inline ActivityID *activity_id() { ActivityID *aid = new ActivityID; aid->id = randr(); aid->thread = randr(); aid->cid = *component_id(); return aid; }
EdgeBasedNode() : forward_edge_based_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID), reverse_edge_based_node_id(SPECIAL_NODEID), u(SPECIAL_NODEID), v(SPECIAL_NODEID), name_id(0), forward_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT >> 1), reverse_weight(INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT >> 1), forward_offset(0), reverse_offset(0), packed_geometry_id(SPECIAL_EDGEID), component_id(-1), fwd_segment_position(std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max()), forward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE), backward_travel_mode(TRAVEL_MODE_INACCESSIBLE) { } explicit EdgeBasedNode(NodeID forward_edge_based_node_id, NodeID reverse_edge_based_node_id, NodeID u, NodeID v, unsigned name_id, int forward_weight, int reverse_weight, int forward_offset, int reverse_offset, unsigned packed_geometry_id, unsigned component_id, unsigned short fwd_segment_position, TravelMode forward_travel_mode, TravelMode backward_travel_mode) : forward_edge_based_node_id(forward_edge_based_node_id), reverse_edge_based_node_id(reverse_edge_based_node_id), u(u), v(v), name_id(name_id), forward_weight(forward_weight), reverse_weight(reverse_weight), forward_offset(forward_offset), reverse_offset(reverse_offset), packed_geometry_id(packed_geometry_id), component_id(component_id), fwd_segment_position(fwd_segment_position), forward_travel_mode(forward_travel_mode), backward_travel_mode(backward_travel_mode) { BOOST_ASSERT((forward_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID) || (reverse_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)); } static inline FixedPointCoordinate Centroid(const FixedPointCoordinate &a, const FixedPointCoordinate &b) { FixedPointCoordinate centroid; // The coordinates of the midpoint are given by: = ( + / 2; centroid.lon = (a.lon + b.lon) / 2; return centroid; }
const BaseMath & BaseMath::writeStrongComponents( std::ostream & os ) const { typedef InputGraph Graph; auto const & g = this->_input_graph; Graph::NodeMap< int > component_id(g); const int n_components = stronglyConnectedComponents( g, component_id ); std::vector< int > component_size( n_components, 0 ); std::vector< int > component_non_dummy_size( n_components, 0 ); /** * Iterate all nodes, get the component id, * update the size. */ for ( Graph::NodeIt n(g); n != lemon::INVALID; ++ n ) { ++ component_size[ component_id[n] ]; if ( !_dummy[n] ) { ++ component_non_dummy_size[ component_id[n] ]; } } os << "Strongly connected components of input graph = " << n_components << std::endl; os << "Component sizes ="; for ( auto n : component_size ) { os << " " << n; } os << std::endl; os << "Component sizes (non-dummy) ="; for ( auto n : component_non_dummy_size ) { os << " " << n; } os << std::endl; return *this; }
/** * Main function for cwb-makeall. * * @param argc Number of command-line arguments. * @param argv Command-line arguments. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *attr_name = NULL; Attribute *attribute; char *registry_directory = NULL; char *corpus_id = NULL; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int c; int validate = 0; char *component = NULL; ComponentID cid; int i = 0; /* ------------------------------------------------- PARSE ARGUMENTS */ progname = argv[0]; /* parse arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "+r:c:P:hDM:V")) != EOF) { switch (c) { /* r: registry directory */ case 'r': if (registry_directory == NULL) registry_directory = optarg; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -r option used twice\n", progname); exit(2); } break; case 'P': if (attr_name == NULL) attr_name = optarg; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -P option used twice\n", progname); exit(2); } break; case 'c': if (component == NULL) component = optarg; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -c option used twice\n", progname); exit(2); } break; case 'D': cl_set_debug_level(1); break; case 'M': i = atoi(optarg); cl_set_memory_limit(i); break; case 'V': validate++; break; case 'h': default: makeall_usage(); } } if (optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument, try \"%s -h\" for more information.\n", progname); exit(1); } /* first argument: corpus id */ corpus_id = argv[optind++]; if (component != NULL) { cid = component_id(component); if (cid == CompLast) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal component name: ``%s''\n", component); exit(1); } } else { cid = CompLast; } if ((corpus = cl_new_corpus(registry_directory, corpus_id)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Corpus %s not found in registry %s . Aborted.\n", corpus_id, (registry_directory ? registry_directory : central_corpus_directory())); exit(1); } printf("=== Makeall: processing corpus %s ===\n", corpus_id); printf("Registry directory: %s\n", corpus->registry_dir); if (optind < argc) { for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if ((attribute = cl_new_attribute(corpus, argv[i], ATT_POS)) != NULL) { makeall_do_attribute(attribute, cid, validate); } else { fprintf(stderr, "p-attribute %s.%s not defined. Aborted.\n", corpus_id, attr_name); exit(1); } } } else if (attr_name != NULL) { if ((attribute = cl_new_attribute(corpus, attr_name, ATT_POS)) != NULL) { makeall_do_attribute(attribute, cid, validate); } else { fprintf(stderr, "p-attribute %s.%s not defined. Aborted.\n", corpus_id, attr_name); exit(1); } } else { /* process each p-attribute of the corpus in turn */ for (attribute = corpus->attributes; attribute; attribute = attribute-> if (attribute->type == ATT_POS) { ComponentID my_cid; makeall_do_attribute(attribute, cid, validate); /* now destoy all components; this makes the attribute unusable, but it is currently the only way to free allocated and memory-mapped data */ for (my_cid = CompDirectory; my_cid < CompLast; my_cid++) { /* ordering gleaned from attributes.h */ drop_component(attribute, my_cid); } } } printf("========================================\n"); exit(0); }
explicit component(Component id) : id_(component_id(static_cast<unsigned long long>(id))) {}
inline component_id operator<<(int value, const Component& rhs) { return component_id(value << static_cast<unsigned long long>(rhs)); }
component_set(int z=0) : mask(component_id(0)), zorder(z) {}
// 传入的DOM模型为 // <SWComponent> // <Name>Tutor2-1</Name> // <SubComponents/> // <IsRoot>false</IsRoot> // <BoundingBox> // <Bodies> // <SWBody> // <Name>切除-拉伸1</Name> // <Faces> // <Edges> // <Vertices> // </SWBody> // </Bodies> // <Mates /> // </SWComponent> void ComponentInputDecorator::Parse(const char* id, xercesc::DOMElement* element) { //if (NULL == element || !vertices_.valid() || !normals_.valid() || NULL == component_parent_map_.get()) // return; if (NULL == id || NULL == element || NULL == component_parent_map_) return; char index[255]; xercesc::DOMElement* current_element =NULL; xercesc::DOMNodeList* list = NULL; component_ = std::tr1::shared_ptr<vaar_data::Component>(new vaar_data::Component); // 解析Name std::string component_name; element = element->getFirstElementChild(); if (NULL != element && 0 == strcmp("Name", xercesc::XMLString::transcode(element->getTagName()))) { component_name = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(element->getTextContent()); component_->SetName(component_name.c_str()); } // 生成ID std::string component_id(id); component_id += component_name; component_->SetID(component_id.c_str()); // 解析SubComponents std::vector<vaar_data::Component*>* sub_components = new std::vector<vaar_data::Component*>(); element = element->getNextElementSibling(); if (NULL != element && 0 == strcmp("SubComponents", xercesc::XMLString::transcode(element->getTagName()))) { ComponentInputDecorator* component_input_decorator = NULL; int sub_component_index = 0; vaar_data::Component* sub_component = NULL; current_element = element->getFirstElementChild(); do { if (NULL == current_element) break; // 分配SubComponent的ID std::string sub_component_id = component_id; _itoa_s(sub_component_index, index, 10); sub_component_id += "_sub"; sub_component_id += index; ++sub_component_index; //component_input_decorator = new ComponentInputDecorator(vertices_, normals_, component_parent_map_); component_input_decorator = new ComponentInputDecorator(component_parent_map_); component_input_decorator->Parse(sub_component_id.c_str(), current_element); sub_component = component_input_decorator->GetComponent(); if (NULL != sub_component) { sub_components->push_back(sub_component); // 建立SubComponentID到Component的映射关系 component_parent_map_->insert( std::pair<std::string, vaar_data::Component*>(sub_component_id, component_.get()) ); } } while ( current_element != element->getLastElementChild(), current_element = current_element->getNextElementSibling() ); } component_->SetSubComponents(sub_components); // 解析Faces std::vector<vaar_data::Face*>* faces = new std::vector<vaar_data::Face*>(); element = element->getNextElementSibling(); element = element->getNextElementSibling(); element = element->getNextElementSibling(); if (NULL != element && 0 == strcmp("Bodies", xercesc::XMLString::transcode(element->getTagName()))) { FaceInputDecorator* face_input_decorator = NULL; vaar_data::Face* face =NULL; list = element->getElementsByTagName(xercesc::XMLString::transcode("SWFace")); if (NULL != list) { for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < list->getLength(); ++i) { current_element = dynamic_cast<xercesc::DOMElement*>(list->item(i)); // 分配Face的ID std::string face_id = component_id; _itoa_s(i, index, 10); face_id += "_face"; face_id += index; //face_input_decorator = new FaceInputDecorator(); face_input_decorator = new FaceInputDecorator( component_->GetRefPtrTriangles(), component_->GetRefPtrNormals() ); face_input_decorator->Parse(face_id.c_str(), current_element); face = face_input_decorator->GetFace(); if (NULL != face) { faces->push_back(face); // 建立SubFaceID到Component的映射关系 component_parent_map_->insert( std::pair<std::string, vaar_data::Component*>(face_id, component_.get()) ); } } } } component_->SetFaces(faces); // 解析Edges std::vector<vaar_data::Edge*>* edges = new std::vector<vaar_data::Edge*>(); EdgeInputDecorator* edge_input_decorator = NULL; vaar_data::Edge* edge = NULL; list = element->getElementsByTagName(xercesc::XMLString::transcode("SWEdge")); if (NULL != list) { for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < list->getLength(); ++i) { current_element = dynamic_cast<xercesc::DOMElement*>(list->item(i)); // 分配Edge的ID std::string edge_id = component_id; _itoa_s(i, index, 10); edge_id += "_edge"; edge_id += index; edge_input_decorator = new EdgeInputDecorator(); edge_input_decorator->Parse(edge_id.c_str(), current_element); edge = edge_input_decorator->GetEdge(); if (NULL != edge) { edges->push_back(edge); // 建立SubEdgeID到Component的映射关系 component_parent_map_->insert( std::pair<std::string, vaar_data::Component*>(edge_id, component_.get()) ); } } } component_->SetEdges(edges); // 解析Vertices std::vector<vaar_data::Vertex*>* vertices = new std::vector<vaar_data::Vertex*>(); VertexInputDecorator* vertex_input_decorator = NULL; vaar_data::Vertex* vertex = NULL; list = element->getElementsByTagName(xercesc::XMLString::transcode("SWVertex")); if (NULL != list) { for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < list->getLength(); ++i) { current_element = dynamic_cast<xercesc::DOMElement*>(list->item(i)); // 分配Vertex的ID std::string vertex_id = component_id; _itoa_s(i, index, 10); vertex_id += "_vertex"; vertex_id += index; vertex_input_decorator = new VertexInputDecorator(); vertex_input_decorator->Parse(vertex_id.c_str(), current_element); vertex = vertex_input_decorator->GetVertex(); if (NULL != vertex) { vertices->push_back(vertex); // 建立SubVertexID到Component的映射关系 component_parent_map_->insert( std::pair<std::string, vaar_data::Component*>(vertex_id, component_.get()) ); } } } component_->SetVertices(vertices); }