コード例 #1
ファイル: symbolic.cpp プロジェクト: damianmarelli/bealab
bealab::function<double(double)> makefun( const ex& fun, const symbol& x )
	ex fun1 = fun.subs( Pi==pi );
	compile_ex( lst(fun1), lst(x), fp );
	return [fp]( double x )
		int ndim  = 1;
		int ncomp = 1;
		double res;
		fp( &ndim, &x, &ncomp, &res );
		return res;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Attribute.cpp プロジェクト: welcheb/jemris
double Attribute::EvalCompiledNLGExpression (double const x, double const y ,double const z, double const g ) {

//cout << GetPrototype()->GetName() << " ??  at pointer num " << m_cur_fp << " -> compiled = " << m_compiled.at(m_cur_fp) << endl;
 	if (m_nlgfp == NULL && m_ginac_excomp) {
 		//substitute all attributes with numbers in GiNaC expression, except the attribute
 		//which serves as the free parameter for runtime compilation
 		GiNaC::lst symlist;
 		GiNaC::lst numlist;
 		for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_subjects.size() ; i++) {
 			Attribute* a = m_subjects.at(i);
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_posX") continue;
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_posY") continue;
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_posZ") continue;
 			if (a->GetName() == "NLG_value") continue;
 	        symlist.append( get_symbol(a->GetSymbol()) );
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(  double*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember  <double>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(     int*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember     <int>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    long*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <long>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(unsigned*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember<unsigned>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    bool*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <bool>() ); continue; }

		GiNaC::ex e = GiNaC::evalf((symlist.nops()==0)?m_expression:m_expression.subs(symlist,numlist));

		try {
			compile_ex (e,
 			//cout << " compiling attribute " << GetName() << " of module " << GetPrototype()->GetName() << endl;
	 	catch (exception &p) {
 			cout << " Warning: attribute " << GetName() << " of module " << GetPrototype()->GetName() << endl << endl
 				 << " function Attribute::EvalCompiledNLGExpression" << endl
 				 << " No external runtime compiler available: " << p.what() << endl
				 << " Falling back to (slow) analytic evaluation!" << endl << endl
				 << " Hint: if you have a shell and gcc on your system, create the one-liner " << endl << endl
				 << "    #!/bin/sh" << endl
				 << "    gcc -x c -fPIC -shared -o $1.so $1" << endl << endl
 		         << " name it \"ginac-excompiler\", and put it somewhere in your search path." << endl << endl;
	 		m_ginac_excomp = false;

	//if compilation failed, invoke slow analytic evaluation
	if (!m_ginac_excomp ) {
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_posX")-> GetAddress()) = x;
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_posY")-> GetAddress()) = y;
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_posZ")-> GetAddress()) = z;
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute("NLG_value")-> GetAddress()) = g;
 		return *((double*) GetAddress());

	//invoke fast runtime compiled routines
	if ( m_nlgfp != NULL ) return m_nlgfp(x,y,z,g);

	return 0.0;

コード例 #3
ファイル: Attribute.cpp プロジェクト: welcheb/jemris
double Attribute::EvalCompiledExpression (double const val, std::string const attrib ) {

//cout << GetPrototype()->GetName() << " ??  at pointer num " << m_cur_fp << " -> compiled = " << m_compiled.at(m_cur_fp) << endl;
 	if (!m_compiled.at(m_cur_fp)) {
 		//substitute all attributes with numbers in GiNaC expression, except the attribute
 		//which serves as the free parameter for runtime compilation
 		GiNaC::lst symlist;
 		GiNaC::lst numlist;
 		for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_subjects.size() ; i++) {
 			Attribute* a = m_subjects.at(i);
 			if (a->GetName() == attrib) continue;
 	        symlist.append( get_symbol(a->GetSymbol()) );
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(  double*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember  <double>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(     int*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember     <int>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    long*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <long>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(unsigned*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember<unsigned>() ); continue; }
 			if (a->GetTypeID()==typeid(    bool*).name()) { numlist.append(a->GetMember    <bool>() ); continue; }

		GiNaC::ex e = GiNaC::evalf((symlist.nops()==0)?m_expression:m_expression.subs(symlist,numlist));

		//add function pointers
		//compile the GiNaC expression
		try {
			//fairly easy for real valued expressions
			if (!m_complex) {
				compile_ex(e, get_symbol(GetPrototype()->GetAttribute(attrib)->GetSymbol()), m_fp.at(m_num_fp));
			//more work to do, since GiNaC::realsymbol does not behave as expected (and it is therefore not used at all)
			else {
				stringstream se; se << e; std::string formula = se.str();
				std::string sym  = GetPrototype()->GetAttribute(attrib)->GetSymbol();
				std::string asym = "abs(VarForEvalCompiledExpression)";
				GiNaC::lst symlist;
				symlist.append( get_symbol("VarForEvalCompiledExpression") );
				GiNaC::ex ea = GiNaC::ex(formula,symlist);
				symlist.append( get_symbol(sym) );

				GiNaC::ex ear = ea.real_part();
				stringstream ser;  ser << ear; formula = ser.str();
				if ( Prototype::ReplaceString(formula,asym,sym) ) {
					ear  = GiNaC::ex(formula,symlist);
					compile_ex(ear, get_symbol(GetPrototype()->GetAttribute(attrib)->GetSymbol()), m_fp.at(m_num_fp));

				GiNaC::ex eai = ea.imag_part();
				stringstream sei;  sei << eai; formula = sei.str();
				if ( Prototype::ReplaceString(formula,asym,sym) ) {
					eai  = GiNaC::ex(formula,symlist);
					compile_ex(eai, get_symbol(GetPrototype()->GetAttribute(attrib)->GetSymbol()), m_fpi.at(m_num_fp));
 			//cout << " compiling expression " << e << " of attribute " << GetName() << " in module " << GetPrototype()->GetName() << endl;
	 	catch (exception &p) {
 			cout << " Warning: attribute " << GetName() << " of module " << GetPrototype()->GetName() << endl << endl
 				 << " function Attribute::EvalCompiledExpression" << endl
 				 << " No external runtime compiler available: " << p.what() << endl
				 << " Falling back to (slow) analytic evaluation!" << endl << endl
				 << " Hint: if you have a shell and gcc on your system, create the one-liner " << endl << endl
				 << "    #!/bin/sh" << endl
				 << "    gcc -x c -fPIC -shared -o $1.so $1" << endl << endl
 		         << " name it \"ginac-excompiler\", and put it somewhere in your search path." << endl << endl;
	 		m_ginac_excomp = false;
		m_compiled.at(m_cur_fp) = true; //even if compilation failed, as we don't have to try a second time!

	//if compilation failed, invoke slow analytic evaluation
	if (!m_ginac_excomp ) {
		*((double*) GetPrototype()->GetAttribute(attrib)-> GetAddress()) = val;
 		return *((double*) GetAddress());

	//invoke fast runtime compiled routines
 	if (m_fpi.at(m_cur_fp) != NULL ) m_imaginary = m_fpi.at(m_cur_fp)(val);
	if ( m_fp.at(m_cur_fp) != NULL ) return m_fp.at(m_cur_fp)(val);

	return 0.0;
