コード例 #1
glm::vec3 DirectLightingIntegrator::EstimateDirectLighting(const Intersection &isx, unsigned int &n_light, unsigned int &n_brdf, const glm::vec3 &woW)
    //for Light source sampling
    //QList<glm::vec3> light_sample_pts;
    glm::vec3 brdf_sampling_final(0,0,0);
    glm::vec3 light_sampling_final(0,0,0);
    glm::vec3 color_final(0,0,0);
    Intersection light_sample_isx; //randomly sampled intersection on the light source's surface
    glm::vec3 wiW; // incoming ray in world frame
    Ray light_sample_ray;
    float rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    float rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    int light_choice = 0;

    Intersection obstruction_test;

    //for all light sources
    //for (int i = 0; i < scene->lights.count(); i++)
    //light source sampling
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < n_light; j++)
        light_choice = rand()%scene->lights.count();
        light_sample_isx = scene->lights[light_choice]->GetRandISX(rand1, rand2, isx.normal); //take 1 sample point(intersection) on the light source for now
        wiW = light_sample_isx.point - isx.point; //ray direction going from world point to light source
        light_sample_isx.t = glm::length(wiW);
        wiW = glm::normalize(wiW);
        light_sample_ray = Ray(isx.point, wiW);//remember, the direction is from point in scene to light source
        obstruction_test = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(light_sample_ray);
        //update random point
        rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
        rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);

        if (obstruction_test.object_hit == scene->lights[light_choice])
            light_sampling_final = light_sampling_final + LightPDFEnergy(obstruction_test, isx, light_sample_ray, woW, n_light, n_brdf);
            //the ray contributes zero energy

    light_sampling_final = light_sampling_final/static_cast<float>(n_light); //divide by samples taken
    //light_sampling_final = light_sampling_final + light_sampling_temp; // accumulate energy per high source
    //light_sampling_temp = glm::vec3(0, 0, 0);// zero out color_temp for the next light source

    //brdf sampling
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < n_brdf; j++)
        brdf_sampling_final = brdf_sampling_final + BxDFPDFEnergy(isx, woW, n_light, n_brdf);
    brdf_sampling_final = brdf_sampling_final/static_cast<float>(n_brdf);
    color_final = brdf_sampling_final + light_sampling_final;
    return color_final;
コード例 #2
ファイル: progress.c プロジェクト: ashleyh/tup
void tup_show_message(const char *s)
	const char *tup = " tup ";
	/* If we get to the end, show a green bar instead of grey. */
	if(cur_phase == 5)
		printf("[%s%s%s] ", color_final(), tup, color_end());
		printf("[%s%.*s%s%.*s] ", color_reverse(), cur_phase, tup, color_end(), 5-cur_phase, tup+cur_phase);
		printf("[%.3fs] ", timespan_seconds(&main_ts));
	printf("%s", s);
コード例 #3
glm::vec3 Integrator::EstimateDirectLighting(const Intersection &isx, unsigned int &samples_taken, const glm::vec3 &woW)
    //for Light source sampling
    //QList<glm::vec3> light_sample_pts;
    glm::vec3 color_temp(0,0,0);
    glm::vec3 color_final(0,0,0);
    Intersection light_sample_isx; //randomly sampled intersection on the light source's surface
    glm::vec3 wiW; // incoming ray in world frame
    Ray light_sample_ray;
    float rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
    float rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);

    Intersection obstruction_test;

    //iterate through all the light sources
    for (int i = 0; i < scene->lights.count(); i++)
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < samples_taken; j++)
            light_sample_isx = scene->lights[i]->GetRandISX(rand1, rand2, isx.normal); //take 1 sample point(intersection) on the light source for now
            wiW = light_sample_isx.point - isx.point; //ray direction going from world point to light source
            light_sample_isx.t = glm::length(wiW);
            wiW = glm::normalize(wiW);
            light_sample_ray = Ray(isx.point, wiW);//remember, the direction is from point in scene to light source
            obstruction_test = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(light_sample_ray);
            //update random point
            rand1 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);
            rand2 = unif_distribution(mersenne_generator);

            if (obstruction_test.object_hit == scene->lights[i])
                color_temp = color_temp + CalculateEnergy(light_sample_isx, isx, light_sample_ray, woW);
                //the ray contributes zero energy
        color_temp = color_temp/static_cast<float>(samples_taken); //divide by samples taken
        color_final = color_final + color_temp; // accumulate energy per high source
        color_temp = glm::vec3(0, 0, 0);// zero out color_temp for the next light source

    return color_final;