gint collection_load_begin(CollectionData *cd, const gchar *path, gint append) { if (!collection_load(cd, path, append)) return FALSE; collection_load_thumb_idle(cd); return TRUE; }
gboolean collection_load_begin(CollectionData *cd, const gchar *path, CollectionLoadFlags flags) { if (!collection_load(cd, path, flags)) return FALSE; collection_load_thumb_idle(cd); return TRUE; }
static void real_collection_button_pressed(FileDialog *fd, gpointer data, gint append) { CollectionData *cd = data; gboolean err = FALSE; gchar *text = NULL; if (!isname(fd->dest_path)) { err = TRUE; text = g_strdup_printf(_("No such file '%s'."), fd->dest_path); } if (!err && isdir(fd->dest_path)) { err = TRUE; text = g_strdup_printf(_("'%s' is a directory, not a collection file."), fd->dest_path); } if (!err && !access_file(fd->dest_path, R_OK)) { err = TRUE; text = g_strdup_printf(_("You do not have read permissions on the file '%s'."), fd->dest_path); } if (err) { if (text) { file_util_warning_dialog(_("Can not open collection file"), text, GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, NULL); g_free(text); } return; } if (append) { collection_load(cd, fd->dest_path, TRUE); collection_unref(cd); } else { collection_window_new(fd->dest_path); } file_dialog_sync_history(fd, TRUE); file_dialog_close(fd); }
static void real_collection_button_pressed(FileDialog *fd, gpointer data, gint append) { CollectionData *cd = data; if (!fd->dest_path || isdir(fd->dest_path)) return; if (append) { collection_load(cd, fd->dest_path, TRUE); collection_unref(cd); } else { collection_window_new(fd->dest_path); } file_dialog_sync_history(fd, TRUE); file_dialog_close(fd); }
void view_window_new(FileData *fd) { GList *list; if (file_extension_match(fd->path, GQ_COLLECTION_EXT)) { ViewWindow *vw; CollectionData *cd; CollectInfo *info; cd = collection_new(fd->path); if (collection_load(cd, fd->path, COLLECTION_LOAD_NONE)) { info = collection_get_first(cd); } else { collection_unref(cd); cd = NULL; info = NULL; } vw = real_view_window_new(NULL, NULL, cd, info); if (vw && cd) { g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(vw->window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(view_window_collection_unref_cb), cd); } } else if (isdir(fd->path) && filelist_read(fd, &list, NULL)) { list = filelist_sort_path(list); list = filelist_filter(list, FALSE); real_view_window_new(NULL, list, NULL, NULL); filelist_free(list); } else { real_view_window_new(fd, NULL, NULL, NULL); } }
gboolean collection_load_only_geometry(CollectionData *cd, const gchar *path) { return collection_load(cd, path, COLLECTION_LOAD_GEOMETRY); }