コード例 #1
ファイル: io.cpp プロジェクト: Joshua-Wright/image_stuff
    void color_write_image(matrix<double> &grid, const colormap_func &cmap, const std::string &output_filename, bool write_save) {
        /* modifies argument! */
        image_RGB color_image(grid.x(), grid.y());
        grayscale_to_rgb(grid, color_image, cmap);
        if (write_save) {
            std::cout << "saving image" << std::endl;
        write_image(color_image, output_filename);

コード例 #2
void prepareMeasurement(const ed::EntityConstPtr& e, cv::Mat& view_color_img, cv::Mat& view_depth_img, cv::Mat& mask, cv::Rect& bouding_box) {

    // Get the best measurement from the entity
    ed::MeasurementConstPtr msr = e->lastMeasurement();
    if (!msr)

    int min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;

    // create a view
    rgbd::View view(*msr->image(), msr->image()->getRGBImage().cols);

    // get depth image
    view_depth_img = msr->image()->getDepthImage();

    // get color image
    const cv::Mat& color_image = msr->image()->getRGBImage();

    // crop it to match the view
    view_color_img = cv::Mat(color_image(cv::Rect(0, 0, view.getWidth(), view.getHeight())));

//    std::cout << "image: " << cropped_image.cols << "x" << cropped_image.rows << std::endl;

    // initialize bounding box points
    max_x = 0;
    max_y = 0;
    min_x = view.getWidth();
    min_y = view.getHeight();

    // initialize mask, all 0s
    mask = cv::Mat::zeros(view.getHeight(), view.getWidth(), CV_8UC1);

    // Iterate over all points in the mask
    for(ed::ImageMask::const_iterator it = msr->imageMask().begin(view.getWidth()); it != msr->imageMask().end(); ++it)
        // mask's (x, y) coordinate in the depth image
        const cv::Point2i& p_2d = *it;

        // paint a mask
        mask.at<unsigned char>(*it) = 255;

        // update the boundary coordinates
        if (min_x > p_2d.x) min_x = p_2d.x;
        if (max_x < p_2d.x) max_x = p_2d.x;
        if (min_y > p_2d.y) min_y = p_2d.y;
        if (max_y < p_2d.y) max_y = p_2d.y;

    bouding_box = cv::Rect(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y);
コード例 #3
bool ODUFinderModule::extractImage(const ed::Entity& e, cv::Mat& img) const
    // Get the best measurement from the entity
    ed::MeasurementConstPtr msr = e.lastMeasurement();
    if (!msr)
        return false;

    // get color image
    const cv::Mat& color_image = msr->image()->getRGBImage();

    // Created masked image
    cv::Rect rgb_roi;
    ed::perception::maskImage(color_image, msr->imageMask(), rgb_roi);

    // Create cropped masked color image
    cv::Mat cropped_image = color_image(rgb_roi);

    // convert to grayscale and increase contrast
    cv::cvtColor(cropped_image, img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    cv::equalizeHist(croped_mono_image, img);
コード例 #4
int main()
  vpImage<unsigned char> gray_image(240, 320);
  vpImage<vpRGBa> color_image(240, 320);

  gray_image = 128;
  vpRGBa color(255, 0, 0);
  color_image = color;

  unsigned int igray_max = gray_image.getHeight() - 1;
  unsigned int jgray_max = gray_image.getWidth() - 1;
  std::cout << "Gray  image, last pixel intensity: "
            <<  (int)gray_image[igray_max][jgray_max] << std::endl;

  unsigned int icolor_max = color_image.getHeight() - 1;
  unsigned int jcolor_max = color_image.getWidth() - 1;
  std::cout << "Color image, last pixel RGB components: "
            << (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].R << " "
            << (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].G << " "
            << (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].B
            << std::endl;
コード例 #5
void FaceDetector::writeFaceDetectionResult(const ed::Measurement& msr, const cv::Rect& rgb_roi,
                                            const std::vector<cv::Rect>& rgb_face_rois,
                                            int& face_counter, tue::Configuration& result) const
    // get color image
    const cv::Mat& color_image = msr.image()->getRGBImage();

    // get color image
    const cv::Mat& depth_image = msr.image()->getDepthImage();

    // Calculate size factor between depth and rgb images
    double f_depth_rgb = (double)depth_image.cols / color_image.cols;

    // Create depth view
    rgbd::View depth_view(*msr.image(), depth_image.cols);

    for (uint j = 0; j < rgb_face_rois.size(); j++)
        cv::Rect rgb_face_roi = rgb_face_rois[j];
        rgb_face_roi.x += rgb_roi.x;
        rgb_face_roi.y += rgb_roi.y;

        if (debug_mode_)
            ed::perception::saveDebugImage("face_detector-rgb", color_image(rgb_face_roi));


        result.setValue("index", face_counter);

        // add 2D location of the face
        result.setValue("x", rgb_face_roi.x);
        result.setValue("y", rgb_face_roi.y);
        result.setValue("width", rgb_face_roi.width);
        result.setValue("height", rgb_face_roi.height);

        // Compute face roi for depth image
        cv::Rect depth_face_roi(f_depth_rgb * rgb_face_roi.x, f_depth_rgb * rgb_face_roi.y,
                                f_depth_rgb * rgb_face_roi.width, f_depth_rgb * rgb_face_roi.height);

        if (debug_mode_)
            ed::perception::saveDebugImage("face_detector-depth", depth_image(depth_face_roi));

        cv::Mat face_area = depth_image(depth_face_roi);
        float avg_depth = ed::perception::getMedianDepth(face_area);

        if (avg_depth > 0)
            // calculate the center point of the face
            cv::Point2i p_2d(depth_face_roi.x + depth_face_roi.width/2,
                             depth_face_roi.y + depth_face_roi.height/2);

            geo::Vector3 projection = depth_view.getRasterizer().project2Dto3D(p_2d.x, p_2d.y) * avg_depth;
            geo::Vector3 point_map = msr.sensorPose() * projection;

            // add 3D location of the face
            result.setValue("map_x", point_map.x);
            result.setValue("map_y", point_map.y);
            result.setValue("map_z", point_map.z);

            std::cout << "[ED FACE DETECTOR] Could not calculate face's average depth. Map coordinates might be incorrect!" << std::endl;

コード例 #6
void ODUFinderModule::process(const ed::perception::WorkerInput& input, ed::perception::WorkerOutput& output) const
    const ed::EntityConstPtr& e = input.entity;
    tue::Configuration& result = output.data;

    ed::ErrorContext errc("Processing entity in ODUFinderModule");

//    output.type_update.setUnknownScore(type_unknown_score_);

    if (!initialized_)

    // Get the best measurement from the entity
    ed::MeasurementConstPtr msr = e->lastMeasurement();
    if (!msr)

    // ----------------------- PREPARE IMAGE -----------------------

    // get color image
    const cv::Mat& color_image = msr->image()->getRGBImage();

    // Created masked image
    cv::Rect rgb_roi;
    cv::Mat masked_color_image = ed::perception::maskImage(color_image, msr->imageMask(), rgb_roi);

    // Create cropped masked color image
    cv::Mat cropped_image = color_image(rgb_roi);

    // convert to grayscale and increase contrast
    cv::Mat croped_mono_image;
    cv::cvtColor(cropped_image, croped_mono_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    cv::equalizeHist(croped_mono_image, croped_mono_image);

    // ----------------------- PROCESS IMAGE -----------------------

    IplImage img(croped_mono_image);
    std::map<std::string, float> results;

        boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lg(mutex_update_);
        results = odu_finder_->process_image(&img);

    // ----------------------- ASSERT RESULTS -----------------------

    // create group if it doesnt exist
    if (!result.readGroup("perception_result", tue::OPTIONAL))


//    output.type_update.setUnknownScore(type_unknown_score_);

    double total_score = 0;

    // if an hypothesis is found, assert it
    if (!results.empty())
        for(std::map<std::string, float>::const_iterator it = results.begin(); it != results.end(); ++it)
            double score = it->second * score_factor_;
            output.type_update.setScore(it->first, score);
            total_score += score;

    if (total_score < 1.0)
        output.type_update.setUnknownScore(1.0 - total_score);

    result.endGroup();  // close odu_finder group
    result.endGroup();  // close perception_result group

    if (debug_mode_){
        cv::imwrite(debug_folder_ + ed::Entity::generateID().str() + "_odu_finder_module.png", croped_mono_image);