コード例 #1
ファイル: checks.hpp プロジェクト: viennashe/viennashe-dev
    void check_vanishing_column_sums(MatrixType const & matrix, std::size_t num_cols)
      typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator1       RowIterator;
      typedef typename MatrixType::const_iterator2       ColumnIterator;
      typedef typename MatrixType::value_type      ScalarType;

      std::size_t size = std::min<std::size_t>(matrix.size2(), num_cols);
      std::vector<ScalarType> col_sums(size);
      std::vector<ScalarType> col_maximums(size);

      // Step 1: Sum into column-sum array and remember maximium in each column
      for (RowIterator row_iter = matrix.begin1();
           row_iter != matrix.end1();
        if (row_iter.index1() >= size)

        for (ColumnIterator col_iter = row_iter.begin();
             col_iter != row_iter.end();
          col_sums[col_iter.index2()] += *col_iter;
          if (std::abs(*col_iter) > col_maximums[col_iter.index2()])
            col_maximums[col_iter.index2()] = std::abs(*col_iter);


      // Step 2: Perform the tests
      for (std::size_t i=0; i<col_sums.size(); ++i)
        if (col_maximums[i] == 0)   //Note: If there is no inelastic scattering, column maximums are supposed to be zero!
        else if (std::abs(col_sums[i]) / col_maximums[i] > 1e-10)
          log::error() << "* CHECK FAILED in check_vanishing_column_sums(): Column " << i << " does not vanish: " << col_sums[i] << " with maximum " << col_maximums[i] << std::endl;
          // TODO: Think about throwing an exception here? Maybe in debug mode only?
コード例 #2
ファイル: nnls.hpp プロジェクト: beckgom/smallk
bool NnlsBlockpivot(const DenseMatrix<T>& LHS,
                    const DenseMatrix<T>& RHS,
                    DenseMatrix<T>& X, // input as xinit
                    DenseMatrix<T>& Y) // gradX
    // Solve (LHS)*X = RHS for X by block principal pivoting. Matrix LHS
    // is assumed to be symmetric positive definite.

    const int PBAR = 3;
    const unsigned int WIDTH  = RHS.Width();
    const unsigned int HEIGHT = RHS.Height();
    const unsigned int MAX_ITER = HEIGHT*5;

    BitMatrix passive_set = (X > T(0));

    std::vector<unsigned int> tmp_indices(WIDTH);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<WIDTH; ++i)
        tmp_indices[i] = i;

    if (!BppSolveNormalEqNoGroup(tmp_indices, passive_set, LHS, RHS, X))
        return false;

    // Y = LHS * X - RHS
    Gemm(NORMAL, NORMAL, T(1), LHS, X, T(0), Y);
    Axpy( T(-1), RHS, Y);

    std::vector<int> P(WIDTH, PBAR), Ninf(WIDTH, HEIGHT+1);

    BitMatrix nonopt_set = (Y < T(0)) & ~passive_set;
    BitMatrix infeas_set = (X < T(0)) & passive_set;
    std::vector<int> col_sums(WIDTH);
    std::vector<int> not_good(WIDTH);

    not_good += col_sums;
    BitMatrix not_opt_cols = (not_good > 0);
    BitMatrix not_opt_mask;

    std::vector<unsigned int> non_opt_col_indices(WIDTH);

    DenseMatrix<double> RHSsub(HEIGHT, WIDTH);
    DenseMatrix<double> Xsub(HEIGHT, WIDTH);
    DenseMatrix<double> Ysub(HEIGHT, WIDTH);

    unsigned int iter = 0;
    while (!non_opt_col_indices.empty())
        // exit if not getting anywhere
        if (iter >= MAX_ITER)
            return false;

        UpdatePassiveSet(passive_set, PBAR, HEIGHT,
                         not_opt_cols, nonopt_set, infeas_set,
                         not_good, P, Ninf);

        // equivalent of repmat(NotOptCols, HEIGHT, 1)
        not_opt_mask = MatrixFromColumnMask(not_opt_cols, HEIGHT);

        // Setup for the normal equation solver by extracting submatrices
        // from RHS and X.  The normal equation solver will extract further
        // subproblems from RHSsub and Xsub and write all updated values
        // back into RHSsub and Xsub.
        RHS.SubmatrixFromCols(RHSsub, non_opt_col_indices);
        X.SubmatrixFromCols(Xsub, non_opt_col_indices);

        if (!BppSolveNormalEqNoGroup(non_opt_col_indices, passive_set, LHS, RHSsub, Xsub))
            return false;

        ZeroizeSmallValues(Xsub, 1.0e-12);

        // compute Ysub = LHS * Xsub - RHSsub
        Ysub.Resize(RHSsub.Height(), RHSsub.Width());
        Gemm(NORMAL, NORMAL, T(1), LHS, Xsub, T(0), Ysub);
        Axpy( T(-1), RHSsub, Ysub);

        // update Y and X using the new values in Ysub and Xsub
        OverwriteCols(Y, Ysub, non_opt_col_indices, non_opt_col_indices.size());
        OverwriteCols(X, Xsub, non_opt_col_indices, non_opt_col_indices.size());

        ZeroizeSmallValues(X, 1.0e-12);
        ZeroizeSmallValues(Y, 1.0e-12);

        // Check optimality - BppUpdateSets does the equivalent of the next two lines.
        // nonopt_set = not_opt_mask & (Y < T(0)) & ~passive_set;
        // infeas_set = not_opt_mask & (X < T(0)) & passive_set;
        BppUpdateSets(nonopt_set, infeas_set, not_opt_mask, X, Y, passive_set);

        not_good += col_sums;
        not_opt_cols = (not_good > 0);


    return true;