, n, p, k, *Xdims, *ydims, lwork;
    double *work, tmp, *xvals;

    if (!(isReal(X) & isMatrix(X)))
	error(_("X must be a numeric (double precision) matrix"));
    Xdims = INTEGER(coerceVector(getAttrib(X, R_DimSymbol), INTSXP));
    n = Xdims[0];
    p = Xdims[1];
    if (!(isReal(y) & isMatrix(y)))
	error(_("y must be a numeric (double precision) matrix"));
    ydims = INTEGER(coerceVector(getAttrib(y, R_DimSymbol), INTSXP));
    if (ydims[0] != n)
	    "number of rows in y (%d) does not match number of rows in X (%d)"),
	    ydims[0], n);
    k = ydims[1];
    if (k < 1 || p < 1) return allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, k);
    xvals = (double *) R_alloc(n * p, sizeof(double));
    Memcpy(xvals, REAL(X), n * p);
    ans = PROTECT(duplicate(y));
    lwork = -1;
    F77_CALL(dgels)("N", &n, &p, &k, xvals, &n, REAL(ans), &n,
		    &tmp, &lwork, &info);
    if (info)
	error(_("First call to Lapack routine dgels returned error code %d"),
    lwork = (int) tmp;
    work = (double *) R_alloc(lwork, sizeof(double));
    F77_CALL(dgels)("N", &n, &p, &k, xvals, &n, REAL(ans), &n,
		    work, &lwork, &info);
    if (info)
	error(_("Second call to Lapack routine dgels returned error code %d"),
    return ans;
コード例 #11
ファイル: swilk.c プロジェクト: Bgods/r-source
    int n, ifault = 0;
    double W = 0, pw;  /* original version tested W on entry */
    x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, REALSXP));
    n = LENGTH(x);
    swilk(REAL(x), n, &W, &pw, &ifault);
    if (ifault > 0 && ifault != 7)
	error("ifault=%d. This should not happen", ifault);
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 2));
    REAL(ans)[0] = W, REAL(ans)[1] = pw;
    return ans;
コード例 #12
ファイル: filter.c プロジェクト: bedatadriven/renjin
SEXP acf(SEXP x, SEXP lmax, SEXP sCor)
    int nx = nrows(x), ns = ncols(x), lagmax = asInteger(lmax),
        cor = asLogical(sCor);
    x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, REALSXP));
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, (lagmax + 1)*ns*ns));
    acf0(REAL(x), nx, ns, lagmax, cor, REAL(ans));
    SEXP d = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, 3));
    INTEGER(d)[0] = lagmax + 1;
    INTEGER(d)[1] = INTEGER(d)[2] = ns;
    setAttrib(ans, R_DimSymbol, d);
    return ans;
コード例 #13
ファイル: tbrm.c プロジェクト: cran/DescTools
size_t dplRlength(SEXP x) {
    size_t xlength;
    SEXP sn, tmp, ncall;
    PROTECT(tmp = ncall = allocList(2));
    SETCAR(tmp, install("length")); tmp = CDR(tmp);
    SETCAR(tmp, x);
    PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(sn = eval(ncall, R_BaseEnv), &ipx);
    REPROTECT(sn = coerceVector(sn, REALSXP), ipx);
    xlength = (size_t) *REAL(sn);
    return xlength;
コード例 #14
ファイル: pvf.c プロジェクト: gertvv/rsmaa
 * Calculate piece-wise linear partial value function
 * @param x: vector of measurements (length N)
 * @param y: vector of cut-offs (length n) defining the PVF
 * @param v: vector of values corresponding to the cut-offs (length n)
 * @return vector of values (length N)
SEXP smaa_pvf(SEXP _x, SEXP _y, SEXP _v) {
	int const N = length(_x);
	int const n = length(_y);
	_x = PROTECT(coerceVector(_x, REALSXP));
	_y = PROTECT(coerceVector(_y, REALSXP));
	_v = PROTECT(coerceVector(_v, REALSXP));
	double const *x = REAL(_x);
	double const *y = REAL(_y);
	double const *v = REAL(_v);

	SEXP _out = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, N));
	double *out = REAL(_out);

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
		unsigned j;
		for (j = 1; j < (n - 1) && y[j] < x[i]; ++j) ;
		out[i] = v[j - 1] + (x[i] - y[j - 1]) * ((v[j] - v[j - 1]) / (y[j] - y[j - 1]));

	return _out;
コード例 #15
ファイル: crossCovariance.c プロジェクト: rforge/ica4fts
/**Cross Mean. Function takes in nxd matrix x and generates a dxd matrix with means of each column in x*/
SEXP crossMean(SEXP x){	
	int n, d;
	int *xdims;
	double sum;
	double *meanptr, *xptr;
	SEXP mean; 
	xdims = getDims(x);
	n = xdims[0];
	d = xdims[1];
	PROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, REALSXP)); //PROTECT 1
	xptr = REAL(x);	
	PROTECT(mean = allocMatrix(REALSXP,1,d)); //PROTECT 2
	meanptr = REAL(mean);
	int k =0; //index for mean	
	for(int i=0;i<=(d-1)*n;i=i+n){
		sum = 0;		
		for(int j=i;j<=i+n-1;j++){			
			sum = sum+xptr[j];			
			}//end inner for		
		meanptr[k] = sum/n;	//calculate mean and store value
	}//end outer for
	/**Mean vector completed. Now generate crossMean vector.*/
	SEXP crossM;
	double *crossMptr;
	PROTECT(crossM = allocMatrix(REALSXP,d,d)); //PROTECT 3
	crossMptr = REAL(crossM);
	double prod;
	int c = 0; //index for crossMean	
	/**Calculates the mean. First fills the diagonal, then fills the upper and lower triangular portions using symmetry.*/
	for(int i=0; i<d;i++){		
		c = i*(d+1);
		crossMptr[c] = meanptr[i] * meanptr[i];		
		for(int j=i+1;j<d;j++){			
			prod = meanptr[i] * meanptr[j];					
			c = i + j*d;			
			crossMptr[c] = prod;			
			c = j + i*d;
			crossMptr[c] = prod; 
		}//end inner for
	}//end outer for		
}//end crossMean
コード例 #16
ファイル: reorder.c プロジェクト: rforge/dhclus
// used in gap.inter.R
SEXP icav_wss_matrix(SEXP _M, SEXP Param)
    //copies values in (Col_index and Row_index) of _M to a new matrix mimat. size of mimat < size of _M

    // param[0] rows of _M
    // param[1] cols of _M
//param[0] == param[1] this matrix must be symmetric
    SEXP mimat;
    int i,j,_COL;
    int MAX_T,Tnum;

    double *M,*mm,tmp_max;
    double tmp_acc;
    int *param;

    PROTECT(_M = coerceVector(_M, REALSXP));
    PROTECT(Param = coerceVector(Param, INTSXP));

    M = REAL(_M);
    param = INTEGER(Param);

    PROTECT(mimat = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));

    mm = REAL(mimat);
    tmp_acc = 0.;
    //we order the cols
    for(i=0; i<param[1]; i++) {
        _COL = i*param[0];
        for(j=0; j<param[0]; j++) {
            tmp_acc += M[_COL+j]*M[_COL+j];

    *mm = tmp_acc/(2*param[0]);
コード例 #17
ファイル: _u_utilities.c プロジェクト: cran/gRbase
SEXP R_colwiseProd(SEXP V, SEXP X)

  int    *xdims, nrx, ncx, ii, jj, kk, len_V;
  double *xptr, *vptr;
  xdims = getDims(X);
  nrx = xdims[0];
  ncx = xdims[1];
  len_V = length(V);

  PROTECT(X = coerceVector(X, REALSXP));
  xptr  = REAL(X);

  PROTECT(V = coerceVector(V, REALSXP));
  vptr = REAL(V);

  double *ansptr;
  SEXP ans;
  PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrx, ncx));
  ansptr = REAL(ans);
  kk = 0;
  for (jj = 0; jj < ncx; jj++){
    //Rprintf("kk=%i len_V=%i\n", kk, len_V);
    for (ii=0; ii<nrx; ii++){
      ansptr[ii + nrx * jj] = vptr[kk] * xptr[ii + nrx * jj];
    if (kk == len_V){
      //Rprintf("HERE: kk=%i len_V=%i\n", kk, len_V);
コード例 #18
SEXP Expect_matrix(SEXP S1, SEXP S, SEXP lambda, SEXP time, SEXP theta0, SEXP theta1, SEXP matdiag){
    int nvar, npoints, nprotect=0;
    nvar = GET_LENGTH(lambda);
    npoints = GET_LENGTH(time);
    PROTECT(time = coerceVector(time,REALSXP)); nprotect++;
    PROTECT(theta0 = coerceVector(theta0,REALSXP)); nprotect++;
    PROTECT(theta1 = coerceVector(theta1,REALSXP)); nprotect++;
    // results
    SEXP expectation = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP,nvar*npoints)); nprotect++;
    // eigenvectors
    PROTECT(S1 = coerceVector(S1,REALSXP)); nprotect++;
    PROTECT(S = coerceVector(S,REALSXP)); nprotect++;
    // matrix exponential
    SEXP matexp = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP,nvar*nvar*npoints)); nprotect++;

    // Compute the exponential matrix
    multi_exp_matrix (&nvar, &npoints, REAL(time), REAL(lambda), REAL(S), REAL(S1), REAL(matexp));
    // Compute the expectations
    optimum (&nvar, &npoints, REAL(time), REAL(theta0), REAL(theta1), REAL(expectation), REAL(matexp), REAL(matdiag));
    // Done.
    double complex *matexp;
    // complex eigenvalues & eigenvectors
    PROTECT(S1 = coerceVector(S1,CPLXSXP)); nprotect++;
    PROTECT(S = coerceVector(S,CPLXSXP)); nprotect++;
    // alloc a complex vector in C rather than R structure...
    matexp = Calloc(nvar*nvar*npoints,double complex);
    // Compute the exponential matrix
    multi_exp_matrix_complex (&nvar, &npoints, REAL(time), COMPLEX(lambda), COMPLEX(S), COMPLEX(S1), matexp);
    // Compute the expectations
    optimum_complex(&nvar, &npoints, REAL(time), REAL(theta0), REAL(theta1), REAL(expectation), matexp, REAL(matdiag));
    // Done.
    // Free the memory

    return expectation;
コード例 #19
ファイル: nestedness.c プロジェクト: gavinsimpson/vegan
SEXP do_backtrack(SEXP n, SEXP rs, SEXP cs)
    int i, fill, nr = length(rs), nc = length(cs), nmat = asInteger(n);
    int N = nr * nc;

    /* check & cast */
    if(TYPEOF(rs) != INTSXP)
	rs = coerceVector(rs, INTSXP);
    if(TYPEOF(cs) != INTSXP)
	cs = coerceVector(cs, INTSXP);
    int *rowsum = INTEGER(rs);
    int *colsum = INTEGER(cs);

    /* initialize work arrays for backtrack()*/
    int *ind = (int *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(int));
    int *rfill = (int *) R_alloc(nr, sizeof(int));
    int * cfill = (int *) R_alloc(nc, sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0, fill = 0; i < nr; i++)
	fill += rowsum[i];
    int *x = (int *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(int));

    SEXP out =  PROTECT(alloc3DArray(INTSXP, nr, nc, nmat));
    int *iout = INTEGER(out);

    /* Call static C function */
    for(i = 0; i < nmat; i++) {
	backtrack(x, rowsum, colsum, fill, nr, nc, rfill, cfill, ind);
	memcpy(iout + i * N, x, N * sizeof(int));

    return out;
コード例 #20
ファイル: clamp.c プロジェクト: eliotmcintire/raster
SEXP clamp(SEXP d, SEXP rr, SEXP usevals) {
	R_len_t i;
	SEXP val;
	double *xd, *r, *xval;
	PROTECT(d = coerceVector(d, REALSXP));
	PROTECT(rr = coerceVector(rr, REALSXP));
  	int uv = INTEGER(usevals)[0];
	r = REAL(rr);
	xd = REAL(d);

	int n = length(d);
	PROTECT( val = allocVector(REALSXP, n) );
	xval = REAL(val);
	if (uv) {
		for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
			if ( xd[i] < r[0] ) { 
				xval[i] = r[0];
			} else if ( xd[i] > r[1] ) { 
				xval[i] = r[1];
			} else {
				xval[i] = xd[i];
	} else {
		for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
			if ( (xd[i] < r[0]) | (xd[i] > r[1])) {
				xval[i] = R_NaReal;
			} else {
				xval[i] = xd[i];
コード例 #21
ファイル: fourier.c プロジェクト: lovmoy/r-source
SEXP mvfft(SEXP z, SEXP inverse)
    SEXP d;
    int i, inv, maxf, maxp, n, p;
    double *work;
    int *iwork;

    d = getAttrib(z, R_DimSymbol);
    if (d == R_NilValue || length(d) > 2)
	error(_("vector-valued (multivariate) series required"));
    n = INTEGER(d)[0];
    p = INTEGER(d)[1];

    switch(TYPEOF(z)) {
    case INTSXP:
    case LGLSXP:
    case REALSXP:
	z = coerceVector(z, CPLXSXP);
    case CPLXSXP:
	if (NAMED(z)) z = duplicate(z);
	error(_("non-numeric argument"));

    /* -2 for forward  transform, complex values */
    /* +2 for backward transform, complex values */

    inv = asLogical(inverse);
    if (inv == NA_INTEGER || inv == 0) inv = -2;
    else inv = 2;

    if (n > 1) {
	fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp);
	if (maxf == 0)
	    error(_("fft factorization error"));
	work = (double*)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
	iwork = (int*)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
	for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
	    fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp);
	    fft_work(&(COMPLEX(z)[i*n].r), &(COMPLEX(z)[i*n].i),
		     1, n, 1, inv, work, iwork);
    return z;
コード例 #22
ファイル: binarizeBASCB.c プロジェクト: cran/BiTrinA
int enableWarnings(int val)
  SEXP s, t;
  PROTECT(t = s = allocList(2));
  SETCAR(t, install("options")); 
  t = CDR(t);
  SETCAR(t,allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
  INTEGER(CAR(t))[0] = val;
  SET_TAG(t, install("warn"));
  SEXP oldStatus;
  PROTECT(oldStatus = coerceVector(eval(s, R_GlobalEnv),INTSXP));
  return INTEGER(oldStatus)[0];
コード例 #23
/* From the MPFR (2.3.2, 2008) doc :
 -- Function:

 int mpfr_set_str (mpfr_t ROP, const char *S, int BASE, mpfr_rnd_t RND)

     Set ROP to the value of the whole string S in base BASE, rounded
     in the direction RND.  See the documentation of `mpfr_strtofr' for
     a detailed description of the valid string formats.  This function
     returns 0 if the entire string up to the final null character is a
     valid number in base BASE; otherwise it returns -1, and ROP may
     have changed.
SEXP str2mpfr1_list(SEXP x, SEXP prec, SEXP base, SEXP rnd_mode)
/* NB: Both x and prec are "recycled" to the longer one if needed */
    int ibase = asInteger(base), *iprec,
	nx = LENGTH(x), np = LENGTH(prec),
	n = (nx == 0 || np == 0) ? 0 : imax2(nx, np),
	nprot = 1;
    SEXP val = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, n));
    mpfr_rnd_t rnd = R_rnd2MP(rnd_mode);
    mpfr_t r_i;

    if(!isString(x))     { PROTECT(x    = coerceVector(x,    STRSXP)); nprot++; }
    if(!isInteger(prec)) { PROTECT(prec = coerceVector(prec, INTSXP)); nprot++; }
    iprec = INTEGER(prec);

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	int prec_i = iprec[i % np];
	mpfr_set_prec(r_i, (mpfr_prec_t) prec_i);
	int ierr = mpfr_set_str(r_i, CHAR(STRING_ELT(x, i % nx)), ibase, rnd);
	if(ierr) {
	    if (!strcmp("NA", CHAR(STRING_ELT(x, i % nx))))
		mpfr_set_nan(r_i); // "NA" <=> "NaN" (which *are* treated well, by mpfr_set_str)
		error("str2mpfr1_list(x, *): x[%d] cannot be made into MPFR",
	/* FIXME: become more efficient by doing R_..._2R_init() only once*/
	SET_VECTOR_ELT(val, i, MPFR_as_R(r_i));
    mpfr_clear (r_i);
    return val;
コード例 #24
ファイル: R-exts.c プロジェクト: Vladimir84/rcc
SEXP numeric_deriv(SEXP args)
    SEXP theta, expr, rho, ans, ans1, gradient, par, dimnames;
    double tt, xx, delta, eps = sqrt(DOUBLE_EPS);
    int start, i, j;

    expr = CADR(args);
    if(!isString(theta = CADDR(args)))
	error("theta should be of type character");
    if(!isEnvironment(rho = CADDDR(args)))
	error("rho should be an environment");

    PROTECT(ans = coerceVector(eval(expr, rho), REALSXP));
    PROTECT(gradient = allocMatrix(REALSXP, LENGTH(ans), LENGTH(theta)));

    for(i = 0, start = 0; i < LENGTH(theta); i++, start += LENGTH(ans)) {
	PROTECT(par = findVar(install(CHAR(STRING_ELT(theta, i))), rho));
	tt = REAL(par)[0];
	xx = fabs(tt);
	delta = (xx < 1) ? eps : xx*eps;
	REAL(par)[0] += delta;
	PROTECT(ans1 = coerceVector(eval(expr, rho), REALSXP));
	for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(ans); j++)
	    REAL(gradient)[j + start] =
		(REAL(ans1)[j] - REAL(ans)[j])/delta;
	REAL(par)[0] = tt;
	UNPROTECT(2); /* par, ans1 */

    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1,  theta);
    dimnamesgets(gradient, dimnames);
    setAttrib(ans, install("gradient"), gradient);
    UNPROTECT(3); /* ans  gradient  dimnames */
    return ans;
コード例 #25
ファイル: dense.c プロジェクト: bedatadriven/renjin-matrix
SEXP checkGivens(SEXP X, SEXP jmin, SEXP rank)
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2)),
	Xcp = PROTECT(duplicate(X));
    int  *Xdims;

    if (!(isReal(X) & isMatrix(X)))
	error(_("X must be a numeric (double precision) matrix"));
    Xdims = INTEGER(coerceVector(getAttrib(X, R_DimSymbol), INTSXP));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, getGivens(REAL(Xcp), Xdims[0],
				     asInteger(jmin), asInteger(rank)));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, Xcp);
    return ans;
コード例 #26
ファイル: burg.c プロジェクト: Bgods/r-source
SEXP Burg(SEXP x, SEXP order)
    x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, REALSXP));
    int n = LENGTH(x), pmax = asInteger(order);
    SEXP coefs = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, pmax * pmax)),
	var1 = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, pmax + 1)),
	var2 = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, pmax + 1));
    burg(n, REAL(x), pmax, REAL(coefs), REAL(var1), REAL(var2));
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, coefs);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, var1);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, var2);
    return ans;
コード例 #27
ファイル: all_nchar.c プロジェクト: jackwasey/checkmate
Rboolean all_nchar(SEXP x, const R_xlen_t n) {
    if (!isString(x)) {
        SEXP xs = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, STRSXP));
        Rboolean res = all_nchar(xs, n);
        return res;

    const R_xlen_t nx = xlength(x);
    for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
        if (STRING_ELT(x, i) == NA_STRING || xlength(STRING_ELT(x, i)) < n)
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
コード例 #28
ファイル: phangorn.c プロジェクト: Q-KIM/phangorn
SEXP rowMax(SEXP sdat, SEXP sn, SEXP sk){
    int i, h, n=INTEGER(sn)[0], k=INTEGER(sk)[0];  
    double x, *res, *dat;
    SEXP result;
    PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    res = REAL(result);
    PROTECT(sdat = coerceVector(sdat, REALSXP));
    dat = REAL(sdat);
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
        x = dat[i];
        for(h = 1; h< k; h++) {if(dat[i + h*n] > x) x=dat[i + h*n];}
        res[i] = x;               
コード例 #29
ファイル: chull.c プロジェクト: csilles/cxxr
SEXP chull(SEXP x)
    // x is a two-column matrix
    int n = nrows(x), nh;
    int *in = (int*)R_alloc(n, sizeof(int));
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) in[i] = i+1;
    int *ih = (int*)R_alloc(4*n, sizeof(int));
    x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, REALSXP));
    if(TYPEOF(x) != REALSXP) error("'x' is not numeric");
    in_chull(&n, REAL(x), &n, in, ih+n, ih+2*n, ih, &nh, ih+3*n);
    SEXP ans = allocVector(INTSXP, nh);
    int *ians = INTEGER(ans);
    for (int i = 0; i < nh; i++) ians[i] = ih[nh - 1 -i];
    return ans;
コード例 #30
ファイル: cast.c プロジェクト: omegahat/RTiming
R_double_avoidCast(SEXP els, SEXP repeats)
    int i, val, n, j;
    int numRepeats = asInteger(repeats);

    if(TYPEOF(els) == INTSXP)
	els = coerceVector(els, REALSXP);

    n = LENGTH(els);
    for(j = 0; j < numRepeats ; j++) {
	for(i = 0; i < n ; i++) 
	    val += REAL(els)[i];