コード例 #1
TrajectoryAnalysisCommandLineRunner::writeHelp(const CommandLineHelpContext &context)
    // TODO: This method duplicates some code from run().
    // See how to best refactor it to share the common code.
    SelectionCollection             selections;
    TrajectoryAnalysisSettings      settings;
    TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon  common(&settings);

    SelectionOptionManager          seloptManager(&selections);
    Options                         options(NULL, NULL);
    Options                         moduleOptions(impl_->module_->name(), impl_->module_->description());
    Options                         commonOptions("common", "Common analysis control");
    Options                         selectionOptions("selection", "Common selection control");


    impl_->module_->initOptions(&moduleOptions, &settings);

コード例 #2
ファイル: random.cpp プロジェクト: MogeiWang/nemosim
main(int argc, char* argv[])
	namespace po = boost::program_options;

	try {

		po::options_description desc = commonOptions();
			("neurons,n", po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1000), "number of neurons")
			("synapses,m", po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1000), "number of synapses per neuron")
			("dmax,d", po::value<unsigned>()->default_value(1), "maximum excitatory delay,  where delays are uniform in range [1, dmax]")

		po::variables_map vm = processOptions(argc, argv, desc);

		unsigned ncount = vm["neurons"].as<unsigned>();
		unsigned scount = vm["synapses"].as<unsigned>();
		unsigned dmax = vm["dmax"].as<unsigned>();
		unsigned duration = vm["duration"].as<unsigned>();
		unsigned stdp = vm["stdp-period"].as<unsigned>();
		unsigned verbose = vm["verbose"].as<unsigned>();
		bool runBenchmark = vm.count("benchmark") != 0;

		std::ofstream file;
		std::string filename;

		if(vm.count("output-file")) {
			filename = vm["output-file"].as<std::string>();
			file.open(filename.c_str()); // closes on destructor

		std::ostream& out = filename.empty() ? std::cout : file;

		LOG(verbose, "Constructing network");
		boost::scoped_ptr<nemo::Network> net(nemo::random::construct(ncount, scount, dmax, stdp != 0));
		LOG(verbose, "Creating configuration");
		nemo::Configuration conf = configuration(vm);
		LOG(verbose, "Simulation will run on %s", conf.backendDescription());
		LOG(verbose, "Creating simulation");
		boost::scoped_ptr<nemo::Simulation> sim(nemo::simulation(*net, conf));
		LOG(verbose, "Running simulation");
		if(runBenchmark) {
			benchmark(sim.get(), ncount, scount, vm);
		} else {
			simulate(sim.get(), duration, stdp, out);
		LOG(verbose, "Simulation complete");
		return 0;
	} catch(std::exception& e) {
		std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
		return -1;
	} catch(...) {
		std::cerr << "random: An unknown error occurred\n";
		return -1;

コード例 #3
        TrajectoryAnalysisSettings *settings,
        TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon *common,
        SelectionCollection *selections,
        int *argc, char *argv[])
    FileNameOptionManager  fileoptManager;
    SelectionOptionManager seloptManager(selections);
    Options                options(NULL, NULL);
    Options                moduleOptions(module_->name(), module_->description());
    Options                commonOptions("common", "Common analysis control");
    Options                selectionOptions("selection", "Common selection control");


    module_->initOptions(&moduleOptions, settings);

        CommandLineParser  parser(&options);
        // TODO: Print the help if user provides an invalid option?
        // Or just add a message advising the user to invoke the help?
        parser.parse(argc, argv);

    module_->optionsFinished(&moduleOptions, settings);

    common->initIndexGroups(selections, bUseDefaultGroups_);

    const bool bInteractive = File::standardInput().isInteractive();

コード例 #4
ファイル: Configuration.cpp プロジェクト: ZhilunX/lstm-rnn
Configuration::Configuration(int argc, const char *argv[])
    if (ms_instance)
        throw std::runtime_error("Static instance of class Configuration already created");
        ms_instance = this;

    std::string optionsFile;
    std::string optimizerString;
    std::string weightsDistString;
    std::string feedForwardFormatString;

    std::string trainingFileList;
    std::string validationFileList;
    std::string testFileList;
    std::string feedForwardInputFileList;

    // create the command line options
    po::options_description commonOptions("Common options");
        ("help",                                                                              "shows this help message")
        ("options_file",       po::value(&optionsFile),                                       "reads the command line options from the file")
        ("network",            po::value(&m_networkFile)      ->default_value("network.jsn"), "sets the file containing the layout and weights of the neural network")
        ("cuda",               po::value(&m_useCuda)          ->default_value(true),          "use CUDA to accelerate the computations")
        ("list_devices",       po::value(&m_listDevices)      ->default_value(false),         "display list of CUDA devices and exit")
        ("parallel_sequences", po::value(&m_parallelSequences)->default_value(1),             "sets the number of parallel calculated sequences")
        ("random_seed",        po::value(&m_randomSeed)       ->default_value(0u),            "sets the seed for the random number generator (0 = auto)")

    po::options_description feedForwardOptions("Forward pass options");
        ("ff_output_format", po::value(&feedForwardFormatString)->default_value("single_csv"), "output format for output layer activations (htk, csv or single_csv)")
        ("ff_output_file", po::value(&m_feedForwardOutputFile)->default_value("ff_output.csv"), "sets the name of the output file / directory in forward pass mode (directory for htk / csv modes)")
        ("ff_output_kind", po::value(&m_outputFeatureKind)->default_value(9), "sets the parameter kind in case of HTK output (9: user, consult HTK book for details)")
        ("feature_period", po::value(&m_featurePeriod)->default_value(10), "sets the feature period in case of HTK output (in seconds)")
        ("ff_input_file",  po::value(&feedForwardInputFileList),                                  "sets the name(s) of the input file(s) in forward pass mode")
        ("revert_std",     po::value(&m_revertStd)->default_value(true), "if regression is performed, unstandardize the output activations so that features are on the original targets' scale")

    po::options_description trainingOptions("Training options");
        ("train",               po::value(&m_trainingMode)     ->default_value(false),                 "enables the training mode")
        ("stochastic", po::value(&m_hybridOnlineBatch)->default_value(false),                 "enables weight updates after every mini-batch of parallel calculated sequences")
        ("hybrid_online_batch", po::value(&m_hybridOnlineBatch)->default_value(false),                 "same as --stochastic (for compatibility)")
        ("shuffle_fractions",   po::value(&m_shuffleFractions) ->default_value(false),                 "shuffles mini-batches in stochastic gradient descent")
        ("shuffle_sequences",   po::value(&m_shuffleSequences) ->default_value(false),                 "shuffles sequences within and across mini-batches")
        ("max_epochs",          po::value(&m_maxEpochs)        ->default_value(DEFAULT_UINT_MAX),      "sets the maximum number of training epochs")
        ("max_epochs_no_best",  po::value(&m_maxEpochsNoBest)  ->default_value(20),                    "sets the maximum number of training epochs in which no new lowest error could be achieved")
        ("validate_every",      po::value(&m_validateEvery)    ->default_value(1),                     "sets the number of epochs until the validation error is computed")
        ("test_every",          po::value(&m_testEvery)        ->default_value(1),                     "sets the number of epochs until the test error is computed")
        ("optimizer",           po::value(&optimizerString)    ->default_value("steepest_descent"),    "sets the optimizer used for updating the weights")
        ("learning_rate",       po::value(&m_learningRate)     ->default_value((real_t)1e-5, "1e-5"),  "sets the learning rate for the steepest descent optimizer")
        ("momentum",            po::value(&m_momentum)         ->default_value((real_t)0.9,  "0.9"),   "sets the momentum for the steepest descent optimizer")
        ("weight_noise_sigma",  po::value(&m_weightNoiseSigma)  ->default_value((real_t)0), "sets the standard deviation of the weight noise added for the gradient calculation on every batch")
        ("save_network",        po::value(&m_trainedNetwork)   ->default_value("trained_network.jsn"), "sets the file name of the trained network that will be produced")

    po::options_description autosaveOptions("Autosave options");
        ("autosave",        po::value(&m_autosave)->default_value(false), "enables autosave after every epoch")
        ("autosave_best",        po::value(&m_autosaveBest)->default_value(false), "enables autosave on best validation error")
        ("autosave_prefix", po::value(&m_autosavePrefix),                 "prefix for autosave files; e.g. 'abc/mynet-' will lead to file names like 'mynet-epoch005.autosave' in the directory 'abc'")
        ("continue",        po::value(&m_continueFile),                   "continues training from an autosave file")

    po::options_description dataFilesOptions("Data file options");
        ("train_file",        po::value(&trainingFileList),                                 "sets the *.nc file(s) containing the training sequences")
        ("val_file",          po::value(&validationFileList),                               "sets the *.nc file(s) containing the validation sequences")
        ("test_file",         po::value(&testFileList),                                     "sets the *.nc file(s) containing the test sequences")
        ("train_fraction",    po::value(&m_trainingFraction)  ->default_value((real_t)1), "sets the fraction of the training set to use")
        ("val_fraction",      po::value(&m_validationFraction)->default_value((real_t)1), "sets the fraction of the validation set to use")
        ("test_fraction",     po::value(&m_testFraction)      ->default_value((real_t)1), "sets the fraction of the test set to use")
        ("truncate_seq",      po::value(&m_truncSeqLength)    ->default_value(0),         "enables training sequence truncation to given maximum length (0 to disable)")
        ("input_noise_sigma", po::value(&m_inputNoiseSigma)   ->default_value((real_t)0), "sets the standard deviation of the input noise for training sets")
        ("input_left_context", po::value(&m_inputLeftContext) ->default_value(0), "sets the number of left context frames (first frame is duplicated as necessary)")
        ("input_right_context", po::value(&m_inputRightContext)->default_value(0), "sets the number of right context frames (last frame is duplicated as necessary)")
        ("output_time_lag",   po::value(&m_outputTimeLag)->default_value(0),              "sets the time lag in the training targets (0 = predict current frame, 1 = predict previous frame, etc.)")
        ("cache_path",        po::value(&m_cachePath)         ->default_value(""),        "sets the cache path where the .nc data is cached for random access")

    po::options_description weightsInitializationOptions("Weight initialization options");
        ("weights_dist",         po::value(&weightsDistString)   ->default_value("uniform"),            "sets the distribution type of the initial weights (uniform or normal)")
        ("weights_uniform_min",  po::value(&m_weightsUniformMin) ->default_value((real_t)-0.1, "-0.1"), "sets the minimum value of the uniform distribution")
        ("weights_uniform_max",  po::value(&m_weightsUniformMax) ->default_value((real_t)+0.1, "0.1"),  "sets the maximum value of the uniform distribution")
        ("weights_normal_sigma", po::value(&m_weightsNormalSigma)->default_value((real_t)0.1, "0.1"),   "sets the standard deviation of the normal distribution")
        ("weights_normal_mean",  po::value(&m_weightsNormalMean) ->default_value((real_t)0.0, "0"),     "sets the mean of the normal distribution")

    po::positional_options_description positionalOptions;
    positionalOptions.add("options_file", 1);

    // parse the command line
    po::options_description visibleOptions;

    po::options_description allOptions;

    po::variables_map vm;
    try {
        po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(allOptions).positional(positionalOptions).run(), vm);
        if (vm.count("options_file")) {
            optionsFile = vm["options_file"].as<std::string>();
            std::ifstream file(optionsFile.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
            if (!file.is_open())
                throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Could not open options file '") + optionsFile + "'");
            po::store(po::parse_config_file(file, allOptions), vm);
    catch (const std::exception &e) {
        if (!vm.count("help"))
            std::cout << "Error while parsing the command line and/or options file: " << e.what() << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Usage: currennt [options] [options-file]" << std::endl;
        std::cout << visibleOptions;

        exit(vm.count("help") ? 0 : 1);

    if (vm.count("help")) {
        std::cout << "Usage: currennt [options] [options-file]" << std::endl;
        std::cout << visibleOptions;


    // load options from autosave
    if (!m_continueFile.empty()) {
        try {
            std::stringstream ss;
            internal::deserializeOptions(m_continueFile, &ss);
            vm = po::variables_map();
            po::store(po::parse_config_file(ss, allOptions), vm);
        catch (const std::exception &e) {
            std::cout << "Error while restoring configuration from autosave file: " << e.what() << std::endl;


    // store the options for autosave
    m_serializedOptions = internal::serializeOptions(vm);

    // split the training file options
    boost::algorithm::split(m_trainingFiles, trainingFileList, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(";,"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
    if (!validationFileList.empty())
        boost::algorithm::split(m_validationFiles, validationFileList, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(";,"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
    if (!testFileList.empty())
        boost::algorithm::split(m_testFiles, testFileList, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(";,"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
    if (!feedForwardInputFileList.empty())
        boost::algorithm::split(m_feedForwardInputFiles, feedForwardInputFileList, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(";,"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);

    // check the optimizer string
    if (optimizerString == "rprop")
        m_optimizer = OPTIMIZER_RPROP;
    else if (optimizerString == "steepest_descent")
        m_optimizer = OPTIMIZER_STEEPESTDESCENT;
    else {
        std::cout << "ERROR: Invalid optimizer. Possible values: steepest_descent, rprop." << std::endl;

    // create a random seed
    if (!m_randomSeed)
        m_randomSeed = boost::random::random_device()();

    // check the weights distribution string
    if (weightsDistString == "normal")
        m_weightsDistribution = DISTRIBUTION_NORMAL;
    else if (weightsDistString == "uniform")
        m_weightsDistribution = DISTRIBUTION_UNIFORM;
    else {
        std::cout << "ERROR: Invalid initial weights distribution type. Possible values: normal, uniform." << std::endl;

    // check the feedforward format string
    if (feedForwardFormatString == "single_csv")
        m_feedForwardFormat = FORMAT_SINGLE_CSV;
    else if (feedForwardFormatString == "csv")
        m_feedForwardFormat = FORMAT_CSV;
    else if (feedForwardFormatString == "htk")
        m_feedForwardFormat = FORMAT_HTK;
    else {
        std::cout << "ERROR: Invalid feedforward format string. Possible values: single_csv, csv, htk." << std::endl;

    // check data sets fractions
    if (m_trainingFraction <= 0 || 1 < m_trainingFraction) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: Invalid training set fraction. Should be 0 < x <= 1" << std::endl;
    if (m_validationFraction <= 0 || 1 < m_validationFraction) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: Invalid validation set fraction. Should be 0 < x <= 1" << std::endl;
    if (m_testFraction <= 0 || 1 < m_testFraction) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: Invalid test set fraction. Should be 0 < x <= 1" << std::endl;

    // print information about active command line options
    if (m_trainingMode) {
        std::cout << "Started in " << (m_hybridOnlineBatch ? "hybrid online/batch" : "batch") << " training mode." << std::endl;

        if (m_shuffleFractions)
            std::cout << "Mini-batches (" << m_parallelSequences << " sequences each) will be shuffled during training." << std::endl;
        if (m_shuffleSequences)
            std::cout << "Sequences will be shuffled within and across mini-batches during training." << std::endl;
        if (m_inputNoiseSigma != (real_t)0)
            std::cout << "Using input noise with a standard deviation of " << m_inputNoiseSigma << "." << std::endl;

        std::cout << "The trained network will be written to '" << m_trainedNetwork << "'." << std::endl;
        if (boost::filesystem::exists(m_trainedNetwork))
            std::cout << "WARNING: The output file '" << m_trainedNetwork << "' already exists. It will be overwritten!" << std::endl;
    else {
        std::cout << "Started in forward pass mode." << std::endl;

        std::cout << "The forward pass output will be written to '" << m_feedForwardOutputFile << "'." << std::endl;
        if (boost::filesystem::exists(m_feedForwardOutputFile))
            std::cout << "WARNING: The output file '" << m_feedForwardOutputFile << "' already exists. It will be overwritten!" << std::endl;

    if (m_trainingMode && !m_validationFiles.empty())
        std::cout << "Validation error will be calculated every " << m_validateEvery << " epochs." << std::endl;
    if (m_trainingMode && !m_testFiles.empty())
        std::cout << "Test error will be calculated every " << m_testEvery << " epochs." << std::endl;

    if (m_trainingMode) {
        std::cout << "Training will be stopped";
        if (m_maxEpochs != std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
            std::cout << " after " << m_maxEpochs << " epochs or";
        std::cout << " if there is no new lowest validation error within " << m_maxEpochsNoBest << " epochs." << std::endl;
    if (m_autosave) {
        std::cout << "Autosave after EVERY EPOCH enabled." << std::endl;
    if (m_autosaveBest) {
        std::cout << "Autosave on BEST VALIDATION ERROR enabled." << std::endl;

    if (m_useCuda)
        std::cout << "Utilizing the GPU for computations with " << m_parallelSequences << " sequences in parallel." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "WARNING: CUDA option not set. Computations will be performed on the CPU!" << std::endl;

    if (m_trainingMode) {
        if (m_weightsDistribution == DISTRIBUTION_NORMAL)
            std::cout << "Normal distribution with mean=" << m_weightsNormalMean << " and sigma=" << m_weightsNormalSigma;
            std::cout << "Uniform distribution with range [" << m_weightsUniformMin << ", " << m_weightsUniformMax << "]";
        std::cout << ". Random seed: " << m_randomSeed << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl;